Remains of Mammals from the Darent River Gravels at Sevenoaks Reserve, Kent
Since 1975 fossil and recent remains of mammals found at Redlands
Pit, near Sevenoaks, Kent, have been systematically preserved in
the Harrison Zoological Museum and studied by the authors. The
gravel workings and surrounding areas have been developed as a
Nature Reserve in recent years by Dr. Jeffery Harrison and his
enthusiastic helpers in co-operation with the Wildfowlers Association
of Great Britain and Ireland and the Wildfowl Trust. The
recent mammals of the area were survyed by Harrison. 1
The area concerned (Plate IA) is situated in the Darent River
Valley in the Vale of Hohnsdale, south of the scarp face of the
North Downs and situated north of Bradbourne Vale Road, west of
the Sevenoaks-Otford Road and south of the new M26 Motorway
(Fig. 1, sketch map). Geological maps of the area2 show the
presence of a limited river gravel deposit in this area, forming a
terrace along the course of the Darent (Fig. 2) and lying on the
gault. It is this drift deposit, composed largely of angular flints
derived from the escarpments, which has been commercially
extracted by Redlands Ltd. for a number of years. The fauna!
remains studied have been derived from two separate areas desig-
' D.L. Harrison 'A Mammal Survey of the Sevenoaks Reserve and Darent
Valley', in J.G. Harrison The Sevenoaks Gravel Pit Reserve, WAGBI Conservation
Publication, 1974, 97-9.
2 H.G. Dines, S. Buchan, S.C.A. Homes and C.R. Bristow, 'Geology of the
Country around Sevenoaks And Tonbridge', Mem. Geol. Survey Gt. Britain, HMSO,
1969, 1-183.
(Photo. P.F. Harrison)
A general View of the northern Boundary of Excavation Site I, looking towards
the new M26 Motorway.
(Photo. P.F. Harrison)
Stratigraphy at the northern Boundary of Excavation Site I, in the same Area
as Plate IA.
M 26
Fig. l. The Sevenoaks Reserve, showing the two Sites from which Fossil Bones
have been extracted 1975-1980. N.B. Not strictly to scale.
• •
• • •
• •
• • •
• • •m). •4SJ • \ .,,,•cl1Jll • •
• , lJW. • • ■
Head Clay with Flints
River Gravel
■ • j Lower Greensand
m Weald Clay Scale = 1 mile
Fig. 2. Site of the SevenoAakdsa pRteedse rfrvoem i nD Rineelsa tieot na lt. o2 local Geological Deposits.
nated Sites I and II (see Fig. 1) from which the gravel has been
extracted as a 'dry' working (i.e., not from the bottom of a deep
lake as formerly done in the large West and East lakes shown in Fig.
1, from both of which gravel was extracted in the past). The stratigraphy
of the area is shown in Plate IB, a section. at the northern
side of the northern area of excavation, Site I in Fig. 1, near the
new M26 Motorway. The depth of the layer of river gravels varies in
different parts of the pit from about 1 m. to about 6 m., with a
covering of surface soil about 0.6-1.2 m. in thickness and underlain
by the Blue Cretaceous Gault, a grey, sticky, plasticene-like clay,
containing marine invertebrate fossils, and which dries out to form a
grey powdery material. The method of extraction employed is
important, determining the way most of the animal bones are
recovered. Extraction is by means of a crane-operated bucket
dragged upwards from the pit bottom and depositing about a ton
weight at a time into lorries, which transport the mixed extract to a
washing plant, south of the East Lake. Here it is fed into a moving
belt where washing and grading occur. At the washing plant an
employee inspects the moving belt and removes any bones seen
amongst the gravel. A total number of 429 identifiable animal
remains, referable to 14 species, have been found by this means and
by visual inspection of the pit itself during a period of five years up
to the present time.
It was clear from the early stages of this investigation that a
bewildering mixture of old and more recent relics was emerging
from the pit. Some fossils such as mammoth teeth (M. primigenius)
and woolly rhinoceros (Coelodonta antiquitatis) are indisputably
Pleistocene, pertaining to the last (fourth) Glaciation, currently
known to British palaeontologists as the Devensian, and corresponding
to the Alpine IV Wurm Glaciation. Indeed Coelodonta is
known to have become extinct well before the end of the
Devensian, and vanished from the scene at least 36,000 years b.p.
Other species found, such as reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) and
aurochs (Bos primigenius) persisted from Pleistocene into Postglacial
times. On the other hand considerable numbers of bones of
domestic animals were also found, including cattle (Bos taurus), pig
(Sus scrofa), sheep (Ovis aries), and horse (Equus caballus). The
bones of these domestic animals were often recovered in the same
'batches' as the less numerous Pleistocene remains, giving rise to
doubts regarding the chronological stratification of the gravels. It
seemed very possible that as a result of river flood action there had
been intrusion of older, fossil bones derived from other situations.
The difficulty of resolving this problem, which cannot be considered
altogether resolved even now, has been increased by the extreme
difficulty of manual excavation in this hard conglomerate gravel,
composed of tightly packed flints of quite large average size. The
fossil bones are clearly quite widely scattered throughout, although
probably deposited in 'pockets' by river action.
Several pieces of evidence tend to suggest that the animal remains
may in fact be stratified chronologically in spite of the confusion
brought about by the mechanical methods of extraction described
above. The first fossil, found by Dr. Jeffery Harrison in 1975 was an
exceptionally fine intact adult Mammuthus primigenius molar (Plate
IIA). It was found in the bottom of the pit, exposed after removal of
the gravel layer. On the other hand a jaw bone of Bos taurus was
found by D.L.H. embedded in the top of the gravel layer, after
removal of the surface soil and before extraction of the gravel.
Recourse has been taken to modem scientific dating methods in a
further effort to resolve this confusing situation. It was clear that the
abundant remains of horse (E. ferus cabal/us) found included some
highly mineralised fossil bones and others much lighter and more
recent. Radiocarbon dating methods were employed to examine a
horse metapodial found at the lowest level of the pit 2.4-3 m. deep.
It gave a date of 7810 b.c. (9,760 b.p.) that is in the Post-glacial
Mesolithic. Another lighter horse metapodial gave a radiocarbon
date of 970 A.D. This investigation proves that the horse remains
include the wild 'fossil horse' EqZ:tus ferus and its later domesticated
descendant E. caballus (See discussion, p. 00). Pollen analysis of
peaty material found in the internal cavities of some of the bones
and presumed to be derived from decaying vegetation present at the
site and period of the animals' death, has also assisted in dating the
fossil material. Thus two aurochs (Bos primigenius) tibiae have
given pollen datings corresponding to the Post-glacial period 9000-
8000 years b.p. and 6500-5000 years b.p. respectively (vide Peglar,
Appendix I) conforming both with the state of mineralization of the
bones and the known history of the species (see Plate IIIA). Bronze
Age axe-heads and remains of large and small domestic cattle,
possibly associated with the Neolithic and Iron Age periods, have
also been found. These finds contribute to the conclusion that the
deposit provides evidence covering a long period of the wild and
domestic mammal fauna of Sevenoaks. The history of the gravels
extends from the mid-Devensian at least 36,000 years b.p. down to
recent historical times, when the Darent Valley was clearly grazed
by man's domestic herds just as it is today.
Whether or not the uncertainty of stratification can be finally
resolved, this study tells us much about the past history of the site,
thus adding a new dimension of interest to the Sevenoaks Reserve,
already declared as an S.S.S.I. on account of its outstanding interest
to students of the present day fauna. The animal remains obtained
are preserved in the Harrison Zoological Museum at Sevenoaks,
forming a fascinating exhibit of the past history of the area.
List of measurements employed in the text ( abbreviations and
Antero-posterior diameter of antler burr
Median antero-posterior width of ascending ramus of mandible
Breadth of cranium
Circumference of main beam of antler above brow tine
Depth of horizontal ramus of mandible behind last molar
Depth of horizontal ramus of mandible in front of pm1
Greatest antero-posterior diameter of proximal extremity of radius
Greatest diagonal length of tooth
Greatest height
Greatest height of tooth
Greatest length
Greatest length of crown
Greatest length of lower carnassial
Greatest width of crown
Greatest length of third lower molar
Height of lower canine, from cingulum to tip
Antero-posterior diameter of main beam of antler above brow tine
Mid-shaft depth
Mid-shaft width
Transfrontal width anterior to supraorbital foramen
Width of distal extremity
Width of interparietal across anterior extension
Width of proximal extremity
Systemic List
Fam. Hominidae
Homo sapiens Man
Material: HZM 1.10564 Femoral shaft. This was the femoral shaft
of a female or immature H. sapiens.
Remarks: The age of this specimen is of considerable interest, but
as discussed in a later section, it could not be sacrificed for radiocarbon
dating, and relative dating (by estimation of nitrogen,
fluorine and uranium) was inconclusive, although tending to show
that the bone was not recent. Other evidence from the site (antler
mace head, Plate IIIB and bronze axes) testifies to man's presence
in the Darent Valley, probably continuously, since at least Neolithic
Measurements (mm.): Femoral shaft (HZM 1.10564) MSW 24.9
MSD 23.8.
Fam. Canidae
Canis familiaris Domestic Dog
Material: HZM 11.8538 pm4 , m' and m2
HZM 12.9234 Scapula
HZM 13.9463 Tibia
HZM 14.9688 Humerus
HZM 15.9764 Intact skull and mandible
HZM 16.9765 Femur
HZM 17.10096 Mandible
HZM 18.10097 Tibia
HZM 20.10293 Mandible
HZM 21.10294 Femur
Remarks: The Canid material from our deposit is all referable to
the domestic dog, C. familiaris. The well-preserved skull and
mandible 15.9764 is of special interest being mineralised and clearly
of considerable age. Like the domestic cat, these remains most
likely date from early historical times, although the earliest domestic
dog yet found in British deposits, from Star Carr was dated at 7500
B.C.3 Both small and large domestic dogs are represented in this
Fam. Felidae
Pelis catus Domestic cat
Material: HZM 5.9461 Mandible
Remarks: This single specimen of domestic cat, distinguishable
from wild cat by the small size of the jaw and dentition, clearly
represents one of the more recent faunal components of the deposit,
deriving from the historical period.
Measurements (mm.): Mandible (HZM 5.9461) GL 59.0 GLLC
8.1 HLC 8.8
Fam. Elephantidae
Mammuthus primigenius
Material: HZM 1.8360
HZM 2.9228
HZM 3.9313
HZM 4.9342
HZM 5.9343
HZM 6.9344
HZM 7.9345
HZM 8.9346
Woolly mammoth
Intact adult cheektooth (Plate IIA)
Unerupted deciduous cheek tooth
Part adult cheektooth
Part adult cheektooth
Part adult cheektooth
Part adult cheektooth
Part adult cheektooth
Part adult cheektooth
l M. Degerbol, 'On a Find of a Preboreal domestic Dog (Canis familiaris L.) from
Star Carr, Yorkshire, with Remarks on other Mesolithic dogs', PPS, xxvii (1961),
Remarks: It is interesting that no skeletal remains of mammoth
have been recovered at this site, molar teeth alone providing
evidence of the presence of this typical Devensian (last glaciation)
mammal. The intact adult molar has roots present and the tooth was
clearly unrolled.
Measurements (mm.): Ad. cheektooth (HZM 1.8360) GLC 198
GWC 108 GDLT 312 GHT 232
Fam. Rhinocerotidae
Coelodonta antiquitatis Woolly rhinoceros
Material: HZM 1. 9602 Tibial shaft
HZM 2.10528 Femoral shaft (Plate'IlB)
Remarks: These finds are the only specimens from the site referable
to the species and are outstandingly different from all other
tibiae and femora found in the deposit on account of their short
broad 'graviportal' aspect (see Plate IIB). Material from the
medullary cavity of HZM 1.9602 was examined for pollen content,
but proved to have no associated pollen. It is, however, certain that
these bones cannot be later than mid-Devensian c. 36,000 yr. b.p.4
The broad flattened femur with greatly developed third trochanter is
especially characteristic of rhinoceros.
Measurements (mm.): Tibia (HZM 1.9602) MSW 63.8 MSD 57.1
Femur (HZM 2.10528) MSW 86.9* MSD
60 .1 *Below third trochanter
Fam. Equidae
Equus ferus Wild horse
Equus cabal/us Domestic horse
Material: The material from the site comprises twenty-seven
cranial and eighty-nine postcranial specimens.
Measurements: These are available in the archives of the Harrison
Zoological Museum.
Remarks: Remains of horse are one of the most abundant species
in the gravels. Many of the specimens are highly mineralised and
clearly of great age. Others are lighter and appear more recent.
Radiocarbon dating of two metapodials selected on this basis has
given confirmation of this impression. HZM 15.9217 (a light bone)
gave a carbon date of c. 970 A.D. (Saxon), while HZM 8.8535 (a
heavy bone) proved to be c. 7,810 b.c. (c. 9760 b.p.) (Plate IVB).
The latter Post-glacial Mesolithic date is of particular interest as it is
the most recent date so far obtained for the wild horse, Equus ferus,
in Britain. (See discussion). There appears to be no certain way of
• A.J. Stuart, 'Pleistocene History of the British Vertebrate Fauna'., Biol. Rev.,
xlix (1974), 225-66.
distinguishing the remains of E. ferus from its domestic descendants
(E. caballus) in our deposit, apart from the generally heavier more
mineralised state of the bones. They are accordingly treated here
Fam. Suidae
Sus scrofa Pig/Wild boar
Material: The material from the site comprises five cranial and
seven postcranial specimens.
Remarks: The distinction of wild from domestic pig is not always
easy. Clason (1967)5 has shown that the size of the posterior
cheekteeth, both upper and lower, will distinguish wild boar from
domestic hog by average size difference in any particular region.
There is good reason to believe that our limited material contains
both. Thus the mandible of a young pig, with m3 not fully_ erupted
(HZM 7. 9887) has small canine tusks and small cheekteeth and
must surely have been domestic. On the other hand HZM 12.10009
(anterior mandibles) and 14.10498 (horizontal ramus with GLm3
34.6 mm.) both have much larger cheekteeth and are much more
mineralised and could have been the wild boar. A massive posterior
mandible HZM 13.10495 equals in size and considerably exceeds in
thickness the mandible of an adult male recent Wild Boar from
Holland (HZM 2.6143; 1.5660 Onzalige Boosen, nr. Arnhem). This
and the large axis vertebra (HZM 10.9933) appear to us convincing
evidence of Wild Boar in the deposit. The age of these specimens is
uncertain, as the species may well have existed in the area throughout
the history of the deposit.
Fam. Cervidae
Rangifer tarandus Reindeer
Material: HZM 3.8536 Part antler
HZM 4.8537 Part antler
HZM 11.10448 Part antler (Plate VA)
HZM 12.10462 Part antler (Burr and brow tine)
Measurements (mm.): Antlers HZM 11.10448 AB 43.3 MB 43.3
CMB 119HZM 3.8536 AB 44.1 MB 44.3 CMB 124
Remarks: These highly characteristic antler specimens, two of
which include the burr, part of the flattened main beam and massive
brown tine, are the only evidence recovered of Rangifer in this
deposit. They are readily distinguishable from the more abundant
antler fragments of Cervus and Dama present in the gravels. These
5 A.T, Clason, 'Animal and Man in Holland's Past', Palaeohistoria, (1967), 13A,
antlers were clearly derived from large reindeer. They are one of
the older faunal elements in the deposit. (See discussion).
Capreolus capreolus Roe deer
Material: HZM 10.10258 Part metapodial
HZM 11.10494 Part antler and frontal (Plate VC)
Remarks: The presence of roe deer in this deposit is attested by
only one part of antler and one broken metapodial, which are,
however, quite characteristic. Both were recovered in AugustDecember
1979 from the deep hole to the north of the East Lake
(Site 2). This species is thus the least abundant Cervid in the
gravels. Although roe deer existed in Britain in the Pleistocene,
these early representatives were larger than the modem species
(Kurten, 1968)6 and it seems more likely that these specimens
belong to the more recent fauna of the gravels.
Measurements (mm.): Metapodial HZM 10.10258 MSW 13.1 MSD
17.9 Antler HZM 11.10494 AB 34.0
Dama dama Fallow deer
Material: This comprises one radius, one mandible, four cranial
fragments with basal antlers attached, one cranial fragment and ten
part antlers.
Remarks: The seventeen identifiable specimens of fallow deer
from the gravels form a characteristic assemblage readily identifiable
by their size from the larger remains of Cervus and Rangifer in the
deposit. Several of the antlers show evidence of the characteristic
palmation. Some selected measurements of the adult specimens are
given below (Table I) in comparison with modem park fallow deer
from Knole Park, Sevenoaks. Allowing for the considerable
individual, sexual and age variations present in deer, it is clear that
the material from the Darent river gravels corresponds quite closely
with the recent park fallow deer in size, and represents a reintroduced
population in historical times. The indigenous fallow
deer, which became extinct in the upper Pleistocene, was evidently
larger than the modem form. 6 The Post-glacial history of the species
in Britain is, however, obscure and precise dating of the material
from the Darent gravels is therefore of special interest. (See p. 00).
Cervus elaphus Red deer
Material: The material comprises eleven cranial, twenty-four
antler and twenty-five postcranial specimens.
• B. Kurttn, Pleistocene Mammals of Europe, World Naturalist, London, 1968,
TABLE I Dama dama (Measurements: mm.)
Darent River Gravels OHR BB ARM WI AB 1FW MSW MSD WOE
Cranium HZM 4.9768 79.4 39.8
Mandible HZM 8.9798 32.6 27.3
Cranium + 0
Antler HZM 3.9767 44.1 46.8 '!.
Cranium + Cl'vlB
Antler HZM 2.9766 84 47.8 p
Antler HZM 17.10015 48.7
(.;.) Antler HZM 16.10014 46.9 §
HZM 19.10094 47.7
Antler HZM 20.10095 41.0 t:D ,:,
Antler HZM 7.9771 50.7 0
Antler HZM 5.8769
Radius HZM 15.9921 23.2 13.3 39.4
Knole Park, Sevenoaks, (Recent) WI t:D
Cranium HZM 9.9915 37.4 78.1 31.9 36.1 52.8 48.9
Radius HZM 21.10135 22.3 13.0 41.8
Measurements: These are available in the archives of the Harrison
Zoological Museum.
Remarks: The red deer is the most abundant Cervid in the deposit.
It is probably one of the species present throughout the entire
history of the gravels, from the Devensian to recent historical times.
Although it is yet unconfirmed by precise dating methods, the
massive size of some specimens (e.g. antler HZM 38.10311, Plate
VB) provides evidence of the presence of the large 'Cold Phase' red
deer present in southern Britain in Devensian and Post-glacial
times. This species no longer exists in the Sevenoaks area.
Fam. Bovidae
Bos primigenius Aurochs
Material: HZM 2.8701
HZM 4.9230
Tibial shaft
Tibial shaft and associated fragment
(Plate IIIA)
HZM 3.9229 Distal tibia
HZM 12. 9603 Distal tibia
HZM 6.9579 Distal tibia
HZM 14.9681 Distal humerus
HZM 9. 9582 Proximal radius
HZM 11.9584 Proximal horn core fragment
HZM 7.9580 Proximal horn core fragment
HZM 8.9581 Hom core fragment
HZM 15.10091 Metacarpal (intact) (Plate IVA )
HZM 13.9680 Proximal metapodial
HZM 10.9583 Proximal metapodial
HZM 1.8541 Proximal metapodial
HZM 17.10257 Horizontal ramus mandible
HZM 18.10492 Neural spine of vertebra
HZM 19 .10493 Rib
HZM 20.10496 Part proximal radius
Remarks: Remains of the aurochs are readily distinguishable by
their massive size and more mineralised condition from the much
more recent domestic cattle (Bos taurus) in the deposit. Distinction
from the Pleistocene steppe wisent (Bison priscus) is more difficult
and the presence of this Devensian species in the deposit cannot be
excluded. However, successful pollen analysis of material from the
medullary cavities of two tibiae (see Appendix I) has given the
following results: HZM 4.9230 Pollen Zone VII or 7000-5000 years
b.p.; HZM 3.9229 Pollen Zone VI 9-8000 years b.p. These Postglacial
datings confirm the identification of these specimens as B.
primigenius and the material at present available is all considered
provisionally as aurochs pending confirmation of the presence of
TABLE II Bos primigenius (Measurements: mm.)
Tibia! Shaft HZM 2.8701 62.9 54.8
Tibial Shaft HZM 4.9230 57.5 43.7 77.8
Distal Tibia HZM 3.9229 78.4
Distal Tibia HZM 12.9603 76.2
Distal Tibia (eroded) HZM 6.9579 76.0
Distal Humerus HZM 14.9681 97.3
Metapodial (anterior) HZM 15.10091 43.8 32.2 77.l 257 76.6
Metapodial (anterior) HZM 13.9680 46.6 34.8 78.8
Metapodial (posterior) HZM 10.9583 60.4
Horizontal Ramus Mandible* HZM 17.10257 48.1
Proximal Radius HZM 20.10496 58.4
* Root sockets of mandibular teeth suggest this was a young aurochs. Nevertheless this mandible is outstandingly larger than the
many Bos tauru.s mandibles recovered from this deposit.
steppe wisent. Some measurements of this material are given in
Table II.
Bos taum.s Domestic ox
Material: This comprises twenty-four cranial and one hundred and
twenty-two postcranial specimens.
Remarks: Remains of domestic cattle form one of the most
abundant components of this collection. They are generally easy to
distinguish from Bos primigenius by their much smaller size.
Measurements of some metacarpal specimens are given below
(Table III) for comparison with the remains of aurochs recovered.
HZM 70.9946 (Frontal bone and bone core) is of particular
interest on account of its remarkably small size. This specimen came
from a domestic cow so small it can scarcely have been larger than a
modern sheep. This minute type of domestic ox was characteristic of
the Iron Age. The horn core measures a mere 52.7 mm. long by
28.5 mm. basal width. The series of intact metacarpals are also of
some interest. The largest of the series referred to Bos tauru.s is
HZM 92.10032 which surprisingly came from a young animal since
the distal epiphysis is not fused. It is nevertheless considerably
smaller than Bos primigenius and could represent the large early
domestic cattle of Neolithic and Roman times. Radii 132.10534 and
133.10535 are perfect pairs and the former articulates perfectly with
humerus 114.10499 and is compatible with part metacarpal
126.10517 all found at the same time. Probably all part of a small
Iron Age cow.
TABLE III Bos taurus (Measurements: mm.)
Metacarpals HZM 115.10500 30.2 21.8 54.5 202.0 52.2
HZM 92.10032 31.7 23.8 64.2 225.0 61.0
HZM 96.10092 34.4 23.7 58.9 202.8 58.1
HZM 100.10238 27.9 22.3 52.6 201.3 50.5
HZM 8.9219 33.6 24.9 61.3 195.2 59.7
HZM 111.10489 48.7
Ovis aries Domestic sheep
Material: This comprises one cranial and sixteen postcranial
Measurements: These are available in the archives of the Harrison
Zoological Museum.
Remarks: Remains of domestic sheep are considerably less
abundant than those of domestic cattle and horse in the deposit.
They clearly represent one of the more recent faunal components of
the gravels.
Chronology of the fauna/ remains from the Darent gravels
By Richard Burleigh
It is well known that in the laying down of fluviatile deposits fossil
remains of widely different age can become incorporated and intermixed.
Evidently, the animal remains found in the Darent river
gravels are no exception to this as the list includes species belonging
to the extinct Pleistocene fauna, such as mammoth, as well as the
bones of recent domestic animals. Apart from remains such as these
which fell into distinct categories, the dating of some others that
were recovered, notably those of horse (Equus sp.), reindeer
(Rangifer tarandus) and fallow deer (Dama dama), was less certain.
To help resolve this four bones of horse and two fragmentary
antlers, one of reindeer and one of fallow deer, were selected for
radiocarbon dating. These specimens were chosen for their particular
relevance to a joint programme of research, by the Department
of Zoology of the British Museum (Natural History) and the
Research Laboratory of the British Museum, into the latest dates of
survival of larger terrestrial mammals in Britain following the end of
the last (Devensian) glaciation. Collagen (the remnant of the
original protein) was recovered from the samples of bone and antler
by demineralization with dilute acid and converted quantitatively to
benzene for measurement of C14 activity by the liquid scintillation
counting method. The radiocarbon ages obtained from these
measurements are given in Table IV. From these results it will be
seen that although three of the equid bones and the antler of fallow
deer are of roughly medieval to modern date, one equid metapodial
(HZM 8.8535, BM-1619) and the antler of reindeer (HZM 12.10462,
BM-1674) are approximately 10,000 radiocarbon years old.
These two results are of the greatest interest, both from the point
of view of the present investigation and that of post-Pleistocene
mammalian survivals in Britain. There are few other late records for
(Photo. D.L. Harrison)
Mammuthus prim/genius
Intact adult Molar (HZM 1.8360). Scale = 5 cm.
(Photo. D.L. Harrison)
Coelodonta antiquitatis
Femur Shaft (HZM 2.10528). Scale = cm. and mm.
(Photo. D.L. Harrison)
Bos primigenius
Tibia( Shaft and associated proximal Fragment (HZM 4.9"230).
Pollen dating Zone Vila 7000-S