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Income and Expenditure Account
GENERAL INDEX Abbreviations: AS, Anglo-Saxon; BA, Bronze Age; IA, Iron Age; Med., Medieval; Neo., Neolithic; R., Roman; RB., Romano-British. Addington, 231 Aldington, 238 Allington, 63 Anderson, J., 132-3 Anglo-Saxon, Bronze Ornament, 7-25 Burial, 76 Coin, 7, 325 Gospel, l3 Weaving Implement, 7 Appledore, Land Ownership i11, 1500-1900, by Sir John Winnifrith, 1-6, 301 Court Lodge Farm, I Ardern, T., 68 Ashdown, J.H., cited, 268-9 Ashenden, R., 2 w., 2 Ashtead (Surrey), Roman Villa, 173, 181 Astle, T., 247 Aucher, A., 63-4 Austen, Sir E., 4-5 Axe, BA, 301 Neo., 302 RB., 302 Aylesford, Kit's Coty, 232 Baker, Sir J ., 4, 63 ff. T., 87 Balline (Co. Limerick), 203 Banks, Sir J., 247 Barberini Gospel, 16 ff. Barnwell Castle, 317 Barry, P., 81 Battle Abbey (Sussex), 55 Beaufort, H., Bishop of Winchester, 193 J., Earl of Somerset, 193 Bedgebury, 64 Beeman, R., 83 ff. Bennett, Paul, No. 3 Queen's Avenue, 292 The Poor Priests' Hospital - The Solar Undercroft, 276-9 68-69A Stour Street, 279-81 Bethersden, 5 Bexley Heath, 197 Bidborough, 255 Biddenden, 121 Bigbury, 275, 287-92 Birchall, C., !33 Bishopstone Glen, 203 Black, E.W., The Roman Villa at Darenth, 159-83 Death, 287 Prince, 312 Blagge, Sir G., 62 Blickling Psalter, 19 ff. Blackley, Kevin and Paul, Bigbury Camp, 287-92 Blue Bell Hill, 234 Bolingbroke, H., 188 Boteler, W., 237 ff. Boughton Malherbe, 65 Bowes, Sir M., 63 Bowel, H., 193 Box.ley, 301 Boxley Abbey, by P.J. Tester, 312 Boyle, John, LL.B., F.S.A., Some Discoveries about Edward Hasted and his History of Ke11t, 235-59. Boys, J., 213 w., 242, 249, 256 Brentford (Middx.), 272 British Museum, London, 201, 235 Brockhill, W., I ff. Brackley Hill (Herts.), 111 Bromley, 325 Bronze, AS, Ornament, 7-25 RB., Bracelet, 125-31 Brooch, 105, 135 Pin, 135 Ring, 135 Spatula, 135 Bronze Age, Axe, 301 Burial, 76 Hoard, 195-9 Palstave, 304 Brook, 295 Brown, Sir A., 62 Bronwflete, Sir T., 193 Brunswick (West Germany), 11 Brydges, Sir S.E., 235, 242, 255 Bubwith, N., 192 Buckingham, Duke or, 53 Buckler, W., 62 331 GENERAL INDEX Budny, M., and J. Graham-Ompbell, An eighth-century Bronze Ornament from Canterbury and related Works, 7-25 Bukton, P., 192 Burleigh, Richard, David L. Harrison and Juliet Clutton-Brock, Remains of Mammals from the Daren/ River Gravels at Sevenoaks Reserve, Kent, 'l:1-52 Calais (France), 241 Camber Castle (Sussex), 5 Camden, W., cited, 73 Canterbury Archaeological Trust, Interim Report on Excavations in 1981 by the, 275-93 Canterbury Cathedral: The small Portrait Carvings of the Pulpitum c. 1400, by C.J. Dudley, 185-94 Canterbury, Cathedral Library, 236 Priory, 55 ff. Christ Church, 15 Dane John, 281-4 Dean and Chapter, I ff. Grey Friars, 65 Poor Priests' Hospital, 276-9 Royal Museum, 195 St. Augustine's Abbey, 15, 55, 65 College, 275, 313-24 St. Alphege's Parish, 65 St. Andrew's Parish, 65 St. Paul's Parish, 65 St. Peter's Parish, 65 Canute, King, 188 Cawarden, T., 62 Cerne, Book or, 24 C:ervenbreg (Bulgaria), 2Cf'l Champion, T.C., M.A., D.Phil., F.S.A., and Ogilvie, J.D., F.S.A., A Late Bronze Age Hoard from Hoaden, Kem, 195-9 Charing, 302 Charles I, 4 Chatham Dockyard, The Dockyard Workforce: A Picture of, c. 1860, by M. Waters, 79-94 Chatham, Post-medieval Po11ery from, by D.E. Williams, 261-73 Chestnuts, The, 227, 231 Cheshire, G., 86 Cheyney, Lord H., 67 Sir T., 60 ff. Chichele, Archbishop, 188 ff. Chilham, 317 Chillenden, T., 188 Chiltern Hills, 296 Chute, Family, I ff. Cirencester (Glos.), 128 Claringbould, L., 203 Clarke, A.F., cited, 227 Clinton, Lord, 61, 67 Clutton-Brock, Juliet, David L. Harrison and Richard Burleigh, Remains of Mammals from the Darent River Gravels at Sevenoaks Reserve, Kem, 27-52 Cobham, 232 Lord, 64 ff. Cock, Family 2 ff. Codex Aureus, 18 ff. Coin, AS, 7, 325 IA, 301, 326 post-Med., 124 R., 101, 105-6, 123-4, 301, 325 Colchester (Essex), 111 Coldrum, 227, 231 Coleraine (N. Ireland), 205 Combwell Priory, 60 Cooke, R., 312 Cool, Hilary, The Bracelets, 125-31 Cooper, R., cited, 263-4 Coppyn, W., 65 Corneville, Sir J., 193 Craddock, P.T., A medieval Islamic Brass Trapping found at Rochester, 296-8 Cranmer, Archbishop, 56 Cromwell, R., 212 T., 54 ff., 67; Culpepper, T., 2, 60 ff. w., 59 Cuthbert Gospel, 16 ff. Daniel, G.E., cited, 225 Darent, Valley, 230, 259 Darenth, The Roman Villa at, by E.W. Black, 159-83 Dartford, 229 Heath, 76 Tunnel, 52 Darvill, T.C., cited, 223 Deal Castle, 257 Deedes, W., 238 Dering, R., 256 Sir E., 248 Detling, 312 Detsicas, A.P., M.A., F.S.A., The Samian Ware, 118-9 Dickens, C., 81 Diggs, T., 2 Dover, Zion Chapel Site, Queen Street, Excavations 1980-81, by Brian Philp, 298-9 Castle, 243, 317 Maison Dieu, 57 Dudley, C.J., Canterbury Cathedral: The small Portrait Carvings of the Pulpitum c. 1400, 185-94 J., Duke of Northumberland, 61, 67 Durham Cassiodorus, 17 ff. Cathedral, 188 East Farleigh, 259 Malling, 304 332 GENERAL INDEX Ebony, 3 Eccles, Roman Villa, 173, 180 Edgar, King, 188 Edward I, 185, 188, 317 IV, 5, 185, 188 VI, 57, 60 ff. Elizabeth I, 2, 54, 69, 250 Embleton (Northumberland), 317 Erpyngham, Sir T., 192 Ethelbert, King, 185, 188 Evans, Joan, cited, 188 ff. Everitt, A., cited, 214 Eynsford Castle, 120- I Fairfax, Sir T., 211 ff. Fairseat, 302 Fane, R., 64 Farnborough, 122 Farningham, Roman Villa, 106, 173 Faussett, B., 254 H.G., 242 Fishbourne (Sussex), Roman Palace, 170-1; 181 Fitzwilliam, Sir W., 62 Fleming, A., cited, 223 Fox, G., cited, 159 ff. Gage, Sir J., 62 Gandersheim (West Germany), 11, 21 Gardiner, S.R., cited, 214 Garnett, G., 92 George II, 2 Gillingham, 79 Gipps, G., 254 Gladstone, W., 92 Goldstone, Prior, 3 Goring, Lord, 219 Graham-Campbell, J., and M. Budny, An eighth-century Bronze Ornament from Canterbury and related Works, 7-25 Grain, Isle of, 52 Gravett, K.W.E., and Renn, D.F., The Tower of Stone Castle, Greenhithe, 312-8 Greenhithe, The Tower of Stone Castle, by K.W.E. Gravett and D.F. Renn, 312-8 Greenwich, 302 Gresham, Sir J., 63 Grove, L.R.A., Reviews, 327-8 Grovehurst, 229 Hales, Sir C., 60, 64 Sir E., 4, 6, 219 Sir W., 3 Hamilton, Lord G., 90 Harper, J., 5 Harrington, D., 252 Harrison, A.C., B.A., F.S.A., Rod,ester 1974-75, 95-136 David L., Clutton-Brock, Juliet and Richard Burleigh, Remains of Mammals from the Darent River Gravels at Sevenoaks Reserve, Kent, 27-52 Hart, P., 64 Hartley, K.F., B.A., F.S.A., A Mortarium from Rochester, 119 Harvey, J., cited, 188 Hasted, Edward, Some Discoveries about, and his History of Kent, by John Boyle, LL.B., F.S.A., 235-59 Hayes Common, 71 RB Building, 163 Hayes, Dr. J.D., Skeleton from George Lane, 133--4 Hendley, W., 64 Henry Ill, 318 IV, 185, 189 ff. V, 185, 189 ff. VIII, 5, 60, 65 Herbert, W., Earl of Pembroke, 61 Herne Bay, 201 Hewson, Col. J., 217 Heydon, Sir C., 74 ff. Hoaden, 195-9 Hobbes, R.G., 81 Hogg, A.H.A., The causewayed Earthwork and the Elizabethan Redoubt on West Wickham Common, 71-8 Holgate, Robin, B.Sc., The Medway Megaliths and Neolithic Kent, 221-34 Holling, F., cited, 266-8 Hoo, 198 Horne, Family, l ff. Manor, 276 Horton Kirby Church, The Alice Drayton Brass in, by P.J. Tester, 298 Horton Priory, 250 Huckstep, T., 4 Hulse, Family, 2 Ightham, St. Peter's, 154 Ingot, Silver, RB., 201-7 Investigations and Excavations during the Year, 325-6 Iron Age, Coin, 301, 326 Hill-fort, 275, 287-92 Ironwork, More decorative, (II), by D. Stephenson, B.Sc., F.P.S., 137-57 Isabel, Queen of France, 193 Jenkins, Frank, Obituary, 329-30 Jessup, R.F., cited, 225-6 Jet/on, 105, 124-5 Joan, Queen of Navarre, 193 John of Gaunt, 193 Johns, Catherine, cited, 309-11 Kaiseraugst (Switzerland), 207 Kells, Book of, IS ff. Kelly, D.S., B.A., F.S.A., A.M.A., Early sixteenth-century Pottery from Northgate, 333 GENERAL INDEX 121-3 Archaeological Notes from Maidstone Museum, 300-4 Kenardington, 5 Kendrick, T.D., cited, 20 Kent, The mid-Tudor Market in Crown /And in, by Michael L. Zell, 53-70 Kem, A /Ate Bronze Age Hoard from Hoaden, by T.C. Champion, M.A., D.Phil., F.S.A., and J.D. Ogilvie, F.S.A., 195-9 Kent, Two Romon Silver Ingots from, by K.S. Painter, 201-7 Kenyon, J.R., cited, 74 Kingston-upon-Hull (Yorks.), 209 .Kirby, J.L., cited, 192 Knell, J., 4 Knight, R., 250 Laing, 0., 89 Lambin, Frese, 277 Lanfranc, Archbishop, 304 Laud, Archbishop, 304 Leather, Med., 131-2 Leeds Priory, A Fragment of medieval Sculpture from, by P.J. Tester, 307 Leigh, 120 (Oxon.), 167 Leningrad Gospel, 16 ff. Lenthall, W., 214 ff. Leybourn, J. de, 256 Liberty Taylor, 5 Lillebonne (France), 203 Lismahon (Co. Down), 317 Little Chart, RB. Building, 176 Wenham (Suffolk), 318 London, British Museum, 201, 235 Public Record Office, 236 St. Paul's, 188 Victoria and Albert Museum, II, 21 Longley, T., 191 Lote, S., 188 Lower Halstow, 228 Parrock (Sussex), 122 Lullingstone, Roman Villa, 176 Lydden, 302-3 Lympne, 317 Lyon, J., 241 Maeseyck (Belgium), 13 ff. Maidstone, Discovery of o Manuscript Eyewitness Account of the Battle of, by Robert K.G. Temple, 209-20 Maidstone, 56, 63, 66, 297 College, 66 Corpus Christi Fraternity, 66 Kent Archives Office, 252 Museum, 247, 300 ff. Malling, 59 Margate, A Roman Bronze Head from, by D.R.J. Perkins, 307-11 Mariemont (Belgium), 309 Mary, Queen, 57, 61, 67 Mascall, R., 192 Massingham, J., 188, 191 Mavourne (Beds.), 11 ff. Mayney, Sir A., 4, 6 Medieval, Belt-hook, 302-3 Flint Cobbles, 97 Harness Pendant, 303 Leather, 131-2 Pottery, 108, 119-21 Seal Matrix, 301 Medway, Megaliths, The, and Neolithic Kent, by Robin Holgate, B.Sc., 221-34 Medway, River, 79 Valley, 228, 230 Mercia, 24 Mereworth, 59 Millichope (Salop), 317 Minnis Bay, 197-8, 229 Minster, 198 Moad, Michael, Leatherwork from Northgate, 131-2 More, T., 192 Morice, Sir C., 62 Mose!, River (West Germany), 309 Mottenden Priory, 60 Moyle, T., 64-5 Munk, G., 3 w., 2 Neolithic, Axe, 301 Megaliths, 221-34 Neville, Sir T., 59 Newark (Lines.), 74 ff. North, Sir E., 63, 68 North Downs, 228, 295 Northwood, H. de, 312 Obituary, 329-30 Ogilvie, J.D., F.S.A., and T.C. Champion, M.A., D.Phil., F.S.A., A /Ate Bronze Age Hoard from Hoadan, Kent, 195-9 Orpington, 325-6 Ospringe, 110 Otford, A Radiocarbon Date for the Bronze Age at Greenhill, by J. Pyke, 295-6 Otford, 56 Palace, 304 Otham, 302 Owen, W., 90 Oxford, All Souls College, 188 Oxney, 1 Painter, K.S., Two Roman Silver Ingots from Kent, 201-7 Palstave, BA, 304 Payne, G., cited, 159 ff., 312 Peglar, S., 50-2 Pelham, P., 209, 216 334 GENERAL INDEX Percy, H., 193 Perkins, D.R.J., A Roman Bronze Head from Margate, 307-11 Phi!ipott, J., 254 Philp, B.J., cited, 73, 78, 162 ff. Brian, Zion Chapel Sire, Queen Street, Dover, Kent. Excavations 1980-81, 298-9 Pin, RB., 135 Pit, Med., 280 Pitstone (Bucks.), 296 Pivington, 123 P!axtol, 156, 304, 317 Pliny, the Younger, 171 Pollard, R.J., B.A., Roman coarse Pottery, 108-18 Portchester (Hants.), 127 Pottery, Med., 108, 119-21 post-Med., 97, 121-3, 261-73 RB., 101, 105, 108-18, 119, 285, 321-3, 325-6 Samian, 108 ff., I 18-9 Prickett, J., 93 Prince Henry, 193 Humphrey, 193 John, 193 Thomas, 193 Pyke, J., A Radiocarbon Date for the Bronze Age Site at Greenhill, Otford, 295-6 Rady, John, Dane John Site, 281-4 2-3A Marlowe Avenue, 284-7 Ramsgate, 229 Ratcliffe, Sir E., 4 Recu!ver, 201, 203, 205 Renfrew, C., cited, 223 Renn, D.F., and Gravett, K.W.E., The Tower of Stone Castle, Greenhithe, 312-8 Researches and Discoveries, 295-324 Reviews, 327-8 Richard 11, 185 Richborough, 125, 128, 203, 205-6 Ring, RB., 135 Rochester 1974-75, by A.C. Harrison, B.A., F.S.A., 95-136 Rochester, A medieval Islamic Brass Trapping found at, by P.T. Craddock, 296-8 Rochester, 198, 312 Castle, 243, 297 Cathedral, 297, 307 Priory, 55 ff. Eastgate House Museum, 236 Roman, Coin, IOI, 105-6, 123-4, 301, 325-6 Romano-British, Axe, 302 Bracelet, 125-31 Bronze Head, 307-11 Brooch, 105, 135 Building, 105-6, 163, 280 Burial, 101 City Wall, 95 ff. Cremation, 318-24 Ditch, 95 ff. Harbour, 299 Hearth, 325 JeweHery, 7, IOI, 125-31 Kiln, 279 Oven, 279 Palace, 170-1 Pin, 135 Pottery, IOI, 105, 108 ff., 119, 285, 321-3, 326 Ring, 135 Road, 275, 292, 299 Samian Ware, 118-9, 321, 326 Saxon Shore Fort, 299 Silver Ingot, 201-7 Spatula, 135 Street, 275, 279, 285 Villa, 106, 159-83, 173 Romney Marsh, 63, 251 Rother, River, I Ruxley, 325 Rye (Sussex), 318 Sabac (Yugoslavia), 207 St. Leger, Sir A., 62 ff. St. Mary Cray, 325 St. Ninian's Isle, 11 Salzburg (West Oennany), 16 Sandown, 74 Seal Matrix, Med., 301 Setherst, S., 4 Sevenoaks Reserve, Kent, Remains of Mammals from the Darent River Gravels at, by David L. Harrison, Juliet Clutton• Brock and Richard Burleigh, 27-52 Sevenoaks District. Architectural History, by Anthony D. Stoyel, 304 Sheppey, Isle of, 60, 63, 251 Shernbourne (Norfolk), 127-8 Sidcup, Frognal House, by P.J. Tester, 305-7 Siebenburgen (West Gennany), 204 Silchester (Hants.), 128 Simmonds, Aid. J., 284 Sissinghurst, 4, 63 Smith, D.J., cited, 159 J.T., cited, 182 Sir F., 91 Southwold, R., 59, 64 Spatula, RB., 135 Spilman, T., 65 Stafford, Estates, 53 ff. Stephenson, D., B.Sc., F.P.S., More decorative Ironwork (ll), 137-57 Stokesay Castle (Salop), 317 Stour, Valley, 230 Stounnouth, 198 Stoyel, Anthony D., Sevenoaks District Architectural History, 304 Strood, 123 Sutton-at-Hone, 250 335 GENERAL INDEX Swalecliffe, 198 Swynford, K., 193 Tatton-Brown, Tim, 275-6 Conduil House, Military Road, 292-3 Tenterden, 4 Temple, Robert K.G., Discovery of a Manuscript Eye-witness Account of the Battle of Maidstone, 209-20 Tester, P.J., Boxley Abbey, 312 Frognal House, Sidcup, 305-7 Medieval Pottery, 119-21 The Alice Drayton Brass in Horton Kirby Church, 298 Thompson, Col. G., 211 ff. M., 211 Maj. R., 212 Thorpe, F., 216 ff. Tonbridge, 53 Topping, Capt. J., 218 ff. Towton, 5 Trier (Gennany), 309 Tylden, R., 255 Upper Deal, 229 Urry, W.G., cited, 189 Obituary, 329-30 Venn, Col. J., 212 Victoria and Albert Museum, London, 11, 21 Walsingham, Se.:retary, 2 Walter, W., 4, 6 Waters, M., The Dockyard Work-force: A Picture of Chatham Dockyard c. 1860, 79-94 Waterton, Sir H., 192 Weald, 55, 63 Webb, T., 133 Wells (Som.), 188 West Dean (Hants.), 128 Westenhanger, 255 Westminster Abbey, 55 Westmorland, Earl of, 4, 6 West Wickham Common, The causewayed Earthwork and Elizabethan Redout on, by A.H.A. Hogg, 71-8 Wibert, Prior, 293 William IV, 133 Williams, D.E., Clay Tobacco Pipemaker's Debris from George Lane, 132-3 Post-medieval pottery from Chatham, 261-73 J., 85 ff. T., 236 Winchester (Hants.), 125, 188 Wingham, 229 Winnifrith, Sir John, Land Ownership in Appledore, 1500-1900, 1-6 Witham, River (Essex), 11, 21 Woolwich, 264 Wotton, Sir E., 65 T., 65 Wouldham, 297 Wyatt, Sir T., 54 ff. Wye College, 62, 250 Yevele, H., 188 York, 188 Zell, Michael L., The mid-Tudor Market in Crown Land in Kent, 53-70 336