General Index
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Frontispiece 1976
GENERAL INDEX Abbreviations: AS, Anglo-Saxon; IA, Iron Age; Med., Medieval; Neo., Neolithic; R, Roman; RB, Romano-British Abergavenny, Lord G., 127 Abingdon Abbey, 182 Adisham. 61, 91 ff. )EJfric, I 81 IElfstan, Bishop of Rochester, 183 IElfthryth, Queen Mother, 180, 183 £thelgar, Bishop, 183 )Etbelmrer, 182 IEthelred, King, 182 IEthelsige, 181-3 IEthelstan, 181 /Ethelwine, 182-3 Aldington, Manor of, 61 Alexander VI, Pope, 199 Anglo-Saxon, Building, 217 Burial, 56, 201-2, 223 Cemetery, 96, 201-2 Pottery, 96, 202, 216 Settlement, 58 Site, 223 Appledore, 197 Archibald, M. M .. and P. A. Connolly, The Meoplzam Hoard off ourteenth• century Gold Coins, 47-53 Arlett, J., 47 Arnold, G. M., I. 9, 23 Miss I., I R. C., 5 Ash, 61, 219 Ashford, 81 ff., 134 Ashley, Lord, 20 M., 197 Aubrichecourt, Sir E. d', 65 Aucher, A., 134 Aylesford, 55, 207 Baker, G., 82 Banes, T.,' 196 ff. Barbour, W., 197 Barham, 96 Barker, E. E., The Bromley Charters, 179-85 Barmi11g, St. Cuthbert's Cottage, by M.A. Ocock, 145-52 Barons' War, The, 25 Bearsted Green, 225 Bekesboume, The Old Palace, 216 Bell, Rev. H., 6-7 Benger, Canon R., 65 Bexley, 226-7 Birch, W. de Gray, 179-80 Black Prince, 65 Blean, 217 Blew, W., 15 Blew, Rev. W. J., 14 ff. Boleyn, T .• Earl of Wiltshire, 140 Bonnington, 64 Bourgchier, Archbishop, 196 ff. Bowra, Brig. E. V., O.B.E., obit., 243 Boxley, 65 Bradsole Abbey, 197, 199 Brenchley, J., 5, 11 Brenner, R., 135 Brent, Rev. D., 6 Bretiny, Treaty of, 49 Brishmg, 224 Bromley Charters, The, by E. E. Barker, 179-85, 223 Bromley, 223 Bronze Age, 95 Adze, 207 Chisel, 206-7 Pottery, 95, 212 Site, 225 Bronze, Objects, 171 Buckingham, Duke of, 127, 132 Building Materials, 174 Burial, AS, 56 RB, 95, 213, 223 Burton, J., 199 Butcher, A. F., Sandwich in the thirteenth Century, 25-31 Buttons, 171 Byrhtferth, I 8 I Byrhtnoth, I 83 Byrhtric, 181-2 Byrhtwaru, 181-2 Calais, 49, 142 Calthorpe, W., 83 Cambridge, St. John's College, 83 Campbell, Prof. A., cited, 180 Canterbury, Castle, 213-5 Cathedral, 25 ff., 127 Excavations at St. Augustine's Abbey, by Humphrey Woods, 204-5 Excavations i11 1977, by T. Tatton- Brown, 212-8 Carpenter, R. C., 22-3 Cartwright, T., 83 Cemetery, AS, 58, 96 245 GENERAL INDEX Charing, 81 Charles, T., 65 Cheyney, Sir T .• 128, 130 Chichele, Archbishop, 195 Chilton, 64 Church, T. S., Review, 232-5 Cinque Ports, 25, 132-3, 197 IT. Clark, Peter, The Prophesying Movement in Kentish Towns during the 1570s, 81-90 Clark, W. T., 5 Clay Pipes, l 70 Clement, Sir R., 135 Clerk, W., 196 Clerke, S., 82 IT. Clinton, Lord J., 196-7 Cnut, Charter of, 28 Cobham, C., 23 Coins, IA, 208 Med., 47-53, 169 R., 208, 210, 223 Connolly, P. A., and Archibald, M. M., The Meopham Hoard off ourteenthcentury Gold Coins, 47-53 Cooke, T., 198 Cooper, H., 198 Cowper, Earl, 65 Sir W., 65 Cranbrook, 130 Crevecoeur, R. de, 33 Croly, Rev. Dr G., 6 Cromwell, T., 128, 134, 140 Cruden, R. P., 5, 8, 10 Crundale, 83 Darent, River, 206 Darnley, Earl, 6, 8, 19 ff. Dartford, 47, 137 Davies, Rev. W., 6 Dawks, S. W., 19 Deane, H., 200 Debenham, Suffolk, 10 Dering, E., 83 Delling, 208 Detsicas, A. P., M.A., F.S.A., Excavations at Eccles, 1976, 55-9 Review, 231-2, 234, 235-6, 237-40 Dover, 81, 195 Dowker, G., 61, 91 Du Boulay, Prof. F. R. H., cited, 63 Dumbleton, Glos., 182 Dunstan, Archbishop, 183 Durval, Lt. L. E., 20-1 Duval, Mr, 13 Eadred, King, 179 Eadwine, 181 Eagle, W., 5 East Malling, 208 Eastry, H. de, 25, 30 East Tilbury, 153 Eccles, Excavations at, 1976, by A. P. Detsicas, M.A., F.S.A., 55-9 Edgar, King, 179 ff. Edmund, King, 61, 179 Edward, I, 63 IT. II, 65 III, 47 ff., 65 VI, 64, 196 Elizabeth I, 84, 125, 128 Ellis, Rev. W.W., 6 Evesham, 65 Eynsford, 206-7 Faversham, 81, 83 Abbot of, 199 Fawkham, 181-3 Ferrers, Lord, 196 ff. Flint, Flakes, 96 ff. Industry, 98 ff., 114-5, 121-2 Neo., Axe-head, 95 Fogge, J., 133 Folkestone, The Priory and Parish of, in the fifteenth Cenlllry, by C. HarperBill, 195-200. 226 Fownten, T., 198 Freke, E., 84 Froggarde, G., 66 Fudge, Rev. J. R., 6 Gardiner, Miss D., cited, 25 ff. Mr, 14 George VI, 180 Gibbons, D., 44 H., 44 Gladish, W., 5, 11 Glass, 167-9 Godwine, Bishop of Rochester, 183 Goldwell, W., 134 Goudhurst, 137 Grant, Dr, Bishop of Southwark, 21 Gravesend, The Excavation of the Blockhouse, by D. Thompson and Mrs. V. Smith, 153-77 The Proprietory Chapel of St. John, by R. H. Hiscock, LL.B., F.S.A., 1-24, 137, 153 Greenwich, Sites at, 223-4 Grindal, Archbishop, 82 Guildford, Sir H., 126 Hales, J., 130-1 Harper-Bill, C., The Priory and Parish of Folkes/one in the .fifteenth Century, 195-200 246 GENERAL INDEX Harris, W. Gervaise, 47 Hawkinge, 197 Headcom, 63 Hendley, W., 130 Henig, Martin, A Roman Signet-ring from Sheerness. 207 Henry III, 25, 63 IV, 50 VI, 127 VII, I 38, I 43 VIII, 126, 128 ff., 133, 138, 153 Heslop, Mr, 7 Higham, 153 Hiscock, R. H., LL.B., F.S.A., The Proprietary Chapel of St. John, Gravesend, 1-24. Hollingboume, 208 Holy Trinity, Milton, 2, I 7 Hopkins, J. D., 5 Hull, 153 Igglesden, Sir C., 44 Ingram, J., 83 Investigations and Excavations during the Year, 219-27 Iron Age, Coin, 208 Objects, I 71-2 Pottery, 95, 101-9 Site, 95, 101-9, 112, 114 ff., 121 ff. Islip, Archbishop, 65 Jenkins, Mr, 4 ff. Dr F., 61 Jones, D. T., B.A., Dip. Arch., Excavations at the Site of a medieval Ha/I-house at North Cray, 187-94 JPs, Early Tudor, at Work, by M. L. Zell, 125-43 Johnstone, Rev. W. D., 17 Joynes, Rev. R., 19 Rev. R. S., 17, 19 Juliers (Jiilich), Marquis of, 65 Kelly, D. B., Archaeological Notes from Maidstone Museum, 207-12 Kent, John, Earl of, 65 Moated Sites, 220-2 Researches and Discoveries in, 201-18 Kentish Towns, The Prosphesying Movement in, during the 1570s,. by Peter Clark, 81-90 Kilwardby, Archbishop, 64 Knife, 193 Kyles, Rev., 13-4 Lambeth, 198 Lanfranc, Archbishop, 63 Larkfield, 208 Larwood, W., 196 Lead Objects, 171 Leather, 171 Leeds, 208-10 Leeds Priory, Excavations on the Site of, by P. J. Tester, F.S.A., 33-45 Len, River, 34 Lenham, 63-4 Lincoln, 200 London, City of, 65 Tower of, 49 Lonlay, 200 Loose, 210 Lympne, 81 McNally, Father J., I ff. Maidstone, 34, 135, 210, 224-5 Westborough House, Hart Street, by M. A. Ocock, 202-4 Maldon, Battle of, 183 Manning, Cardinal, 15 Rev. H. E., 23 Marriott, Rev. G. M .. 12 Marshall, W., 134 Medieval, Building, 216-8, 225 Coin, 47-53 Enclosure, 219 Harness Pendant, 208-1 I Moat, 217. 220-2 Mortar, 210 Pottery, I 18-20, 167 Seal Matrix, 210 Medway, River, 145 Meopham Hoard, The, of fourteenth Century Gold Coins, by M. M. Archibald and P. A. Connolly, 47-53 , Archbishop, 65 Mersham, 134 Milford Haven, 153 Milton-next-Gravesend, I ff. Milton-next-Sittingboume, 82 Moat, 217, 220-2 Montfort, S. de, 25 More, Rev. T. B. G., 6 Morton, Archbishop, 198 ff. Moyle, Sir T., 130-1, 141 Munday, Canon E., I Munevilla, N. de, 200 Murray, Dr G., Bishop of Rochester, 21 Murston, 83 Myllyng, T., 200 Neale, Rev. J. P., 6 Neolithic, Adze, 207 247 Flint Axe-head, 95, 212 Pit, 95 Pottery, 97 GENERAL INDEX Neville, Sir T., 127 Newman, R., 83 Norfolk, Duke of, 140 Norman, Building, 217 North Cray, Excavations at the Site of a medieval Hall-house at, by D. T. Jones, B.A., Dip. Arch., 187-94. Norwich, 200 Norlhfleet, 223 Nuthurst, Sx., 15 Obituary, 243 Ocock, M. A., St. Cuthbert's Cottage, Barming, 145-52 Westborough House, Hart Street, Maidstone, 202--4 Ogilvie, J. D., F.S.A., The Stourmouth- Adislzam Water-main Trench, 91-124 Ordgar, 181, 183 Orpington, Further Notes on the AngloSaxon Cemetery at, by P. J. Tester, F.S.A., 201-2 Ospringe, 81 Oswald, Archbishop of York, 179 ff. Otford, 225 Manor of, 61 Oxford, Wadharn College, 15 Oxenden, Family, 66 Paignton, Devon, 152 Palmer, Sir H., 64 Parker, Archbishop, 82, 84 c., 5 Parkin, E. W., Wingham, A medieval Town, 61-79 Papworth, J. B., 5 Pausson, T., 83 Peddinge, 64 Petre, Lord, 22 Pickard, J., 83 Pike, J. A., Eynsford, 206-7 Pikenoth, J., 31 Pluckley, 83 Pottery, AS, 96, 202, 216 Bronze Age, 95 IA, 101 ff. Med., 118-20, 167, 219 Neo., 97 RB, 95, Ill ff., 216, 223 Samian, 95, 111-2, 213-4, 223 Sixteenth Century, 193 Preston, 96, 123 Pryer, A., 45 Raphael, Lewis, 21 Ratling, 64 Court, 65 Researches and Discoveries in Kent, 201-18 Reviews, 229-41 Reynolds, Archbishop, 65 Richard II, 48 Richborough, 61, 123, 207 Rigold, S. E., Review, 229-30 Robertsbridge, Sx., 63-4 Robertson, Dr A. J., cited, 180 Rochester, 37, 179, 181 ff., 210 Rogers, R., Suffragan Bishop of Dover, 84 Roman, Cemetery, 213 Coin, 208, 210, 223 Key, 201 Road, 61, 95, 123 Signet-ring, 207 Street, 213 Sword, 213 Theatre, 217 Villa, 55-9, 61, 95 Wall, 216 Romano-British, Boundary Wall, 56-7 Building, 201, 213, 217, 224 Burial, 213, 223 Ditch, 55, 58, 219 Pit, 95 Pottery, 95, I 11, 216, 223 Site, 95, 113, 223 Water-mill, 95 Romney Marsh, 82, 133 Rowel Spur, 193 Ruckinge, 82 Saddington, Mr, 13 St. Anne's, Westminster, 15 St. Augustine's Abbey, Canterbury, 29 Excavations at, by Humphrey Woods, 204--5 St. George's, Gravesend, I, 6 ff. St. James', Gravesend, 19 St. John's, Gravesend, 1 ff. St. Leger, Sir A., 130 St. Martin's, Dover, 198-9 St. Mary Northgate, Canterbury, 214 St. Mary Overy, Southwark, 199 St. Mary and St. 13answith, 195 St. Mary and St. Nicholas Priory, Leeds, 33 St. Mazy and St. Paul, Milton, 1 St. Saviour's, Bermondsey, 199 Sandwich, 61, 81 ff. Sandwich in the thirteenth Century, by A. F. Butcher, 25-31 Sayer, W., 66 Sevenoaks,63--4, 137,225 Shaftesbury, Lord, 20 Sheerness, A Roman Signet-ring from, by Martin Henig, 207 Shipbourne, 134 Shoobridge, G., 5 248 GENERAL INDEX Sideman, Bishop ofCrediton, 179, 181 Sittingbourne, 81, 137 Slade, Rev. H. R., 6 Smally, Rev. G., 7 ff. Smith, J., 5 Mrs. V., and D. Thompson, The Excavation of the Gravesend Blockhouse, 1975-76, 153-77 Sir T., cited, 125 Snettisham, Norfolk, 42 Snodland, 21 I Southfleet, 2 I 9 Southgate, Mr, 13 Stafford, Archbishop, 63, 196 Staplehurst, 212 Stokes, Rev. J. S., 2 ff. Stonar, 29 Stour, River, 2 IS Stourmourh, The, -Adisham Water-main Trench, by J. D., Ogilvie, F.S.A., 91-124 Style, H., 141 Sudbury, T., 199 Suffolk, Duke of, 140 Swalecliffe, 212 Sweetlove, J., 44 Tatton-Brown, Tim, Beaker from Swalecliffe, 212 Excavations in 1977 by the Canterbury Archaeological Trust, 212-8 Taylor, T., 83 Tester, P. J., F.S.A., Excavations on the Site of Leeds Priory, 33-45 Further Notes on the Anglo-Saxon Cemetery at Orpington, 201-2 Review, 230-1, 233-4, 236-7, 240-1 Teston, 224 Thames, River, 153 Thompson, D., and Mrs. V. Smith, The Excavation of the Gravesend Blockhouse, 1975-76, I 53-77 Thurnham, 225 Thwaites, E., 128 Tilbury, 153 Tonbridge, 132, 134 Turpin, T., 83 Twitton, 64 Upchurch, 207 Victorian, Dress Weights, 171 Tie-pin, 171 Warham, Archbishop, 199-200 W., 198 Watson, Rev. S., 2 Watts, W., 83 Weald, 131-2 West Kingsdown, 219 Weston, W., 5 Westwell, 83 Whetnall, W., 127 Whitgift, Archbishop, 84 Whitelock, Prof. D., cited, 179 Widdington, Mr, 13, 20 Wido, Abbot, 205 Wilcoxon, A., Jr., 5 Wilson, J., 18 Winchelsea, Archbishop, 65 Wingham, A medieval Town, by E.W. Parkin, 61- 79, 137 Wiseman, Cardinal, 21 Wolsey, Cardinal, 126 Woodward, Rev. C., 6 w., 5 ff. Worcester, Florence of, 181 Wotton, Sir E., 130, 141 Wrotham, 225 Wulfred, Archbishop, 63 Wyatt, T., 127, 142 Wyatville, Sir J., 5 Wykeham-Marlin, C., 44 Wymlingswould, 64 York, Cecily, Duchess of, 196-7 Zell, M. L., Early Tudor JPs at Work, 125-43 249