General Index

GENERAL INDEX Abbreviations: AS, Anglo-Saxon; IA, Iron Age; Med., Medieval; Meso. Mesolithio; Neo., Neolithic; R., Roman; RB, Romano-British. Alkham, Thomas of, 66. Andrewes, Phineas, 26. Anglo-Saxon Disc Brooches, Three, by S. E. Rigold, M.A.., F.S.A., and Leslie E. Webster, B.A., 1-18. Barrow, 17. Beads, 4, 13. Beaker, 4. Cemetery, Broadsta.irs, 188. Buokland, 10. Fa.versham, 2. Graves, 17. Jars, 16. Pendant Cross, 16. Ring, 4. Shield-boss, 4. Spearhead, 212-14. Armada Preparations in Kent and Arrangements made after the Defeat (1587-1689), by J. N. McGurk, 71-93. Ashford, 4 7, 87. Ash-next-Sandwich, 195. Ayleaford, AS Broooh, 15. La.the of, 91. Pa.pal Bull found at, 19/i. Baker, A., A..R.I.B.A., and Rigold, S. E., M.A., F.S.A., Two Lost Oourt Lodges-LongfteW, and Wootton, 61-70. ,, Baldwin, Ralph, 130 ff. William, 164. Barfreston, AS Graves a.t, 17. Barrows, 178-0, 180. Batten, Sir William, 26. Beads, AS, 4. Beaker, AS, 4. Becket, St. Thomas, 196. Berkeley, Richard, 75. Bethersden, 198. Bexley, 180-1, 200, 212-14. Biddenden, Iron-working Sit.a, 192. Biddle, John, 166. Binge, Robert, 92. Bird, Margaret, 156-7. Blewet, John, 26. Boone (Bone), Thomas, 168-9. Boothby Pagnall, Hall at, 101. Boughton Aluph, 200. Neo. Barrow, 180. Malherbe, 113. 231 Boys, Edward, 75. John, 75. Bracelet, Bronze, 4. Brasted, 80. Brenchley, 91. Brinsworth, nea,r Sheffield, 200. Broa.dstairs, AS Cemetery at, 188. Brooches, AS, 1-18. RB, 111,143. Broomfield (Essex), AS Jars from, 16 Brydges, Rev. E. Tymewell, 67. Buckland, AS Cemetery a.t, 10. Bull, Papal, 195. Bunce, Richard, 173. Burials, 60, 178, 179. Butler, Matthew, 165. Caiger, J. E. L., Oozendon Wood, N orthfleet, 204-7. Calais, 35. Oanterbury, Gogan Iiouse, St. Peter's, by E. W. Parkin, 123-38. Canterbury, 22, 38, 39, 47, 48, 80, 93, 137. Eleotorate of, 19. Freemen of, 20. Cataline, George, 92. Ca.uvel, Margaret, 123. Chalk, RB Site at, 184-7. Charles II, 149, 157. Chartham Down, AS Graves at, 17. Chatham, 26, 73. Lines, AS Barrow at, 1 7. Cheesman, John, 168-70, 171. Chichester, St. Mary's Hospital, 137. Christ Church, 66. Churchyard, Sir Thomas, 73. Cinque Ports, 19, 21, 75, 80. Clarence, Duke a.nd Duchess of, 43. Clarke, Thomas, 168. Cobbett, William, 36, 42. Cobham, Lord, 72 ff. Sir Henry, 78, 80. Codsheath, 80. Gogan House, St. Peter's, Canterbury, by E. W. Parkin, 123-38. Coins, AS, 16. Gallo-Roman, 31. Mod., 196-8. Roman, 60, 98, 140, 142-3, 177, 198-9. GENERAL INDEX Cokyn, Family, 132. William, 123 ff. Collett, Thomas and William, 169. Colvin, H. M., cited, 66. Cooling, RB Site at, 187-8. Corna.rd (Essex), Abbas Hall, 137. Oorn Watermill, An Eighteenth-Oenliury, by R. J., 113-22. Council for British Archreology, Group llA, 181. Kentish Archreology, 181-2. Cranbrook, 198. Cray Valley, 201. Cromwell, Oliver, 151. Richard, 157. Crouch, William, 156-7. Croydon Palace, 65. Cuddesdon (Oxen.), AS Jara from, 16. Culmer, Richard, 22. Collins, Desmond, Excavations at Oldbury in Kent: The Pak.eolithic Occupation, 211-12. Dartford, 93. Heath, 209-11. Day, Robert, 164. Deal, Dover and, in the Nineteenth Oenliury: Rise and, Decline, by John Whyman, B.Sc.(Econ.), 35-54. Denn, Vincent, 23. Detsioas, A. P., M.A., F.S.A., Excavatione at Ecdes, 1969, 55-60. Interim Report, 175-6. Brooches, 111. Reviews, 224-5, 228. Roman Pottery, 101-8. Samia.n Ware, 146-8. Dimbleby, Professor J. W., B.Sc., M.A., D.Phil., Pollen Analysis, 32-3. Dover, Castle, 43. AS Brooch, 13 ff. Electorate of, 19. Museum, 1 ff. Priory Rill, 1, 8 ff. Dover and Deal in the Nineteenth Oentury: Rise and Decline, by John Whyman, B.Sc.(Econ.), 35-54. Drake, Sir Francis, 72, 91. Dunning, G. C., B.Sc., D.Lit., F.S.A., Polychrome Jug, 110-11. Dymchurch, 72. Eastbridge Hospital, 130, 137. Ecdes, Excavations at, 1989, by A. P. Detsioas, M.A., F.S.A., 55-60. Interim Report, 175-6. Training Course, 176. Election Issues and tlie Borough Electorates in Mid-Seventeenth-Oentury 232 Kent, by Madeline V. Jones, M.A. (Oxen.), Ph.D.(Lond.), 19-27. Elham, Barrows at, 179. Elmes, 72. Elizabeth I, 40-1. Ewer, Med., Bronze, 198. ExcavaUon of the Iron Age Camp at Squerryes, Westerham, by the late Nancy Piercy Fox, B.A., F.S.A., 29-33. Excavations at Eccles, 1969, by A. P. Detsicas, M.A., F.S.A., 55-60. Excavations at Oldbury: The Pal<£olithio Occupattion, by Desmond Collins, 211-12. Excavations in Rocl1ester, by A. C. Harrison, B.A., F.S.A., 95-112. Eythorne, 47. F􀆸ge, William, 21. Fa.ll'light, Hastings, 72-3. Fane, Sir Thomas, 75 ff. Faversha.m, AS Cemetery at, 2. AS Brooch, 8. Fletcher, Samuel, 169. Folkestone, 47. Frere, Professor Sheppard, cited, 31. Fyfield Hall (Essex), 137. Gardiner, Canon, 135. Dorobhy, 124, 127, 187. Geddinge, Sub-manor of Christ Church, 66. Gilbert, Sir John, 72. Gilton, AS Brooch, lli. Glass, Beads, AS, 4. Gosfright, George, 26. Gravesend, and Milton-next-Gravesend, The Seventeenth-Oent'IJ/f'!J Token leS'Uers of, by Ernest W. Tilley, 149-74. Gravesend, Blockhouse at, 85. St. George's Church, 182-4. Graystones, 72. Green St. Green, 201. Hales, Sir James, 80-2. Harker, S. R., Sprimghead-The Well, F.19, 139-48. Harrietsham, 113. Harrison, A. C., B.A., F.S.A., Excavations in Rochester, 95-112. Review, 225. Harvey, John of Danecourt, 195. Hastings, 47. Hawkhurst, 196. Head, George, 165. Henry VIII, 40. GENERAL INDEX Herne Bay, 48. Hervey, John, 26. Hewson, Col., 22. Heyman, Sir Henry, 21. Higham, 196. Hill, Thomas, 172. Hills, Sarah, 153. Hobf, Sir Edward, 75, 86. Hollingbourne, 198. Hone, 196. Honeywood, William, 75. Hoo, 72. Hull, M. R., M.A., F.S.A., Brooches, 143. Hythe, 19 ff., 47. I nvestigatioM and Excavations during the Year, 175-94. Iron, Adze, 96, 112. Iron Age, Defences, 31. Hill-forts, 176-7. Pottery, 31. Iron-working Site, 192. !slip, Archbishop Simon, 196. James I, 40. II, 156, 165. Jessup, Ronald, Obituary by, 229. Jones, John, 173. Jones, Madeline V., M.A.(Oxon.), Ph.D.(Lond.), JiJlection Issues and the Borough Electorates in MidSeventeenth- Oemury Kent, 19-27. Kelsey, Maj.-Gen., 23 ff. Ke.meter, William, 165. Kent Arohooologioa.l Society Libracy, 215-21. Kentisb Rebellion, 22. Kenwrick, Col. William, 23. Kersey Priory, 137. Keston, IA Camp a.t, 32. Kingsnortb, RB Burle.I at, 178. Kingston, AS Brooch, 5 ff. Knott, Capt. Lawrence, 23. Lambarde, William, 76 ff. Langton, Stephen, 137. Larkfield, Hundred of, 76. Layton, Sir Thomas, 85. Lee, Susan, 162. Leicester, Earl of, 75, 89. Lanham, 113. Lennard, Capt. John, 80. Leveson, Sir John, 76 ff., 91. Leysdown, 199. Limpsfield (Surrey), Old Court Cottage, 137. 2.33 Longfield and Woottor1r-Two Lost Oourt Lodges, by A. Baker, A.R.I.B. A. ., and S. E. Rigold, M.A., F.S.A., 61-70. Low Countries, 75, 78. Lyminge, Barrows, 178-9. McGurk, J. N., Armada Prepa1·ations in Kent and Arrangement8 made after the Defeat (1587-1589), 71-93. Maidstone, 21, 22, 39, 47, 87, 196. Maldon (Essex), 61. :Margate, 45, 4 7. RB, Quern, 188. Mason, R. T., cited, 137. :May, John, 161, 172. Medieval, Bronze Ewer, 198. Pottery, 31, 96, 108-111. Sea.I, 198. Medhoust (Medhurst), Marek, 168. Medway, River, 73. Mannes, Sir John, 25. Mesolithic, Implements, 184, 198. Milton,-next-Gravesend, TheSeventeenth- Oentury Token Issuer/! of Gravesend and, by Ernest W. Tilley, 149-74. Milton Regis, l ff. Milton-next-Sittingbourne, 151, 178. Milton, near Canterbury, 151. Milton, Hundred of, 173. Money, J. H., M.A., F.S.A., Interim Report on the Excavations at Oasae Hill, Tonbridge, Iron Age Hill-fort/!, 176-7. Montagu, Edward, 24. Napoleonic Wars, 41, 53. Na.shenden, 98 ff. Nee.le, Anne, 163. Neolithic, Axe, 201. Barrow, 180. New Romney, Eleotora.te of, 19. Ninn (Nynn), Wa.lter, 151, 152, 161 ff. Norris, Sir John, 79, 82. Northfleet, 196, 204-7. Wombwell Hall, 174. Northumberland, Earl of, 21. Obituary, 229. Oldbury, 211-12. Oliver, George, 152, 170. William, 168, 170. Ore, John of, 66. Orpington, 201, 203-4. Ostend, 35. Oxinden, Henry, of Barham, 23 ff. Palreolitbic, Implements, 209-11. Occupation at Oldbury, 211-12. GENERAL INDEX Parkin, E. W.,Oogan HOWJe,St. Peter's, Canterbury, 123-38. Parliament, Cavalier, 24-5. Long, 21. Short, 20. Parson, Elizabeth, 153. Jacob, 151 ff. Pa.rteriche, Sir Edward, 20, 25. Partridge, Willia,m, 75. Pashlow, Edward, 154 ff. Payne, G., 1, 10. Pepys, Samuel, 158 ff. Penn, the late William S., cit.ed, 139. Pett's Wood, 201. Peyton, Sir Thomas, 20. Piercy Fox, the la.tie Nancy, B.A., F.S.A., Jj)=ation of the Iron Age Carwp at Squerryea, Weaterham, 29-33. Plaw, John, 67. Plume, Archdeacon, of Rochester, 61. Pollen, Analysis, 32-3. Potter, Thomas, 80, 01. Pott.ery, IA, 31. Med., 31, 96, 108-11. RB, 31, 56, 101-2, 140, 143-6, 185. samian ware, 102-8, 140, 146-8, 179. terra nigra, 56, 190. terra rubra, 190. Preston, John, 156 ff. Furton Green Farm, Suffolk, 137. Queenborough, Borough of, 19. Ra.msga.te, 45, 47. Reade, William, 161 ff. Reddall, John, 157 ff. Researches and Discoveries in Kent, 195-214. Reviews, 223-8. Richmond, James, 173. Rigold, S. E., M.A., F.S.A., and Webster, Leslie E., B.A., Three Anglo-Saxon Disc Brooches, 1-18. and Baker A., A.R.I.B.A., Two Lost Court Lodges-Longfield and Wootton, 61-70. Ring, AS, 4. Rivers, Capt. George, 83, 92. Roach Smith, C., I., 26, 48, 73, 83 ff., 90, 165. Bridgewardens, 99. East Gate, 191. Old Corn Exchange, 95 ff. St. Andrew, 61. The Common, 96 ff. Roman, Coins, 60, 98, 140, 142-3, 177, 198-9. 234 Romano-British, Burial, 178, 179. Ditches, 56-7, 59, 178. Pottery, 31, 101-2, 140, 143-4, 190, Quern, 188. Settlement, 178. Site, 139-48, 185-6, 187-8. Temple, 190. Villa, 56 ff. Well, 139-48. Romney (Old), Burials, 179. Ruckinge, RB Burial, 179. Ruxley, Church, 181. Sa.ndgate, 72. Sandwich, 47. Electorate of, 19 ff. Sa.rre, AS Brooch, 7, 15. Scott, Sir Thomas, 75, 80-2. Scray, Lathe of, 80, 173. Seal, Church, 185-6. Seal, Wax, 196. Med., 196. Sevenoaks, 93. Sheerness, 160. Sheppey, 72, 87. Shepway, La.the of, 80. Shield-boss, AS, 4. Shorne, Meso. Implements, 184. RB Settlement, 184-7. Sibertswold, AS Graves at, 17. Sidcup, 181. Sifflet, Antony, 151, 170-1., 97. Sittingbourne, 2. Skeath, Mary, 158. Smith, John, 152, 172. Sommerden, 80. Sondes, Sir Thomas, 85. Southborough, 199-201. Spain, R. J., An Jj)ighteenth-Centur-y Corn Wat,ermill , 113-22. Springhea




Frontispiece 1969