General Index

GENERAL INDEX Abbreviations: AS, Anglo-Saxon; IA, Iron Age; LB.A, Late Bronze Age; Med., Medieval; Neo., Neolithic; R., Roman; RB, Romano-British. Abingdon (Berka.) Church, 182. Adze, 260. Aldington, Manor of, 211 ff. Alexander IV, Pope, 140. Alfriston (Sx.), AS Graves at, 23. Alkham, Church at, 152. Alphege, Archbishop, of Canterbury, 203. Amber, Bead, 42. Amwell (Harts.), 162. Anglo-Saa;on Burial.s near The Lo-rd of the Manor, Ram.suate, by Louise Millard, B.A., Shirley Jarman, M.Phil., and Sonia Chadwick Hnwkes, M.A., F.S.A., 9-30. Burials, at Barham, 236. Cemetery, nt Broadstau-s, 243. Cemetery, at Orpington, 39 ff. Brooches, 41, 46-7, 49. Pottery, 46, 50. Arrowhead, Flint, 269. Axe, Flint, Neo., 259. Aylesford Church, 140. Parish of, 93. Barham, AS Burials at, 235. Bnrnack Church, 183. Barrow, ? Bowl, 236. Basing, William of, 149, 156-8. Bead, 44-5. Amber, 42. 'Melon', 49. Beckley, Manor of, 211 ff. Belgic, Ditch, 238. Pottery, 187, 189, 190-2, 241. Benenden, R. Road, 238. Bexley, 219. Bifrons, AS Cemetery at, 14. AS Weo.ving-swo1·d from, IS. Birchington, Neo. Bowls from, 259-50. Birley, Eric, Review, 265. Biscop, Benedict, 176. Bishopstone (Sx.), AS Graves at, 40. Blaolchoath, Hundred of, I. Bone, Gaming Counter, 72. RB Pins, 72. Borden, IA stater found at, 269. Bouohiel', ArohhiRhop, of Canterbury, 203. 291 Boys, Capt. Edward, R.N., 133. Brabourne, Neo. Flint Axe, from, 259. Brade-Birks, S. G., Review, 282-3. Bredgar Chantry, 35. Bricks, Med., 152. Brighthampton (Oxon.), AS Grave at, 23. Brixworth Church, 179. Broadsta.irs, AS Cemetery near, 29, 243. Bromelegh, Thomas, 149, 156-8. Bronze, Brooch, AS, 42, 46, 47. Brooch, RB, 71. Buckle, AS, 40. Buckle, Med., 164. Chain Necklace, RB, 72. Keys, RB, 72. Needle, RB, 72. Brighton, 112. Brooch, AS, 41, 46, 4.7, 49. RB, 71. Broomfield (Essex), Ba-rro,v Burial at. 25, 51. Bryan, John, 112. Bull, Papal, 269. Burdett, Edward, 114. Burham, RB Building at, 106. Burial, AS, 9-30. Med., 158-60. Caernarvon Castle, 84. Cai, ger, J. E. L. The Pumphouse-on Oobham Hall Estate, 161-74. Cambridge, Duckworth Laboratory, 9. Camden, William, 123. Canterbury, Borough of, 110, l IS. Cathedral, 153. City Ditch, 252-3. Eastb1·idge Hospital, 20-1. Hospital of St. John, 146. Road from, 9. Royal Museum, 9. The Old Rectory of St. Alphege, b? E. W •. Pal'kin, 201-10. The pre-Conquest Cathedral at, by David Parsons, B.A., 175-84. Carrickfergus Castle (Co. Antrin1), 85. Cassingt,on (Oxon.), Purwell Farm, AR Griw<' n.t,, 23. GENERAL INDEX Cavell, "William Matson, 130. Chadwell (Herts.), 162. Chartham Down, AS Grave at, 25. Cheriton Church, 152. Chessell Down (I.o.W.), AS Weavingsword from, 18, 22. Cheveney, Ma.nor of, 32. Maplesdens of, 32. Child, Godwin, 89. Chilha.m, Keep, 87. Chillenden, Prior, of Canterbury, 201. Chilton, AS Cemetery at, 29-30. Cinque Ports, ll0, 134. Clap Hill, R. Coins found at, 234:. Clapham, Sir Alfred, 2. Clark, G. T., 79. Clerkenwell, 162. Cliffe, 219. Cobb, Francis, 125. Cobham Family, Estates of the, in the later Thirteenth Oerwury, by Mrs. Teresa May, 211-29. Hall Estate, The Pumphouse on, by J. E. L. Caiger, 161-74:. Manor of, 211 ff. R. Villa, 172. Coins, IA, 259. Med., 143. R., 42, 46, 54, 72-7, 101, 102, 103, 232, 234, 235-6, 260. Cologne, Church of St. Pnntaleon at, 183. Colvin, H. M., 79. Connaught, Duke & Duchess of, 116-7. Cooling, Manor of, 211 ff. Cornwall, Dr. I. F., Soil Report, 192-6. Cotton, Charles, 28. Counter, RB, Gaming, 72. Cranbrook, RB, Iron-working Site at, 239-40. Cray Valley, Saxons in, 63. Crowfoot, Elizabeth, AS Textiles, 50-4. Crowther, Beynon, V. B., 2. Darenth, R. Villa, 237-8, 245-6. Dartford, 219. Dartford-le-Temple, Manor of, 220. Deal, Dove;r andr-/4n the nineteenth Century, Rise and Decline: by John Whyman, B.Sc.(Econ.}, 107-37. Deerhurst Church, 177. Detsicas, A. P., M.A., F.S.A., Excavations at J!Jcck8, 1968, 93-106. Samian Ware, 56-64:. Reviews, 266-8, 270-1, 272-4, 276-6, 280-2. Dimbleby, Prof. G. W., Pollen Analyses, 196-9. 292 Dover and, Deal, in the nineteenth Oentury, Rise and Decline: by John Whyman, B.Sc.(Econ.}, 107-37. (Buckland), AS Weaving-sword from, 18. Oa-stle, The Avranches TrU/Verse at, by D. F. Renn, F:S.A., 79-92. Joseph of, 89. Prior of, 86. Drake, Michael, Henley Wood, Luddeadown, 253-6. Eadmer, Precentor of Canterbury, 176 ff. Eastwell, Lake House, 205. Eccles, JiJxcavation8 at, 1968, by A. P. Detsicas, M.A., F.S.A., 96-106. Eccles, Interim Report, 231-2. Training Course held at, 232. Edward ill, 140, 156. Elliston, R. W., 1. Elliston-]j}rwood, Fmnl, Charles, F.S.A., by L. R. A. Grove, 1-7. Elmharo, North, Church, 184. Evison, Miss V. I., cited, 49. Eynsford, 219. Falconhurst, 234. Farthingdown (Sx.), AS Graves a.t, 25. Faversham, 110, 118. Barnfield, Oare, Belgic Ditch at, 238. Figurine, RB, 72. Finglesham, AS Grave at, 17, 22. AS Weaving-sword from, 18. Folkestone, 133. Flint Arrowhead found at, 259. Fordwich, Royal Post at, 28. Framlinghe.m Castle (Suffolk), 84. Franco-Pru.ssian War, 108. Frauncey, John, 149. Glanville, Gilbert de, Bishop of Rochester, 139. Glass, RB, 68-71, 257. Glo.stonbury Church, 180. Gloucester, Robert, Earl of, 86. Goodnestone, ? Bowl Barrow, 236. Goudhurst, Parish of, 31. Graves, AS, 9-30, 39-54. Gravesend, 110, 133. Manor of, 156. Greenwich, 203. Grove, L. R. A., Franl, Charles EUiston-Erwood, ll'.S.A., 1-7. ArchaiologicaZ Notes from, MaidstonP MiMP-wm, 257-9. GENERAL INDEX Hamden, Mee!., House at, 35. Harrison, A. C., B.A., F.S.A., Excavation8 on· the s;te of St. Mn.ry'.s Hospital, St-rood, 139-60. Reviews, 269-70, 278-9. Hartlip, John, Prior of, 156. Hartshorne, Rev. C.H., 79. Haseley (Oxon.), Moulding from, 153. Hastings, 112. Hawkes, Sonia Chadwick, M.A., F.S.A., Louise Millard, B.A., and Shirley Ja.rroa.n, M.Phil., Anglo-S=n Burials near The Lord of the Manor, Ram.agate, 9-80. Henry I, 86. Henry ill, 152. Heme Bay, Neo. Axe from, 259. Hethe, de, Bishop of Roohester, 140. High Halstow, RB Site near, 255-7. Holborough, AS Cemetery a.t, 15. RB, Mausoleum, 106. Hollywell Row (Suffolk), As Weavingsword from, 18, 22. Hoo, 219. Hunter, Rowland O., 87. I nvestigation8 and .liJxcavation-s During the Year, 231-4. Iron Age, Farmstead, 241. Hill-fort.s, 288-4. Iron, AS, Buoltle, 40, 46, 47. AS Shield-boss, 12, 16. AS Shield-grip, 12, 16-17. AS Weaving-sword, 17-22. Ivory, Bronze-sheathed, 12, 22-4. Jarman, Shirley, M.Phil., Sonia Ohadwiok Hawkes, M.A., F.S.A., and Louise Millard, B.A., Anglo-Sa$On Burials near the Lord of the 111anoT, Ram.sgate, 9-30. Jenkins, Frank, cited, 72. Jetton, Med., 141. John, King, 86. Kelly, D. B., Arohreological, Notes from Maidstone Museum, 269-60. Kent Archooological Society Libra1-y, 261-3. Review, 279-80. Kent, J. P. C., Review, 269. Kentish, Robert, 86. Keston, Oaesar's Oamp, by the late Mrs. N. Piercy Fox, B.A., F.S.A., 185-99. Warbank, R. Villa, 246-7. Keys, Bronze, RB, 72. Kinp;smill, Cornford, 181, 1:15. 298 Kingston Down, AS Grave a.t, 23. Knife, AS 46. RB, 72. Lamb, Charles, 1. Langley Abbey, 2. Leeds Castle, 156 ff. Leland, John, 123. Lenham, Med. Armorial Pendant from, 257. Lesnes Abbey, 4. Liverpool, City Museum, 28. Logan, John, I, 3. London, Tower of, 84. Loom-weights, Med., 242. Luddesdown, 219. Earthworks, 258-5. Lullingstone, IA Farmstead, 241. LBA Spearhead, 250-2. Luton (Beds.}, AS Weaving-sword from, 18. Lyle, L. D., Review, 271-2. Lyminge, 201. AS Graves at, 15-6 ff. Macpherson-Grant, N., Two Neolithic Bowls from Birchington, Kent, 249- 50. Maidstone, Borough of, 110, 118. Museum and Art Gallery, 4. RB Settlement at, 106. Malling, West, St. Leonard's Tower, 4. Malr:nesbury, William of, 180. Marden, Great Pattendrm, by S. E. Rigold, M.A., F.S.A., 31-7., Hugh de la, 86. Margate, 9, 112, 118, 183. AS Cemeteries at, 29. Maurice, Major-General J., 2. Ma.y, Mrs. Teresa, Estates of the Oobham Family in tho later thi1·teenth Oen• tuiy, 211-80. Meatea, G. W., A basal looped Spearhead of the Late Bronze Age from LuUingstone, !Cent, 250-2. Review, 274-5. Medieval, .Armorial Pendant, 257. Bricks, 152. Bronze Buckle, 164. Building, 242-3. Burials, 236. East Gate, Rochester, 242. Floor-tiles, 151. Rall, 31-7. Key, 268. Loom-weights, 242. Pottery, 143, 156-6. Roof-tiles, 152. Spur, 258. 1\:Iel'lolithio, Flint.a, 189. GENERAL INDEX !1,fillard, Louise, B.A., Shirley Jarzna.n, M.Phil., and Sonia Chadwick Hawkes, M.A., F.S.A., Anglo-S=on Burials near The Lord of the Manor, Ramsgate, 9-30. Oanterbury Oity Ditch, 252-3. Milton Regis, Manor of, 32. AS Cemeteries near, 29. 􀅂Iinster-on-Thanet, AS Grave at, 22, 40. Church, 3. Nunnery at, 28. Mitcham (Sy.), AS Weaving-sword from, 18. Montfort, Simon de, 140, 147. Mortars, Stone, RB, 68. Mouldings, Med., 152-4. Mucking (Essex), AS Graves at, 42. Myres, Dr. J. N. L., cited, 42, 44. Nashenden, Med. Building at, 242-3. Nassington (Northants.), AS Grave at, 23. Needle, Bronze, RB, 72. Neolithic, Axe, 259. New Romney, Med. Hospital at, 140. Med. Iron Spur, 258. Med. Key, 258. Northfieet, AS Pottery from, 50. Noteo for the Guidance of Oontributors, 287-0. Obituary, 286. Ocock, M. A., A Romano-British Site near Decoy Farm, Hi,gh Halstow, 255-7. Odo, Archbishop, of Canterbury, 181. Old Romney, Bmials, 235. Orpington, Excavations at Fordcroft, by P. J. Tester, F.S.A., 39-77. Ozengell, Site of, 0, 26 ff. AS Weaving-sword, from, 18. Packington, Sir John, 32. Parkin, E. W., The old Rectory of St. Alphege, Oaniterbury, 201-10. Parsons, David, B.A., The pre-Oonque.􀁷t Oathedtral at OanterburiJ, 175-84. Payn, William Henry, 114. Pegwell Bay, 28-9. Penn, W. S., B.Sc., A.I.R.I., Obituary, 286. Piercy Fox, the fate Mrs. N., B.A., F.S.A., Oaesar's Oamp, Keaton, 186- 99. Pilgrims' Way, The, 2. Pins, Bone, RB, 72. Pope.shall, William de, 86. Pott;ery, AS, 46. Belgio, 187, 189, 190-2, 241. Neo., 249-50. RB, 54-6, 64-8, 96, 101, 231, 232, 234, 253, 256-7. Samian, 55, 56-64, 232, 234. Public B;ealth Acts, 110. Queensborough, Manor of, 157. Querns, RB, 68. Ramsden, Elizabeth, Review, 276-8. Ramsgate, 9, 118, 133. AS Cemeteries near, 29. Public Library, 9. Reculver Church, 177, 246. R. Fort, 246. Reform Act of 1832, 110. Renn, D. F., F.S.A., The Avra.nches Traverse at Dover Oastle, 79-92. Reviews, 265-86. Richard I, 86, 140. Richborough R. Site, 47. Rigold, S. E., M.A., F.S.A., G1·eat ,. Pattenden, Marden, 31-7. Roach-Smith, 0., cited, 26, 161. Rochester, Borough of, 110. Bridge, 140, 157. Castle, 156 ff. Priory, 146. R. City, 106, 242. Rolfe, William, 26. Romano-Bl'itish, Building, 106. City, 242, 253. Necklace, 72. Figurine, 72. Fort, 246. Gaming Counter, 72. Glass, 68-71, 257. Mortars, 68. Needle, 72. Occupation, 54 ff. Pottery, 54-6, 64-8, 96, 101, 102, 103, 232, 234, 253, 256-7. Querns, 68. Road, 202, 238. Settlement, 106. Site, 239-40, 255-7. Town, 232-3. Villa., 93-106, 172, 237-8, 245-0, 246-7. Rooting, Med. House, at, 35. Roper, Miss Anne, M.B.E., F.S.A., 4, Ryder, William, 114. Sa.ndhurst, R. Coin found a.t, 260. Sandwich, 9, 110, 123. St. Pancras, Canterbury, 177 ff. St. Pater's, Rome, 175-6. St. Remiwiy, Hnmo ,95 Teater, P. J., I<'.S.A., Excavations at Fordcrojt, Orpington, 39-77. Review, 272. Textiles, AS, 50-4. Tiles, Med., 151-2. Tonbridge, 133. Iron Age Hill-forts, 233-4. Tunbridge Wells, 133. Urry, William, Review, 283-5. Vane, Sir Harry, 166. Walmer, llO, 118. Castle, 134. Watling Street, 161, 170. Weaving-sword, AS, 12, 17-22. Wellington, Duke of, 134. Westchalk, Ma.nor of, 211 ff. West Farleigh, Papal Bull from, 259. Westminster Abbey, 152. Whyman, John, B.Sc.(Econ.), .Rise and Decline: Dover and Deal in tlte nineteenth Oentury, 107-37. William III, 110. Winchester, Old Minster, 184. Wolvesey Castle, 84, 87. Woodyates (Dorset), AS Barrow, 23. Woolwich, 3. Charlton Crunp, 2. Royal Military Academy, 1. Wroxeter, R. Site, 47. Wyldbore, John, 141.




Income and Expenditure Account for the Year Ended 31st December 1968