Corresponding Societies

CORRESPONDING SOCIETIES (For Interchange of Publications, etc.) Akademie der Wissenschaftern der DDR. ZentralinstituJ fur Alte Geschichte und Archiio/,ogie Bibliothek, DDR 108 Berlin, Leipziger Str., 3-4. Ashmolean Museum, Oxford Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society, The City Library, Brunswick Road, Gloucester Cambrian Archaeological Association, National Museum of Wales, Cardiff Cambridge Antiquarian Society, The Haddon Librarian, Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, Downing Street, Cambridge Cumberland and Westmorland Antiquarian Society, The Librarian, Tullie House, Castle Streei, Carlisle, Cumberland Derbyshire Archaeological Society, The Hon. Librarian, Derby Borough Library, Wardwick, Derby Durham University Library, Palace Green, Durham DHl JRN Essex Archaeological Society, The Hon. Librarian, Hollytrees Museum, High Street, Colchester, Essex Hampshire Field Club, The Hon. Librarian, Hampshire Field Club, University of Southampton Library, Southampton SO9 5HN Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire, Honorary Librarian Brown Library, Liverpool Public Libraries, William Brown Street, Liverpool 3 Historisches Museum Stadt Heilbronn, 71 Heilbronn-a-N., Kramstrasse 1., West Germany Institut ArcMologique Liegeois, Bibliotheque de l'Universite, J Place Cokerill, Liege, Belgium Institute of Archaeology, 31-4 Gordon Square, London WCI 0PY Landesmuseum fiir Vorgeschichte, Halle (Saale) C.2, Richard Wagner Strasse 9-10 East Germany Lincolnshire Local History Society, Miss M. Finch, Hon. Librarian, Lines. Archives Committee, The Castle, Lincoln London and Middlesex Archaeological Society, c/o Museum of London, London Wall, EC2 Museum fur Ur- und Fri.ihgeschichte Potsdam, 1502 Potsdam-Babelsberg, Schloss Babelsberg, East Germany National Historical Museum, K. Vitterhatsakademien, Biblioteket, Storgatan 41, Stockholm, O., Sweden Norfolk and Norwich Archaeological Society, Garsett House, St. Andrew's Hall Plain, Norwich NOR 161 Powys-land Club, Powys-land Reference Library, Church Bank, Welshpool, M ontgomeryshire xvii Rijksdienst voor het Oudheikundig Bodemonderzoek, 'Marienhof', Kleine Haag 2, Amersfoort, Holland Romisch - Germanisches Zentral Museum, Mainz 65, Ludwig Platz 2, West Germany Royal Irish Academy, 19 Dawson Street, Dublin, Eire Royal Numismatic Society, The British Museum, London WCJB 3DG Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland, Hon. Gen. Secretaries, 63 Merrion Square, Dublin, Eire Seminarie voor Archaeologie (Ruksuniversiteit), Blandijnberg, 2 Ghent, Belgium Service National des Fouilles, 11 Pare du Cinquantenaire, Brussels 1000, Belgium Shropshire Archaeological Society, Hon. Librarian, Local Studies Dept., Public Library, Shrewsbury, Salop Society of Antiquaries of London, Burlington House, Piccadilly, Lo11don W IV OHS Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, E. Hedley, Hon. librarian, Black Gate, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Northumbria Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, National Museum of Antiquities, Queen Street, Edinburgh EH2 1JD Somersetshire Archaeological and Natura! History Society, The Museum, Taunton, Som. Surrey Archaeological Society, Castle Arch, Guildford, Surrey Sussex Archaeological Society, Barbican House, Lewes, E. Sussex The University Library, Uppsala, Sweden Verein von Altertumsfreunden im Rheinlande, Co/tmantstr. 14-16, D-5300 Bonn, West Germany Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Society, The Museum, Devizes, Wilts. Woolhope Club, Mrs. M. Tonkin, 'Chy an Whyloryon', Wigmore, Leominster, Herefords. Yorkshire Archaeological Society, Claremont, C/ardendon Road, Leeds 2, Yorks. xviii


Committees of the Society


List of Local Secretaries