Original Compton Census Returns-The Shoreham Deanery
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Rochester Castle, 1976
Excavations on the Site of Leeds Priory - Part II
ORIGINAL COMPTON CENSUS RETURNS -THE SHOREHAM DEANERY MARY J. DOBSON The Compton census, one of the most important ecclesiastical enquiries of the seventeenth century, was taken by Bishop Compton of London under the direction of Sheldon, the Archbishop of Canterbury, in 1676. The census was a measure of the strength of catholicism and dissent in England and Wales and as such provides us with a guide to the number of conformists, papists and non-conformists in each parish. 1 An eighteenth-century manuscript copy for the Province of Canterbury exists in the William Salt Library, Stafford (MS. Salt 33) and it was on the basis of this copy that Chalklin published the Compton census figures for the Dioceses of Rochester and Canterbury.2 The Salt MS copy for the county of Kent is, however, defective for two reasons: firstly, the returns are not in accordance with the questions originally proposed by Archbishop Sheldon and, secondly, the rerums do not include the exempt Deanery of Shoreham, covering over thirty parishes in west Kent. Archbishop Sheldon requested responses under the following headings: (1) 'What number of persons, are there by common account and estimation inhabiting within ye parish? (2) What number of popish recusants or persons suspected of such recusancy are there resident among the inhabitants aforesaid? (3) What number of other dissenters are there in ye parish of what 1 The history of the Compton census is discussed in detail in T. Richards, 'The Religious Census of 1676: An Inquiry into its Historical Value, Mainly in Reference to Wales,' Cymmrodorion Society Suppl; (1927). 2 C. W. Chalklin, 'The Compton Census of 1676: the Dioceses of Canterbury and Rochester,' Kent Records, Seventeenth Century Miscellany, xvii (1960), 153-173. Although original returns for the Diocese of Canterbury are still extant (Lambeth MS. 639) Chalklin preferred to use the more complete Salt MS. 61 MARY J. DOBSON sect soever, who either obstinately refuse or wholly absent themselves from the communion of ye Church of England at such times as by law they are required ?'3 The returns of the Salt MS. copy are, however, listed under the three headings conformists, papists and non-conformists, thus substantially altering the context of the first of Sheldon's questions. This has raised several problems for demographic and ecclesiastical historians: we do not know whether the local cleric stated the number of conformists in his parish rather than the number of inhabitants, or whether this was subsequently calculated by the compiler of the Salt MS. by subtracting the number of papists and non-conformists from that of the inhabitants; likewise, confusion has arisen over the age, sex and family distribution of the enumerated persons: do they represent total inhabitants, total number of conformist, non-conformist and papist families, or total number of adults, both male and female? It is only by searching for original returns that such questions can be answered. The recent discovery in Lambeth Palace Library of the original Compton census returns for the Deanery of Shoreham4 was thus both exciting and important. On the one hand, these returns allow an insight into the exact interpretation of the 1676 census by the local ministers and thus strengthen our understanding of its demographic and ecclesiastical relevance and, on the other hand, we can now fill in the missing gap in the Kent returns and hence increase the significance of Chalklin's earlier comment that 'no other return relating to the population of seventeenth century Kent covers as much of the county as the census'.5 Of the thirty-three parish returns, twenty-nine ministers give figures for the number of inhabitants, as originally requested by Archbishop Sheldon, rather than the number of conformists as suggested in the transcript at Stafford. The ministers only of the parishes of Meopham, Darenth, Otford and East Peckham give the number of communicants. The return for Meopham, however, is ambiguous: the minister records that there are 'about 300 communicants' but in response to the question on papists writes 'none among the inhabitants aforesaid'. 6 Clearly, there was some confusion amongst individual ministers concerning the first of Sheldon's questions and although these Kent returns suggest that 'inhabitants' rather than 'conformists' was the 3 Crayford returns, Lambeth MS. VPIC/9. 4 Lambeth MS. VPIC/9. 5 Chalklin, op. cit., 173, fn. 6My alics. 62 ORIGINAL COMPTON CENSUS RETURNS most general response, there were some deviations 7 The compiler of the Salt MS. copy obviously attempted to create a uniformity not present in the original returns. 8 The Shoreham Deanery returns do provide us with an idea of the age and sex structure represented in the census, both unknown variables in the transcript. Twelve parishes state that the figures represent inhabitants over the age of sixteen years and several indicate that both male and female are included. Furthermore, it is adults, both male and female, who are represented in the returns where the names are also given. This evidence is important in confirming or refuting previous assumptions made about the census' population coverage9 and in providing us with a definite idea of the age and sex of enumerated inhabitants in the thirty-three parishes of the Shoreham Deanery. Again, however, one must be cautious in accepting this as a common yardstick; the fact that Archbishop Sheldon did not state whether he wished children and females to be included would have left the enquiries open to individual interpretation: We must now turn to the results of the 1676 census for the Shoreham Deanery and thus complete the pattern of population distribution and dissent for the county of Kent. These returns are tabulated in Appendices l and 2. Chalklin has calculated the total population of Kent, excluding the Shoreham Deanery, to be 138,733 or approximately 140,000 persons in 1676. He adds a figure of 10,000 to account for the 'missing' parishes and, thus, arrives at an overall total 7See for example D. P. Dymond, 'Suffolk and the Compton Census of 1676', Suff Rev., iii (1966), 103-118. Dymond shows that the original Suffolk returns more frequently gave the number of communicants. Also Anon, 'The Compton CensusPeterborough', Local Pop. Studies, x (1973); 71-4, which indicates that incumbents sometimes returned the number of inhabitants, sometimes the number of communicants and sometimes the number of familie&. 8 For many parishes a simple addition of the three columns in the Salt MS. copy gives a round number. This suggests that the original returns stated the approximate number of inhabitants and that the compiler of the MS. copy converted the figures to conformists by subtraction. A typical example is the original return for Sevenoaks which states 'about 900 inhabitants, 8 papists and about 20 non-conformists': this, if it had appeared in the Salt MS., would read: '872 conformists, 8 papists, 20 nonconformists'. In the Deanery of Shoreham 7 of the returns give the total number of inhabitants in units of a hundred, and another 15 in units of ten. 9 See for example J. Patten, 'Population Distribution in Norfolk and Suffolk during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries', Trans. Inst. Brit. Geogs., !xv (1975) 58-9; M. J. Dobson (nee Schove) 'The Demographic Geography of Pre-Industrial Kent: Three Populations or One?' Unpublished undergraduate thesis, Oxford University 1976; and C. Chalklin op. cit., 155. Miss A. Whiteman, of Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford, in her forthcoming book on the Compton census, believes that enumerated persons are adults over the age of sixteen years. 63 TABLE I POPULATION TOTALS FOR THE DEANERY OF SHOREHAM, KENT, 1641-1801 Per cent change Parish 1641 1664 1671 1676 1717 1758 1788 1801 1676- 1801 (1) North Downs Darenth 257 252 198 216 238 266 407 106 Downe 153 148 183 214 238 217 19 Eynsford 360 383 365 499 841 130 Famiogham 149 144 166 162 238 238 397 139 Halsted 86 103 108 80 95 67 105 145 81 Knockholt 185 185 158 190 104 166 257 63 Meopham 468 500 498 504 537 537 748 so Orpington 279 288 325 274 475 499 693 113 Shoreham 369 409 391 398 770 475 828 108 Stansted 185 198 216 249 15 Wrotham 855 765 1260 1980 1989 160 Bexley 612 648 702 1093 950 1441 105 Hayes 216 203 166 119 276 382 130 Keston 117 104 133 68 143 105 183 38 St. Mary Cray 351 392 299 499 523 672 125 Ifield 48 32 43 38 58 21 (2) Low Weald Chevening 259 446 459 432 293 637 157 756 75 Jghtham 342 365 564 285 709 26 Otford 226 239 311 166 304 497 199 Sevenoaks 1125 1436 1337 1494 1350 1425 2138 2640 77 Sundridge 485 513 477 332 504 475 715 115 East Farleigh 293 324 349 315 309 428 642 84 Hever 372 327 270 295 314 187 -43 East Malling 500 675 631 585 713 931 1302 106 East Peckham 548 581 950 713 1327 128 Pcnshurst 654 697 450 755 855 1128 62 Chiddingstone 574 601 491 475 489 910 51 Hunton 185 219 270 304 314 583 166 (3) Thame- side Cliffe 468 362 380 380 525 45 °' Crayford 338 333 315 450 532 855 1210 284 V, Gillingham 1323 498 1575 1378 2375 4135 730 Grayne 126 83 109 191 130 Northfleet 468 351 465 770 285 1910 311 Per cent change Total 1676 Total 1801 1676--1801 North Downs 4700 9507 102 Low Weald 6393 11396 78 Thameside 1723 7971 363 1641 Protestation Returns House of Lords; 1664 Hearth Tax K.A.O. Q/R Th; 1671 Hearth Tax P.R.O. E 179/129/746; 1717 Wakes Visitation Lamb MS 1115; 1758 Seekers Visitation Lamb MS 1134; 1788 Moores Visitation Lamb VG 3/1; 1801 National Census. The folJowing multipliers have been used to calculate population figures: 1641 = 3·32; 1664, 1671 and 1717 == 4·5; 1676 = 1·66; 1758 and 1788 == 4·75. For detailed discussion of these multipliers see M. J. Dobson, 'The Population of Essex 1600--1800' (forthcoming). MARY J. DOBSON of 150,000. 10 On the basis of the original returns we can now calculate the population of the Deanery of Shoreham more precisely to be 12,815. 1 1 Chalklin emphasizes that west Kent was more densely populated than east Kent computing averages of 100 people per square mile for the Diocese of Rochester and 70 people per square mile for the Diocese of Canterbury. The average population for the Deanery of Shoreham is 72·3 persons per square mile, a figure lower than that for the rest of the Diocese of Rochester. The area, however, includes parishes situated on the North Downs, the low Weald and the Thames, and regional population densities are calculated at 66, 93 and 58 persons per square mile, respectively. 12 The parish with the highest density is Sevenoaks (140 persons per square mile) while the lowest is the Isle of Grain (with only 17 persons per square mile). The figures from the 1676 census can be compared with other contemporary sources of population, as set out in Table l . 13 These returns also allow us to complete the picture of the 'geography of dissent' in seventeenth-century Kent. 14 There are 46 recorded papists in this area representing 0·6 per cent of the total population and 174 non-conformists or 2·2 per cent of the total. 15 In all parishes in the Shoreham Deanery, with the exception of W rotham, over 90 per cent of the population are conformists and averages for the North Downs, the low Weald and Thames parishes are 96 per cent, 97 per cent and 99 per cent, respectively. This suggests a pattern of negligible dissent, but the results may be taken as a clearer guide to the spread rather than the numerical strength of non-conformity. 16 The unreliability of the latter is illustrated by comparing the returns of Hayes and Wrotham. The minister for Wrotham followed the exact wording of Archbishop Sheldon and listed those inhabitants who were papish recusants, 1°Chalklin, op. cit., 172. Chalklin assumes that the returns represent male and female adults over the age of sixteen years and that there were about forty children for every six adults, a figure which can be verified using contemporary and model life tables. 11 The 1676 returns for the parish of Brasted have been found amongst the Churchwardens presentments in Lambeth Palace Library and if we include these figures we arrive at a total population for the Shoreham Deanery of 12,931. 12 Alternatively one can calculate the number of acres per head of population which result in figures of 12·5 for the Thameside parishes, 10·2 for the North Downs, and 6·9 for the more densely populated low Weald parishes. These results can be compared with those for the remainder of Kent in J. Thirsk (ed.), The Agrarian history of England and Wales, iv, (Cambridge 1967), 410. 13 It is hoped to publish seventeenth- and eighteenth-century population figures for the whole of Kent in a future article. 14 See M. J. Dobson (nee Schove) op. cit., and Chalklin, op. cit. 15The Wrotham returns do not distinguish between papists and nonconformists. Figures for these two groups have, therefore, been based on the ratio for the remaining 32 parishes (approximately four times as many nonconformists as papists). 16Chalklin, op. cit; 158. 66 ORIGINAL COMPTON CENSUS RETURNS papishly affected and obstinately refused themselves from Holy Communion with the result that over 15 per cent of the population of Wrotham fall into these categories. The minister for Hayes, on the other hand, gave a figure ofO for papists and I for non-conformists (i.e. only l per cent of the total population); he adds, however, that 'for dissenters fro ye Church of England we have too many in this practice, but as to ye profession of it we have none save one woman. ....' In other words, it is important to distinguish between 'formal' non-conformity (the Hayes example) and 'informal' non-conformity (which probably explains the higher figures for Wrotham) and it is this difference which may account for certain anomalies in the census. The value of these original returns for the demographer and historian has been briefly discussed. They highlight the importance of this document for calculating the population of England in the late seventeenth century and are of particular interest to the Kent local historian. In addition, these returns help us to interpret the true meaning of the Compton census and to clarify certain points of confusion which have resulted from using the Salt MS. copy alone. Finally, the returns of two parishes are of exceptional interest to genealogists. 17 The names of all the adult inhabitants of Wrotham and Stansted have been listed by the ministers and these are set out in Appendix 2. APPENDIX I THE COMPTON CENSUS RETURNS FOR THE DEANERY OF SHOREHAM, 1676 Inhabitants Parish over Papists Non- Additional information 16 years confonnists Bexley 423 0 Chevening 260 0 3* • Anabaptists Chiddingstone 362 0 11• * 11 Ana baptists over 16 years and Cliffe 7 of ye children under that age 218 0 5 Crayford 190 0 6 Darenth 119 0 I* •James Anslow only Downe 110 0 0 Eynesford 220 0 6 East Farleigh 210 0 3 Farningham 100• 0 0 *Both sexes Gillingham 300 0 0 Grayne 50 0 0 17 Another detailed Kent return is the parish of Goodnestone-next-Wingham; this is discussed in P. Laslett, 'The World we Have Lost', (New York 1965), 64. 67 Halsted Hayes Hever Hunton Ifield lghtham Keston Knockholt East Malling Meopham Northfleet 48 100 197 132 29 340 80 95 380* 300* 280 Orpington 196 Otford 100 East Peckham 350 Penshurst 420* St. Mary Cray 180 Sevenoaks 900 Shoreham 240 Stansted 130* Sund ridge 200 Wrotham 461 Brasted 70 MARY J. DOBSON 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 0 O** 0 5 0 14* 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 1• 5* 6* 0 0 0 0 0 5* 8 *That for dissenters fro ye Church of England we have too many in this practice but as to ye profession of it we have none save one woman (fonnerly living in London) now dwelling with us her name Goodwife Kempsall *3 independents, 1 Anabaptist, we know not •one family anabaptist *Three hundred and four score and some few over *Communicants **Among the inhabita.nts aforesaid *Tho Humfryes, Elizabeth his wife, Mr. Vealey alias Bayley of ye James family, the wife of Ralph Goff, the wife of Sam· Andrews 0* *No total dissenters but some 3 or 4 who have not of a long time received ye Holy Communion 6,.. *Tho. Whettenhall Esq. and Anglissa his wife, George Baker, Dorothy Rogers, Eliz: Parkinson, Eliz : Goodwin, His servants : John Parkinson and his wife: wmm Bruminge, Benet Wid. Henry Godfrey Sen and his wife. Will Waller and his wife. **Lorkin and his wife, Will Day, William Huggins, Rob Godfrey and his wife 2 *Communicants 2 20 9 0 *[See Appendix 2) 12* *and most of them women 71 * *Papish recusants or papishly affected obstinate refusing ye Holy Communion [see Appendix 2) 10 68 ORIGlNAL COMPTON CENSUS RETURNS APPENDIX 2 THE NAMES OF THE INHABITANTS OF WROTHAM, 1676 Sir Joh: Rayney Bartl Dame Hellen his wife Ann Long Eliz: Newman Eliz: Brockwell Jane Lorkin Tho: Deane Henry Stale Albina his wife Rich: Bond James Harman Robert Baker Isaack Tomlyn Ffrances his wife Henry Sexton Rich: Crips Eliz: Topsfeild Tho: Topsfeild Ann his wife Robert Cooke Joh: Bristow Margaret his wife Tho: Britter Dinniss his wife Robert Bright Sen Robert Bright Jun Susan Goodyer William Ffuller Ann his wife Joh: Barr Susan his wife Samuell Wood Catherin his wife Tho Bowman Eliz his wife William Knill Georg. Knill Nicholas Skinner Tho: Lorkin Jane his wife Dorothy Lorkin Samuell Harris and his wife William Parker Hannah \lis wife Joh: Seddock Dorothy his wife Steven Martyn and his wife William Hasleden and his wife Tho: Caberly and his wife Joh: Gregory Katherin his wife Joh: Staple Jane his wife Henry Parker and his wife Mary Parker Thomas Parker Robert Ware and his wife John Ware Robert Ware Jun Joan Ware Joh: Tunbridg Wyatt Tunbridg Tho Bookham Edward Hills Judith his wife Edward Goldsmith and his wife Tho Alckyn Susan his wife Joh Alckyn Ruth his wife Nicholas Parrott Susan his wife William Tomlyn Susan Tomlyn William King Robert Carpenter Martha his wife Judith Carpenter Lawrence Pawley Mary his wife Joane Hanwood Luke Chester his wife Wll!iam Eastland his wife Joh: Sexton his wife Tho: Goodwyn his wife Robert Terry Joan llis wife 69 Joan Terry Sarah Terry Mathew Hutchford his wife Tho: Assiter Joh: Baker his wife Dorothy Baker Rich: Mernott his wife Joan Terry Wid Joan her daughter Reginald Terry Tho: May his wife Rich Wood Alice his wife Rich: Wood Jun Susan Brookes Ann Masters Michaeli Dean Tho Hills his wife Joh: Hills George Richardson his wife Jonas Ellom Josiah Stymson William Porter his wife Martha Wyboarn Joh: Owffeild his wife Rich Owffeild Eliz Chowning Thomas Ellyott Robert Pearce his wife Tho Bright his wife Charles Wyboarn his wife Tho Smith his wife Tho James his wife William Turner his wife Joh: Staley Henry Stiles his wife Wid Eastland William Hills HeUen his wife James Terry his wife Mark Richardson Eliz: Hills so call'd but not baptized Robert Hubble Jane his wife Jane Bassett Nicholas Hubble Richard Hubble Daniel Stimson his wife George Burgess his wife Too: Tomlyn his wife Roger Tomlyn Georg. Tomlyn Nicholas Hart Susan !ford Mary Ray John Wybourn his wife William Hollis Thomas Wybourn Ann Ffletcher Henry MiJJer his wife Wid Topsfeild Henry Millham his wife William Coulter Mark Austin his wife Tho Hinge his wife Tho Hinge Jun Joh: Pawley his wife William East Eliza Robinson Sarah Barber Tho: Dallender his wife Joseph Palmer Martha Wybourne Tho Jarrett his wife MARY J. DOBSON Widd Skinner William Sergeant his wife Joh: Styles and his wife Joh: Styles Tho: Styles Robert Styles Anne Styles Sarah Styles Joh: Hinge Tho: Austin bis wife Rich Austin Eliz Austin William Rogers bis wife Too: Wooden his wife Edward Wooden Tho Wooden Jun Jane Wooden Eliz Wooden Tho Crouch his wife Mary Crouch ... Bowman his wife Joh: Beal his wife Joh: Brand his wife William Terry Sen William Terry Jun his wife Mary Terry Joh: Buss Ann Hayes Tho: Charlwood Eliz his wife Peter Clark Emlyn White William Eves his wife John Marshall Eliz his sister William Ffeilder John Ffeilder his wife Hellen Ffeilder Robert Egleston Nicholas Baker James Brand 70 Hellen Brand Rich: Brand Mary bis wife Mrs Peckham William Ffuller Ann Nicholson Mary Hayward Henry Johnson his wife Widd Hubble Parnell Bunting Widd Sargeant John Sargeant Mary Sargeant Nicholas Hubble Sen and his wife Nicholas Hubble Jun his wife Henry Hubble Mark Hubble Jun and his wife William Baker Eliz Smith Rich Smith his wife John Wayle Mary Smith William Baldwyn Sen his wife William Baldwyn Jun Mary Baldwyn William Ellyott his wife Robert Berry his wife Tho: Lorkin his wife Widd Baldwyn Ann Baldwyn William Sexton Susan Sexton William Page Thomasin Sexton Robert Sexton his wife Tho: Juill Mary Juill Tho: Ruming his wife Widd Godden Joh: Loppin Rich: Wood Mary Camill ORIGINAL COMPTON CENSUS RETURNS Margaret Hollsansby Robert Edmonds his wife Adrian Woodward his wife William Ridbry his wife Alexander Peen his wife Mary Russell Tho Newman his wife Robert Page Eliz Ffrench William Dane his wife Daniel Tooth his wife Widd Mercer John Yopp William HiJls John Duck his wife William Croft William Wheeler William Gamon Eliz Burgess Sarah Allen Henry Thornton his wife Tho: Wybourn his wife Tho: Everest his wife Mark Hills his wife Joh: Austin his wife William J uill his wife Joh : Gallett his wife Ffrancis Wood Thomas Baldwyn his wife Eliz: Turner Solomon Newman his wife Tho Newman William Baldwyn Robert Baldwyn Ann Smallman William Hodsall his wife Judith Bredger John Hodsall William Crowhurst his wife William Hart his wife Bartholomew Asheden his wife Joh: Wheeler his wife William Wheeler Joh: Porman Jun his wife Eliz Ffivrash Georg Keeble his wife Joh: Gamon his wife Joh: Wells Tho Loock his wife Rich: Ffloud his wife Joh: Porman Sen his wife Jacob Porman George Carter his wife Rich Ray Joh: Harman Eliz Gamon William Ffurner his wife William Ffurner Jun Eliz Cogger Ann Ffurner Reginald Hayward his wife Edward Richardson James Godden Wid Stevens Margaret Stevens Tho: Burgess Rivers Gallett Ann Knight Ann Wood Henry Wood his wife James Wood Eliz Batchelour 71 Joh: Wood his wife William Terry his wife Robert Harris Edward Burgess his wife Dyoniss Stevens William Saunders his wife Eliz Day William Gillbourn Gent Steven Chilman his wife Georg Hubble Georg Perman his wife Thomasin Perman Robert Baldwyn his wife William Baldwyn Tho Peach his wife Tho Smith his wife Rich Eastland Katherin Eastland William Ffenn Sen his wife William Ffenn Jun his wife Tho: Jarrett his wife Alice Jarrett Edward Costen his wife Walter Harman his wife Tho: Hodshan his wife Tho Tomlyn his wife Maxwell Hodsall his wife William Eversfeild his wife Henry Ffever his wife Rich Ffever Henry Bark his wife Too: Ray William Baldwyn Joh : Williams Vicar MARY J. DOBSON Thom Woodin John Wyborn PAPISH RECUSANTS OR PAPISHLY AFFECTED OBSTINATE REFUSING OF YE HOLY COMMUNION Tho Britton Robert Cook John Bristow Samuell Hawes William Parker Henry Parker Wyatt Tunbridg Henry Stales Jane Ffarman Joh: Baker his wife William Eastland his wife Tho: Goodwyn Robert Terry Mathew Hutchford William King Tho Alckyn his wife Joh: Alckyn his wife Joh: Pawley his wife James Terry William Coneter Henry Millums Joh Yopp Tho: Hills his wife his Sonn John Hills Joh: Staley Ffrancis Ffarminger Tho Juill John Baldwyn Tho Baldwyn Joh Clark William Crowhurst his wife George Keeble his wife John Styles Sen Ann Styles his daughter Nicholas Hubble his wife Nicholas Hubble Jun his wife Joh: Forman Sen bis wife Joh: Porman Jun his wife Henry Healer his wife Dan: Tooth his wife William Baldwyn his wife Joh: Boal his wife Roger Bowman his wife WiJliam Hasledon his wife Rich: Crips Too Bowman Joh: Burr Tho: Tom ... His wife Tho .. . his .. . Susan ye wife of Stephen Martyn THE NAMES OF THE INHABITANTS OF STANSTED Ian Pegler Rector his wife Lydia John Rithe John Lightfoot Mary Wood Elizabeth Turner Robert Beverly bis wife Susanna Thomas Lane his wife Tomsing Thomas Lane ye younger Frances Everafter his wife Elizab: Elizabeth Skinner Henry Lane his wife Johanna 72 Henry Martin his wife Ann James Launce his wife Dorritie Mary Hen.field Susanna Young Richard Groves his wife Elizabeth ORIGINAL COMPTON CENSUS RETURNS George Hits his wife Frances Richard Launce Christopher Holland Richard Woodin his wife Susanna Robert Hils Gilbord Fielder Edward Eastleton Alice Lightfoot Thomas Churt The widow Fooks The widow Lenbam James Wooldham his wife Eliza b : Will Baker The widow Baker Tho: Miller his wife Purnell William Miller Anthony Onyly his wife Ann Rich Barber his wife Johanne Jolius Onyley his wife Elinor The widow Weis the widow Hall Tho Christopher his wife Dennise Harry Beal his wife Elizabeth The widow Adams Ann Adams hFirsa wncifees Adams Ann Robert Adams John Churl bis wife Dennise John Churt ye younger John Skinner his wife June Thomas Whitehead John Hawkins his wife Elizab. John Martin his wife Alce Tho: Kettle his wife Eliz. George Kettle Tho Kettle ye younger Will Bowman his wife Johanna Tho Fenn his wife Eliz. The widow Lehnam Anthony Woodin his wife Eliz Robert Hunt Dan:Sutton Will Martin his wife Grace Tho Martin his wife Mary Will Martin ye younger Roger Carpenter his wife Johanna Robert Carpenter Ann Carpenter Thom: Watson his wife Mary Edward Lane his wife Ann George Gipson ye elder George Gipson ye younger Dorritie Gipson Robert Lenham Labourer his wife Sarah Rich: Brund his wife Ann Henry Salmon his wife Elizabeth Tho Patnum his wife Marget Tho Skudder his wife Johanna Will Skudder Tho Skudder ye younger John Skudder Mary Skudder June Skudder John WiJ!iams Will Benoit Johanna Hits Mrs Hodsoll Margat Hodsoll Ann Grateck Will HodsoU George Hils Roberts Hils Ellinor Averett Robert Lenham his wife Joh ... James Tomson his wife June Thomas Bayhurst There are none of this parish either popish or schismatick recusants but bath communi ... att the Church of England. Church } Wardens Ian Pegler Thomas Watson James Walsham 73