Frontmatter, Volume 86

.tthmkga dfantiana 'ANTIQUITATES SEU HISTOBIABUM BELIQULE SUNT TANQUAM TABULiE NAUFBAGII; CUM, DEFICIENTE ET FEBE SUBMEBSA BEBUM MEMOBIA, NIHILOMINUS HOMINES INDUSTEII ET SAGACES, PEBTINACI QUADAM ET SCBUPULOSA DILIGENTIA, EX GENEALOGIIS, FASTIS, TITULIS, MONUMENTIS, NUMISMATIBUS, NOMINIBUS PEOPBIIS ET STYLIS, VEBBOEUM ETYMOLOGIIS, PEOVEEBIIS, TBADITIONIBUS, ABCHIVIS, BT INSTBUMENTIS, TAM PUBLICIS QUAM PEIVATIS, HISTOBIABUM FBAGMENTIS, LIBEOBUM NEUTIQUAM HISTOBIOOBUM LOCIS DISPEBSIS, EX HIS, INQUAM, OMNIBUS VEL ALIQUIBUS, NONNULLA A TEMPORIS DILUVIO EBIPIUNT ET CONSEBVANT. BES SANE OPEBOSA, SED MOBTALIBUS GEATA ET CUM EEVEEENTIA QUADAM CONJUNCTA.' 'ANTIQUITIES, OR BEMNANTS OF HISTOBY, ARE, AS WAS SAID, TANQUAM TABULiE NAUFBAGII: WHEN INDUSTBIOUS PERSONS, BY AN EXACT AND SCBUPULOUS DILIGENCE AND OBSEBVATION, OUT OF MONUMENTS, NAMES, WOBDS, PEOVEBBS, TRADITIONS, PBIVATE EECOEDS AND EVIDENCES, FBAGMENTS OF STOEIES, PASSAGES OF BOOKS THAT CONCEBN NOT STOBY, AND THE LIKE, DO SAVE AND EECOVEB SOMEWHAT FEOM THE DELUGE OF TIME.'—Advancement of Learning, ii. O 1972, Kent Archseological Sooiety. grrfjaeologta Cantiana: Being Contributions to the History and Archaeology of Kent i *.-> VOLUME LXXXVI 1971 Published by the KENT ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY Printed for the Society by HEADLEY BROTHERS LTD, ASHFORD, KENT 1972 NOTICES The Council of the Kent Archseological Society invites the attention of members to the following matters;— (1) The Council is not answerable for opinions put forward in this work. Each contributor is alone responsible for the contents of his paper. (2) Papers submitted for publication in Archceologia Cantiana should be complete in all respects before being sent to the Hon. Editor. They should be typed in double spacing, on one side of the paper only. Photographs for Plates must be of the highest possible standard on glazed prints. Line drawings for Figures should be in Indian ink on good quality board or paper. In regard to the proportions of such drawings authors should note the size of a page of the volume. On drawings which must be considerably reduced for reproduction the lettering and lines must be boldly executed. For further information consult 'Notes for the guidance of contributors to Archmologia Cantiana', printed in Volume Ixxxiv (1969), 287-9. Or the honorary editor will supply a copy on request. (3) Changes of address and errors in the list of members should be notified at once to the Hon. General Secretary, A. C. Harrison, B.A., F.S.A., Pring's Cottage, Pilgrims' Way, Upper Hailing, Rochester. (4) An expansion of the membership would enable the Society to publish a larger volume and to undertake extended archseological work generally. Members, therefore, are urged to induce their friends interested in archseology to join the Society. Information as regards the Society's activities, copies of the Rules and forms of application for membership may be obtained from the Hon. General Secretary. (5) The annual subscription covers all the privileges of membership, but additional contributions in the form of annual or occasional donations to the Archceologia Cantiana Fund, to the Records Publication Fund, towards excavation work, or for the general purposes of the Society, are invited and are always very welcome. (6) It would be a great convenience if members could pay their subscriptions by Bankers' Order whilst if they cared to sign a seven-year Deed of Covenant it would enable the Society to recover Income Tax at no extra cost to the member. Forms may be obtained from the Honorary Treasurer or the Hon. Membership Secretary. Subscriptions (at present £2.60 per annum) are due on the 1st of January, and, if not paid by Bankers' Order, should be sent as early in the year as possible to the Hon. Membership Secretary. (7) The Society's room at Maidstone Museum is open daily to members who wish to consult books in the Reference Library, and the Librarian and Curator are always glad to help callers to obtain any information which they may require. ILLUSTRATIONS PAGE Charles Dickens's Well: Plate I. The Well Machinery ................ } 􀃦 Jaci.n g 12 Plate II. View down the Well ............... . Fig. 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . • . • . . . . . • . . . . • • facing 13 Cobb's Hall, Aldington, and the Holy Maid of Kent: Fig. 1. Modern Plan ........ • • • • • • . • • • • • • • } . 22 Fig. 2. Original Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . f ac i n g Plate IA. Cobb's Hall, the North Front ....... . Plate IB. The South Side, fortified against Napoleon ................... . Plate IIA. The great Fireplace with Wall-Painting facing 23 Plate IIB. The Overmantel of the central Bedroom Excavations at Eccles, 1970: Plate IA. TheEasternCornerofthe Villa, showing Plate IB. Plate IIA. Plate IIB. Fig. 1. Fig. 2. Walls abutted onto the Northeastern Walls of the original House (partly robbed) ............... . Rooms 119 and 120: General View from the North-east . . .. . . . . . . . . . Rooms 119 and 120: General View .... Room 120, from the South-west . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Painted Glass at Cranbrook and Lullingstone: Fig. 1. ................................. . facing 28 facing 32 36 Plate IA. Plate IB. Plate II. Fig. 2. : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : } facing 36 : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : }l ac i ng 37 vii Fig. 3. Fig. 4. Fig. 5. Fig. 6. ILLUSTRATIONS PAGE 38 41 47 51 Quarry Wood Camp, Loose: A Belgic Oppidum: Fig. 1. Map of the Area South of Maidstone. . 56 Fig. 2. Quarry Wood Camp: Plan . . . . . . . . . . 58 Fig. 3. Quarry Wood Camp: site 1: Section . . facing 59 Plate IA. Plate IB. Plate TIA. Plate IIB. Fig. 4. Fig. 5. Fig. 6. Fig. 7. Fig. 8. Fig. 9. Fig. 10. Fig. ll. Fig. 12. The West Bank from the South End .. } fi . The Bank and Ditch on the East Side. . 60 aei-ng Site 3: the Ditch on the West Side • . • • } fi . 61 Site 4: Ditch on the South Side . . . . . . acing Quarry Wood Camp: site 2: Section . . 62 Quarry Wood Camp: site 3: Section . . 63 Quarry Wood Camp: site 4: Section . . 65 QuarDryit Wcho o.d. . C. a ..m .p .:. . s.i t .e . 5 .:. . P .r .o .f. il.e. o. .f 67 Sites of the first Century A.D. facing 71 QuarEryxc Wavoaotdio nC.a.m.p..: .fr..o.m. .t.h.e. 76 Quarry Wood Camp: Belgic Pottery.. 80 Quarry Wood Camp: Belgic Pottery.. 82 QuarrByro oWcho od. .. C.a. m. . p.: . . P. . o .t. te. r. y. . . a .n. d . 83 Early Coast Recession around Reculver, Kent: Fig. 1. The Coast around Reoulver, Kent .... 94 The Church of St. Peter, Canterbury: Fig. 1. Plan of South-west Corner of Church.. 100 Fig. 2. Plan of Window in West Wall of Tower l 02 Fig. 3. Elevation of North Arcade . . . . . . . . . . 103 Fig. 4. . • . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . • . . . . 104 viii ILLUSTRATIONS Plate IA. Tower at South-west Angle of Church .. Plate IB. Arch of North Arcade ............. . } PAGE facing 104 Plate TIA. Large Stone.s at. the Foot of the Tower } facing 105 Plate IIB. Impost of Pier m North Arcade ..... . Eynsford Castle and its Excavation: Fig. I. Eynsford: Site Plan ............... . ll7 Fig. 2. Eynsford Castle: General Plan . . . . . . facing 118 Plate I. Acute Angle of Curtain with Garde- Plate robes ....................... . II. Solar Undercroft and North Curtain . . facing 120 Plate III. West Angle of Old Tower ......... . Plate Fig. 3. Fig. 4. Fig. 5. Fig. 6. Fig. 7. Fig. 8. Fig. 9. Fig. 10. Fig. 11. Fig. 12. Fig. 13. Fig. 14. Fig. 15. Fig. 16. Fig. 17. Fig. 18. Fig. 19. Fig. 20. Fig. 21. Fig. 22. Fig. 23. Fig. 24. IV. Section f3 •.•..•..••••.••...•••..• Eynsford Castle: Excavation Plan ... . 126 Eynsford Castle: W-E Sect. ion ...... } J1.a cing 128 Eynsford Castle: S-N Section ....... . Eynsford Castle: Reconstructions . . . . 140 Approximate Section of Hall Block . . 141 Building Material and Stone . . . . . . . . 143 Ironwork ....................... . Ironwork ....................... . Various Finds ................... . Early Shelly Wares ............... . Phase Y Shelly Wares ............. . Phase Z Shelly Wares ............. . Phase A Shelly Wares ............. . Phases BB, B, C Shelly Wares ..... . Early Sandy Wares Jugs, Phases Z-B ................. . Phase D, Cooking-Pots ........... . Phase D, Bowls Phase D, Jugs Earlier Glazed Wares ............. . Phase D, Glazed Wares ........... . ix 145 149 148 151 153 154 155 157 160 161 163 165 166 167 169 170 ILLUSTRATIONS Balcony Railings in Kent: Figs. l-6B. Designs for Wrought-Iron Rails .... -• Fig. 7. . ................................ . Fig. 8. . ................................ . Fig. 9. . ................................ . Plate I. ............................ • • • • • • Plate II. Figs. 10-17. Figs. 18-23. Excavations at No. 43 High Street, Gravesend: Fig. I. ................................. . Fig. 2. A Romano-Gaulish Statuette from Cowden, Kent: PAGE 176 178 179 180 facing 182 facing 183 186 188 195 199 Plate I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . facing 204 Court Wood, Southfleet: Fig. 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206 Belgic and Roman Pottery from Dartford: Fig. 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212 The Blackfriars, Canterbury: Fig. I. The Dominican Priory, Canterbury . . 215 Fig. 2. The Dominican Priory, Canterbury . . 218 Archreological Notes from Maidstone Museum: Fig. 1. Palstave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221 Fig. 2. Medieval Roundel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221 Fig. 3. Hythe Common Seal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222 Margate: Fig. 1. Brenzett: Plate Cannon .............•...•........ 228 I. · • • • • • • • . , .. , ...... , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . facing 228 X Sent ^Irrfjaeoiogical ^octetp OFFICERS AND MEMBERS 1ST JANUARY, 1972 Eent Archaeological ^>octetj> flreaiueut MAJOR-GENERAL THE VISCOUNT MONCKTON OF BRENCHLEY, C.B., O.B.E., M.C, D.L. THE LORD ARCHBISHOP OF CANTERBURY, P.O., D.D. THE VISCOUNT DE L'ISLE AND DUDLEY, K.G., V.C. THE LORD BRABOURNE THE LORD CORNWALLIS, K.C.V.O., K.B.E., M.C. THE LORD NORTHBOURNE SIR JOHN DUNLOP, K.B.E., C.M.G., M.C, T.D. JOHN H. EVANS, F.S.A., F.R.G.S. SIR EDWARD HARDY FRANK W. JESSUP, C.B.E., M.A., LL.B., F.S.A. R. F. JESSUP, F.S.A. I. D. MARGARY, M.A., F.S.A. LT.-COL. G. W. MEATES, F.S.A. SIR THOMAS NEAME, M.A., F.S.A. Honorary Coitor A. P. DETSICAS, M.A., F.S.A., 28 Pembury Boad, Tonbridge ?|onorarp (general gbetretarp A. C. HARRISON, B.A., F.S.A., Pring's Cottage, Pilgrims' Way, Upper Hailing, Rochester ?|onorarp ^treasurer L. D. LYLE, M.A., 'Toumsend', 3 Queen's Avenue, Canterbury ^onorarp ffitmhtvsfyiv giecrt-tarp P. E. OLDHAM, B.A., 15 Hermitage Lane, Barming, Maidstone 3|oitorari> excursions g>ecretarp H. A. JAMES, 74 Broadview Avenue, Rainham ^onorarp Curator L. R. A. GROVE, B.A., F.S.A., F.M.A., F.R.E.S., The Museum, Maidstone honorary librarian D. B. KELLY, B.A., A.M.A. xiii Clecteo ffltrnbtvst of tije Council A. F . ALLEN Gravesend. MAJOB H. R. PBATT BOOBMAN, C.B.E., M.A., D.L., F . J . I . Bilsington. J . BBADSHAW Ashford. J . E. L. CAIGER Barnehurst. C. R . COUNCER, F.S.A. (Chairman) . . . . S t . Paul's Cray. LT.-COL. R. F. H. DRAKE-BBOOKMAN . . . Saltwood. P. H. G. DBAPEB, B.SC, PH.D Dartford. DR. E . V. PIERCY F O X Seaford. R. H. GOODSALL, F.S.A., F.R.I.B.A Harrietsham. K. W. E. GRAVETT, M.SO. (ENG.), F.S.A. . . . New Maiden. F. HIGENBOTTAM, B.A., F.L.A Canterbury. R. H. HISCOCK, LL.B., F.S.A Gravesend. F E L IX HULL, B.A., PH.D., F.B.HIST.S. . . . Maidstone. FRANK JENKINS, M.A., F.S.A Canterbury. MRS. M. C. LEBON, M.A Benenden. J. H. MONEY, M.A., F.S.A Tunbridge Wells. P. E. OLDHAM, B.A Maidstone. E. W. PABKIN Hythe. B. J . P H I L P West Wickham. S. E. RIGOLD, M.A., F.S.A., F.B.HIST.S. . . . London. MISS ANNE ROPER, M.B.E., J.P., F.S.A. . . . Littlestone. P. J . TESTEB, F.S.A Bexley. W. G. UEBY, B.A., PH.D., F.S.A., F.B.HIST.S. . . Oxford. A. B. WEBSTER, M.A., F.S.A., F.R.HIST.S. . . . Canterbury. trustee Committee R. H. HISCOCK, LL.B., F.S.A. S IB THOMAS NEAME, M.A., F.S.A. G. W. TOOKEY, Q.O. CUSTODIAN TRUSTEE—NATIONAL WESTMINSTBE BANK LTD. Honorary &ubitor K. A. POLLOCK, F.O.A. JSanfeerjs NATIONAL WESTMINSTER BANK LTD., Maidstone. xiv Cxcabationfi Committee P. J. Tester (Convener), Frank Jenkins, R. F. Jessup, D. B. Kelly, A. P. Detsicas, J. E. L. Caiger, The Hon. General Secretary. mfcrarp Committee The Hon. Librarian, L. R. A. Grove, Dr. F. Hull. •pace-nameg Committee Dr. F. Hull (Vice-Chairman), H. E. Gough, L. R. A. Grove, F. W. Jessup, Dr. W. G. Urry. U&ecorbs -publication Committee Dr. F. Hull (Chairman), R. H. Hiscock (Hon. Secretary), Professor F. R. H. Du Boulay, C. R. Councer, F. W. Jessup, D. B. Kelly, Dr. W. G. Urry, Rev. Canon B. J. Wigan, H. N. MacMichael, A. B. Webster, K. W. E. Gravett, A. P. Detsicas, The Hon. General Secretary. €.$.&.&./&.&.&. $resierbatioH of SEncient Puilbinss Committee C. R. Councer (Chairman), Lt.-Col. R. F. H. Drake-Brockman (Hon. Secretary). XV ASHFOBD BEXLEY . BBOMLEY, LONDON BOBOUGH OF BECKENHAM BROMLEY PARISH ORPINGTON . CANTERBURY . CRANBROOK DARTFORD DEAL AND WALMER DOVER . EDENBBIDGE AND WESTEBEAM . FAVERSHAM FOLKESTONE . GILLINGHAM . GRAVESEND GREENWICH HUNDBED OF HOO HYTHE . MAIDSTONE MALLING. ROCHESTER ROMNEY MARSH SANDWICH SEVENOAKS SHEPPEY SITTINGBOURNE TENTERDEN THANET TONBRIDGE TUNBRIDGE WELLS Hiit of Eocal Secretaries . E. T. Mortimore, M.A., 2 The Grove, Kennington, Ashford. . P. J . Tester, F.S.A., 2 Willow Close, Bexley. G. W. Tookey, Q.c, 12 Orchard Road, Bromley, M. G. Watts, 85 Chatham Avenue, Hayes, Bromley. Mrs. M. Bowen, B.A., 223 Tubbenden Lane, Orpington. F. Jenkins, M.A., F.S.A., Janus, 10 St. Martin's Close, Canterbury. Mrs. M. C. Lebon, M.A., Limes, Benenden, Cranbrook. H. J . Balls, Highlands Hill, Swanley Village. David Downes, M.A., Cape House, Ash, Canterbury. E. H. Bayly, St. Martin's House, Dover College, Dover. J . C. Irwin, Bellmans Green, Edenbridge. Lieut.-Col. A. A. Johnson, The Old Vicarage, Oare, near Faversham. Miss R. E. P . Stuart, PH.D., Leonis, 4 The Bayle, Folkestone. R. A. Baldwin, 36 Stuart Road, Gillingham. A. F. Allen, Three Elms, Woodlands Road, Shorne, Gravesend. D. E. Wiokham, M.A., 118 Parsonage Manorway, Belvedere. Mrs. P. P. Day, 64 Goddington Road, Strood, Rochester. Miss O. B. Grover, Princes Hotel, Bouverie Road West, Folkestone. R. C. Stone, B.A., Framfield, Sutton Valence. C. L. S. Williams, The Old Weavers, Well Street, East Malling. Col. B. T. L. Baker, O.B.E., T.D., M.A., 18 Star Hill, Rochester. Miss Anne Roper, M.B.E., J.P., F.S.A., Flag Cottage, Littlestone, New Romney, Kent. David Downes, M.A., Cape House, Ash, Canterbury. R. D. Clarke, M.A., 9 Tudor Drive, Otford. D. T. A. Ponton, Vale House, Stookbury, Sittingbourne. R. R. Dixon, Teynham Court, Teynham. Mrs. M. 0. Lebon, M.A., Limes, Benenden, Cranbrook. D. G. Sourroll, 2 Sussex Avonuo, Margate. A. P. Dotsioas, M.A., F.S.A., 28 Pombury Road, Tonbridgo. Mrs. M. Davies, B.A., 14 Viotoria Road, Southborough, Tunbridge Wells. XVI CORRESPONDING SOCIETIES For Interchange of Publications, etc. Ashmolean Museum, Oxford. Bristol and Gloucestershire Archseological Society, P. W. Bennett, cjo The City Library, Brunswick Road, Gloucester. British School at Rome, 61 Via Gramsci, Roma (51), Italy. Cambrian Archseological Association, c/o National Museum of Wales, Cardiff. Cambridge Antiquarian Society, The Haddon Librarian, Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, Downing Street, Cambridge. Cumberland and Westmorland Antiquarian Society, The Librarian, Tullie House, Castle Street, Carlisle, Cumberland. Derbyshire Archaeological Society, The Hon. Librarian, Derby Borough Library, Wardwick, Derby. Deutsche Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, Institut fiir Vor- und Fruhgeschichte, Leipziger Strasse 3-4, Berlin W.8. Essex Archseological Society, The Castle, Colchester, Essex. Hampshire Field Club, The Hon. Librarian, Hampshire Field Club, University of Southampton Library, Southampton, S09 5HN. Historisches Museum Stadt Heilbronn, 71 Heilbronn a.N., Kramstrasse 1., West Germany. Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire, Honorary Librarian, cjo Brown Library, Liverpool Public Libraries, William Brown Street, Liverpool 3. Institut Archeologique Liegeois, c/o BibliotMque de V University, 1 Place Cokerill, IMge, Belgium. Institute of Archseology, 31-4 Gordon Square, London, W.C.I. Landesmuseum fiir Vorgesohichte, Halle (Saale) (7.2, Richard Wagner Strasse 9-10, East Germany. Lincolnshire Local History Society, Miss M. Finch, Hon. Librarian, Lines. Archives Committee, The Castle, Lincoln. London and Middlesex Archseological Sooiety, The Bishopsgate Institute, Bishopsgate, E.C.2. National Historical Museum, K. Vitterhatsakademien, Biblioteket, Storgatan 41, Stockholm, 0., Sweden. Norfolk and Norwich Archseological Sooiety, Garsett House, St. Andrew's Hall Plain, Norwich, NOR 16J. Powys-land Club, Powys-land Reference Library, Olmrch Bank Welshpool, Montgomeryshire. xviii CORRESPONDING SOCIETIES Rijksdienst voor het Oudheikundig Bodemonderzoek, "Marienhof", Kleine Haag 2, Amersfoort, Holland. Royal Irish Academy, 19 Dawson Street, Dublin. Royal Numismatic Society, cjo The British Museum, W.C.I. Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland, Hon. Gen. Secretaries, 63 Merrion Square, Dublin. Seminarie voor Archseologie (Ruksuniversiteit), Blandijnberg, 2, Gent, Belgium. Service dos Fouillea, Musics Royaux d'Art et d'Histoire, 10 Pare du Cinquantenaire, Brussels, Belgium. Shropshire Archseological Society, The Secretary, Silverdale, Severn Bank, Shrewsbury. Society of Antiquaries of London, Burlington House, Piccadilly, W.l. Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, E. Hedley, Hon. Librarian, Black Gate, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, Queen Street, Edinburgh. Somersetshire Archseological and Natural History Society, Museum, Taunton. Surrey Archaeological Society, Castle Arch, Guildford. Sussex Archseological Society, Barbican House, Lewes. The University Library, Uppsala, Sweden. The University Library, Compostella, Spain. Verein von Altertumsfreunden im Rheinlande, Bonn, Germany. Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Society, The Museum, Devizes. Woolhope Club, Mrs. M. Tonkin, 'Chy an Whyloryon', Wigmore, Leominster, Herefordshire. Yorkshire Archaeological Society, Claremont, Clarendon Road, Leeds 2. XIX MEMBERS CORRECTED TO 1ST JANUARY, 1972. * Denotes a Life Compounder. HONORARY MEMBERS. 1949 C. W. PHILLIPS, O.B.E., F.S.A., 103 Ditton Road, Surbiton, Surrey. 1949 LEONARD B. PITT, B.SC, 52 Queen's Road, Ashford, Kent. 1954 I. D. MABGARY, F.S.A., F.R.G.S., Yew Lodge, East Grinstead, Sussex. 1971 Lt.-Col. G. W. MEATES, F.S.A., The Gatehouse, Lullingstone Castle, Eynsford. 1971 S. MENDEL, 30 The Grove, Bearsted, Maidstone. AFFILIATED SOCIETIES. 1968 Archaeological/Numismatic Research and Development Club, 29 Longley Road, Tooting, London, s.w.17. 1948 Ashford Archseological Society (Hon. Secretary, E. T. Mortimore, M.A., 2 The Grove, Kennington, Ashford. 1922 Canterbury Archseological Society (Hon. Secretary, L. D. Lyle, M.A., 3 Queen's Avenue, Canterbury). 1965 Council for Kentish Archseology (Hon. Secretary, Mrs. J. M. Lock, 51 Belvedere Road, Bexleyheath). 1965 Cranbrook and District Local History Society (Hon. Sec. Mrs. M. C. Lebon, M.A., Limes, Benenden). 1963 Crayford Manor House Historical and Archaeological Society (Hon. Sec, Mrs. J. Anderson, 28 Camden Road, Bexley). 1926 Dartford Antiquarian Society (Hon. Sec, Mrs. W. J. Donovan, 107 Lunedale Road, Dartford). 1951 Dover College Archaeological Sooiety. 1969 Eltham Society (Treasurer, H. Hawkins, 33 Elderslie Road, Eltham, s.E.9). 1904 Faversham Society (Hon. Sec, A. J . Percival, F.S.A., 22 Stone Street, Faversham). 1970 Fawkham and Ash Archaeological Society (Sec, Mrs. C. Deas, 116 Punch Croft, New Ash Green, Dartford). 1964 Fawkham and District Historical Society (Hon. Sec, A. I. Moffatt, 14 Star Hill, Rochester). 1961 Gillingham and Rainham Local History Group (Chairman, R. A. Baldwin, 36 Stuart Road, Gillingham). 1925 Gravesend Historical Society (Hon. Sec, P. S. Bethell, 'La Gorguette', Pescot Avenue, New Barn, Longfield, Dartford). 1962 Headcorn Local History Society (Hon. Sec, L. J. Daniels, Cecil Way, Forge Lane, Headcorn). 1957 Heme Bay Records Society (Hon. Sec, Miss M. R. Morrison, 28 Victoria Park, Heme Bay). 1966 Isle of Thanet Archaeological and Historical Sooiety (Hon. Sec, D. G. Scurrell, 2 Sussex Avenue, Margate). 1957 Lamorbey and Sidcup Local Historical Society (The Principal, Lamorbey Park Adult Education Centre, Burnt Oak Lane, Sidcup). 1970 Lewisham Local History Sooiety (Treasurer, R. W. Elkin, 33 Courtrai Road, S.E.23). 1971 Lower Medway Archaeological Research Group (Hon. Sec, P. W. Woollett, 25 St. Leonard's Avenue, Chatham). 1970 Maidstone Area Archaeological Group (Hon. Sec, P . E. Oldham, B.A., 15 Hermitage Lane, Barming, Maidstone). XX LIST OF MEMBERS 1946 Orpington Historical Society (Hon. Sec, Mrs. E. D. Hart, 111 Felstead Road, Orpington). 1956 Otford and District Historical Society (Hon. Sec, Mrs. Z. Pateman, 115 Evelyn Road, Otford). 1969 Reculver Excavation Group (242 Langley Way, West Wickham). 1962 Tonbridge Historical Society (Hon. Sec, Mrs. G. Hodge, The Publio Library, Tonbridge). 1969 Wealden Archaeological Research Group (Hon. Sec, A. B. Cardwell, Ruby Cottage, Wilsley Green, Cranbrook). 1969 West Kent Border Archaeological Group (1 Denmark Road, Bromley). 1932 Woolwich and District Antiquarian Society (Hon. Sec, D. E. Wickham, M.A., 116 Parsonage Manorway, Belvedere, Kent). 1948 Wye Historical Society (Hon. Sec, Miss D. D. Pilkington, Blue Shutters, Wye). OTHER SOCIETIES AND INSTITUTIONS. 1971 University of Alberta, The Library, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. 1948 Ashford Grammar School, The Librarian, The Grammar School, Ashford, Kent. 1966 Belfast, Queen's University Library, Belfast 7, N. Ireland. 1955 Benenden School, near Cranbrook. 1950 Bergen University Library, Norway. 1948 Borough of Bexley, The Borough Librarian, Central Administrative Offices, Hall Place, Bourne Road, Bexley (2 Vols.). 1886 Birmingham Public Libraries (The City Librarian), Birmingham 1. 1944 Birmingham University Library (Wilfred Bonser, Librarian), The University, Birmingham 15. 1880 Bodleian Library, The, Oxford. 1957 Borden Grammar School, Sittingbourne. 1886 Boston Public Library, Boston, Massachusetts 02117, U.S.A. (per B. F. Stevens & Brown Ltd., Ardon House, Mill Lane, Godalming, Surrey). 1911 Brenchley Trustees, The Museum, Maidstone. 1900 Brighton Public Library, North Gate House, Church Street, Brighton. 1936 Bristol University Library (W. L. Cooper, M.A., Librarian), The University, Bristol. 1949 British Museum (The Librarian, Department of British and Medieval Antiquities), London, w.c.l. 1964 British Museum (Sub. Dept. of Prehistory and Roman Britain). 1936 Bromley Central Library, Bromley, BRI IEX (3 Vols.). 1941 Brotherton Library (D. Cox, B.A., A.L.A., Librarian), The University, Leeds 2. 1970 California State College at Fullerton, The Library, 800 North State College Block, Fullerton, Calif. 92631, U.S.A. 1930 California University Library, Los Angeles 24, California (per B. F. Stevens & Brown, Ltd., Ardon House, Mill Lane, Godalming, Surrey). 1957 California University Library (Serials Section), Berkeley 4, California (per B. F. Stevens & Brown, Ltd., Ardon House, Mill Lane, Godalming, Surrey. 1968 California University Library, Davis, California 95616, U.S.A. (per B. F. Stevens & Brown Ltd., Ardon House, Mill Lane, Godalming, Surrey). 1925 Cambridge University Library (H. C. Stanford, Secretary), Cambridge. 1883 Canterbury Cathedral, Library of the Dean and Chapter. 1886 Canterbury Municipal Library, The Royal Museum, Canterbury. 1965 The Library, University of Kent at Canterbury, Canterbury. 1964 The Library, University College of S. Wales and Monmouthshire, Cathays Park, Cardiff. 1951 Castle Club, Rochester. xxi KENT ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY 1952 Chatham Borough Council, Public Library, New Road, Chatham. 1971 Chatham House Grammar School, Chatham Street, Ramsgate. 1919 University of Chicago Library, Continuation Record, Harper M21, Chicago 37, Illinois, U.S.A. (per B. F. Stevens & Brown, Ltd., Ardon House, Mill Lane, Godalming, Surrey). 1955 Chislehurst & Sidcup Boys' Grammar School, Hurst Road, Sidcup. 1967 The Librarian, Christ Church, Oxford (per Blaokwell's Ltd., Oxford) (vol. direct). 1971 Order Department, Public Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton County, 8th and Vine Street, Cincinnati, Ohio 45202, U.S.A. 1961 Cinque Ports Confederation, c/o James A. Johnson, New Bridge House, Dover. 1929 Cleveland Public Library, 325 Superior Avenue, N.E. Cleveland, Ohio, U.S.A. (per H. Sotheran, Ltd., 2-5 SackviUe Street, w.l). 1922 College of Arms, Queen Victoria Street, E.C.4. 1962 Coloma College of Education, Wickham Court, West Wickham. 1894 Columbia University Avery Library, New York, U.S.A. (per Stechert Hafner Inc., Claude Gill (Subscriptions) Ltd., Aldermaston Court, Aldermaston, Reading RG7 4PE, Berkshire. 1875 Continuations Unit, Order Division (8105 X), Library of Congress, Washington D.C. 20540, U.S.A. (Edwd. G. Allen & Son, Ltd., 14 Grape Street, Shaftesbury Avenue, w.c.2) (vol. direct). 1926 Copenhagen Royal Library (per Francis Edwards Ltd., 8 3A High Street, Marylebone, w.l). 1920 Central Serial Record Department, Cornell University Library, Ithaca, New York 14850, U.S.A. (Edwd. G. Allen & Son, Ltd., 14 Grape Street, Shaftesbury Avenue, w.c.2) (vol. direct). 1926 Cranbrook Parish Council, Cranbrook (C. F . Turner). 1969 Croydon NaturalHistory and Scientific Society Ltd. (Hon.Gen. Sec.P.W. Sowan, B.Sc, F.R.G.S., F.G.S., 96A Brighton Road, South Croydon, Surrey, CR2 6AD). 1944 Croydon Public Libraries (A. D. Martin, F.L.A., Chief Librarian), Central Library, Katherine Street, Croydon CR9 1ET. 1936 Dartford Public Library and Museum (Stanley Atkin, A.L.A., Librarian), Central Park, Dartford. 1937 Dartmouth College Library, Hanover, New Hampshire 03755, U.S.A., (E. G. Allen & Son, Ltd., 12-14 Grape Street, Shaftesbury Avenue, London, w.c.2) (vol. direct). 1961 Deutsches Archaeologisches Institut, Via Bocca di Leone 78, Rome, Italy. 1935 Dover Public Library, Biggin Street, Dover. 1962 Dulwich College Preparatory School, Courshorn, Cranbrook. 1955 Erith School, Avenue Road, Erith. 1967 The Librarian, University of East Anglia, University Plain, Norwich, NOE 88o (per Blaokwell's Ltd., Oxford) (vol. direct). 1967 Eastern Washington State College (The Library), Cheney, Washington 99004, U.S.A. (per B. F. Stevens and Brown Ltd., Ardon House, Mill Lane, Godalming, Surrey) (vol. direct). 1967 The Librarian, University of Exeter, Exeter (per Blaokwell's Ltd., Oxford) (vol. direct). 1968 University of South Florida Library, Acquisitions Dept., Serials Section, Tampa, Florida 33620, U.S.A. (per Hubert Wilson Ltd., 161 Borough High Street, London, s.E.l). 1956 Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington, D.C, U.S.A. (per George Harding's Bookshop, Ltd., 106 Great Russell Street, London, w.o.l). 1897 Folkestone Public Library and Museum, Folkestone. 1969 University Libraries, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia 30601, U.S.A. (per Blaokwell's, Oxford). 1955 Gillingham Public Library, High Street, Gillingham (N. Tomlinson, F.L.A., Borough Librarian, Central Library, High Street, Gillingham). xxii LIST OF MEMBERS 1907 Glasgow University Library, The Librarian, Periodicals Dept., C/233 Glasgow University Library, Glasgow, "W.2. 1967 The Librarian, Goldsmiths' College, New Cross, S.E.14 (per Blaokwell's Ltd., Oxford) (vol. direct). 1953 Goteborg City and University Library, P.O. Box 5096, S402-22, Goteborg 5, Sweden (Messrs. Edw. G. Allen & Sons, Ltd., 14 Grape Street, Shaftesbury Avenue, London, w.c.2) (vol. direct). 1968 The Borough Librarian, Central Library, Windmill Street, Gravesend. 1906 Greenwich Library (The Borough Librarian, Woolwich Road, Greenwich, s.E.10). 1968 Niedersachische Staats und Universitatbibliotheks, Prinzenstrasse, Gottingen, Germany (per Blaokwell's Ltd., Oxford). 1956 Biologisch-Archaeologisch Institut, Rijksuniversiteit, Zwanestraat 33, Groningen, Netherlands. 1955 Harvey Grammar School, Folkestone. 1952 Hastings Publio Library, The Brassey Institute, Hastings. 1930 Haverford College Library, c/o George Harding's Bookshop Ltd., 106 Great Russell Street, London, w.c.l. 1960 Hellenic and Roman Societies Joint Library, 31-34 Gordon Square, London, w.c.l. 1964 The Library, University of Hull, Hull, Yorks. 1937 The Henry E. Huntington Library and Art Gallery, San Marino, California, U.S.A. (per B. F. Stevens & Brown, Ltd., Ardon House, Mill Lane, Godalming, Surrey). 1963 Institute of Heraldic and Genealogical Studies, Northgate, Canterbury. 1961 Hurstmere County Secondary Boys' School, Hurst Road, Sidcup. 1949 Hythe Public Library (The Town Clerk, Council Offices, Oaklands, Hythe). 1968 University of Illinois Library, Serials Dept., Urbana, Illinois, U.S.A. (per Blaokwell's Ltd., Oxford). 1968 Iowa, University Library, Serials Acquisitions Dept., Iowa City, Iowa 53340, U.S.A. (per B. H. Blackwell Ltd., Broad Street, Oxford). 1968 Iowa State University Library, Ames, Iowa 50010, U.S.A. (per Blaokwell's Ltd., Oxford). 1965 University of Kansas Libraries, Laurence, Kansas 66044, U.S.A. (per B. F . Stevens & Brown Ltd., Ardon House, Mill Lane, Godalming, Surrey). 1963 Kent Archives Office, K.C.C, County Hall, Maidstone. 1922 Kent Education Committee, Springfield, Maidstone (16 copies of vol.). 1932 Kent and Kentish Men, Association of Men of, Cornwallis House, Pudding Lane, Maidstone. 1927 King's School, Library of, Rochester. 1956 Kingsgate College, Broadstairs. 1969 Kraus Periodicals (R. A. Cudek), 9491 Nendeln, Liechtenstein. 1953 Lambeth Palace Library, London, s.E.l. 1952 Leicester University, The University Library, Leicester. 1960 Lewisham Publio Library, Lewisham High Street, London, S.E.13. (Volume to Local History Dept., Old Road, s.E.13). 1944 Liverpool Public Libraries (The Chief Librarian, Publio Libraries William Brown Street, Liverpool). 1955 Liverpool University Library, The University, Liverpool, 3. 1863 London, The Corporation of the City of, The Library, Guildhall, E.C.2. 1868 London Library, The, 14 St. James's Square, s.w.l. 1963 London Museum, Kensington Palace, w.8. 1934 London, University of, The Library, Bloomsbury, w.o.l. 1937 London, University of, Institute of Historical Research, Senate House, w.o.l. 1955 Bibliotheque Centrale de I'Universite Catholique de Louvain-la-Neuve, Mgr. Ladenzepleir, Br 3000 Louvain, Belgium. 1936 Lund University Library (The Librarian), Lund, Sweden. xxiii KENT ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY 1968 Borough Librarian, Maidstone Publio Libraries, Central Library, St. Faith's Street, Maidstone. 1966 Maidstone Technical High School for Girls, Huntsman Lane, Maidstone. 1964 Margate Public Libraries, Central Library, Victoria Road, Margate. 1968 University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Massachusetts, U.S.A. (per Blaokwell's Ltd., Oxford). 1930 Michigan, University of, General Library, Ann Arbor, Michigan, U.S.A. (per Henry Sotheran, Ltd., 2-5 Saokville Street, w.l.) 1929 Minnesota, The Library, University of Minneapolis, Minn. 55455, U.S.A. (per Stechert-Hafner Inc., Claude Gill (Subscriptions) Ltd., Aldermaston, Reading RG7 4PF, Berkshire). 1961 Missouri, University of, Serials Department of the library, Columbia, Missouri, U.S.A. (per B. H. Blackwell Ltd., Broad Street, Oxford). 1967 National Central Library, Store Street, London, wels 7DG. 1969 National Library of Australia, Office of the High Commissioner for Australia, Australia House, Strand, London, w.o.2. 1961 National Trust, S.E. Area Office, Polesden Lacey, near Dorking. 1902 Newberry Library, Chicago, 111., U.S.A. (per B. F. Stevens & Brown, Ltd., Ardon House, Mill Lane, Godalming, Surrey). 1916 New England Historio Genealogical Society, 101 Newbury Street, Boston, Mass., U.S.A. (per B. F. Stevens & Brown, Ltd., Ardon House, Mill Lane, Godalming, Surrey). 1971 Memorial University of Newfoundland, The University Library, St. Johns, Newfoundland, Canada. 1898 New York Publio Library, Fifth Avenue and 42nd Street, New York City, U.S.A. (per B. F. Stevens & Brown, Ltd., Ardon House, Mill Lane, Godalming, Surrey). 1968 New York University, General Library, Washington Square, New York 10003, U.S.A. (per B. F. Stevens & Brown Ltd., Ardon House, Mill Lane, Godalming, Surrey). 1968 State University of New York Library, Binghamton, New York 13901, U.S.A. (per B. F. Stevens & Brown Ltd., Ardon House, Mill Lane, Godalming, Surrey). 1965 University College of N. Wales, Bangor, Caernarvonshire. 1963 Nottingham University Library, University Park, Nottingham. 1958 Serials Division, Ohio State University Libraries, 1858 Neil Avenue, Columbus, Ohio 43210, U.S.A. (per Stechert-Hafner Inc., Claude Gill (Subscriptions) Ltd., Aldermaston Court, Aldermaston, Reading EG7 4PF, Berkshire). 1947 Archaeology Division Library, Ordnance Survey, Romsey Road, Maybush, Southampton. 1964 Tidsskriftsentvalen, Tanum-Cammermeyer, Karl Johans Gate, 43, Oslo, Norway. 1907 The Library, Peabody Institute of Baltimore, Baltimore, Maryland 21202, U.S.A. (Edwd. G. Allen & Son, Ltd., 14 Grape Street, Shaftesbury Avenue, w.o.2) (vol. direct). 1968 Serials Records, 211 Pattee Library, Pennsylvania State Library, University Park, Pennsylvania 16802, U.S.A. (per B. F. Stevens & Brown Ltd., Ardon House, Mill Lane, Godalming, Surrey). 1959 Pennsylvania University Library, Philadelphia, Pa., U.S.A. (per George Hardings Bookshop Ltd., 106 Russell Street, London, w.o.l). 1923 Serials Division, Princeton University Library, Princeton, New Jersey 08540, U.S.A. (Edwd. G. Allen & Son, Ltd., 14 Grape Street, Shaftesbury Avenue, w.o.2) (vol. direct). 1896 Public Record Office (The Librarian), Chancery Lane, w.o.2. 1967 Biblioteca Sescuela Arquiteotura Universidad de P.R., Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico 00931, U.S.A. (per Stechert-Hafner, Inc., Claude GiU (Subscriptions) Ltd., Aldermaston Court, Aldermaston, Reading RG7 4PF, Berkshire) (vol. direct.). xxiv LIST OF MEMBERS 1961 Ramsgate Borough Library (B. C Darbey, A.L.A., Librarian), Guildford Lawn, Ramsgate. 1949 Reading University Library, by The Librarian, Reading. 1896 Rochester Publio Library, Rochester (2 volumes). 1969 The Librarian, Cathedral Library, Roohester (The Warden, Rev. Canon S. L. S. Allen). 1969 University of Rochester Library, River Campus Station, Rochester, New York, U.S.A. (per B. F. Stevens and Brown Ltd.). 1924 Rochester Museum, Roohester. 1958 Romisoh-Germanische Kommission des Deutschen Arohaologisohen Instituts, Palmengartenstrasse 10/12, Frankfurt-am-Main, Germany. 1960 Rutgers University Library (Periodical Dept.), New Brunswick, New Jersey, U.S.A. 1911 Ryland's Library, The John (W. Robinson, Treasurer), Deansgate, Manchester. 1925 St. Augustine's Abbey, The Librarian of, Ramsgate. 1914 St. Augustine's College, The Treasurer, Office of the Corporate Body, 2 Monastery Street, Canterbury. 1966 Seabury-Western Theological Seminary Library, 2122 Sheridan Road, Evanston, Illinois, U.S.A. 1969 Sevenoaks Public Library, The Drive, Sevenoaks. 1926 Sevenoaks School (Library), by the Bursar, Sevenoaks School, Sevenoaks. 1967 The Library, The University, Sheffield 10. 1969 The Principal, Sittingbourne College of Education, College Road, Sittingbourne. 1961 Sittingbourne Public Library, Central Avenue, Sittingbourne. 1968 Le Bibliothecaire en Chef, Bibliotheque de I'Universite de Paris a la Sorbonne, 47 Rue des Ecoles, Paris (Ve), France (per Blackwell's Ltd., Oxford). 1969 University of South Carolina, McKissick Memorial Library, Columbia, S.C 29208, U.S.A. 1936 Southend-on-Sea Public Libraries, The Librarian, Central Library, Victoria Avenue, Southend, Essex. 1970 Southlands Secondary School, New Romney. 1960 London Borough of Southwark Principal Reference Librarian, Newington District Library, 155 Walworth Road, SE17 IRS. 1967 Springhead School, Colyer Road, Northfleet. 1968 Stanford University Libraries, Serials Dept., Stanford, California 94305, U.S.A. (per B. F. Stevens & Brown Ltd., Ardon House, Mill Lane, Godalming, Surrey). 1947 Stockwell College, Tutor Librarian, The Old Palace, Bromley (per Bailey & Swinfen Ltd., Warner House, Folkestone). 1965 University of Sussex (The Librarian), Falmer, Brighton, Sussex. 1932 Sutton Valence School (The Headmaster), Sutton Valence, Maidstone. 1968 Swadelands Secondary School, Lenham, Maidstone. 1880 Library of New South Wales, Macquarie Street, Sydney, N.S.W. 1944 Tonbridge School, by the Librarian, The School House, Tonbridge. 1967 University of Toronto Library, Toronto 5, Ontario, Canada (per Edw. G. Allen & Son Ltd., 10-14 Grape Street, Shaftesbury Avenue, w.c.2) (vol. direct). 1936 Tunbridge Wells, Borough of Royal, Public Library and Museum, Mount Pleasant, Tunbridge Wells. 1957 University College Library, Gower Street, London, w.o.l. 1945 Utah, The Genealogical Sooiety of, 107 South Main Street, Salt Lake City, Utah, U.S.A. 1968 Periodicals Division, University of Utah Library, Salt Lake City 12, Utah, U.S.A. (per Blackwell's Ltd., Oxford). 1968 The Director, Archaeologisch Institut der Rijks—Universiteit, Domplein 24, Utrecht, Holland (per Blackwell's Ltd., Oxford). XXV KENT ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY 1894 Victoria and Albert Museum, Library of the, South Kensington, s.w.7. 1907 Victoria, The State Library of, The Librarian, 304-308 Swanston Street, Melbourne, Australia (W. H. Smith & Son, Ltd. (News Purchases Section), Strand House, w.c.2). 1961 Vinters Boys' School, Huntsman Lane, Maidstone. 1957 Virginia Historical Society, Curator of Printed Books, P.O. Box 7311, Richmond, Virginia 23221, U.S.A. (per Blackwell's Ltd., Oxford). 1961 Virginia State Library (Serials Section), Richmond 19, Virginia, U.S.A. (per B. H . Blackwell Ltd., Broad Street, Oxford). 1925 Wales, National Library of, Aberystwyth. 1964 Librarian, University College of Wales, Aberystwyth, Cardiganshire. 1968 Washington University Libraries, Serials Division, Skinker & Lindell Buildings, St. Louis 30, Missouri, U.S.A. (per Blackwell's Ltd., Oxford). 1969 Wayne State University, General Library, Serials Acqusition Dept., Detroit, Michigan 48202, U.S.A. (per Blackwell's Ltd., Oxford). 1968 University of Western Australia Library, Nedlands, Western Australia (per Blackwell's Ltd., Oxford). 1948 City of Westminster Public Libraries (K. C. Harrison, M.B.E., F.L.A., Public Library, Marylebone Road, London Nwl 5PS). 1908 University of Wisconsin General Library, 816 State Street, Madison, Wis., U.S.A. (per Henry Sotheran. Ltd., 2-5 SackviUe Street, w . l ). 1948 Wye College (Library Account), near Ashford. 1968 University of Wyoming Library, Laramie, Wyoming 82071, U.S.A. (per Blackwell's Ltd., Oxford). 1914 Yale University Library, Acquisitions Department, New Haven, Connecticut 06520, U.S.A. (B. F . Stevens & Brown Ltd., Ardon House, Mill Lane, Godalming, Surrey). 1963 York, University of, Heslington, York YOI 5DD. 1962 Abbott, Major P. E., R.A.(Retd.), F.R.S.A., F.S.A.SCOT., 29 Woodfields, Chipstead, Sevenoaks. 1970 Abrehart, F . T., 16 Beverley Close, Rainham. 1933 Aisher, O. A., Faygate, South Godstone, Surrey. 1967 Akam, M. E., 127 Bexley Lane, Sidoup. 1959 Allan, J . M., 16 Pollyhaugh, Eynsford. 1970 Allcorn, Miss A., 22 Salisbury Road, Bexley. 1962 Allday, Mrs. B. K., 41 Heath Way, Shirley, Croydon, Surrey. 1948 *AUen, A. F . , Three Elms, Woodlands Road, Shorne, Gravesend. 1970 Allen, Miss D., 1 Chequers Park, Wye, Ashford, Kent. 1966 AUen, W. T., 26 Castle Avenue, Dover. 1953 Allibone, Mrs. J . S., o/o Messrs. A. W. Coleman and Allibone, 20 Kingsway, London, w.c.2. 1964 *AUnutt, A. J., M.SC, PH.D., A.INST.P., A.F.I.M.A., "Woodside", Old Perry Street, Chislehurst. 1961 Alpin, Miss Hilary M., 26 Orchard Street, Canterbury. 1972 Amies, R. F . , 343 London Road, Maidstone. 1959 Amulree, Rt. Hon. Lord, 18 Egerton Terrace, London, s.w.3. 1944 Anderson, Harold, F.S.A., F.E.I.B.A., 30 Rough Common Road, Canterbury. 1959 Anthony, B. J . , 72 Bradboume Road, Sevenoaks. 1962 Antonovics, A. V., Department of History, Wills Memorial BuUding, Queens Road, Bristol BS8 I R J. 1964 Appleby, A., "Thalassa", WeUington Parade, Kingsdown, Deal. 1967 Ashdown, C. J . , Red Roof, 18 Albion Place, Maidstone. 1967 Ashdown, J . H., 14 Princes Street, Tunbridge Wells. 1957 Askew, G. P.,,, School of Agriculture, King's College, Newcastle-upon-Tyne 1. 1961 Attenborough, Lt.-Col. S., Thruxted Cottage, Shalmsford Street, Chartham, Canterbury. xxvi LIST OF MEMBERS 1970 Attlee, D. C , Greenhill Farm, Egerton, Ashford, Kent. 1955 Aylesford, the Very Rev. the Prior of, The Friars, Aylesford, Maidstone. 1970 Bacon, N. J . , 7 Suffolk Gardens, Dover. 1963 Bailey, C W., 'Dawson', 59 College Road, Hextable, Kent. 1959 Baker, Alfred, Cobhambury House, Cobham, Gravesend. 1929 Baker, Col. Edward T. L., O.B.E., T.D., M.A., c/o Messrs. Baker & Baker, 18 Star HUl, Rochester. 1945 Baker, L. F., Woodlands, Cannock House School, Chelsfield, Orpington. 1972 Baker-Read, Mrs. M., 170 Hopgarden Road, Tonbridge. 1957 Baldock, David, Sycamore Cottage, Ightham, Sevenoaks. 1969 Baldwin, C W., 29 Lewis Avenue, Gillingham. 1947 Baldwin, R. A., 36 Stuart Road, Gillingham. 1969 Ball, R. Y., Peckwater House, Charing, Ashford. 1948 *Balls, H. J., Highlands Hill, Swanley Village. 1959 Bamborough, A. R., c/o 7 Fartherwell Avenue, West Mailing, Kent. 1969 Banks, Mrs. B., 18 East Woodside, Bexley DA5 3PG. 1970 Banks, K. C , Willow Grove, Yalding, Maidstone. 1970 Banks, R. J., Willow Grove, Yalding, Maidstone. 1965 Barham, S. P., Angley Bungalow, New Road, Cranbrook. 1968 Barley, Miss J . F., 8 Acacia Grove, West Dulwich, London, S.E.21. 1949 Barnes, Miss Gwendoline, 69 Holland Close, Hayes, Kent. 1963 Barry, Terence B., B.A., M.A., 181 Ufton Lane, Sittingbourne. 1946 Basden, Mrs. J . F., 7 Leyden Park, Bonnyrigg, Midlothian. 1957 *Bateman, Miss Elizabeth, Flat 2, Cambridge House, Cambridge Gardens, Tunbridge Wells. 1946 Bateman, Mrs. E. E., Radwell Mount, Ightham, Sevenoaks. 1958 Batley, Peter, 18HeamdeanHill, Caversham, Reading. 1958 Baxter, His Honour Judge H. J., O.B.E., Many Trees, Paokhorse Road, Bessels Green, Sevenoaks. 1951 Bayly, E. H., M.A., St. Martin's House, Dover College, Dover. 1964 Beach, K. A., 2 Vauxhall Gardens, Tonbridge. 1970 Beaumont, Rev. G. R. W., M.A., F.S.G., H . C F . , Little Devenden, Rolvenden, Cranbrook. 1928 Beazley, A. Stuart, TraveUers Club, Pall Mall, London s.w.l. 1965 Beazley, J . P., Greenacre, Wrotham. 1956 *Beck, R. Theodore, F.S.A., F.R.I.B.A., Great House, Hambledon, Godalming, Surrey. 1956 Bell, Rev. Edwin L. W., M.A., HON. C F . , St. Paul's Vicarage, 130 Boxley Road, Maidstone. 1970 Bell, Miss M. H., 200 Grangehill Road, Eltham, S.E.9. 1972 Belsey, Miss M., Stonor, Maidstone Road, Sutton Valence, Maidstone. 1948 Belton, L. W., 189 Borden Lane, Sittingbourne. 1947 Bennett, D. E., Bute Lodge, Parkland Close, Sevenoaks. 1969 Bennett, D. H., 28 Vale Road, Southborough, Tunbridge Wells. 1959 Bennett, Miss M., Rendlesham, Chatham Road, Sandling, Maidstone. 1963 Benskin, D. F . , 11 Byron House, Chapel Close, Chapel Hill, Crayford. 1944 Bernhardt, Dr. R. A. D. J., Sholden HaU, Deal. 1954 Best-Shaw, Commander Sir John, Bart., Boxley Abbey, Maidstone. 1961 Bethell, P. S., "La Gorguette", Pescot Avenue, New Barn, Longfield, Dartford. 1971 Bethune, I., 3 Forge Road, Milton Regis, Sittingbourne. 1949 Bettison, Mrs. D. H „ Pound Cottage, Pembury, Tunbridge Wells. 1958 Betts, Miss EUzabeth, B.A., 126 Grove Park, Denmark HiU, S.E.5. 1969 Bezant, Miss F . M„ 3 Higham Lane, Tonbridge. 1937 Bickersteth, J . Burgon, M.C, F.S.A., 11A The Precincts, Canterbury. 1955 Biggs, Howard, St. Gabriel's, 21 Stone Road, Broadstairs. 1963 Biggs, Lewis, Le Chalet, Longy, Alderney, Channel Islands. xxvii KENT ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY 1947 *Bing, H. F., M.A.. F.R.HIST.S., TWO Chimneys, Rempstone Road, East Leake, Loughborough, Leicestershire. 1947 *Birch, Dr. R. G., The Chestnuts, 70 East Street, Sittingbourne. 1958 Bird, J., M.A., F.L.A., 88 Furthergreen Road, Catford, London s.E.6. 1966 Bissett, I. J., 95B, Horton Road, Datchet, Bucks. 1961 Black, Lieut.-Col. R. E., D.s.o.,Milstead Cottage, MUstead, Sittingbourne. 1969 Blackett, Miss M. C, 16 Mickleburgh Avenue, Heme Bay. 1947 Blake, P. H., Barham Court, Canterbury. 1967 Blaker, Mrs. H., Henden Hall, Biddenden. 1968 Blanch, G. A., "Maryville", Chuston Road, Cranbrook. 1972 Bolton, P. B., 15 South Road, Faversham. 1964 Bond, L. J., 90 North Cray Road, Bexley. 1966 Bond, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. L., "Wensheda", Clapper Green, Hunton, Maidstone. 1954 Bones, J., Wells Farm, Eastry, Sandwich. 1932 *Boorman, Major H. R. P., C.B.E., M.A., D.L., F.J.I., and Mrs., StAugustine's Priory, Bilsington, Ashford, Kent. 1972 Booth, J., 3 Fassett Road, Kingston-upon-Thames, Surrey. 1964 Bostook, Mr. and Mrs. J. F., 44 St. Philip's Avenue, Maidstone. 1971 Boughton, D. M., Prince of Wales, Rhodes Minnis, Canterbury. 1947 Boulden, Eyton M., Pinn Farm, Bonnington, Ashford, Kent. 1954 Bowen, Rev. Canon H. Duncan S., 27 Brockenden Gardens, Upminster. 1965 Bowen, Mrs. M., B.A., 223 Tubbenden Lane, Orpington. 1964 *Bower, D. E., Chiddingstone Castle, Edenbridge. 1945 Bowra, Brigadier E. V., O.B.E., and Mrs., Bewley House, Ightham, Sevenoaks. 1963 Bowring, T. A., M.C, M.A., and Mrs., Bow Hill House, Yalding, Maidstone. 1963 Bowring, W. S. B., Bow HiU House, Yalding, Maidstone. 1949 Boyle, John, F.S.A., Town Clerk's Office, Canterbury. 1948 Brabourne, The Right Hon. Lord and Lady, New House, Mersham, Ashford, Kent. 1953 Brade-Birks, The Rev. Dr. S. G.,,, F.S.A., Godmersham Vicarage, Canterbury. 1971 Bradley, P., 46 Beulah Road, Tunbridge Wells. 1946 Bradshaw, C F., 43 Broad Street, Canterbury. 1962 Bradshaw, J., 8 Forest House, ChaUock, Ashford. 1966 Brand, J . D., F.O.A., 5 Ridley Road, Rochester. 1960 Brandham, B., F.R.S.A., 44 Veda Road, Ladywell, London, S.E.13. 1965 Breen, Miss M. M., 10 Westwell Court, Tenterden. 1970 Bridge, M. R., Oxford School, Munster, B.F.P.0.17. 1950 Bridgewater, Miss C K., Frog's Hall, New Romney. 1972 Brinded, S., 12 Fairway Avenue, FoUiestone. 1963 Broadfoot, D. N., and Mrs., 4 Otford Close, Barfield Road, Bickley, Bromley, BRl 2JQ. 1958 Brocklebank, Mrs. Diana, 29 Campden HUl Square, London, w.8. 1967 Brodribb, G., M.A., F.S.A., Hydneye House, The Ridge, St. Leonardson- Sea, Sussex. 1951 Brodrick, Mrs. William, The Mount, Playden, Rye, Sussex. 1969 Broomfield, Mr. and Mrs. C. F., 3 Newlyn Drive, Staplehurst, Tonbridge. 1971 Brown, Miss A. F., 54 FountainhaU Road, Edinburgh EH9 2LP. 1961 Brown, Derek G., 19 Darent Mead, Sutton-at-Hone, Dartford. 1968 Brown, G. A., 22 Heathfield Close, Penenden Heath, Maidstone. 1946 Brown, Mrs. J. Forster, Brewers Wood House, Cranbrook. 1960 Browning, B. G., 14 Highfield Avenue, WaterlooviUe, Portsmouth, Hants. 1970 Browning, Miss W. P., Bredinghurst School, Stuart Road, S.E.16. 1967 Bruce, A. J . C, "Otterpley", Challock Lees, Ashford, Kent. 1961 Bryan, A. J., Fig Tree House, 19 Northdown Avenue, Cliftonville, Margate. 1968 Bryant, E. L., "Longbeech", Canterbury Road, Charing. 1960 Bryant, Mrs. Phyllis, Ashdown Cottage, SeUindge, Ashford, Kent. xxviii LIST OF MEMBERS 1965 Buckingham, Christopher, Heronwater, Dolwin, Abergele, Denbighshire. 1971 Buckle, J. T., 47 Christchurch Road, Sidcup. 1966 Bull, R. H., 24 Hill Crescent, Aylesham, Canterbury. 1960 Burch, Brian, M.A., A.L.A., 4 Kingsmead Road, Leicester LE2 3YB. 1967 Burch, C F., Downs Court Farm, Sandown Road, Sandwich. 1958 Burgess, A. J . , M.A., 3 St. Clare Road, Colchester, Essex. 1971 Burgess, R. C , 12 Chenies Close, Tunbridge WeUs. 1950 Burton, W. G., M.A., D.SC, F.L.S., Paris House, East Mailing, Maidstone. 1925 Bushell, T. A., Poynings, 48 Green Way, Chislehurst. 1970 Butcher, J. H., "Greensand", Heath Road, Boughton Monohelsea, Maidstone. 1971 Butler, Miss Elizabeth, 2 Captain's Close, Sutton Valence, Maidstone. 1953 Butler, John, Pear Tree House, Brookland, Romney Marsh. 1970 Button, Miss A. E., 47 Mornington Avenue, Bromley. 1959 Byde, J . R. E., 6 Ross Close, Coventry cv5 7NF. 1968 Bynoe, J., 5 Shirley Way, Bearsted, Maidstone. 1953 Caiger, J. E. L., and Mrs., "Three Ways", 4 3A Barnehurst Avenue, Barnehurst. 1968 Caley, C. D., 11 Bramerton Road, Beckenham. BR3 3NZ. 1957 *Campbell, Miss Eila M. J., M.A., F.S.A., 61 Belsize Park Gardens, N.W.3. 1949 Campbell, James, L.D.S., R . C S . , 4 Clanricarde Gardens, Tunbridge Wells. 1963 Canterbury, His Grace The Lord Archbishop of, P . C , D.D., The Old Palace, Canterbury. 1949 Carr, R. L., 4 Queen Victoria Street, London, E.O.4. 1967 Carter, D. L., 2 Whimbrel Green, Larkfield, Maidstone. 1946 *Cartwright, Geoffrey, One Vine Avenue, Sevenoaks. 1969 Casement, A. J. S.,, "Egremont", 7 Rough Common Road Canterbury. 1969 Casement, R. A. E., 'Egremont', 7 Rough Common Road, Canterbury. 1971 Cawley, D. L., A . K . C , F.S.A.SCOT., Tor Bay, HUlview Road, Whitstable. 1943 Cawston, Mrs. R., The Rectory, Bridge Road, Lower Hardres, Canterbury. 1956 Chalkin, C. W., 15 Clandon Road, Guildford, Surrey. 1968 Chamberlin, R., The Warren, Warren Street, Lenham, Maidstone. 1960 Chaplin, R. E.,, F.Z.S., M.I.BIOL., Anatomy School, University of Cambridge, Downing Street, Cambridge, OB2 3DY. 1966 Chapman, A. K., 14 Saxons Drive, Maidstone. 1967 Chapman, H. C , 58 Pitfold Road, Lee, S.E.12. 1968 Chase, D. E., 18 New Road, Cliffe, Rochester. 1963 Chillingworth, W. R. B„ F.B.G.S., The Annexe, The MUl House, Four Elms, Edenbridge. 1956 Chilston, Rt. Hon. Viscount, Chilston Park, Sandway, Maidstone. 1969 Chowns, L. M., Moreton House, Shadoxhurst, Ashford, Kent. 1949 Churoh, Riohard, The Priest's House, Sissinghurst Castle, Cranbrook. 1954 *Church, Dr. W. E., Mannering House, Bethersden, Ashford. 1970 Churcher, T. C , and Mrs., 69 Shirley Avenue, Sutton, Surrey. 1966 Clamp, F . E., 62 Sydney Road, Bexleyheath. 1955 Lord Clark of Saltwood, K . C B . , Saltwood Castle, Hythe. 1967 Clark, K. M., B.A., 201 Wickham Chase, West Wickham BR4 OBH. 1948 Clarke, Mrs. G. C. W., The Abbey, Cranbrook. 1970 Clarke, Miss J . D., 2 Dawbourne House, St. Michael's, Tenterden. 1945 *Clarke, Lieut.-Colonel John E., M.B.E., The Tanyard, Frittenden. 1958 Clarke, Capt. J . M. and Mrs., The Manor, Newington, Sittingbourne. 1958 Clarke, Mrs. K. H., 8 Amesbury Road, Moseley, Birmingham 13. 1952 Clarke, R. D., M.A., 9 Tudor Drive, Otford, Sevenoaks. 1969 Cleere, H. F., B.A., F.S.A., Little Bardown, Stonegate, Wadhurst, Sussex. 1970 Cleggett, D. A. H., 641 Tonbridge Road, Barming, Maidstone. 1964 Clinch, M. L. M., 2 Parkhurst Road, Bexley. xxix KENT ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY 1969 Cloake, Mr. N. H. and Mrs., 146 St. John's Road, Tunbridge Wells. 1970 Coales, J., The Elms, 90 High Street, Newport Pagnell, Bucks. 1956 CoUins, A. J., 3 Timber Close, Chislehurst. 1949 Comonte, Mrs. D. C. W., Stonepitts, Seal Chart, Sevenoaks. 1937 Congreve, Anthony L., M.A., F.S.A., F.R.HIST.S., Orchard Cottage, Cranbrook. 1969 Connell, E. P., 43 Pontefract Road, Bromley. 1964 Connolly, P . A., 47 Norfolk Road, Gravesend. 1949 Constant, Miss Joan, Austens, High Street, Sevenoaks. 1971 Conway, J. E., 145 Wren Road, Sidcup. 1967 Cook, A., 16 Cobthom Way, Congresbury, Bristol, BS19 5BJ. 1938 Cook, Arthur R., Roydon Hall, East Peckham, Tonbridge. 1959 Cook, Miss Jean M., B.A., B.SC, F.S.A., The Open University, Cherwell House, London Place, St. Clement's, Oxford. 1963 Cooke, Mrs. G. E., Updown Cottage, Elham, Canterbury. 1970 Cooker, B., 55 King Edward Road, Maidstone. 1958 Cooker, Thos., 27 Sunningdale Road, Cheam, Surrey. 1972 Cookson, Mrs R. W., Berwick Manor, Lympne, Hythe. 1957 Cooper, Charles F., 18 Holtye Crescent, Maidstone. 1928 Coote, Mrs. Deborah M., Redbrooks Wood, Hythe. 1948 Corben, J. C , The White House, Wheelers Lane, Linton, Maidstone. 1971 Corber, Miss J . F., 42 Valley Drive, Loose, Maidstone. 1969 Corby, Mrs. L. M., 10 The Close, Montreal Park, Sevenoaks. 1945 Cornwallis, The Rt. Hon. Lord, K.C.V.O., K.B.E., M.C, Ashurst Park, Fordcombe, Tunbridge Wells. 1963 Couchman, M., The Old Rectory, Halstead, Sevenoaks. 1970 Couldrey, P . , 28 Pondfield Road, Hayes, Bromley, BR2 7HS. 1972 Coulson, Mrs. R., 146 Haig Avenue, Rochester. 1929 Councer, C. R., F.S.A., and Mrs., The Small House, Chapman's Lane, St. Paul's Cray. 1937 Courthope, Miss E. J., Sprivers, Horsmonden. 1960 Cousins, D. S., 1 Whitehall Gardens, Canterbury. 1969 Cowles, F . B., Thome Farm, Pluckley, Ashford, Kent. 1966 Cox, Miss J . , The Old Forge, Marlpit Corner, Penshurst. 1964 Cramp, G. A., 2 The Pantiles, Nightingale Lane, Goathurst Common, Ide HUl, Sevenoaks. 1959 Crane, M. A., Woodlands Farm Cottages, Adisham, Canterbury. 1960 Crawshaw, Mr. and Mrs. J . D., 96 Maidstone Road, Chatham. 1970 Crellin, T. D., Laureston House, Laureston Place, Dover. 1968 Crocker, Miss R., 82 Deakin Leas, Tonbridge. 1946 Crofton-Taylor, Miss L., Longfield, Sandyhurst Lane, Ashford, Kent. 1968 *Cronk, A., Churoh Farm House, Horsmonden, Tonbridge. 1955 Cross, E., 2B Broadview Avenue, GiUingham. 1949 Cubitt, Miss E. M. 24A Sundridge Avenue, Bromley. 1972 Curtis, D. M. and Mrs., 1 Belvedere Close, Gravesend. 1958 Dale, L. C. and Mrs., 16 Baldwyns Park, Bexley. 1964 Dalton, B. L. P., M.B., B.S., and Mrs., 31 Clarence Place, Gravesend. 1965 Daniel, M. O., Sholden Paddock, Sholden, Deal. 1968 Dann, J . R., 455 Maidstone Road, Bridgewood, Rochester. 1936 Darwall, Miss Evelyn, Earlsmead, St. Clare Road, Walmer. 1946 Davey, G. J . , Skipreed, Chiddingstone Hoath, Edenbridge. 1971 Davidson, Mrs. P . V., 2 Tawsden Manor, Brenohley. 1966 Davies, Miss F . G., 3 Hamilton House, Amherst Road, Tunbridge Wells. 1943 Davies, Miss F. R. E., 5 Hookers Close, Detling, Maidstone. 1969 Davies, H. J., 1 Landford Close, Rickmansworth, Herts. 1966 Davies, Mrs. M. E., B.A., 14 Victoria Road, Southborough Common, Tunbridge Wells. 1968 Davies, Dr. N. Naunton, "Pike Hill", East Malling, Maidstone. xxx LIST OF MEMBERS 1970 Davis, A. C. R., The Herring Hang, Kingsdown, Deal. 1964 Davis, Dr. G. A. N., Glendaruel, Holt Wood, Aylesford, Maidstone. 1953 Day, Alan, Great Tong, Headcorn, Ashford, Kent. 1959 Day, G. M., LL.B., 43 Earl Street, Maidstone. 1966 Day, Mrs. P . P . , Thornhill, 54 Goddington Road, Strood, Rochester. 1931 *Deare, D. H., 43 Essex Road, Gravesend. 1958 de Caux, H., 6 Conifer Avenue, Collier Row, Romford, Essex. 1946 De L'Isle and Dudley, Rt. Hon. Viscount, v . c , E.G., Penshurst Place, Tonbridge. 1968 Dennis-Purves, J . M., 45 Churchfields Road, Beckenham. 1946 de Paris, Philip M., 10 Crescent Road, Beckenham. 1968 de Revel, Miss M., Furnace Farm, Bedgebury, Goudhurst, Cranbrook. 1962 Detsicas, A. P., M.A., F.S.A., F.S.A.SCOT., Honorary Editor, and Mrs., 28 Pembury Road, Tonbridge. 1921 Dickinson, P. G. Murgatroyd, F.S.A., The Willows, Wyton, Huntingdon. 1945 *Dixon, R. R., Teynham Court, Teynham, Sittingbourne. 1957 Dockrell, G., 1 Bunny HiU, Tanyard Hill, Shorne, Gravesend. 1971 Dockrill, S. J., 442 Loose Road, Loose, Maidstone. 1968 Dodge, J . D. 25 Chapel Street, East Malling, Maidstone. 1969 Dormer, Mrs. B . , 11 Brockenhurst Avenue, Maidstone. 1927 *Doubleday, Sir Leslie, Hempsted House, Tonge, Sittingbourne. 1970 Dove, Miss R., 23 Stanbourne Way, West Wickham, BR4 9NE. 1959 Downes, D. G., M.A., Cape House, Ash-next-Sandwich. 1956 Downing, B. F . A., 76 HUlcrest Road, Orpington. 1961 Downie, S. C , Two Stacks, 25 Glentrammon Road, Green Street Green, Orpington, BR6 6DE. 1965 Drake, B., 12 Elmhurst Close, Haverhill, Suffolk. 1969 Drake, F., 41 Harland Avenue, Sidcup. 1966 Drake, M.,, Burnt Ash, Gorsewood Road, Hartley, Dartford. 1964 Drake-Brockman, Lt.-Col. R. F. H., Woodpeckers, Saltwood, Hythe. 1964 Draper, P. H. G., B.SC, PH.D., 71 Brent Lane, Dartford, DAI IQT. 1972 Draper, R. R., Locknut House, Culverstone Green, Gravesend, DA 13 ORF. 1949 Du Boulay, F. R. H., M.A., Broadmead, Riverhead, Sevenoaks. 1956 *Dulley, A. J . F . , 37 Wychurst Gardens, Bexhill-on-Sea, Sussex. 1960 Dunlop, Sir John, K.B.E., O.M.G., M.c, T.D..Garden House, Solefields Road, Sevenoaks. 1970 Durant, Miss G. M., Flat 2, 30 Kingsnorth Gardens, Folkestone. 1958 Durling, W. H. H., and Mrs., Whyboumes, Ightham, Sevenoaks. 1959 Durtnell, Lt.-Col. C. S., O.B.E., Home Wood, Spyways Green, Hartfield, Sussex. 1969 Dutton, Mrs. T., 5 Dawell Drive, Biggin HiU, Westerham. 1970 Earl, R. A. W., 19 North Street, Barming, Maidstone. 1969 Early, Mrs. M., Maryhaven, 9 Church Road, Trottiscliffe, Maidstone. 1970 Eckersley, Mrs. N., Hamble, Queen's Road, Crowborough, Sussex. 1956 Edwards, Bruce R., B.SC, 5 Collendale Avenue, Sidcup. 1969 Edwards, D. E., 50 Sydney Road, Beckenham. 1970 Eley, K. A., 16 Ruxley Close, North Cray Road, Sidcup. 1956 Eley, Mrs. P . M., 46 Crescent Road, Sidcup. 1968 English, G. C, C.B.E., 33 Woodland Way, Pett's Wood, Orpington, BR5 INB. 1937 Evans, Miss Gertrude, The TUe House, School HUl, Lamberhurst. 1925 Evans, John H., F.S.A., F.B.G.S., 86 Holmside, Gillingham. 1971 Evans, Rev. L. E. C , 8 Glebe Gardens, Lenham, Maidstone. 1966 Evans, Mrs. M., 4 Beulah Road, Tunbridge WeUs. 1955 Evans, Miss P . J . , Flat 1, Stephen Court, 42/44 Valley Road, Shortlands, Bromley. 1928 *Eve, CecU G. W., B.A., A.R.I.B.A., 61 Catherine Place, London, s.w.l. XXXI KENT ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY 1957 Everitt, A. M., Professor, PH.D., Fieldedge, Poultney Lane, Kimoote, Rugby, Warwioks. 1953 Ewen, M. E., B.SC, 7 The Gap, Nackington Road, Canterbury. 1955 Eyres, E. A., "Ventura", Woodland Road, Lyminge, Folkestone. 1967 Fagg, B. R., 44 Dane Crescent, Ramsgate. 1957 Falmouth, The Rt. Hon. Viscount, Graythwaite, Mereworth, Maidstone. 1970 Farrimond, J., 19 Ash Grove, Orrell, Wigan, Lanes. 1967 Farrington, Mrs. I., Bransoombe, Sutton Valence, Maidstone. 1966 Faulkner, E. O., Chart Cottage, Seal Chart, Sevenoaks. 1972 Faulkner, N. M., 57 High Street, Pembury, Tunbridge WeUs. 1969 Fendt, R. C, 43 Lakes Road, Keston, Bromley. 1966 Field, R., Fair Acres, White HUl, BUting, Ashford, Kent. 1960 Finn-Kelcey, R. G., 178 Faversham Road, Kennington, Ashford, Kent. 1968 Finnie, T. McM., 14 Pentlands, 58 Foxgrove Road, Beckenham. 1954 Finucane, Mrs. A., Middle House, Pluckley, Ashford, Kent. 1961 Fisher, Miss E., 218 St. John's Road, Tunbridge WeUs. 1957 *Foord, R. G., 12 Howard Avenue, Rochester. 1953 Ford, R. A. R., 4 Gwendwr Road, West Kensington, London, w.14. 1970 Foster, O. A. W., 20 Baker Street, Burham, Rochester. 1965 Foster, Sir Ridgeby and Lady, SymneUs, Aldington, Ashford, Kent. 1959 Fox, Dr. E V. Piercy, HaUands, Bishopstone, Seaford, Sussex. 1947 Franklin-White, C, Reedbeds, Shoreham, Sevenoaks. 1969 Franks, H., 6 Middle Street, Deal. 1953 Frazer, Dr. J. F. D., Warren Farm, Boxley, Maidstone. 1945 Freeman, Anthony, M.B.E., Wickham Manor, Winchelsea, Sussex. 1958 Fremlin, Miss M., Hargate House, St. Martin's Road, Tunbridge Wells. 1945 Frere, S. S., M.A., F.B.A., F.S.A., All Souls College, Oxford. 1969 Frettingham, Mrs. D. I., B.A., 28 Clare Street, Basford, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire. 1970 Frohlich, A. R., 7 HamUton Road, Thornton Heath, Surrey, OE4 6HN. 1969 Frost, J. E., 119 East 60th Street, New York, N.Y. 10022, U.S.A. 1969 Fryer, K. J., "Edelweiss", 10 Coronation Road, Sheerness. 1961 Fry-Stone, R. F. S., Beales House, Marden, Tonbridge. 1972 Fuller, M. J., 25 Lunsford Lane, Larkfield, Maidstone. 1970 Fuller, Miss S., 21 North Street, Barming, Maidstone. 1958 Fumess, Alan E., M.A., U.K. Delegation to the European Communities, Avenue des Arts, 51-52, B-1040, Brussels, Belgium. 1959 Fynmore, P. J., Hinksey, Birchington Close, Little Common, BexhiU, Sussex. 1954 Gadd, A. W., Tollgate, The Street, WiUesborough, Ashford, Kent. 1926 Gale, G. A., Barnett Field, Blackhall Lane, Sevenoaks. 1971 GaUagher, N. R., Green Bushes, Burmarsh Road, Dymchurch. 1969 Gamble, C, Brittains Farm, Brittains Lane, Sevenoaks. 1960 Gardner, Mrs. E. M., Oak Tree Cottage, Tanyard Hill, Shorne, Gravesend. 1948 Gardner, J. W., M.A., F.S.A., Kingswood School, Bath, Som. 1931 Garner, W. P., Sunnyside, 3 Glover Road, WUlesborough, Ashford. 1970 Garnett, R. W., 160 Goodhart Way, West Wickham. 1972 Garrard, Mrs. I. P., 3 Old Park Avenue, Dover. 1969 Garrod, D. S., 40 Alers Road, Bexleyheath. 1971 Gass, Simon, 70 Towncourt Crescent, Pett's Wood. 1971 Gaunt, John, 380 London Road, Deal. 1955 Geering, K. R., 80 High Street, Ashford, Kent. 1970 George, Miss P., 11 Beverley Road, Bromley. 1971 German, Timothy, 16 Barnaby Terrace, Rochester. 1971 Gibbons, Mrs. Virginia, 2 Brockenhurst Avenue, Maidstone. 1970 Gibson, Rev. A. H., M.B.E., B.D., A.K.C, and Mrs., The Vioarage, Vicarage Road, Sandgate, Folkestone. xxxii LIST OF MEMBERS 1960 Gibson, K., 1 Gleeson Drive, Orpington. 1969 *Gidley-Kitchin, G. C. B., Wybournes, Kemsing, Sevenoaks. 1966 Gierth, R. T., 173 South Park Crescent, Catford, London, S.E.6. 1972 GUes, C. B., 15 Hardinge Avenue, Bidborough. 1954 GUlespie, Mrs. M. J . , Holmcroft, Leydens Lane, Edenbridge. 1953 GUlespie, W. H . , 13 Norfolk Road, Littlehampton, Sussex. 1962 Gipps, B., Egerton House, Egerton, Ashford, Kent. 1964 Glogg, J . , 1 Ightham Road, Erith. 1946 Godwin, C V., Ring Cottage, Wissenden Green, Bethersden, Ashford. 1965 Goldsmith, A. J . , 13 Fromandez Drive, Horsmonden, Tonbridge. 1960 Goldsmith, Lady, Matthew Farm, Shottenden, ChUham, Canterbury. 1966 Goldsworthy, Mr. and Mrs. R. J . , Compass Cottage, Ash Road, Stansted, Sevenoaks. 1964 GoUedge, S. E . , "Linslade", Kirby HaU, Horton Kirby. 1970 GoodfeUow, J . H., B.A., 8 Broomfield Road, Bexleyheath. 1912 *GoodsaU, R. H., F.S.A., F.R.I.B.A., F.R.P.S., Stede HiU, Harrietsham, Maidstone. 1955 Goodwin, J . N., Mote Farm, I v y Hatoh, Ightham, Sevenoaks. 1955 Gordon, P., M.SC(ECON.), 241 Kenton Road, Kenton, Harrow, Middlesex. 1971 Gostling, G. W., Denton Court, Denton, Canterbury. 1948 Gough, H. E., 34 St. Anne's Drive, Heme Bay. 1949 Gould, Lt.-Col. J . A., M . C , 100 Woodland Way, West Wickham. 1946 Goulden, A. T., Robin Down, Vines Cross Road, Horam, Sussex. 1971 Gowers, E. S., 8 Grove Road, Upper Hailing, Rochester. 1970 Goy, J . W., 199 Eversley Avenue, Barnehurst. 1964 Grace, Mrs. O., Cotuams House, Hollingsboume, Maidstone. 1971 Graham, W. A., Nevill House, Norwood Lane, Meopham, Gravesend. 1947 Gransden, Miss R. M., 2 Orchard Way, Horsmonden, Tonbridge. 1954 Grant, G. Gregor, 79 Culverden Park, Tunbridge WeUs. 1958 *Gravett, K. W. E., M.SC(ENG.), F.S.A., 85 Seaforth Avenue, New Maiden, Surrey. 1966 Green, E. R., 49 Dennis Road, Gravesend. 1958 Green, R. D., M.SC, Yew Tree House, Brook, Ashford, Kent. 1948 *Greenhill, F . A., M.A., F.S.A., F.S.A.SCOT., The Manor House, Great Oxenden, Market Harborough, Leics. 1966 Griffiths, P. R., 3 Hope Cottages, Walnut Tree Lane, Loose, Maidstone. 1966 Grigg, Miss M. K., 40 Roseacre Lane, Bearsted, Maidstone. 1970 Griggs, G., HoUy Trees, 63 The Street, Kennington, Ashford, Kent. 1949 Groom, Mrs. N., Starling Steps, Ashford Road, Lenham, Maidstone. 1948 *Grove, L. R. A., B.A., F.S.A., F.M.A., F.B.E.S., The Museum, Maidstone. 1949 Grover, Miss O. B., Princes Hotel, Bouverie Road West, Folkestone. 1968 Groves, Miss I . M., M.B.E., B.SC, HiUfield Cottage, Salts Lane, Loose, Maidstone. 1972 Gurton, R. M., 181 Trevor Drive, Allington Park, Maidstone. 1965 Gwynne-Ridgers, A. M., 208 Springhead Road, Northfleet, Gravesend. 1969 Habelt, Dr. R., 53 Bonn 5, Postfach 4, Germany (9 copies). 1966 Hagg, Mrs. B . , "Latchets", Colts Hill, Capel, Tonbridge. 1963 Hailes, Lt.-Col. W. L., M.c, Four Square Hotel, Sandgate Road, Folkestone. 1949 Haines, Mrs. H . M., B.A., Church Cottage, Headcorn. 1968 Hales, O. K., " S t . Margaret's", The Meadow, Chislehurst. 1968 Hallam, Mrs. M. J . , Amberfold, Heyshott, Midhurst, Sussex. 1962 HamUton, Mr.and Mrs. W.E. de Courcy, Arnold Court, Leeds, Maidstone. 1950 Hampshire, J . L., Westoe, 31 Bower Mount Road, Maidstone. 1968 Hanlon, V. J . , 86 Lovibonds Avenue, Orpington. 1943 Harbour, J . J . , Highfield, Chislet, Canterbury. 1945 Hardy, Sir Edward, Boughton Court, Ashford, Kent. 1953 Hardy, C. J . , Wyohling Court, Wychling, Sittingbourne. xxxiii 3' KENT ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY 1968 Harker, S. R., 19 Cerne Road, Gravesend. 1970 Harrington, D. W., 1 St. Augustine's Court, North Holmes Road, Canterbury. 1964 Harris, Miss D. F., Mayfield, 41 Linton Road, Loose, Maidstone. 1957 Harris, Miss Pamela, Homes Place, Appledore. 1962 Harrison, A. C, B.A., F.S.A., Hon. General Secretary, and Mrs., Pring's Cottage, Pilgrims' Way, Upper Hailing, Rochester. 1961 Harrison, A. H., 13 Warwick Place, Leamington Spa, Warwickshire. 1948 Harvey, W. C, 63 Oxford Street, Whitstable. 1951 Harwood, Miss M. W., Tamley Cottage, Hastingleigh, Ashford, Kent. 1956 Hawkes, Mrs. Sonia, M.A., F.S.A., 19 Walton Street, Oxford. 1961 Hawkins, F. H., Southdown House, Leigh, Tonbridge. 1966 Hayes, A. H., Forest Cottage, Chiddingstone Hoath, Edenbridge. 1969 Hayes, Miss H. 0. M., Forest Cottage, Chiddingstone Hoath, Edenbridge. 1972 Hayes, J., 55 Beaconsfield Road, Canterbury. 1918 Haynes, R. B., Water MUl House, Loose, Maidstone. 1970 Hays, P., Sanderslee, 103 Northwood Road, Whitstable. 1959 Hayward, E. J., "Anderida", 9 HUl Crest, Sidcup. 1970 Head, R. V., 18 Sundridge Avenue, Welling. 1970 Heath, J. E., 633 Loose Road, Maidstone. 1966 Hedley-Peters, M., 10 Gore Court Road, Sittingbourne. 1968 Helsdon, G. R., Whitecroft, Fairseat Lane, Wrotham, Sevenoaks. 1971 Hendrick, Mrs. Margot, 18 Station Road, Lyminge, Folkestone. 1947 Henham, P. J., 10 London Road, Sittingbourne. 1965 Herbertson, Miss B. D. H., Scotsgrove West, South Park, Sevenoaks. 1970 Hetherington, R. J., 75 Punch Croft, New Ash Green, Dartford. 1965 Hewett, E. A. F., Riverside Studio, Barham, Canterbury. 1958 Higenbottam, F., B.A., F.L.A., 17 Glenside Avenue, Canterbury. 1936 Hill, Rev. Canon D. Ingram, M.A., The Master's Lodge, Eastbridge Hospital, 58 St. Peter's Street, Canterbury. 1949 HiU, J. C, 14 Chestnut Drive, Bexleyheath. 1966 HUl, D. S., PantUes, Penshurst Road, Leigh, Tonbridge. 1958 HUl, Michael H., 84 Bradboume Road, Sevenoaks. 1960 Hillen, Mrs. A. D., "Applecroft", Rectory Close, Bidborough, Tunbridge WeUs. 1971 HUls, B. F., Wing-Commander M.B.E., B.A.F., 4 Mouchotte Close, R.A.F., Biggin Hill, Westerham. 1951 *Hiscock, Mr., R. H., LL.B., F.S.A., and Mrs., 5 Old Road East, Gravesend. 1952 Hoather, H. M., 31 Buckingham Avenue, Whetstone, N.20. 1963 Hobbs, J. E., M.A., B.SC, 110 Marine Parade, Leigh-on-Sea, Essex. 1954 Hobday, S. H., Hill House, Cowbeeoh, Hailsham, Sussex. 1966 Hobson, Dr. R. F., 64 Station Road, West Wickham. 1966 Hodges, L. C, and Mrs., 120 Sunningvale Avenue, Biggin Hill, Westerham. 1965 Hofmann, Theodore, M.A., Holly Place Cottage, High Street, Shoreham, Sevenoaks. 1946 Hohler, E. C, Long Crendon Manor, Aylesbury, Bucks. 1952 HoUoway, Mrs. J. M., The Stores, Eridge Green, Tunbridge WeUs. 1967 Holmes, Sir Stephen, K.O.M.G., M.C, M.A., Pinyons, Sandhurst, Hawkhurst. 1966 Hood, D. R., Old Moss, MUl Lane, HartUp, Sittingbourne. 1964 Hooton, Miss E., Rose Cottage, Rushers Cross, Mayfield, Sussex. 1964 Hope, J. A., B.SC, 157 Langton Way, Blackheath, s.E.3. 1960 Home, J. K., 2 South Park HiU Road, South Croydon, Surrey. 1967 Homer, G. K., F.B.O.A., F.S.M.C, 17 Orohard Road, Sidoup. 1968 Horsley, Mrs. M. K., Meliora, Bowesden Lane, Shorne, Gravesend. 1938 *Horton, Frank R., "Sheppey", 8 Dence Park, Heme Bay. 1968 Howatt, Miss J. M., Bransoombe, Chart Road, Sutton Valence, Maidstone. 1961 Howe, H. C, 3 Albert Road, Canterbury. 1965 HoweU, Miss P., B.A., A.K.C, Greentrees, Cuckoo Lane, Tonbridge. 1956 Huckle, Miss Nora M., 32 Park Road, Dartford DAI ISY. xxxiv LIST OF MEMBERS 1952 Hukins, W. D., Haffenden, St. Michael's, Tenterden. 1953 HuU, F., B.A., PH.D., F.R.HIST.S., County HaU, Maidstone. 1970 Hulme, Miss D. M., B.SC, 52 Oliver Crescent, Famingham. 1954 Hume, I. Noel, F.S.A., P.O. Box 1711, WiUiamsburg, Virginia, U.S.A. 1962 Hurle, K. J., 2 Hawthorn Walk, Tonbridge. 1960 Hurst, Miss I . L. W., Eden Lodge, Edenbridge. 1966 Hutohings, R. F., M.A., Courtsole Farm, Cliffe, Rochester. 1947 Hyde, James, "Fletchers", 28a Ethelbert Road, Canterbury. 1947 Hyde, Mrs. N. M., Stonelees, Mersham, Ashford, Kent. 1958 Ireland, Miss Phyllis M., 28a Mount Street, Battle, Sussex. 1972 Irvine, J. C, 67 Woodstock Road, Sittingbourne 1960 Irwin, J. C, BeUmans Green, Edenbridge. 1966 ItheU, T., B.ENG., 6 Lansdowne Court, Old Road, Chatham. 1971 Jackson, D. T., 588 Tonbridge Road, Maidstone. 1960 Jackson, Ian, 72 Milton Road, GUlingham. 1958 James, H. A., Hon. Excursions Secretary, 74 Broadview Avenue, Rainham. 1961 James, The Hon. Mrs. Mary, Updown, Eastry. 1958 Jamieson, Alan B., Briar Cottage, Goathurst Common, Ide Hill, Sevenoaks. 1970 Jay, L. A., Rosemary Cottage, Rodmersham Green, Sittingbourne. 1961 Jeffery, D. A., Longspring Cottage, Gracious Lane, Sevenoaks. 1970 Jeffries, Mrs. E., Stonyhurst, Nargate Close, Littlebourne, Canterbury. 1939 Jenkins, Miss E. M., 76 Shepherd's Lane, Dartford. 1947 Jenkins, F., M.A., F.S.A., Janus, 10 St. Martin's Close, Canterbury. 1954 Jennings, D. A., & Mrs. 28 Beckley Road, Sheerness. 1947 Jennings, Miss Hope, Ulley Farm, Kennington, Ashford, Kent. 1967 Jennings, Miss Marion, 28 Beckley Road, Sheerness. 1932 Jessup, Frank W., C.B.E., M.A., LL.B., F.S.A., Rewley House, WeUington Square, Oxford. 1956 Jessup, R. A., 91 Farnaby Road, Bromley. 1924 Jessup, Ronald F., F.S.A., la Rathbone Place, Oxford Street, London, w.l. 1961 Johns, Francis D., March Cottage, Camp Road, Offham, West MaUing. 1967 Johnson, Lieut.-Col. A. A., The Old Vicarage, Oare, Faversham. 1958 Johnson, Major G. S., Marston Hall, Martin, Dover. 1972 Jones, Miss A. E. R., 115 Canterbury Road, Kennington, Ashford. 1966 Jones, D. T., 264 Shooter's HiU Road, Kidbrooke, London, S.E.18. 1947 Jones, E. C. H., C.B.E., 104 Goddington Lane, Orpington. 1966 Jones, Mrs. M. M., 126 Park Road, Sittingbourne. 1958 *Jones, M. Oswald, "Lampkyns", Horsmonden. 1968 Jones, R. 0., The MUl House, London Road, West MaUing. 1961 Jordan, Professor W. K., 3 Concord Avenue, Cambridge 38, Mass., U.S.A. 1970 Kain, R. J. P., "Tree Tops", BrookshUl, Harrow Weald, Middlesex. 1970 Karis, R., and Mrs., 1 Beechrow, Hain Common, Richmond, Surrey. 1963 Keech, Mrs. G., "Cosycot", 10 JuUan Road, Ludlow, Shropshire. 1966 Keeler, F., 19 Fleetwood Avenue, Heme Bay. 1968 Keen, Mr. and Mrs. J. A., Rakemaker's HaU, Wychling, Doddington. 1965 Keith-Luoas, Professor B., Eliot CoUege, University of Kent, Canterbury. 1958 Kellaway, L. M., 1 Repton Road, Orpington. 1961 Kelly, D. B., B.A., A.M.A., The Museum, Faith Street, Maidstone. 1971 KeUy, Mrs. J., 138 Dartford Road, Dartford. 1927 *Kennard, John Wm., Belmore, Magazine Road, Ashford, Kent. 1967 Kennett, D. H., 55 Mount Grace Road, Stopsley, Luton, Beds., LU2 8EP. 1969 Kershaw, D., 23 VaUey Road, St. Paul's Cray. 1950 Kettle, L. K., 59 Sandwich Road, Whitfield, Dover. XXXV KENT ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY 1964 Kidson, Dr. Peter, M.A., PH.D., F.S.A., 20 Cranford Lodge, 80 Victoria Drive, London, S.W. 19. 1966 King, Mrs. J. H., The Old Rectory, Boughton Malherbe, Lenham, Maidstone. 1961 King, R. H., Hope Cottage, Hever, Edenbridge. 1967 Kinsey, R. S., Headcorn Manor, Headcorn. 1957 Kirkman, ^Mrs. Marjorie, 29 Marlborough Crescent, Riverhead, Sevenoaks. 1950 Kirkness, Commander J. M., M.A., E.D., E.N.R., Danbury, 14 St. Andrew's Park Road, Southborough, Tunbridge WeUs. 1961 Knight, Moreton Thorpe, Cooling Castle, Cliffe-at-Hoo. 1968 Kremer, T. J., 2 Downs Road, Yalding, Maidstone. 1955 Lake, E. J., 9 Manwood Avenue, Canterbury. 1965 Lambert, P., 7 Beechwood Road, Sanderstead, Surrey. 1972 Lane, Miss E. M., Tudor House, Highland Hill, Swanley Village, BB8 7NA. 1931 Langhome, Rev. E. H., St. Mark's College, Audley End, Saffron Walden, Essex. 1970 Larkin, N. G. J., Moleynes Mead, Ellerslie Lane, Bexhill-on-Sea, Sussex. 1946 Laslett, H. T., 33 Park Road, Ramsgate. 1948 Latham, E. Wilson, B.SC, A.C.G.I., M.I.C.E., M.I.W.E., c/o Barclays Bank. 30 St. Werburgh Street, Chester. 1965 Lawrence, E. E. H., "Culvers", Ball Lane, Kennington, Ashford, Kent. 1960 Lawrie, Dr. Jean, Little Mote, Eynsford, Sevenoaks. 1958 Leach, M., Plane Tree House, Darnley Drive, Southborough. 1968 Leach, P. E., Lesser Hardwick, Grassy Lane, Sevenoaks. 1952 Leadbetter, H. R. C , Horton Court, Monk's Horton, Ashford, Kent. 1952 Leakey, J . H., King Post, Rolvenden, Cranbrook. 1956 Learmont, D. M., F.R.S.A., F.S.A.SCOT., Malleny House, Balerno, Midlothian. 1957 Lebon, Mrs. M. C , M.A., Limes, Benenden, Cranbrook. 1949 Leokie, David, "Daydreams", 45 Royal Esplanade, Westbrook, Margate. 1960 Lee, E. G., "Brelades", Orchard Close, New Bam, Longfield, Dartford. 1956 Leech, Mrs. K. M., 2 Red House Cottages, High Street, Sevenoaks. 1960 Lefevre, Miss Susan M., St. Giles Farm, Pluckley, Ashford, Kent. 1963 LeGear, R. F., 18 Bladindon Drive, Bexley. 1971 Legg, Mrs. V., 5 Reculver Walk, Senacre, Maidstone. 1969 Leonard, Mr. and Mrs. M. J., 40 Leither Hill, St. Paul's Cray, Orpington. 1938 Lennard, Miss E. P . H., Ashfield, Harrietsham, Maidstone. 1948 Leslie, Ian B., Valley House, 78 Pennington Road, Southborough, Tunbridge Wells. 1971 Lester, M. J., "Woodlands", Beacon HUl, Penn, Bucks. 1938 *Levett, J. A., A.R.CO., St. Mary's House, 30 St. Margaret's Street. Rochester. 1950 Levy, Mrs. L. M., 2 Brecon Court, North Park, Eltham, S.E.9. 1970 Lewin, R. S. G., 176 City Way, Rochester. 1971 Lewin, Mrs. M. J., 163 Sutton Road, Maidstone. 1955 Lewis, Mrs. M., The Roses, Dunks Green, Tonbridge. 1967 Liddle, C. K., 15 Ruskin Court, Wythfield Road, s.E.9. 1954 Linington, R. E., 18 Chestnut Drive, Bexleyheath. 1955 *Lintott, Miss E. L. N., 136 Cnffe Road, Strood, Rochester. 1971 Littlejohn, N., 4 Dodd Road, Tonbridge. 1971 Littlejohn, Mrs. V. P . , 4 Dodd Road, Tonbridge. 1963 Loney, Miss E. M., 8 Rusthall Common, Tunbridge Wells. 1963 Loney, Mrs. V. M., 8 Rusthall Common, Tunbridge Wells. 1948 Longley, D. S., Travellers, Cranbrook. 1968 Lowson, R., B.A., 352 King's Road, s.w.3. 1946 *Lowther, A. W. G., F.S.A., The Old Quarry, Ashtead, Surrey. xxxvi LIST OF MEMBERS 1946 Lubbock, Dr. D. A., The Winnick, 177 Reculver Road, Beltinge, Heme Bay. 1970 Luck, Miss S., Stream Farm, Cranbrook. 1966 Lundie, Miss J . G., The Bungalow, Culverstone, Meopham. 1958 Lyle, L. D., M.A. Hon. Treasurer, Townsend, 3 Queen's Avenue, Canterbury. 1966 Lyne, R. M., 29 Winchester Road., Bexleyheath. 1967 Lynn, I., 6 Princes Street, Maidstone. 1971 Lysaght, W. and Mrs., "Fairlands", Four Throws, Hawkhurst. 1949 McCrerie, Alan, 196 Pratling Street, Aylesford, Maidstone. 1970 McFarlane, A. J . , Cogan House, St. Peter's Street, Canterbury. 1956 Mackinder, Miss E. M., The Dragon House, Downton, Salisbury, Hants. 1969 Mcintosh, R. R. D., C.B., Thatched Cottage, Parsonage Farm, Throwley, Faversham. 1961 McLean, J . A., East Bank Cottage, Sandway, Lenham, Maidstone. 1955 MacMichael, N. H., F.S.A., Church Cottage, Bethersden, Ashford. 1971 Maitland, Mrs. G., 82 Warwick Park, Tunbridge Wells. 1970 Mann, Miss S., 61 Herbert Road, Rainham, Gillingham. 1971 Mansell, Miss M. H., 24 Kirkwood Avenue, Woodchurch, Ashford. 1960 Manwaring, E . L., The Cowl, Hilltop, Brenchley, Tonbridge. 1963 Margary, H. H . , M.A., F.S.A., Lympne Castle, Lympne. 1921 Martin, Alan R., F.S.A., 6 Eliot Place, Blackheath, S.E.3. 1967 Martin, D., 16 Langham Road, Robertsbridge, Sussex. 1960 Martin, G. R., The Old Mill House, Salts Lane, Loose, Maidstone. 1970 Martin, W. F . , and Mrs., "Wayside", St. Helen's Lane, East Farleigh, Maidstone. 1971 Mason, G. J . , 33 Highfield Gardens, Margate. 1949 Mason, Miss H . C , 4 Pembury Gardens, Maidstone. 1939 *Mason, W. GlanvUle, F.R.M.S., F.B.O.A., F.N.A.O., F.I.O., Bernvalo, 27 Maidstone Road, Chatham. 1966 Meakin, F . G., Manor House, Southfleet, Gravesend. 1953 Melling, Miss Elizabeth, B.A., Archives Office, County Hall, Maidstone. 1959 Mercer, Mr. a n d Mrs. K. A. H., 2 Seaton Cottages, Boughton Aluph, Ashford, Kent. 1967 Mioldewright, F. H. Amphlett, M.A., F.B.HIST.S., F.S.A.SCOT., Bishops FoUy, 228 South Norwood Hill, S.E.25. 1964 Miles, Alec, Colene, 66 Headcorn Road, Biddenden, Ashford, Kent. 1969 Millard, P., 3 Falcon Green, Larkfield, Maidstone. 1967 MUler, Mrs. N . W., Bockingford House, Loose, Maidstone. 1971 MUls, H. P., B.A., 44 Friars Close, Whitstable. 1971 MiUs, Miss Karen, 3 Meadow Walk, Snodland. 1947 Milton, Leslie E., The Librarian, The College, Regent Circus, Swindon, Wilts. 1967 Miskin, Mrs. J . H., Stillmeadow, Dover Castle HUl, Gravesend. 1961 Mitchell, Peter J . , 24 Windsor Road, Gravesend. 1963 Moffatt, A. I . , 14 Star HUl, Rochester. 1933 Monokton of Brenchley, Major-General, Viscount, C.B., O.B.E., M.C, President, Bertie House, Bearsted, Maidstone. 1956 Money, J . H., M.A., F.S.A., 2 5A Philbeach Gardens, s.w.6. 1962 Moore, A. C , Broadoak, Manor Way, Barnehurst. 1965 Moore, Miss G. D„ Sudbury House, West Street, Wrotham. 1959 Moore, Admiral Sir Henry Ruthven, G.C.B., o.v.o., D.S.O., The Beck, Wateringbury, Maidstone. 1967 Moore, Miss M. G., 59 Bladindon Drive, Bexley DA5 3BS. 1957 Moray, Barbara Countess of, Homes Place, Appledore. 1972 Morgan, N. J . , M.A., Dept. of Fine Art and Music, University of East Anglia, Umversity Village, Norwich, Norfolk. 1964 Morland, WilUam, Court Lodge, Lamberhurst, Tunbridge Wells. xxxvii KENT ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY 1969 Morrow, J. J., 396 Wickham Lane, Abbey Wood, London, S.E.2. 1947 Mortimore, E. T., M.A., 2 The Grove, Kennington, Ashford. 1965 Mould, D. E. W. C, "Threipmuir", Fairseat Lane, Fairseat, Wrotham. 1966 Moy, R. F., 37 Hyde Vale, Greenwich, London, S.E.10. 1970 Munden, A. F., Ehnsted House, Ashford Road, Faversham. 1965 Muntz, Miss I. H., F.S.A., 30 Prospect Road, Tunbridge WeUs. 1946 Murray, Miss K. M. E., Bishop Otter College, Chichester, Sussex. 1971 Mutler, W., and Mrs., 95 Forest Road, Paddock Wood. 1964 Neale, Miss D., 13 Meeson's Close, Eastling, Faversham. 1940 Neame, Sir Thomas, M.A., F.S.A., and Lady, Preston Lea, Faversham. 1945 Newbury, V. J., Forge House, Pilgrims' Way, HoUingbourne. 1971 Newby, Mary, 25 Brooklyn Road, Bromley BB2 9SD. 1971 Newman, J. A., and Mrs., 29 Punchcroft, New Ash Green, Dartford. 1972 Newnham, E. G., 80 Adelaide Drive, Sittingbourne. 1951 Nichol, E. Laurence, 78 Holmside, Gillingham. 1964 NichoUs, Miss J. E., 105 Park Road, Sittingbourne. 1964 Nicolson, Nigel, F.S.A., Sissinghurst Castle, Sissinghurst. 1944 Nightingale, M. D., O.B.E., B.LITT., F.S.A., WormshUl Court, Sittingbourne. 1968 Ninnis, R. J., 27 The Chase, London, s.w.4. 1969 Norris, A. M., 3 Harold Avenue, Belvedere. 1961 Norris, R., 387 Luton Road, Chatham. 1934 Northboume, Rt. Hon. Lord, Northboume Court, Deal. 1959 Nottidge, N. R., M.A., 12 Yardley Park Road, Tonbridge. 1970 Nunns, B. N., 12 Crescent Road, Sidcup. 1970 Oakeley, R. H., 3 Mount Harry Road, Sevenoaks. 1962 Oakley, Miss A. M., 3 The Forrens, The Precincts, Canterbury. 1956 Ocock, Michael, 16 St. Bernard's House, 54 Hook Road, Surbiton, Surrey. 1957 OgUvie, Dr. J. D., F.S.A., Thorn House, Hartsop, Patterdale, Penrith, Cumberland. 1960 *01dham, P. B., B.A. (Hon. Membership Secretary), 15 Hermitage Lane, Barming, Maidstone. 1957 Oxendale, Mrs. T. W., Coombe Farm, Sutton Valence, Maidstone. 1963 Packer, J. L., Wealdside, 75 Weald Road, Sevenoaks. 1971 Page, Miss S., "Darenth", The Chase, Kemsing, Sevenoaks. 1964 Page, T. F., 12 St. MUdred's Avenue, Broadstairs. 1957 Page, W. F., 16 Forest Ridge, Beckenham. 1964 Paine, E. C, 16 Grafton Avenue, Rochester. 1935 Paine, Gordon Thomas, M.B.E., The Grange, Lydd. 1959 Painter, H. L., Forsters, West MaUing. 1971 Palmer, A., 473, Westhorne Avenue, Eltham, London, S.E.9. 1923 Pantin, WiUiam A., M.A., Oriel CoUege, Oxford. 1967 Parfitt, J. H., "Bombers", Leigh, Tonbridge. 1924 *Parker, H. B„ Chittenden Farm, Benenden. 1960 Parkin, E. W., 116a North Road, Hythe. 1954 Parr, Miss A. C, 12 Oakwood Rise, Longfield, Dartford. 1953 Parsons, A. J . J., 24 SaxvUle Road, St. Paul's Cray. 1963 Peacock, R., 28 Dorchester Road, Pedmore, Stourbridge, Worcs. 1970 Pearce, P. H., 23 Chancery Lane, Beckenham BR3 2NR. 1958 Pearson, Mrs. E. M., 34 WeU Road, Otford, Sevenoaks. 1967 Peak, E., 83 Elmstone Road, Rainham, Gillingham. 1969 Pelz, Mrs. P. A., Mill Falls, Salts Lane, Loose, Maidstone. 1949 Pennells, R. L., "Nevis", Theobolds, Hawkhurst. 1954 Percival, A. J., F.S.A., 22 Stone Street, Faversham. 1966 Peters, Miss S., 4a Kings Road, Biggin Hill. 1970 Pettman, I. S., F.R.S.A., 21 Cleaver Square, London, S.E.11, 4DW. 1969 "Phillips, Major S. E. L., M.A., F.S.G., Upper Freedown, St. Margarets-at- Cliffe, Dover. xxxviii LIST OF MEMBERS 1969 Phillipson, Mr. and Mrs. A. H., YeUowbois, Cranbrook. 1954 Philp, Brian, and Mrs., 242 Langley Way, West Wickham. 1943 Pile, C 0. R., Boyscourt, The Common, Cranbrook. 1956 Pitoher, F . A., 22 Mounthurst Road, Hayes. 1964 Pitts, Miss S. D., Flat 5, 21 Broadwater Down, Tunbridge WeUs. 1956 Plackett, Miss S., 187 Upper Fant Road, Maidstone. 1930 Platt, Clifford L., Leeson's Comer, Chislehurst. 1966 Plummer, L. A. D., A.R.I.B.A., F.R.S.A., Marchant Farmhouse, Grafty Green, Lenham, Maidstone. 1961 PoUock, Mr. and Mrs. K., The Malt House, HolUngbourne, Maidstone. 1934 Ponton, Desmond T. A., Vale House, Stockbury, Sittingbourne. 1952 Ponton, Mrs. D. T. A., Vale House, Stockbury, Sittingbourne. 1965 Potter, Dr. A., 219 Crofton Lane, Orpington. 1965 Potts, G. W., Ash Tree House, Horton Kirby, Dartford. 1949 PoweU-Cotton, Christopher, Quex Park, Birchington. 1970 Price, Miss G. S., "Oranges and Lemons", 14 Gordon Terrace, Rochester. 1948 Proudfoot, W. F., Pennis House, Fawkham, Longfield. 1970 Puryear, Miss P . A., 634 Manley Street, Navasota, Texas 77868, U.S.A. 1971 Pye, A. B., 13 Lincoln Green Road, Orpington BR5 2DY. 1969 Pyke, J. A., Hillside, Cranmer Road, Riverhead, Sevenoaks. 1918 Pyner, H. du Thoit, Little Holt, Dist. Knysna C.P., S. Africa. 1969 Radnor, The Rt. Hon. The Earl of, c/o Smith-WooUey & Co., Manor Office, Folkestone. 1971 Raines, Miss I . E., 9 Vernon Close, St. Paul's Cray, Orpington. 1946 Ralph, H. W. J., 12 Barn Crescent, Riddlesdown, Purley, Surrey. 1955 Ralph, K. J., 6 Boulthurst Way, Oxted, Surrey. 1963 Randall, S. J . C , Red Tree House, Pine Glade, Farnborough, Kent. 1955 Rathbone, Miss M., Hogg HUl, Smarden, Ashford, Kent. 1971 Rea, P . F . , 4 Claremont Crescent, Crayford. 1972 Redfern, E. H., "Perrydene", Pear Tree Lane, Shorne, Gravesend, DA12 3JS. 1966 Redman, R. R., 19 Tanners HUl Gardens, Hythe. 1963 Redshaw, Miss C. W., WUlfran, Churoh Road, Ashford, Kent. 1956 Reed, W. J., 48 Dumpton Park Drive, Broadstairs. 1970 Reeves, G. L., "Oakmead", 7 Stratford Crescent, Cringleford, Norwich, NOR 68F. 1971 Reid, Miss F . , 367 Maidstone Road, Wigmore, Gillingham. 1961 Rendel, W. V., Shirley, Woodohurch, Ashford, Kent. 1970 Rice, A. T., Eastwood Cottage, Fawkham, Dartford. 1946 *Riohardson, G. Wigham, Old Manor House, Benenden, Cranbrook. 1929 Richardson, Sir WUliam Wigham, BT., 4 Calverley Park, Tunbridge WeUs. 1948 *Richmond-Brown, R., F.S.A., Ramsden Farm, Stone-in-Oxney. 1964 Riokman, Major E., 49 Cumberland Terrace, Regent's Park, London, N.w.l. 1958 Rigden, R. G., A.M.A., O/O Borough Museum ofGreenwich, 232 Plumstead High Street, London, S.E. 18. 1965 Rigold, S. E., M.A., F.S.A., F.R.HIST.S., Ministry of Publio BuUding and Works, Sanctuary Buildings, Great Smith Street, s.w.l. 1959 Rings, F . W., Pattyndene Manor, Goudhurst. 1968 Roadknight, W. G., M.A., Ridgemont, Ridge HiU, Dartmouth, Devon. 1966 Roberts, M., Foley Cottage, Sittingbourne Road, Maidstone. 1970 Robertson, D. J . , 441 Loose Road, Maidstone. 1972 Robertson, R. J . , 441 Loose Road, Maidstone. 1971 Robinson, D., The Orchard Cottage, Hawkhurst. 1958 Robinson, H. G., "Heathlands", 63 CoUege Ride, Camberley, Surrey. 1955 Robinson, J . Yorke, 185 Reculver Road, Beltinge, Heme Bay. xxxix KENT ARCHEOLOGICAL SOCIETY 1969 Rodwell, W. J., 80 Stuart Road, Southend-on-Sea, Essex. 1972 ""Rogers, Miss J. M., 49 Curzon Road, Maidstone. 1953 Rogers, P. G., 55 Crestview Drive, Pett's Wood. 1963 Rolfe, S. W. H., Saffron Cottage, Buck Street, ChaUock, Ashford, Kent. 1968 Rolleston, Miss O., Flat 1, 4 Morden Road, Blaokheath, London, s.E.3. 1955 Bolton, W. J. F., 22 Northoote Road, Sidcup. 1958 Rooke, C. E., The Red House, Bowesden Lane, Shorne, Gravesend. 1970 Roome, Miss K. M., LL.B., 26 Bradboume Road, Bexley. 1929 Roper, Miss Anne, M.B.E., F.S.A., J.P., Flag Cottage, Littlestone, New Romney. 1967 Ross, Miss C. R., Quinta-da-Rosa, 14 HUlside, Famingham. 1963 Rouse, J. F., 119 Sterling Road, Tunstall, Sittingbourne. 1971 RuffeU, Dr. James, "Three Oaks", 232 Edwin Road, Rainham. 1957 RuffeU, Mrs. Jean S., Springbank, Sutton Valence, Maidstone. 1965 RuffeU, R. N., 21 Borden Lane, Sittingbourne. 1948 Ruglys, Miss M., Forge House, 82 High Street, Charing, Ashford. 1948 Ruglys, Philip, 14 St. John's Road, East Oakley, Basingstoke. 1968 Russell, D. A., Rose Cottage, Eridge Road, Crowborough, Sussex 1970 Salmond, M. P., and Mrs., Shooting Lodge, Dene Park, Tonbridge. 1968 Samuels, J. R., "Beltinge", Istead Rise, Northfleet. 1971 Sandbach, R. G. E., The Museum, Mount Pleasant, Tunbridge Wells. 1969 Say, W., Bishopscourt, St. Margaret's Street, Rochester. 1961 Sayers, Miss Jane, M.A., B.LITT., F.S.A., 17 Sheffield Terrace, Campden HUl, w.8. 1969 Saynor, Mrs. J. M., 48 Kenwood Drive, Beckenham, BR3 2QY. 1970 Schmidt, J. W., 70 Invicta Road, Sheerness. 1965 Schwieso, J. J., 38A Dartford Road, Bexley. 1969 Scott, A. G., 36 Clinton Crescent, St. Leonard's-on-Sea, Sussex. 1933 *Scott, F. Roy A., 8 Park Crescent, Chatham. 1947 Scott, Miss M. B., Burgate, Mersham, Ashford, Kent. 1964 *Scott-Kilvert, Capt. C. C., West View House, 109 Greenhill Road, Heme Bay. 1964 ScurreU, D. G., 2 Sussex Avenue, Margate. 1964 Searle, R. H., 4 Tiverton Road, Basingstoke, Hampshire. 1971 Seeker, R. J., 47 Dolphins Road, Folkestone. 1961 Seed, Mrs. L., 4 Manwood Close, Sittingbourne. 1970 Selkirk, A. R. L., 9 Nassington Road, London, N.w.3. 1953 Semark, T. C, 483 Loose Road, Maidstone. 1938 Sharp, Miss Muriel M., The Highlands, Station Road, Hythe. 1946 Shaw, O. L., Red HUl School, East Sutton, Maidstone. 1949 Shepherd, Miss 0. H., Rugmer HUl, Yalding. 1958 Shepherd, D., 28 Pembroke Road, Sevenoaks. 1971 Shepherd, J. W., 12 Beaumont Drive, Northfleet. 1966 Short, J. L., "Bramleigh", 13 Salt's Avenue, Loose, Maidstone. 1960 Sieveking, G. de G., M.A., F.S.A., Little Buckland, Luddesdown. 1968 Simmons, C. G. W., 25 Springbourne Court, The Avenue, Beckenham. 1948 Sinclair, Miss T., Brampton Down, Folkestone. 1957 Sinden, Mrs. E. S., 595 Tonbridge Road, Maidstone. 1970 Sizer, K. W., 41 The Mead, Beckenham, BB3 2PF. 1959 Skeel, J., Robertsholme, Chambers Green Road, Pluckley, Ashford. 1968 Smith, Miss Catherine, 9 Castle Avenue, Hythe. 1945 Smith, E. W., Bye-the-Waye, Sandy Lane, Bearsted, Maidstone. 1960 Smith, H. C, Byeways, Detling, Maidstone. 1968 Smith, Miss M. E., 2 Ashdown Close, Tunbridge Wells. 1970 Smith, Miss M. K., King-Post, Elham, Canterbury. 1963 Smith, N. C, 65 Leggatt Drive, Bramford, Ipswich, Suffolk. 1963 Smith, S. Harold, 56 Bayham Road, Sevenoaks. 1968 Smith, S. P., 68 Nursery Avenue, Bexleyheath. 1965 Smith, V. T. C, Flat 2, 29 Harmer Street, Gravesend. Xl LIST OF MEMBERS 1948 Smith, W. B., Dering Cottage, Church Road, New Romney. 1954 Snow, M. E., La Ciotat, 47 Durrant Way, Farnborough Hill. 1964 Solly, A. R. J . , 13 Greenways, Beckenham, BB3 3NG. 1968 Spain, R. J., "Trevarno", Roseacre Lane, Bearsted, Maidstone. 1952 Spears, Miss Kathleen E., Rosings, 2 Mailings Lane, Bearsted, Maidstone. 1970 Spens, The Rt. Hon., The Lord, p . c , K.B.E., and The Lady, Beacon Cottage, Benenden, Cranbrook. 1946 Spink, Miss Katherine, The Little House, 110 Heathcote Drive, East Grinstead, Sussex. 1964 Springett, Mrs. C , 25 King's Avenue, Rochester. 1962 Spry, E. C , Sunnyside, Lawshall Green, Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk. 1947 *Squire, A. Pepys, 1952 Stacey, I . G. R., Reveries, Robin Hood Lane, Walderslade, Chatham. 1961 Stainton, A., Chance Mead, Seal, Sevenoaks. 1969 Stallion, M. R., 80 Cross Street, Erith, DA8 IRB. 1967 *Standen, M. H. L., M.A., A.M.I.E.E., Royal Temple Yacht Club, Ramsgate. 1968 Stanhope, Miss M. J., Flat 3, 65 Bexley Road, Erith. 1957 Stebbing, Mrs. P . E., 30 Guilford Court, Walmer Place, Walmer, Deal. 1952 Stephenson, D., B.SC, F.P.S., and Mrs., Grenna, Chapel Lane, Ightham, Sevenoaks. 1939 *Stevens, Con. A. L., Wimbledon Stadium, s.w.17. 1969 Stevens, R., 15 Ashdown Close, Tunbridge Wells. 1967 Stevenson, Mrs. A., Upper Green, Sandhurst, Hawkhurst. 1966 Stevenson, Mrs. M. J., B.A., B.PHIL., Postgraduate House, 136B Mount Pleasant, Liverpool, L 3 5 UD. 1971 Stibbs, R. G., 96 Borstal Road, Rochester. 1957 Stirk, A. G., River Board House, London Road, Maidstone. 1972 Stoakes, N. D., and Mrs., Beakes Farm, Redbrook Street, Woodchurch. 1970 Stockham, P., c/o Dillon's University Bookshop Ltd., 1 Malet Street, w.c.l. 1952 Stone, Richard C , B.A., Framfield, Sutton Valence. 1971 Stones, Dr. P. B., and Mrs., 70 Broad Street, Canterbury. 1955 Stoyel, A. D., 52 Tudor Drive, Otford, Sevenoaks. 1955 Stoyel, B. D., 356 Boulevard du Souverain, Bruxelles, 16, Belgium. 1972 Strange, Mrs. J., Garden House, New Romney. 1963 Strange, Mrs. K. C , 5656 Rolling Ridge Road, Indianapolis 20, Indiana 46220, U.S.A. 1970 Straw, Miss J . M., 5 Brecon Rise, Westrees Park, Ashford, Kent. 1961 Strudwick, Mrs. Elizabeth, M.A., The Moat, Cowden, Edenbridge. 1930 Stuart, Miss R. E. P.. PH.D., Leonis, 4 The Bayle, Folkestone. 1971 Stukenbroeker, Dennis, 18D Tysoe Street, London, E . C . 1. 1967 Sully, Mr. and Mrs. R. B., Coppice, 20 Nevill Park, Tunbridge Wells. 1962 Summerton, H . V., "Yiewsley", Chart Road, Sutton Valence, Maidstone. 1967 Sumner, His Honour Judge W. D. M., Brissenden House, Bethersden. 1966 Sutcliffe, Mrs. J . , Blackmoor Lodge, Four Elms, Edenbridge. 1967 Swaine, A. W., F.R.I.B.A., F.S.A., Latchmere House, Watling Street, Canterbury. 1960 Swale, J . D. 1957 Swan, H. D., High Street, Charing, Ashford, Kent. 1955 Swanton, M. J . , B.A., PH.D., The Queen's Building, University of Exeter, Exeter. 1966 Syddell, M. J . E., Flat 6, 205 Churoh Road, London, s.E.19. 1971 Symes, Miss Rachel, 2 Berkeley Road, Tunbridge WeUs. 1964 *Tabb, A. M., Miss, Flat 5, 1 CromweU Road, Hove BN3 3EA. 1949 Tatham, F . H. C , 35 Little Common, Stanmore, Middlesex. 1949 Taylor, A. J . H., Long Bam, Broadstairs. 1968 Taylor, J . A., 237 Upton, Road, Bexley. xii KENT ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY 1967 Taylor, P. S., 12 Broad Oak Road, Canterbury. 1968 Taylor, S. E., M.A., Newlands, Goldbridge Road, Newiok, Lewes, Sussex. 1958 Teague, G. W., B.SC, Tenbury, 23 GranviUe Road, Sevenoaks. 1962 Terry, C, Valentine's Hill Cottage, North Chapel, Petworth, Sussex. 1952 Terry, Mrs. Joan M., St. Malo, Heskett Park, Pembury, Tunbridge WeUs. 1948 Tester, P. J., F.S.A., and Mrs., 2 WiUow Close, Bexley. 1969 Tetley, Mrs. M. J., The Old Rectory, Ruckinge, Ashford, Kent. 1961 Tew, R. P., 4 Church WaUc, East Mailing, Maidstone. 1960 Thirsk, Mrs. Joan, B.A., PH.D., St. HUda's College, Oxford. 1963 Thoburn, H. F., Pympne Manor, Benenden, Cranbrook. 1961 Thomas, B. G., 233 Loose Road, Maidstone. 1969 Thomas, I . C, 34 HUlary Road, Penenden Heath, Maidstone. 1969 Thompson, Mrs. A., Brattle Farm, Staplehurst, Tonbridge. 1968 Thompson, D. G., 20 Knockhall Chase, Greenhithe, Dartford. 1959 Thompson, F. G., i.s.o., Chevincote, 68 Chipstead Park, Sevenoaks. 1937 Thompson, Miss V. G., Primrose HiU, Brenchley, Tonbridge. 1967 ThomeweU, D., 798 London Road, Larkfield, Maidstone. 1970 Thornhill, P., B.A., 30 King Arthur's Drive, Strood, Rochester. 1965 Thorogood, Rev. L. G.„ 13 Trevor Close, Hayes, Bromley 1961 TUley, E. W., 55 Pine Avenue, Gravesend. 1968 Tilson, G., 7 Dorchester Avenue, Bexley. 1963 *Todd, C. G., Tebbs Copyhold, Ightham, Sevenoaks. 1946 Toke-Nichols, Mrs. M., Water Farm, Bethersden, Ashford, Kent. 1965 Tolmie, B. E. A., Knoll House, Craybume, Betsham, Gravesend. 1970 Tomaszewski, J., and Mrs., 33 Windy Ridge, GiUingham. 1937 Tomsett, W., 315 Hythe Road, Ashford, Kent. 1938 Tookey, G. W., Q.C, 12 Orchard Road, Bromley. 1939 Tower, Miss Winifred, Memories, Ash, Canterbury. 1969 Townsend, Mrs. L. M., 37 Ashwater Road, Lee, London, S.E.12. 1949 Toy, P. H., F.E.I.CS., Hollanden House, Hildenborough, Tonbridge. 1970 Tucker, C W., Luokley House, Wye, Ashford, Kent. 1970 Tullett, E. J. J.. 92 The Broadway, Sheerness. 1967 Turner, B. W., Elm House, Boughton Monohelsea, Maidstone. 1969 Turner, D. J. S., 162 Jemingham Road, London, S.E.14. 1955 Twyman, A., 46 Castle Street, Dover. 1938 Urry, W. G., B.A., PH.D., F.S.A., F.R.HIST.S., St. Edmund HaU, Oxford. 1930 Valon, Mrs. E., 14 Molyneux Park, Tunbridge WeUs. 1967 Venner, D. G., The Red House, Tanyard HiU, Shorne, Gravesend. 1956 Wacher, J. S.., F.S.A., 77 Leicester Road, Glen HUls, Leicester. 1960 Wade, J., 36 WeU Road, Otford, Sevenoaks. 1955 Waldmeyer, Mrs., Glenboyne, 47 Bower Mount Road, Maidstone. 1946 Walker, Alfred T., St. Germain's, 49 Epple Bay Road, Birchington. 1947 Walker, O. W., M.INST.B.E., F.S.A.SCOT., "Pitt House", Chudleigh, Newton Abbot, Devon. 1966 Walker, Miss M. B., Kingsbroom, Kingswood, Sutton Valence. 1964 Walsh, R. M., "The Stables", Fawkham Manor, Fawkham, Dartford. 1966 Ward, 0. P., Oakhurst, 7 Common Wood Rise, Crowborough, Sussex. 1961 Ward, E., 1 Pickhurst Rise, West Wickham. 1963 Warde, Lt.-Col. A. G., M.C, Bodsey House, Ramsey, Hants. 1961 Wardle, Miss E., 139 Bradboume Park Road, Sevenoaks. 1961 Warman, Miss Elizabeth, Marlewood, 14 Redgate Drive, Hayes, Bromley. 1966 Watts, M. C, "Wynwood", 85 Chatham Avenue, Hayes, Bromley. 1962 Webb, C, 20 SpringweU Road, Tonbridge. 1971 Webb, W., 61 WindmUl Road, Croydon, Surrey CRO 2XR. 1969 Webber, E. C, "Ambledown", 58 Woodland Way, Bidborough, Tunbridge Wells. xiii LIST OF MEMBERS 1966 Webster, A. B., M.A., F.R.HIST.S., F.S.A., 5 The Terrace, St. Stephen's, Canterbury. 1971 Webster, A. G., 186 Johns Road, Tunbridge WeUs. 1969 Webster, Mrs. J . G., The Roundels, Pennington Lane, Southborough, Tunbridge Wells. 1966 Webster, Miss M. B. V., 12 Rochester Street, Chatham. 1970 Whale, P. J., F.S.A.SCOT., 35 Melrose Crescent, Orpington, BE6 9NT. 1958 Whall, C , Brook Cottage, Egg-pie Lane, HUdenborough, Tonbridge. 1947 *Whatmore, Rev. L. E., M.A., F.B.HIST.S., St. Wilfred's, South Road, Hailsham, Sussex. 1966 Wheeler, R. J . , "Skye", 39 Bidborough Ridge, Tunbridge WeUs. 1965 Whibley, Vaughan, A.L.A., 14 Chestnut Close, Green Street Green, Orpington. 1947 White, H. R. C , Spicer's Farm, EtchinghUl, FoUtestone. 1970 White, R. J., 127 The Street, WiUesborough, Ashford, Kent. 1968 Whyman, J., B.SC.(ECON.), Rutherford College, University of Kent, Canterbury. 1970 Wight, Professor R. J. M., Harwarton, Speldhurst, Tunbridge Wells. 1958 Wickham, D. E., M.A., 116 Parsonage Manor Way, Belvedere. 1972 Wickings, Miss C , 12 Queen's Road, Tunbridge Wells. 1949 Wigan, Rev. Canon and Mrs. B. J., Kingsdown, Somerfield Road, Maidstone. 1970 Wilkinson, K., 25 Orchard Rise, Groombridge, Tunbridge Wells. 1970 Wilkinson, P. M., West Sussex Record Office, County Hall, Chichester, Sussex. 1967 Williams, C. L. S., The Old Weavers, Well Street, East Malling, Maidstone. 1970 Williams, G. J ., 17 High Street, Newington, Sittingbourne. 1966 Williams, J . A., Luddesdown Court, Meopham. 1970 Williams, J . R., 19 Drake's Close, Upchurch, Sittingbourne. 1971 WUson, Mr. and Mrs. C M., 21 Ash Grove, Maidstone. 1952 Wilson, R. W., 1 Essex Road, Dartford. 1970 Wilson, T. G., 4 Boyne Park, Tunbridge Wells. 1972 Winch, M. B., Boughton Monohelsea Place, Maidstone. 1969 Winnefrith, Sir John, K.C.B., Hallhouse Farm, Appledore. 1971 Winzar, G. J . W., and Mrs., HUltop Stores, Charing Hill, Ashford, Kent. 1971 Wood, R. H., Cypress Lodge, Sandy Lane, East Grinstead, Sussex RH19 3LP. 1963 Woodcock, A. G., 3 Abbotts Barton Walk, Canterbury. 1956 Woodcock, A. J . A., 611 Canterbury Street, GUlingham. 1910 Woodruff, Rev. J . E., B.A., The Oratory, Brompton Road, s.w.7. 1963 Woods, A. J . D., O.B.E., M.A., Hawks Wing, Hawkwood Lane, Chislehurst BR7 6 P N . 1948 Woodward, A. M., F.S.A., HON.A.R.I.B.A., Spa Hotel, Tunbridge Wells. 1967 WooUett, P. W., 25 St. Leonard's Avenue, Chatham. 1968 Worsfold, Colonel C. P., 4 Mount Pleasant, Tenterden. 1967 Worth, J., Dennes, Ringwould, Deal. 1971 Worthy, L. G. R., 8 Poplicans Road, Cuxton, Rochester. 1971 Wraight, D., 47 Laburnum Road, Strood, Rochester. 1967 Wyatt, Miss B . B . , 28 Postley Road, Maidstone. 1965 Young, A. C , Nower Lodge School, Dorking, Surrey. 1971 Young, Mrs. C , "Gransden", Wateringbury, Maidstone. 1964 Young, G. M. U-, 13 Dry HiU Road, Tonbridge. 1972 Young, K., 59 St. David's Avenue, Dover. 1962 Young, R. E. C , 68 Douglas Avenue, Whitstable. xliii ANNUAL REPORT FOR THE YEAR 1971 ANNUAL REPORT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st DECEMBER, 1971 Council presents its One Hundred and Thirteenth Report and the Statement of Accounts for 1970. OBITUARY Council records with great regret the deaths of Mrs. V. M. F. Desborough, Honorary Member, for many years Local Secretary for Tunbridge Wells, and of Major H. M. Rand, T,D,, M.A., Member of Council from 1962 to 1969. Fuller obituary notices appear elsewhere in this volume . .AN'NuAL GENERAL MEETING The .Annual General Meeting was held at the Corpus Christi Fraternity Hall, Maidstone, on 15th May, 1971, when Council's .Annual Report and Statement of Accounts for 1970 were received and adopted, Mr. IC A. Pollock, F.C.A., was elected Honorary Auditor of the Society. A resolution, proposed by Council, to set up a Working Party, consisting offour members nominated by the A.G.M. and four nominated by Council, to examine and report upon the existing Rules of the Society was adopted. A resolution proposed by Mr. Michael D. Nightingale, O.B.E., F.S.A., urging that the work and publications of the Society should pay attention to (I) the preservation of the ancient towns, villages, churches and buildings of Kent, now increasingly threatened; (2) the recording of the more recent folk traditions, customs, dialect and family histories of the people of Kent; ( 3) the study of the post-Conquest History of Kent was also adopted. On the proposal of Dr. P. H. G. Draper, B.Sc., Ph.D., seconded by Major H. R. Pratt-Boorman, C.B.E., M.A., Lt.-Col. G. W. Meates, F.S.A., was elected a Vice-President of the Society in recognition of his great services to archreology in Kent. After the luncheon interval over one hundred members and their friends heard a most interesting and well-illustrated lecture on 'The Conservation of Ancient Objects', by Mr. Harold Barker, B.Sc., F.S.A., of the Research Laboratory of the British Museum. The lecture was received with much pleasure and the President expressed the thanks of the Meeting to the lecturer. CoUNOIL At the Annual General Meeting the following were elected to Council: Mr. J. E. L. Caiger; Dr. P. H. G. Draper, B.Sc., Ph.D.; Dr. F. Hull, B.A., Ph.D.; Mr. F. Jenkins, M.A., F.S.A.; Mrs. M. C. Lebon, M.A.; and Mr. E.W. Parkin. Mr. C. R. Councer, F.S.A., continues as Chairman. Mr, P. E. Oldham, B.A., was elected to Council in the place of Brigadier E. V. Bowra, O.B.E., resigned. LooAL ORGANIZATION This has been very much the concern of Council during the year as it wrui felt more must be done both to involve members in the Society's activities and to offer them a wider range of functions in which they could participate. To this end, Local Secretaries have been asked to try to organize :xlvi REPORT, 1070 lectures, exhibitions or similar functions in thefr areas and to try to make and keep contact with their members. It is hoped that in suitable places local branches will be formed, organized and run by the members themselves, and all possible help will be given to these. A branch of this sort has been in existence for some time at Tunbridge Wells and a new one has recently been formed in the Maidstone area. CALENDAR OF EVENTS To improve communication between the Society and its members and particularly to facilitate the kind of local activities envisaged above, it has been decided to publish a quarterly Calendar of Events, which will be distributed to all members. Local Secretaries, Historical or Archteological Societies, whether members or affiliated, directors of excavations and organizers of any archieological activity in the county are urged to make the fullest possible use of this channel of communication. Material for inclusion in each issue should reach the Honorary General Secretary by 1st March, 1st June, 1st September, and 1st December, respectively. REVISION OF RULES In accordance with the resolution passed at the Annual General Meeting, the Working Party has carried out a most careful scrutiny of the Society's Rules. Their recommendations, which were unanimous, were submitted to Council and, with a few minor amendments, accepted. They are now embodied in the amendments which will be placed before the General Meeting of the Society. MEMBERSHIP Members are reminded that subscriptions, unless paid by Bankers' Order, should now be sent NOT to the Honorary General Secretary as previously, but to the Honorary Membership Secretary (Mr. P. E. Oldham, B.A., 15 Hermitage Lane, Barming, Maidstone). Subscriptions are due on the 1st of January and much inconvenience is avoided if they are paid promptly. Over one hundred new members joined the Society during 1971 and, allowing for resignations and deaths and the removal from membership wider Rule I0(a) of forty-one members, the total membership now stands at 1,143. Council appeals to all members to do their best to bring in new members. The Society's Information Leaflet is available to all members upon application to the Honorary General Secretary, the Honorary Membership Secretary, or to Local Secretaries. FIN.A.NOE The Accowits for 1970, adopted at the Annual General Meeting, are published with this report. Mr. L. D. Lyle, M.A., has assumed the office of Honorary Treasurer and Mr. P. E. Oldham, B.A., that of Honorary Membership Secretary. To enable the Society to maintain and expand its activities and to cushion the effects of rising costs, new members are urgently needed. Application forms are obtainable from the Hon. General Secretary. It would assist in the smooth running of the Society if members would pa.y their subscriptions by Banker's Order and, if possible, enter into Sevenxlvii REPORT, 1970 Year Covenants, to enable the Society to recover Income Tax on their subscriptions at no cost to themselves. Forms for both these purposes a􀂚e obtainable from the Hon. General Secretary, the Hon. Membership Secretary, or the Hon. Treasurer. EXCURSIONS It was only possible to arrange two excursions this year, owing to the postal dispute and the illness of the Hon. Excursions Secretary. The sites visited are listed below. Saturday 22nd May Saturday, 19th June Farnham Farnham Castle The Bishop's Palace Compton Church Waverley Abbey Wilmer House, Farnham Museum Bromley Bromley College Keston Wickham Court Mr. K. W. E. Gravett, M.Sc.(Eng.), F.S.A. MissS. Ware The Rector Mr. K. W. E. Gravett, M.Sc.(Eng.), F.S.A. Rev. F. J. McBride, M.A. Mr. Brian Philp Sister Mary The Society is grateful to the ladies and gentlemen mentioned above who acted as guides and did so much to make the visits more interesting. Our thanks are also due to Mr. H. G. A. Booth, Curator of Farnham Museum, for his help, and to Miss S. M. Bell of the Department of the Environment, and to Mr. S. Marples, Superintendent of Works, for their help in connection with the visit to Waverley Abbey. The Hon. Excursions Secretary would be grateful to hear from members about places of interest that could be included in future programmes . .AltCH.lEOLOGIA CANTIA.NA Volume lxxxv was published early in 1971. The volume maintains its unbroken high standard, under the editorship of Mr. A. P. Detsicas, M.A. , F.S.A., and the papers it contains cover a wide field of Archreology and History, designed for the interest of every member of the Society. LIBRARY A.ND COLLECTIONS The following books and booklets have been added to the library: Purchased: Canterbury Marriage Licences, 1810-1837; Canterbury Licences (General), 1586-1646, both edit. A. J. Willis; Beaker Pottery of Great Britain and Irel,and, 2 vols. , by D. L. Clarke; Pagan Celtic Britain: Studies in Iconography and Tradition, by Anne Ross; Gifts: The Dutch in the Medway, by P. G. Rogers, given by A. B. Webster; Education in Bexley, by L. A. and L. M. Levy, given by Bexley Borough Libraries; F. J.C. Spurrell, Kentish Antiquary and Arclu:eologist, by Nesta D. Caiger, given by the author. Exchanges of publications have been arranged with the University of London Institute of Archmology (Bul'letin of the Institute of Arclu:eology) and the Stadt Heilbronn Hiatorisches Museum (Jalwbuch fur schwiibischfriinld, sche Geschichte). xlviii REPORT, 1971 REOORDS PUBLIOATION COMMITTEE The publication at the end of 1971 of Volume xx of the Kent Records series, Timber and Brick Building in Kent, prepared by Mr. K. W. E. Gravett, puts a welcome end to a long period of delay and uncertainty. It also presents a new departure for the Society both in format and content, and it is hoped that the new volume will attract wide interest. Plans are well advanced for additional volwnes, and it is hoped that the first of a series relating to the Rochester Cathedral archives, prepared by the Revd. Canon B. J. Wigan, will be submitted to the publishers shortly. The Committee would welcome suggestions of suitable material for publication, especially if likely editors can also be indicated. PLAOE-NAMES COMMITTEE The Council agreed during the year to approach the County Local History Committee of the K.C.S.S. in order to reform the Place-Names Committee on a wider basis. Nevertheless, it remains difficult to see just how a Committee can provide more than a co-ordinating service since the onus clearly falls on the English Place-Names Society. That Society has indicated that it would welcome assistance in collecting field names from Tithe Awards and l\fr. A. Cross, M.A., of the County Archives Office, has agreed to act as co-ordinator for this project. Interested persons should therefore contact him at County Hall, Maidstone. REPORT OF THE C.P.R.K./K.A.S. PRESERVATION OF ANOIENT BUILDINGS COMMITTEE, 1970-1971 (1) The interesting ancient building at Otham, known as Madam Taylor's Cottages, is in process of being modernized and converted to one dwelling. ·we were particularly gratified in that one of our architect committee members was consulted by the agents on the alterations which they proposed to carry out. He made several suggested amendments, and what we hope will turn out to be a most satisfactory restoration will eventuate. (2) The restoration of the most attractive half-timbered building in Well Street, East Malling, known as The Barracks, is now nearing completion, and the owner is to be congratulated on what he has done. He and his wife, by travelling over much of England, were able to obtain materials of similar character and date to utilize in the work of restoration, and thanks to their enterprise and the enthusiasm of the builder concerned a most pleasing result has been obtained. (3) Concern is expressed at the condition of the remains of the Archbishop's Manor House at Cha.ring. The fine barns are deteriorating and the cottage on the left of the gateway has been empty for some while. The whole group of buildings has interesting historical connections. There has recently been a change of ownership, and the R.D.C. has been negotiating with the owner and his agents, and has obtained another report from S.P.A.B. on the group of buildings. They are described as importan t, dating from the thirteenth century, though the old Hall (or refectory) and the Gatehouse range were probably built in the fourteenth century. The whole group is scheduled as an Ancient Monument. (4) With the consent of the owner, who was present, several members of the Committee made a detailed inspection of Lower Newlands Farmhouse, Teynha.m, the future of which seemed to be in danger. Members were able to point out to the owner many extremely interesting features in xlix 4 REPORT, 1971 the building, and we are glad to hear that the house has been sold to someone who, we understand, wishes to spend a considerable sum of money on its restoration. (5) It may not be generally known that the beautiful Moyle and Finch monuments and tombs in the ruined church at Eastwell which, after the roof had collapsed in 1951, were enclosed in an extremely stark and absolutely utilitarian brick structure on the site of part of the chancel, have been removed and re-erected at the Victoria. and Albert Museum. The decision to do this was only taken after the Committee had explored every possibility of either getting the brick structure improved and opened up, so that members of the public could enjoy seeing the tombs, or of getting them re-erected in a nearby church, e.g. Challock. As was to be expected, their removal and re-erection have been carried out with great care and good taste, and anyone who knew Eastwell Church up to immediately after the war should visit the Museum. The monument to Emily, Countess of Winchilsea and Nottingham by Lawrence Macdonald, 1850, has also been taken from the ruined church to the Museum. Meanwhile, the condition of Lake House, adjacent to the churchyard, continues to deteriorate, and the Committee is pressing the R.D.C. to take action before it is too late, which may not be long. (6) During the twelve-month period many applications for listed building consent to demolish buildings included in the Statutory List have been referred to the Committee for its observations. Among the cases where consent has been refused are No. 88 High Street, Rochester; Bu11 Hotel, High Street, Sittingbourne; Priest's House at rear of No. 67 High Street, West Malling; The Rookery, St. Mary Cray; Lady Boswell's School, Sevenoaks; and Nos. 20-22 High Street, Queenborough. Some oases went to appeal, and the Minister dismissed the appeal. (7) Anxiety is felt about the future of Finchcooks, near Goudhurst, and Bourne Park, Bishopsbourne, both of which are up for sale. On being vacated by the Legat School of Ballet, Finchcooks was purchased, and the Committee was able to assist the purchaser's architect in some research on the building. After not much more than six months this fine eighteenthcentury house is, however, again on the market. Bearing in mind the long struggle during the '50s to save the fine Queen Anne mansion Bourne Park from demolition, in which the late Cyril Chettoe, Chairman of C.P .R.K., played such a prominent pa.rt, and then of preventing the owner from removing some of the interior fittings, it is alarming that the property is again up for sale. It had been bought for use as a. Roman Catholic monastery or school, but the proposal was not proceeded with. The large parkland had been acquired separately, and is in different ownership. (8) The problem of the maintenance of historic buildings owned by local authorities has been ea.using the Committee much concern, and it has taken the question up with the Civic Trust. It came to a head with the apparent unwillingness of the London Borough of Bromley to maintain or restore the Priory Outbuildings, Orpington, even after the Minister, on appeal, had refused their application for listed building consent to demolish them. The case was also taken up by the Committee with the Chairman of the G.L.C. Historic Buildings Board, who was very concerned about Bromley Borough's inaction. Though we believe that, as a result of considerable pressure from the Department of the Environment, the G.L.C., and many voluntary organizations, the London Borough of Bromley 1 REPORT, 1971 are now spending some money on emergency repairs, the underlying situation is still very unsatisfactory, and the Civic Trust is building up a dossier of the more flagrant cases of local authority neglect. EXCAVATIONS 001\'IMITTElll On the recommendation of the Committee, grants have been made during the year to the following excavations or researches. £ Boxley Abbey (Kent Archroological Society) 20 Canterbury Castle (Canterbury Archreological Society) 50 Dover (New Dover Group) 250 Eccles Roman Villa and Training School (Eccles Excavation Committee) 100 Maidstone Area Survey (Maidstone Area Archooological Group) 40 Springhead Roman Town (Gravesend Historical Society) 25 Tonbridge, Castle Hill (Tonbridge Historical Society) 60 £545 Interim reports on the excavations at Boxley Abbey, undertaken by the Society in 1971, Canterbury, Castle Hill, Tonbridge, Eccles and Springhead, appear in another part of the volume. Research Grants. Applications for financial aid should be made to the Honorary General Secretary by 31st October in the year preceding that for which the grant is required. Application forms may be obtained from the Hon. General Secretary and information upon how the grant is to be spent and what other financial resources, if any, are available, Rhould bo included. Report on the Eighth Conference of Building Recorders, held in the Museum, Maidstone, on Saturday, 16th October, 1971. This conference, held on behalf of the C.P.R.K./K.A.S. Study-group on recording historic buildings, attracted an audience of over forty people. It commenced with a talk by Mr. C. R. Councer on the Colleges of Kent. These groups of secular priests have left consioiittp RULES (in force on the 1st January, 1971) Name. 1. The Society shall be called the "Kent Archseological Society". Object. 2. The object of the Society shall be to promote the study of archseology in all its branches, especially within the county of Kent. Membership. 3. (a). The Society shall consist of ordinary, life and honorary members. (6). Ordinary and honorary members may be individuals, societies or institutions. Life members must be individuals. Election of Members. 4. Candidates for ordinary or life membership shall be proposed and seconded by members of the Society and balloted for, if required, at any meeting of the Council of the Society, or at a General Meeting, one black ball in five to exclude. Entrance Fee and Subscription. 5. (a). An ordinary or life member shall pay an entrance fee of ten shillings, due on election, but no entrance fee shall be payable by a member who, for at least two years immediately preceding the date of his election, has been a member of an affiliated society. (6). Subject to the provisions of paragraphs (/) and (g) of this Rule, an ordinary member shall also pay an annual subscription of two pounds ten shillings, due on election, and afterwards due in advance on 1st January in each calendar year. (c). A husband and wife both of whom are or become members and who receive jointly one copy of Archceologia Cantiana may pay a joint annual subscription of three pounds. (d). In lieu of annual subscription a life member elected on or after the 1st January, 1952, or an ordinary member becoming a life member under paragraph (e) ofthis Rule, shall pay by reference to his or her age a composition equal to the oost of an Immediate Life Annuity of two pounds ten shillings, calculated in accordance with the Table of Immediate Annuities in foroe for the time being under the Government Annuities Act, 1929. (e). An ordinary member, being an individual and not being in arrear with his annual subscription, may become a life member at any time on payment of a composition determined in the manner set out in paragraph (d) ofthis Rule. (/). The annual subscription payable by a member under the age lvii KENT ARCELEOLOGICAL SOCIETY of 21 years shall be one pound up to and including the year in which he attains that age. (gr). No further subscription shall be payable by a member who has paid fifty annual subscriptions. Honorary Members. 6. (a). The Council may elect as an honorary member any person who has signally promoted the interests of the Society or is likely to do so. (6). An honorary member shall not be required to pay an entrance fee or any subscription, and shall not exercise the privilege of a member of voting at meetings, but shall enjoy all other privileges of membership. Notification of Election of Member. 7. The General Secretary shall notify every new member of his election and shall send him a copy of the Rules on request. Cancellation of Election of Member. 8. A new member shall pay his entrance fee and first subscription within three months from the date of the notification to him of his election. Failing such payment his election shall be null and void unless the Council for good cause shown shall in their discretion otherwise decide. Unpaid Subscriptions. 9. (a). The Hon. Treasurer shall cause application to be made to members for annual subscriptions not paid by 31st March in each calendar year. (6). The privileges of membership maybe withheld from anymember whose annual subscription is more than three months in arrear. Removal of Names of Members in Arrear. 10. (a). The Council may remove from the list of members the name of any member whose subscription is one year in arrear and shall so remove the name of a member whose subscription is two years in arrear. (b). Names so removed may be reinstated by the Council on good cause being shown and on payment of all arrears. Members in Arrear and "Archceologia Cantiana". 11. No member shall be entitled to receive Archceologia Cantiana or any other publication of the Society for any year until his subscription for that year has been paid. Payments. 12. The entrance fee and first subscription shall be paid to the General Secretary for transmission to the Hon. Treasurer, as shall all other subscriptions, donations and payments except those made direct to the Society's Bankers. Affiliation of Local Societies. 13. Any local association, society, club or institution (hereinafter oalled a local society) having not less than twenty members and carrying on in the county of Kent work the main objects of which are similar to the object of this Society shall be affihated to this Society if and as soon lviii RULES as the Council of this Society and the governing body of the local society shall have passed resolutions in favour of such affiliation. Subscriptions, Duties, and Privileges of Affiliated Society. 14. (a). An affiliated local society shall pay to this Society an annual subscription of two pounds ten shillings due on 1st January, and shall furnish to this Society one copy of each of its current publications, and shall receive in return one copy of the current issue oi Archceologia Cantiana, or other publication of the Society, but not including publications of the Records Branch or other separate branch of the Society. (b). An affiliated local society, but not the individual members thereof, shall by virtue of affiliation become a member of this Society, and may vote at meetings through one of its members duly nominated for that purpose. Proceedings and Papers of Affiliated Society. 15. The Hon. Editor of this Society may at his discretion include in Archceologia Cantiana a brief summary of such proceedings of any affiliated local society as appear to be of general interest, and also papers written by its members dealing with archseological research or discoveries made by such local society, which society in such case shall be entitled to buy for its members at cost-price as many off-prints of such papers as shall be specified to the Hon. Editor before publication. Privileges of Members of Affiliated Societies. 16. The Council may allow members of any affiliated local society to attend meetings (other than Annual or Special General Meetings) of this Society, but not to vote thereat, and to share other privileges of membership of this Society on such terms and to such extent as it may from time to time determine. Withdrawal from Affiliation. 17. A local society may withdraw from affiliation and this Society may determine the affiliation of a local society by notice given to that effect in any year, to expire on 31st December in that year. Annual General Meeting. 18. (a). The Annual General Meeting of the Society shall be held at Maidstone in the month of April, or at such other place or date as the Council may determine. (b). At this Meeting the Council shall present its Annual Report and the Accounts for the past year, ended 31st December; and the Auditors for the current year, and six members of the Council, or more if occasion requires, shall be elected. (o). An agenda paper, which shall specify the names of the retiring members of the Council, distinguishing between members eligible and offering themselves for re-election and members not so ehgible or not so offering themselves, shall be sent with the Report and Accounts to all members not less than fourteen days before the Annual General Meeting. Excursion and other General Meetings. 19. (a). Other General Meetings of the Society, including Excursion Meetings for the purpose of visiting places of archaeological interest, shall be held from time to time as the Council may determine. Jix KENT ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY (6). Excursion meetings shall normally be so arranged that places in East Kent are visited at one such meeting and places in West Kent at another such meeting in the same year. Special General Meetings. 20. (a). A Special General Meeting shall be summoned by the General Secretary at such place within the county as the Council or the President may determine, on the requisition in writing of the President, or of seven members. (b). Such requisition shall specify the business to be brought before such meeting and only the business so specified shall be there dealt with. Special Meetings. 21. Special meetings for the reading of papers, the exhibition of antiquities and other purposes may be held at such times and places within the county of Kent as the Council may determine. Voting at Meetings. 22. (a). Except as provided in Rules 4 and 39, the resolutions of the majority present and voting at meetings of the Society or of the Council shall be binding. (b). The Chairman of any meeting shall have a casting vote independently of his vote as a member. Council. 23. (a). All the affairs of the Society not reserved for a General Meeting shall be conducted and managed by the Council. (b). The Council shall refer to a General Meeting any proposition involving the disposal of all or part of the Collections of the Society. Composition of Council. 24. The Council shall consist of the President, the General Secretary, the Honorary Treasurer, the Honorary Editor, the Honorary Librarian, and the Honorary Excursions Secretary, all of whom shall be nominated by the Council and annually elected at the Annual General Meeting, also of twenty-four members elected from among the members of the Society, together with the Vice-Presidents of the Society. Retirement of Members of Council. 25. (a). One-fourth of the twenty-four elected members of the Council shall retire annually in rotation at the date of the Annual General Meeting, but, subject to Rule 25 (6), shall be eligible for re-election without nomination. (b). A retiring member of the Council who has attended less than one-fourth of the meetings of the Council held during his last period of office shall not be eligible for re-election unless the Council or the Annual General Meeting shall resolve in any individual case that there was a reasonable cause for non-attendance. Elections to Council. 26. Elections to the Council shall normally take place at the Annual General Meeting, but any intermediate vacancy on death or retirement lx RULES among the elected members shall be filled either at a General Meeting (other than an Excursion Meeting) or a Council Meeting, whichever shall first happen, and any member so filling an intermediate vacancy shall hold office for the remainder of the term of his predecessor. Nominations for Council. 27. (a). Any member of the Society may nominate a new member of the Council by giving notice in writing to the General Secretary at least one calendar month before the date of the Annual General Meeting, and the name proposed shall be placed on the agenda of such meeting. (6). If on any occasion the number of vacancies on the Council exceeds the number of effective nominations so received by the General Secretary, together with the number of retiring members of the Council who are eligible and offer themselves for re-election, the chairman of the Annual General Meeting may accept further nominations received at or at any time before such meeting. Council Meetings. 28. (a). The Council shall meet quarterly during the year, normally in March, June, September and December, and more often if deemed expedient. (b). The March meeting shall ordinarily be held at Canterbury, the June meeting at such place as may be fixed by the President, the September meeting at Rochester, and the December meeting at Maidstone. (c). If deemed advisable by the General Secretary in consultation with the President, the quarterly meetings may be held at other times or places, or a quarterly meeting may be omitted. (d). Subject to the provisions of paragraph (c) above, the Council shall have power to determine where its meetings shall be held. (e). Five members present shall form a quorum. General Secretary. 29. The General Secretary shall keep a record of the proceedings of the Society, to be communicated to members at the General Meetings. Treasurer. 30. (a). The Hon. Treasurer shall keep an account of all receipts and payments of the Society and after 31st December in each year he shall prepare the Accounts, including a Balance Sheet for the past year. (6). After the said Accounts have been approved by the Auditors, the Hon. Treasurer shall lay them before the next meeting of the Council, accompanied by a Statement of all subscriptions and other sums due to the Society and in arrear, and of all moneys due from the Society. (c). The Council may at any time if it thinks it desirable, employ and pay a professional accountant to assist the Hon. Treasurer in making up such Accounts. Local Secretaries. 31. The Council may appoint any member of the Society to be Honorary Local Secretary for any particular town or district in Kent, and may at any time cancel such appointment. lxi KENT ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY Membership Secretary. 32. The Membership Secretary shall be nominated by the Council and annually elected at the Annual General Meeting. He shall be responsible for all matters concerning the membership of the Society, including the collections of all subscriptions. Curator. 33. The Council may appoint a Curator of the Society, and may determine the remuneration to be paid to him. Branches. 34. The Council may authorize the formation of separate branches of the Society for particular purposes within the scope of the object of the Society. Vice-Presidents. 35. The Society in General Meeting or the Council may elect as a Vice-President of the Society any person of distinction associated with the county of Kent, on his becoming a member of the Society, or afterwards, and any person who has rendered distinguished service to the Society, on his becoming a member or afterwards. Trustees. 36. The funds, securities and property of the Society shall be held by National Provincial Bank, Ltd., as Custodian Trustee, and the said Bank shall act in accordance with the resolutions of the Council whereof copies certified by the Chairman and Secretary shall be furnished to the said Bank as soon as possible thereafter. The remuneration of the Custodian Trustee shall be determined by the Council in agreement with the said Bank. Investment of Life Compositions. 37. (a). Life Compositions shall be invested in Trustee Securities and, together with the income derived therefrom, shall constitute the Life Composition Fund. (6). The Council may each year transfer from the Life Composition Fund to the General Fund for each Life Member of the Society, a sum not exceeding the current Annual Subscription. Cheques. 38. All cheques shall be signed by the Honorary Treasurer or, if he is absent or unable to act, by the President and the General Secretary. Controversial Topics. 39. The Society shall avoid all topics of religious or political controversy. Alteration of Rules. 40. (a). No alteration in these Rules shall be made except at the Annual General Meeting and then only by a majority of two-thirds of the members present and. voting. lxii RULES (6). No proposed alteration, other than one initiated by the Council shall be considered unless notice thereof shall have been given in writing to the Hon. General Secretary on or before the 31st December preceding the Annual General Meeting. (c). Any proposed alteration shall be set out in the notice convening the Annual General Meeting or in a notice sent therewith. Ixiii




The Kentish Election of March 1640