Annual Report
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Contents and Illustrations, Volume 94
ANNUAL REPORT ANNUAL REPORT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st DECEMBER, 1978 Council presents its one hundred and twentieth Report and Statement of Accounts for 1977. OBITUARY Council records with great regret the death of Mr. T. D. Crellin, a valued member of the Finance Committee and Local Secretary for Dover. ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING The Annual General Meeting was held at the Hatton School, Sevenoaks, on Saturday, 20th May, when Council's Annual Report and Statement of Accounts for 1977 were adopted. Mr. K. A. Pollock, F.C.A., was re-elected Honorary Auditor of the Society, with a unanimous vote of thanks for his services. The amendments to the Rules were passed nem. con. and these are incorporated in the complete Rules published elsewhere in this volume. The sale of a mahogany book-case, property of the Society, for £350 was approved. In the afternoon Professor B. W. Cunliffe, M.A., Ph.D., F.S.A., gave a most interesting lecture, illustrated with slides, on 'Romney Marsh and Stutfall Castle' to a very large and appreciative audience of members and friends. OFFICERS The President, Vice-Presidents and Officers of the Society were re-elected unanimously. COUNCIL The following were elected to Council: Mr. I. W. C. Bouskill, Mr. D. A. H. Cleggett, Mr. A. Miles, Mr. J. A. Pyke, Mr. C. P. Ward, and Mr. R. M. Walsh. CALENDAR Material for the Calendar should reach the Hon. General Secretary by March 1st, September 1st and December lst for inclusion in each issue. MEMBERSHIP The membership of the Society in December stood at 1,336 which showed an increase of 80 during the year. While this is satisfactory so far the total is still too small for a county with a population as large as ours and one moreover of such historical and archaeological significance. One problem is retaining our existing members, and Council has been considering a number of new proposals which, it is hoped, will not only encourage new members but also help to retain them. FINANCE The Finance and Investment Committee suffered a grave loss in the death of Mr. T. D. Crellin whose advice on taxation matters was invaluable. xviii ANNUAL REPORT The dramatic change in the Society's finances resulting from the generosity of the late Mr. and Mrs. I. D. Margary is partially shown in the Accounts for 1977, later in this volume. Further sums were received in I 978. All investments are now held by the Official Custodian for Charities and handled by Messrs. Hoare Govett and Co. who report regularly to the Finance and Investment Committee. Members are urged to pay their subscriptions as soon as possible after 1st January and, in a few cases, to revise their Banker's Orders to the new rates which are: Institutional Members Individual Members and Affiliated Societies Joint Members Junior Members £6.00 £4.50 £5.50 £2.00 A Seven-Year Covenant, forms for which are obtainable from the Hon. General Secretary, the Honorary Membership Secretary and the Honorary Treasurer, enables members to help the Society at no cost to themselves. PUBLICATIONS Volume XCIII was published in 1978. The volume maintains its high standard under the editorship of Mr. A. P. Detsicas, M.A., F.S.A., and its contents cover a wide field of Archaeology and History. Volume I of the Monograph Series, The Roman Villa at Lullingstone, Kent, I, by Lt.-Col. G. W. Meates, F.S.A., and the records volume, A Kenrish Miscellany, will be published later this year. EXCAVATIONS COMMITTEE Grants have been made in 1977-8 to assist the following excavations in the County: Mr. F. H. Thompson (Bigberry Hill-fort) £100 Mr. R. Burleigh and Dr. M. Kerney (Neolithic site at Brook) £100 Applications for grants by the Society should be presented to the Hon. General Secretary by 1st November, 1979. The Society continues to be represented at meetings of the Committee for Rescue Archaeology in Kent by Mr. A. C. Harrison and Mr. R. H. Hiscock, and Mr. P. E. Oldham has consented to occupy the vacancy created by the withdrawal of Mr. P. J. Tester. The annual K.A.S. Field Archaeology Meeting took place at Maidstone on 25th November, 1978. The speakers were: Mr. John Hedges (County Archaeological Officer for Essex) who spoke on 'Recording the Historic Environment': Mr. M. Jessup, on 'A Staplehurst Moated Site'; Mr. P. E. Oldham, on 'The Earthwork of Motte Hall, Bearsted'; and Mr. R. M. Walsh, on 'Survey Work in the Dartford Area'. There was an exhibition of material including samples of the Sites and Monuments Record held by Essex County Council and drawing of earthworks by Mr. M. Jessup. These annual meetings provide a useful opportunity to learn of and discuss projects currently being undertaken. The organizers would like to receive items for display such as plans, maps, drawings or photographs, and those willing to provide these are asked to contact Mr. E. P. Connell, 29 Penenden, New Ash Green, Dartford. The arrangements of the meeting were in the hands of Mr. E. Connell, assisted by Mrs. N. Caiger, Miss S. Bishop, Messrs. R. Cockett and G. Cramp. To all of these and to the speakers the Society extends its grateful thanks. xix ANNUAL REPORT The Committee has held meetings at Gad's Hill Place and the Sudbury Tower, Canterbury. On the latter occasion the business meeting was followed by a most interesting tour of the sites currently being excavated in the city under the direction of Mr. T. W. T. Tatton-Brown. This was followed by a visit to Bigberry to see the excavations carried out by Mr. Hugh Thompson on the Iron Age earthworks. EXCURSIONS REPORT 1978 May 6th. Thane/ Visits were arranged to Minster Abbey, Sevenscore Farm, Salmestone Grange, Draper's Almshouses, and St. John's Church, Margate. The Society is grateful to the Mother Superior of Minster Abbey, Mr. P. E. Dyas, of Sevenscore Farm, Mr. D. Brown, of Salmestone Grange, and the Matron of Draper's Almshouses, for their kindness and assistance. Special thanks are due to Mr. D. Scurrell who planned, organized and guided this excursion and also to Mrs. Scurrell and her helpers who provided such an excellent tea. Apologies to the coach party and to Mr. ScurrelJ for any inconvenience caused by the two coach breakdowns and the subsequent cancellation of the visits to the first two sites. June 10th. Dover and east Kent Visits were organized to Waltham Church, Dane Chantry, Petham and the Painted House, Dover; Wingham, and Ratling Court. The society's thanks are due to the Revd. G. R. Aylen, of Waltham, Mr. A. G. Cumming, of Dane Chantry, Brian Philp, of the Painted House, Mr. and Mrs. P. Loftus, of Ratling Court, for their help and consideration. Thanks are also extended to Messrs. E. Parkin and Stuart Rigold, for their expert guidance. July 1st. Tenterden The following sites were visited, Boughton Monchelsea Place, the Tenterden railway, Rolvenden Church, Rolvenden Mill and Finchcocks. The Society is grateful to the following ladies and gentlemen for their help. Mrs. M. C. Lebon, local secretary, Mr. M. Winch, of Boughton Place, Mr. C. Deverell, of the Tenterden railway, the Revd. J. H. Wright, of Rolvenden, Mrs. P. Barham and Mr. and Mrs. R. Burnell, of Finchcocks. Thanks are also due to Mr. Councer for his help and suggestions. July 29th. Lewes Visits were arranged to the Priory of the Holy Cross, Cross-in-Hand, the town of Lewes, and Firle Place. The Society is grateful to the Sister Superior of Holy Cross, to Mrs. B. Williams, Secretary of the Friends of Lewes, Mr. R. Lewis, of the Lewes Priory Excavation Group, to Messrs. Anderson and Rudebeck, of the Friends of Lewes, and to His Worship the Mayor of Lewes, for their kjndness and assistance. September 9th. Cabby Barge Trip This was a repeat of last year's excursion and again proved successful and a little rougher! XX ANNUAL REPORT The Hon. Excursions Secretary would like to thank all those members who participated for their continuous support and .would be grateful for any suggestions for future excursions. BUILDING RECORDERS The fifteenth conference of Building Recorders was held at Maidstone on Saturday, 7th October, 1978 and some thirty members attended. The first speaker, Mr. E.W. Parkin, showed some of his more recent discoveries, mainly concerned with houses within the Cinque Port Towns. He was followed by Mrs. M. Lawrence, who spoke about Hale Place Farm, East Peckham, and most efficiently integrated her documentary discoveries with the structure of the house, as revealed during its recent renovation. Then Mr. K. W. E. Gravett followed with a description of the manor houses of Lamberhurst. Finally, the Chairman, Mr. R. Hiscock expressed the thanks of the meeting to Mr. P. Oldham by whose good offices it had been possible to meet at Rock House, the usual room in the Museum being unavailable. The next conference of Building Recorders will be held on Saturday, 6th October, 1979. BRANCH REPORTS Maidstone Branch. Report by Mr. P. E. Oldham, M.A. During 1978, two lectures were organized jointly with the Maidstone Area Archaeological Group. The lectures were "Recent Archaeological Work in Dartford", by Mr. R. M. Walsh, and "The Guldeford Family", by Mrs. M. C. Lebon, M.A. Medway and Gillingham Branch The branch has maintained good attendances at meetings which comprised three lectures. These were Mr. J. Bradshaw on "Aerial Photography", October 1977; Mr. A. C. Harrison, B.A., F.S.A., on "Rochester's Castles and Bridges", February 1978; Mr. P. E. Oldham, M.A., on "Coin Hoards", April 1978. In June 1978 members gave excellent contributions with talks on their own researches. The Annual General Meeting held on 24th October, 1978, had an excellent attendance when Mr. T. W. T. Tatton. Brown, B.A. spoke on 'Recent Canterbury Excavations'. REPORT OF THE KENT HISTORIC BUILDINGS COMMITTEE 1977-78 I. Plaques. Plaques have been awarded to 14 houses. 2. Kentish Farm Buildings Survey. It was decided to extend the projected barns survey to include all farm outbuildings. As the undertaking is large, we have decided to launch a pilot scheme in the areas of Plaxtol, Loose, Hadlow and Crayford. 3. EasllVe/1 Park - Lake House. This attractive house, which has been a source of great concern to the Committee for some years, is now being restored by the new owners. The massive oak joists of the old hall and solar floor have been revealed, as has the sixteenth-century roof, which appears to be in good condition. 4. St. Nicholas-at-Wade - Netherhale Farm House. This Grade II listed building xxi ANNUAL REPORT comprises a timber-framed hall-house dating from 1400, with Flemish and Georgian additions. In 1974 listed building consent for demolition was refused by Thanet D.C., supported by the K.C.C. and amenity bodies including ours. Following an appeal by the owners, Corpus Christi College, Oxford, an inquiry was held in October 1975. The Inspector recommended that the appeal be dismjssed, but the Minister's decision issued in July 1977, upheld the appeal. Thanet D.C. appealed to the High Court on the grounds that the Minister differed from the Inspector in findings of fact without giving interested parties the opportunity to make representation. The Court found in favour of the Council and the Minister's decision was quashed. The Secretary of State therefore held a further inquiry in May, and its outcome is awaited. 5. Dungeness - No. 1 Ballery. We have supported the report to the K.C.C. made by Mr. Victor Smith, of the Kent Defence Research Group, including his recommendation that demolition be deferred until the Inspector of Ancient Buildings has visited the site, and we have received an assurance to this effect from the County Planning Officer. 6. Sitlcup - Frognal House. This handsome house (Grade II) was built after the Restoration. It now belongs to the South-East London Hospital Board, who want to demolish it. We have told Bexley London Borough that this would be a barbarous act. They tell us that they have objected to the proposal and that a public inquiry is likely. 1. Tenterden - Heronden Old House, Morghew Park. It is proposed to dismantle this Grade 11 house and re-erect it. We have said we will not object provided the work is done by a specialist finn, the whole house is dismantled and re-erected and an archaeological record is made. 8. Folkes/one - 4 Old High Street. We strongly objected to a proposal for the demolition of this Grade II house. The Local Planning Authority has refused pennission. 9. Square Deal Cafe - Pembury. We objected to the proposal to demolish this putative seventeenth-century framed structure, and have been informed by the Tunbridge Wells B.C. that permission has been refused. 10. Ya/ding - R11gmer Farm, Benover. We have said we would regret any extension, however well designed, which would radically alter the original appearance of this seventeenth-century house. 11. St. Mary Cray - 4-8A Kent Road. At the request of the Borough Architect of Bromley B.C., Mr. Peter Lambert visited and reported on this house, which the council have professed themselves anxious to preserve. It proves to be a building of largely seventeenth-century date well worthy of preservation. 12. "Conservation in Gravesham." This was one of a number of similar documents, produced by District Councils, upon which our comments have been invited. Mr. R. H. Hiscock undertook a most detailed and comprehensive report on the Gravesham proposals, which was unanimously adopted by the Committee and which should serve as an example for other areas to follow. 13. Railway Stations - renovarion of: British Rail are renovating some of their stations, and, following representations by this Committee, have done a particularly fine job at Gravesend, a station dating from 1849. LIBRARY The Hon. Librarian gratefully acknowledges the gift of the following books from our member Mr. Alfred Baker: History etc. of Rochester (T. Fisher) (1772); Kentish Traveller's Companion (T. Fisher) (1794); Summer Excursions in the Co. of Kent, Anon. pub. W. S. Orr & Co., Lond. (1847); Collectanea Cantiana, G. Payne (1893); Memoranda of Springhead, A. J. Dunkin (1848); A Dictionary of the Kentish Dialect etc., W. D. xxii ANNUAL REPORT Parish and W. F. Shaw (1888); Handbook of Higham, C. M. Fielding (1882); Dode in Kent, G. M. Arnold (1905); A Yeoman of Kent, R. Arnold (1949); The Sixth Trumpeter, P. G. Rogers (1963); The English Yeoman, M. Campbell (1942); Delineations of Architecture, Vol. II (1813). 1st January, 1979 xxiii By order of the Council A. C. Harrison Hon. General Secretary