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Income and Expenditure Account for the Year Ended 31st December 1979
GENERAL INDEX Abbreviations: AS, Anglo-Saxon; BA, Bronze Age; IA, Iron Age; Med., Medieval; Neo., Neolithic; R., Roman;RB, Romano-British. Adams, R., 348 Alard, G., 20 ff. Albury (Surrey), 126 Aldington, Manor of, 18 Alwyn, A., 22-3 Ambleteuse (France), 359 Anderson, J., 368 R., 368 Anglo-Saxon, Burial, 407-8 Cemetery, 77, 305-20 Coin, 409 Glass, 310, 315-6 Hut, 405, 409 Knife, 310 Pottery, 310, 315-6 Site, 398 Anselm, Archbishop, 123 ff. Arnold, C.J., Excavations at Eastry, 368 Ashbourne, 384 Ashmore, A.M., The Typology and Age of the Fordwich Handaxes, 83-117 Austen, Lady A., 394 Bacon, J., 15 Badlesmere, Sir B. de, 5 Badmynton, J., 22-3 Baker, J., 23 Barham, 59 ff., 133 Downs, 75 Barming, 396 Baron, R., 24 Barrok, J., 21 Barrow, Bro., 166, 168-70 Bavec, W., 19 Becket, T., 127 Bekesbourne, Excavations 01 the 'Old Palace', near Canterbury, by Tim Tatton-Bro wn, 27-57 Belgic, Building, 403 Pottery, 35 ff., 270, 279-80 Site, 151 Bendenges, A. de, 19 Bennett, Paul, Four minor Sites excavated by the Canterbury Archaeological Trust, 1978- 1979, 267-304 The Almonry Chapel Site, Christ Church Priory, 398-9 The 'Poor Priest's' Hospital, 399-402 68-69a Stour Street, 406-10 w.,32 Berwick-upon-Tweed, 345, 360 Berwyke, John de, and the Consuetudine.s Kancie, by F. Hull, B.A., Ph.D., D.Litt., F.R. Hist.S., 1-15 Bedey, Charity Boards, 391-4 Bigberry, 411-3 Birchall, I., 368, 383 w., 368,383 Birchington, 211 Bircholt, 68 Bishopsboume, 63 ff. Blake, Philip H., Charles Oxenden, 59-76 Blean, River, 83 Bletchingley (Surrey), 126 Blockley, Kevin, The Marlowe Car Park Excavations, 402-5 Paul, Four minor Sites excavated by the Canterbury Archaeological Trust, /978- 1979, 267-304 Boniface, Archbishop of Savoy, 128 Boughton Aluph, 395-6 Boulogne (France), 359 Bounde, W., 24 Bourne, W., 348 Boxle(y), Abbot of, 21, 24 Boys, Sir J., 301 Bradshaw, J., A Brome Amulet from Boughton Aluph, 395-6 Brancaster (Norfolk), 239 Braybrook, Sir R., 387 Breggis, T., 23 Brenchley, Sir W., 23 B renzett, 376 Brett, Sir E., 394 Bridge, 68 ff. Brigenden, R., 364 Brionne Castle, 123 Bristol Castle, 248 ff. Brackley Hill (Herts.), 378 Bronze, IA, 165 Med., 384-5 RB, 395-6 Bronze Age, Burial, 323-4 Flint, 331 Pottery, 170 ff., 334 Site, 135, 166, 321-35 Browne, J., 388 Burghley, Lord, 31 Burial, AS, 407-8 BA, 323-4 Burne, J. de, 4 Butcher, A.F., The Hospital of St. Stephen and St. Thomas, New Romney: The documentary Evidence, 17-26 History of the 'Bishops Palace' at Bekesbourne, 30-4 431 GENERAL INDEX Camber Castle, 355 Cambridge, Christ College, 62 Canterbury, 3 ff., 63 ff. Cathedral Priory, 30, 398-9 Christ Church, 130, 415 'Poor Priest's' Hospital, 399-402 St. Andrew's, 301 St. Dunstan ·s, 301 St. Mary Bredin, 405 St. Mary's Hospital, 402 St. Gregory's Priory, 297-304 St. John Baptist, 301 St. John's Hospital, 301 Catt, Dr J.A., Soil Report, 334-8 Caunvill, R., 20 Cemetery, AS, 77, 305-20 Chalmers, G., 368 Chandler, P., 64 Charles V, 346 Chartham, Manor of, 30 Chatham, 414 Chenwe, J., 23 Cherringes (Charing), A. de, 18 ff. Chichele, Archbishop, 22 Christopher, H., 369 Cinque Ports, 3 ff. Clare, Family, 119 ff. Clerke, S., 22 Cliffe-at-Hoo, 369-72, 380 Marshes, 380 Clyderowe, M., 23 w., 22 Cobham, Lady J. de, 387 Capt. Sir E., 344 R., 20 Coin, AS, 409 IA, 270 Med., 57,415 R., 40, 57 Cok(e), A., 20 Sir E., 2 Colyn, H., 21 J., 21 Conyngham, Marchioness, 64 Cooling, 127, 380-2 Copper, Med., 52 Corbeil, Archbishop W. of, 127 Cornes, J., 368 Craig, E., 363 ff. Cranmer, Archbishop, 31, 44 Crayford, 371 Crepy, Peace of, 346 Criccieth Castle (Gwynedd), 376 Crispin, W., 18 Cumbe, R. de, 4 Cunliffe, Prof. Barry, M.A., Ph.D., F.B.A., F.S.A., Ov erall Discussion of the Iron Age Pottery, 174-9 Danmartin, W. of, 126 Dartford, Recent Investigations at the AngloSaxon Cemetery, Darenth Park, Dartford, by R.M. Walsh, 305-20 Building, RB, 319 Deal, 23 Denton, 65 Derby, St. Ackmund, 384 Derringstone, 66 Desborough, 384 Detsicas, A.P., A Grave Group from Barming, 396 Obituary, 429-30 Review, 421, 424-5 DobuU (Dobyll), W., 24 Dover, 3, 414 Castle, 120 Maison Dieu, 261 ff. Priory, 415 St. Radigund's, 301 Drayton, A., 386-90 R., 387 Dunglass, 359 East, Mrs. K., Report, 384-5 East Barming, Manor of, 127 Chart, 18 Farleigh, 127 Peckham, 123, 127 Tilbury (Essex), 342 ff., 414 Eastchurch, 64 Eastry, 368 Eccles, Hydrocephalus /11 an Anglo-Saxon Child from, by Keith Manchester, M.B., B.S., B.Sc., F.R.A.I., 77-82 Edward! I, 2 ff., 124 ff. III, I, 22, 415 VI, 346 Egriden, J., 30 Eley, J.E., Bone Report, 180 Elizabeth I, 345, 402 Exeter, 242 ff. Eyemouth, 359 Eythorne, 30 Fairfield, 20 Farnham (Surrey), 86 Farningham, 318 Faversham, 3 Hundred of, 260 Fitchett, W., 393 Flint, 83-117, 331 Fordwich Handaxes, The Typology and Age of the, by A.M. Ashmore, 83-117 Forthill Broughty, 359 Frankwell, N., 393 Frant (Sussex), 125 Fraunceys, J., 20 ff. Frebody, J., 22 Frese, L., 399 Frindsbury, 125 432 GENERAL INDEX GaUwey, Col. P.F., 75 Ganyn, J., 344 Gardner, R., 64 Garrard, P., The Finds, 52-6 P.H., The Human Bones, 303-4 George, Rt. Rev., Bishop of Rochester, 63 Gesselyng (Guestling) (Susse,c), 22 Gilbert, Count, 119 ff. R., 119 ff. Glass, AS, 310, 315-6 Med., 54 Glover, R., 23 Gloucester, Earl of, 128, 130 St. Oswald's, 384 Gobylonde, N., 20 Gode, W., 21 Goldstone, Prior T., II, 31 Gonson, W., 344 Goodall, A.R., and Thorn, J.C., A Crucifix from /he Maison Dieu, Ospringe, 372-7 Graham, E., 67 Rev. C.C., 67 Gravesend, The Milton Blockhouse: Research and Excavation, by Victor T.C. Smith, B.A., 341-61 414 Greneforde, J., 23 Grom, G., 399 Grove, L.R.A., Plaxtol, 390-1 Review, 427-8 Gundulf, Bishop, 125 Haddelsay, R., 22 Haddington, 359 Hadds, C., 368 HadJow, Manor of, 127 HaiUot (Belgium), 316 Hales, Baron, 2 J., 368 R., 32 Hallett, Rev. J.W., 68 Ha!Jing, 125 Halstead, 366 Hannington, H., 63 Harnhelle, R. de, 20 Harrison, Rev. T., 65 Hartley, Mrs. K.F., Report, 377-8 Hasted, E., 4 ff., 31, 299 ff., 387-8 Hatcheston (Suffolk), 386 Haughmond Abbey (Salop), 376 Havering, 260 Headcornj, 260 Henry III, 3, 129 VIII, 301, 342, 346, 358-60 Hertford, Earl of, 124 ff. Heyman, W., 21 Higham, 342 ff., 377, 379 Highdown Hill (Sussex), 312 High Halstow, 382 Hillfort, IA, 411-3 Holcombe, Rev. G., 75 Holden, L., 22 w., 22 Holdesdoun, J. de, 21 Horden, T., 23 Horton, Mark, Glazed Tiles, 55-6 Kirby, 386-90 Hu!J, 359 F., B.A., Ph.D., D. Litt., F.R.Hist.S., John de Berwyke and the Consuetudines Kancie, 1-15 Review, 419-20, 422-3 T., 368 Hunt, H., 368 Huntington, B., 394 lnves1igations and Excavations during the Year, 411-5 Ipswich, 252 Iron, Knife, AS, 310 Med., 53-4 Iron Age, Bronze, 165 Coin, 270 Hillfort, 411-3 Pit, 269 ff. Pottery, 35, 135 ff., 155 ff., 270,274 ff., 323, 329-30, 398, 413 Site, 135, 146 ff., 151 ff., 166-7 Isle of Grain, 342 Sheppey, 342 lvychurch, 21 Jenkins, F., A Head of a Roman Bronze Figurine found near Canterbury, 385-6 John, King, 130 Johns, Miss C., F.S.A., Report, 394-6 Jumieges, W. of, 123 Keepax, Mrs. C.A., Charcoal Identification, 339 Kelly, D.B., B.A., F.S.A., AM.A., The Pottery, 360 Kendall, W., 393 Kem Defence Research Group, by V.T.C. Smith, 414 Kiln, RB, 269 ff., 380-2 Waste, 382-3 Kingston Downs, 133 Kirkby (Kirby), R. de, 387-8 Kite, T., 365 Knife, AS, 310 Lambarde, W., 2 ff. Lambeth, 63 ff. La Motte, Rev. G.C., 65 Lane, H., 393 Lanfranc, Archbishop, 120 ff., 299 ff. Langport, 18 ff. Lauder, 359 Lead, Med., 54-5, 390-1 433 GENERAL INDEX Lebon, Mrs. M.C., M.A., and Miles, A., Tenterden Area Archaeological Group, 414-5 Lee, Sir R., 344, 360 Leeds Castle, 15 Le(e)se, Sir R. att, 22 Le Moustier (France), 86 Liege (Belgium), 376 Limoges (France), 376 Livingsboume, Manor of, 30 ff. London, 378 Baynard's Castle, 239 Longworth, Dr. I.H., M.A., Ph.D., F.S.A., Discussion, 173 Pottery, 334 Lorde, R., 344 Lydd, 21 ff. Macpherson-Grant, N.C., Archaeological Work along the A2: 1966-1974, 133-83 Four minor Sites excavated by the Canterbury Archaeological Trust, 1978-1979, 267-304 The Pouery, 47-52 McDivitt, Dr J., 70 Magiovinium, 239 Mainz (Gennany), 395 Manchester, Keith, M.B., B.S., B.Sc., F.R.A.I., Hydrocephalus in an Anglo-Saxon Child from Eccles, 77-82 Martin, L., 344 Medieval, Bronze, 384-5 Building, 42 ff., 399-402, 414-5 Coin, 57, 415 Lead Seal Matrix, 390-1 Pit, 410 Pottery, 35 ff., 136, 145,273, 293-7, 415 Site, 136 Tiles, 55-6 Meopham, 127 Mesolithic, Flint, 331 Miles, A .. and Lebon, Mrs., M.C., M.A., Tenterden Area Archaeological Group, 414-5 Milsom, J., 368 Mone, T., 22 Monkton, 211 Montfort, H. de, 120 ff. Moor (Moore), F., 394 More, Prior W., 255 Morice, C., 344 Mome, J., 259 Moulsey Prior (Surrey), 126 Moulton, 384 J., 61 Mulcaster, Sir F., 65 Nailboume, River, 28 Namur (Belgium), 312 Nedeham, J., 344 New Romney, 259 The Hospital of St. Stephen and St. Thomas: The documentary Evidence, by A.F. Butcher, 17-26 Neolithic, Flint, 331 Pottery, 136, 334 Site, 135 Nolle, S., 22 Nonington, 65 Northfleet, 318 Northwode, Sir J. de, 2 ff. Norton (Yorks.), 80 Obituary, 429-30 O'Connor, T.P., Cremation Report, 180-2 Odo, Bishop, 40, 120 ff. Oldacres, Miss J., 66 R.M., 66 Ospringe, The Animal Bones from the Excavation of the Hospital of St. Mary of, by Sheilagh M. Wall, 227-66 Hospital of St. Mary, 17 Oswarston, 19 Orford, Greenhill Bronze Age Site, by J.A. Pyke, 321-35, 366-8 Oxenden, Charles, by Philip H. Blake, 59-76 c.v., 75 Sir H., 59 ff. Oxford, Magdalen College, 17 ff. Parke, Miss A.G., M.A., M.Sc., A.M.A., Historical Considerations, 318-20 Parker, Archbishop, 31, 34, 44 Passeley, Sir E., 5, 14 Patrixboume, 40 Payne, P., A stamped Morrarium from Higham, 377-8 and Thornhill, P., Some Sites in north Kent, 378-82 Pecham, H. of, 127, 130 Penenden Heath, 120 ff. Petham, 67 Phillips, G., 369 Pit, Med., 410 Pitstone (Bucks.), 329 Pitt, W., 61 Plumptre, Rev. C.T., 68 Pope Innocent III, 19 Rev. S., 64 Portchester Castle, 234 Portsmouth, 360 Pottery, AS, 310, 315-6 Belgic, 35 ff., 136 ff., 270 BA, 170 ff. IA, 35, 136 ff., 146 ff., 270, 274 ff., 279-80, 323, 329-30, 398, 413 Med., 35, 136, 145, 273, 293-7, 415 Neo., 136, 334 RB, 35, 136, 270 ff., 281-9, 290-3, 329, 378-82, 396, 398 Poulter, A., 393 Promhyll, 22 Puignant, W., 19 434 GENERAL INDEX Pupillin (France), 386 Pyke, J.A., Greenhill Bronze Age Site, Orford, 321-335 Queenborough, I ff. Castle, 342 Quern, RB, 35 Ramsey (Essex), 24 Ramsgate, A three-week Holiday in, during July and August 1829, by John Whyman, 185-225 Randolph, S., 260 Reade, P., 32 Reece, Richard, The Coins, 57 Reedie, K.G.H., Canterbury City Museums, 383-5 Researches and Discoveries in Kent, 363-410 Reviews, 417-28 Richard II, 387 Ricbborough, 386 Rigold, S.E., M.A., F.S.A., F.R.Hist.S., F.R.S.A., F.R.N.S., obit., 429-30 Riverhead, 366-7 Rivet, A.L.F., Review, 417-9 Robinson, T., I ff. Rochester Castle, 124 Cathedral, 125 Fort Clarence, 414 Roger, J., 22 Roman, Coin, 40, 57 Romano-British, Bronze, 395-Q Building, 319, 323, 402-5, 407 Fort, 269 Kiln, 269 ff., 380-2 Pit, 35 Pottery, 35 ff., 136, 270 ff., 281-9, 290-3, 329, 378-82, 396,398 Quern, 40 Road, 136,269,306 Site, 136, 151, 269 ff. Romney, 7, 19 ff. Marsh, 262 Ros, L. de, 387 Rotherfield (Sussex), 125 Rough, D., 20 Rowe, 0., 259 Ruckinge,2 0, 23 Saleme, J., 22 Saltwood Castle, 120 ff. Sandford, Canon C.W., 68 Sandown, 359 Sandwich, 211 Sankey, J., 64 St. Acheul (France), 86 Albans, 318 Neots (Hunts.), 125 Nicholas in Thanet, 211 Scillies, Harry's Walls, 360 Sellyng, Prior W., 30 Sevenoaks, I, 366-8 Sheerness, 342 Shalford, 126 Sharpnode, 359 Sherman, Mrs., 393 Shipborne, 22 Shoreham, 367 Shorne, 379 Marshes, 378 Sites, Four minor, excavated by the Canterbury Archaeological Trust, 1978-1979, by Paul Bennet, Nigel Macpherson-Grant and Paul Blockley, 267-304 Sloper, J., 368, 383 Smallhythe, 363 Smart, J., 369 Smith, Victor T.C., B.A., The Milton Blockhouse, Gravesend: Researd1 and Excavation, 341-61 Kent Defence Research Group, 414 Smoult, T., 394 Snargate, 18 ff. Somner, W., 299 Soutere, T., 21 Southampton, 254 Southfleet, 125 Southsea Castle, 359 Stigand, Archbishop, 122 Stoke, 382 Stoke Dabernon (Surrey), 126 Stone, 125, 371 Stonlyng, T., 22-3 Stonor, T., 387-8 Stour, Great, River. 83 ff. Lower, River, 85 Stoyel, Anthony D., Sevenoaks District Architectural History, 366-8 Strood, 379-80 Suffolk, Earl of, 345, 360 Swale, River, 259 Swanscombe, 86 Symkins, Sir J., 301 Tait, Archbishop, 68 Tatton-Brown, Tim, Excavations at the 'Old Palace', Bekesboume, near Canterbury, 27-57 Interim Report on Excavations in 1980 by the Canterbury Archaeological Trust, 396-7 Review, 420 Tenterden, 363 ff. Area Archaeological Group, by Mrs. M.C. Lebon, M.A., and A. Miles, 414-5 Terry, E., 363 ff. Tester, P .J., Flints, 331-2 Lost eighteenth-century Charity Boards formerly in St. Mary's Church, Bexley, 391-4 435 GENERAL INDEX Remains of the medieval Sacriscyof St. Helen's Church, Cliffe-at-Hoo, 369-72 The Brass to Alice Drayton in St. Mary's Church, Horton Kirby, 386-90 Review, 423-4, 426 Thanet, 211 ff., 345 Thompson, F.H., M.C., M.A., F.S.A., Interim Report on the Excavations at Bigberry, 411-3 Thom, J.C., and Goodall, A.R., A Crucifix from the Maison Dieu, Ospringe, 372-7 Thornhill, P., and Payne, P., Some Sites in north Kent, 378-82 Thorton, Dom J., 31 Tiles, Med., 55-6 Tonbridge, 22 Castle, 127 G. of, 127 Manor of, 127 The Lowy of, and the La11ds of the Clare Family in Kent, /066-/217, by Jennifer C. Ward, M.A., Ph.D., 119-31 Top<:lyff, W., 22 Upnor Castle, 345, 360 Verulamium, 378 Vichy (France), 386 Wakehurst, R., 23 Wall, Sheilagh M., The Animal Bones from the Excavation of the Hospital of St. Mary of Ospringe, 227-66 Walsh, R.M., Recent Investigations at the AngloSaxon Cemetery, Darenth Park Hospital, Dartford, 305-20 Walter, Archbishop H., 128, 130 Waltham, 67 Walton Leigh (Surrey), 126 Ward, Jennifer C., M.A., Ph. D., The Lowy of Tonbridge and the Lands of the Clare Family in Kent, /066-1217, 119-31 Wardeyne, J., 259 Warham, Archbishop W., 31 Watevile, R. of, 126 Watson, J., 368 Weare, Lt.-Gen. Sir E., 75 Webb, T., 368, 383 w .• 368 Webster, Mrs. Leslie, B.A., F.S.A., Preliminary Report, 315-6 Whichcord, J., 66 Whitfield, 262 Whitgift, Archbishop, 32, 34, 44 Whyman, John, A three-week Holiday in Ramsgate during July and August 1829, 185-225 Wickhambreux, 68 William I, 7, 120 ff. II, 122 ff. Williams, D.E., Pipemakers of the Medway Tawns, 368-9 Two Deposi1s of nineteenth-century Clay Tobacco Pipe Kiln Waste, 382-3 Wilmington, Building, RB, 319 Winchelsey, Archbishop, 20 Winnifrith, John, The 'Priest' House at Sma/1- hythe: A false Identification?, 363-6 Womenswold, 65 Womersley (Yorks.), 374-6 Wulfi, W. son of, 18 Yalding, Manor of, 124 Yarmouth, 10, 345, 359 436