Kent Bibliography, 1972-73

KENT BIBLIOGRAPHY, 1972-73 D. E. Johnston, 'A Roman Building at ChaUc, near Gravesend', Britannia, Hi (1972), 112-48. K. S. Painter, 'A Late-Roman Silver Ingot from Kent', Antiq. Journ., hi (1972), 84-92. L. Webster and D. Slow, 'The Faussett CoUection at Liverpool', Antiquity, xlvii (1973), 231. B. K. Davison, 'The Burghal Hidage Fort of Eorpeburnan: a suggested Identification', Med. Arch., xvi (1972), 123-7. M. M. Archibald, 'The WiUesborough, Ashford (Kent) Hoard', Brit. Num. Journ., xl (1972), 120-3. M. Binney, 'Penshurst Place, Kent; the Seat of Viscount De LTsle, V.C, K.G.', Country Life, ch, nos. 3900 and 3901 (9th and 16th March, 1972). M. GHouard, 'A Young Architect in Kent. Early Norman Shaw Commissions I', Country Life, cliv, no. 3975 (30th August, 1973). (WUlesley.) S. G. McRae and C. P. Burnham, The Bural Landscape of Kent, Wye College, 1973. (PubUshed on the occasion of the British Association Meetmg, Canterbury, 1973.) D. B. KELLY 227


Researches and Discoveries in Kent

