Corresponding Societies
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Contents and Illustrations, Volume 91
List of Local Secretaries
CORRESPONDING SOCIETIES For Interchange of Publicati=, etc. Asbmolean Museum, Oxford. Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society, The City Library, Brunswick Road, GlowJester. British School at Rome, 61 Via Gramsci, Roma (51), Italy. Cambrian Archreological Association, National Museum of Wale.9, Cardi.ff. Cambridge Antiquarian Society, The Haddon Librarian, Museum of Archreolcgy and Ethnology, Downing Street, Cambl"idge. Cumberland and Westmorland Antiquarian Society, The Librarian, Tullie House, Castle Street, OarUsle, Ourrtbe1·land. Derbyshire Al·chreological Society, The Hon. Librarian, Derby Borough Library, W ardwick, Derby. Akademie der Wissensha.ften der DDR, Zentralinstitut fur Alte Geschichte und Archaologie Bibliothek, DDR 108 Berlin Leipziger Str., 3-4. Essex Archreological Society, The Librarian, 4 Durham Square, Colchester, Essex. Hampshire Field Club, The Hon. Librarian, Hampshire Field Club, University of Southampton Library, Sautliamvpton, 809 5HN. Historisches Museum Stadt Heilbronn, 71 Heilbrotin-a-N., Iframstrasse 1., West Germany. Hi·s toric Society of Lancashire and Cheshire, Honorary Librarian, Brown Library, Liverpool Public Libraries, William Brown Street, Liverpool 3. Institut Archeologique Liegeois, BibliotMque de l'Universite, 1 Place Ookerill, Liege, Belgium. Institute of Archreology, 31-4 G<>rdon Square, London, WCJH 0PY. Landesmuseum fiir Vorgeschichte, Halle (Saale) 0.2, Richard Wagner Strasse 9-10, East Germany. Lincolnshire Local History Society, Miss M. Finch, Hon. Librarian, Lines. Archives Committee, The Castle, Lincoln. London and Middlesex Archreological Society, The Bishopsgate Institute, Bishopsgate, E.0.2. National Historical Museum, K. Vitterhatsakademien, Biblioteket, St<>rgatan 41, Stockholm, O., Sweden. Norfolk and Norwich Archreological Society, Garsett House, St. Andrew's Hall Plain, Norwich, NOR 16J. Museum fur Ur-und-Friihgesicht.e Potsdam, 1502 Potsdam-Babelsberg, Schiess Babelsberg, East Germany. Powys-land Olub, Powys-land Reference Library, Church Bank, Welshpool, Mo•1Jgomeryshire. Rijksdienst voor het Oudheikundig Bodemonderzook, "Marit!nhof", Kleine Haag 2, .Amersfoort, Holland. xvii 2 CORRESPONDING SOCIETIES RcSmisch-Germanisches Zentral Museum, Mainz 65, Ernst Ludwig Platz 2, W. Germany. Royal Irish Academy, 19 Dawson Strut, Dublin. Royal Numismatic Society, The British Museum, W.0.1. Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland, Hon. Gen. Secretaries, 63 Merrion Square, Dublin. Semina.rievoor Arohreologie (Ruksuniversiteit), Blandijnberg, 2, Ghent, Belgium. Service National des Fouillea, 11, Pare du Oinquantenaire, Brwsele 1090, Belgiwm. Shropshire Arohreological Society, The Secretary, Silverdale, Severn Banlc, Shrewsbury. Society of Antiquaries of London, Burlington House, Piccadilly, WIV OHS. Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, E. Hedley, Hon. Librarian, Black Gate, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, Queen Street, Edinburgh. Somersetshire Archreological and Natura.I History Society, The Museum, Taunton. Surrey Archreological Society, Castle A.rch, Guild/ord. Sussex Archreologice.l Society, Barbican House, Lewes. The University Library, Uppsala, Sweden. Verein von Altertumsfreunden im Rheinlande, Bonn, Germany. Wiltshire Archreological and Natural History Society, The Mmeum, Devizes. Woolhope Club, Mrs. M. Tonkin, 'Ohy an Whyloryon', Wigmore, Leomimter, Herefordshire. Yorkshire Archreological Society, Claremont, Clarendon Road, Leeds 2. xviii