General index

GENERAL INDEX Abbreviations: AS, Anglo-Saxon; BA, Bronze Age; IA, Iron Age; Mee!., Medieval; Neo., Neolithic; R., Roman; RB, Romano-British Aalden (W. Germany). 62 Abels, Richard, The Devolution of Book/and in ninth-century Kent: A Note on BCS 538 (S 319), 219-23 Abingdon (Oxon.), 24 Acheson, R.J., M.A., Ph.D., Sion's Saint: John Turner of Suuon Valence, 183-97 Adams, E., 78 Aebbe, Abbess, 8 Aesc, 1 Aethelbert I, 3 ff. II, 9 ff. Ill, 11, 13 Aethelred, 6 ff. Aethelwald, 6, 14 Aethelwulf, 219 ff. Ager, B.M., An Anglo-Saxon cruciform Brooch from Lyminge, 59-65 Aldington, 278 Allarde Brasses, The, by Leslie A. Smith, 225- 30 Alric, 9 Amesbury (Wilts.), 89 Anglo-Saxon cruciform Brooch, An, from Lyminge, by B.M. Ager, 59-65 Anglo-Saxon ornamental Metalwork, Three pieces of ninth-century, in the Royal Museum, Camerbury, by James Graham· Campbell, 21-4 Anglo-Saxon, Burial, 59 Cemetery, 59, 89, 272 Coin, 279 Angoumois (France), 157 Appledore, 51, 53-6 Aquitaine (France), 149 Ardleigh (Essex), 92 Arundel, Archbishop, 261 Ascelin, Bishop, 145 Ash, 29 -by-Wrotham, 162, 165, 173 Ashford, 183, 189, 191 Augustine, Saint, 5 Axe, Flint, 269-70, 281, 290 Baldock (Herts.), 261 Baldred, King, 13 Bapchild, Council of, 9 Barrell, R. , 188 Barrington, G., 185 J .• 197 Barrington (Cambs.), 62 Barrow, BA, 81 ff., 93-7, 104 Barton Seagrave (Northants.), 63 Beckley (Sussex), 163 Bederenden, J. , 113 Beeston Tor (Derbys.), 24 Belcher, W., 194 Benenden, 78, 230 Bennett, Paul, Earthwork Remains in I/fin Wood, 119-24 20 St. Radigund's Street, 241-2 Sandwich Castle, The Excavation, 245-7 St. Augustine's Abbey, 247-50 Berhtwald, Archbishop, 16 Bermondsey, 75 Bemicia, Kingdom of, 3 Berwick, Sir J. de, 243 Best, R., 229 Bewdley, 160 Bexley, 261 Bexley Church, The Castelayn Brass in, by P .J. Tester, 259-62 Biarnwulf, 221-3 Bicknor, 111 Bifrons, 61 Biddenden, 230 All Saints, 225 Birchington, Museum, 92, 104 Bishop, G., 188 Black Death, The, 112 Blackmanstone Church, 58 Blackwood (Gwent), 258 Blean Forest, 127 Blockley, Paul, The Excavation, 245-7 Church Lane, 251-2 Blomsg!rden (Sweden), 62 Boniface V, Pope, 6, 11 Book/and, The Devolution of, in nimh-century Kem: A Note on BCS 538 (S 319), by Richard Abels, 219-23 Borgstedt (W. Germany), 63 Boston (Lines.), 78 305 GENERAL INDEX Bowling, W., 191, 195 Bowtell, J., 164, 172 Boxley, 74, 188 Bradshaw, L., 27 Bradwell-on-Sea (Essex), 62 ff. Brampton, A., 112 Bray, 92 T., 160, 168-9 Bregowine, Bishop of Rochester, 11 Bremen-Mahndorf (W. Germany), 62 Brenig (Denbighs.), 95 Brent, C., 21 J., 21 Brenzett Church, 58 Bretherton, Rev. D.J., 134 Brett, J., cited, 135 Brewer, T., 188-9, 192 Bridgnorth, 160 Briquetage, 1:79, 290 Bromley, 113 Bronze Age, Barrow, 81 ff., 9,-7, 104 Burial, 89--90, 95 Cemetery, 97 Cremation, 88, 91-2, 95 Hoard, 282 Pottery, 86-92 Sword, 282 Brooch, AS, 59-65 Brooke (Norf.), 61-2 Brookland, 49, 51, 56 Burial, 100--2 AS, 59 BA, 89-90 Burmarsh Church, 58 Bury S1. Edmund's (Suffolk), 159 Buxton, [am., 280 Caedwalla of Wessex, 7 Caiger, J.E.L., 67 ff. Calais, 27 Camberwell (Surrey), 280 Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, 9 Camelon, 234 Canterbury Archaeological Trust, Interim Report on Work in 1983 by the, 237-56 Camerbury, Recent Fieldwork around, by Tim Tatton-Brown, 11$--31 Canterbury, Some Mirrors from Roman, by G. Lloyd-Morgan, B.A., Ph.D., F.S.A., 231-6 Canterbury, 5, 12, 14, 19,'21, 24, 29-30, 57, 115 ff., 119 ff., 165, 179, 183, 191, 231-56 Cathedral, 142-5, 233 Library, 161, 165 Christ Church, 57, 115, 118, 222, 242, 247, 250, 255-6 Royal Museum, 21, 24, 59, 231 St. Augustine's Abbey, 25 ff., 117-8, 231-3, 237, 247-51 College, 25 St. Dunstan's 29 St. Edmund's, 233 St. George's, 187 St. Gregory's Priory, 120 St. Martin's, 29, 115 Hospital, 117 St. Pancras', r, St. Paul's, 29 Sts. Peter and Paul's, 11 University of Kent at, 128 Castelayn, H., 261 Cecil, R., 27 Cemetery, AS, 59, 89, 272 BA, 97 RB, 233, 289 Ceolnoth, Archbishop, 222 Cerdic, 3 Chalk Mines, Three agricultural, in north-west Kent, by R.F. LeGear, A.A.LS., 67-72 Chalk, 95, 276 Chamberleyn, fam., 111 Champion, W., 185 Charles II, 27 Charles's, Nicholas, Notes on Cudham and Downe, by Nicholas Rogers, M.A., 109- 14 Charmandean (Sussex), 90 Chartham, 30 Deanery Farm, 124--5, 254 Chartres (France) Cathedral, 149, 152 Chart Sutton, 269-70 Chatham, 178 Chelmsford (Essex), 160 Chesil Beach, 273 Chester, 233 Chevening, 270 Chilham, 29 Clacton (Essex), 92 Cliffe, 281-2 Cobham, 111 Cocks, R., 75 Coggeshall (Essex), 280 Coin, AS, 279 IA, 283 R., 93, 284--5 Cooke, Capt. W., 75 Corbridge (Northumbria), 234 Cottingham, L.N., 147 Cranbrook, 185, 230 Cray, River, 175 Cremation, BA, 88-9, 91-2, 95 Crisp, H., 29 Crothall, R., 77 Crundale, 161-4, 169, 172-3 Cruse, R.J., B.Sc., and Harrison, A.C., B.A., F.S.A., Excavation at Hi{{ Road, Would• ham, 81-108 Two Flint A.xes from Lower Halling and Chart Su/Ion, 269-70 Cudham, 109 ff. 306 GENERAL INDEX Sts. Peter and Paul, 109 Culpepper, Sir T., 167 Cuthbert, Archbishop, 10 Dane Street, 29 Darenth, rn-8 Dartford, 289-90 Deal, Mill Hill, 92 Deerpark, 115-9 Dering, H., 162 M., 162 Delling, 74, 161-2, 165, 173 Detsicas, A.P., Reviews, 293-4, 296, 298, 300 Dickenson, G., 184 Doddington, 161-4, 169, 172-3 Dover, 192, 290 Langdon Bay, 97 Dowker, G., cited, 133 ff. Downe, 111 ff. R. de, 113 Droxford (Hants.), 161 Durant, J., 191 Durham Cathedral, 139, 153-4 Durrington Walls, 92 Dymchurch Church, 58 Wall, 47, 51 ff. Eadbald, 5 ff. Eadbert, 9 ff. Eadbert Praen, 13, 18 Eadred, 221 ff. Eadric, 7, 13 ff. Eaidwulf, Bishop of Rochester, 9, 11, 16 Ealhmund, 12-3 Eanmund, 11-3 Earconbert, 6 ff. Eardwulf, 10 ff. Eastbridge, 50 Church, 58 Eastchurch, 163 East Walton (Norf.), 92 Eastwell, 187 Eaulf, 221-2 Ebissa, 3 Ecgbert I, 7-8 II, 12 ff. Eddison, Jill, M.A., The Reclamation of Romney Marsh: Some Aspects reconsidered, 47-58 An intensive Ditch System in the Wicks south-west of Lydd, 273-6 Edward I, 25, 243 Ill, 110-1 Edwards, T., 192 Edwin, King of Northumbria, 6 Egbert, 222 Egerton, 187-8, 191, 196 Elliam, 161-2, 165, 173 Elizabeth I, 183-4, 192--3 Elliott, J., 53 Empingham (Rutland), 61 ff. Eorrnenred, 6 ff. Eormenric, 4 Ernulf, Bishop of Rochester, 142, 153 Eynsford Castle, 175 Fairfax, Lord, Hi9 Fairfield, 51 Fairlight (Sussex), 49 Faversham, 23, 63, 192 Heritage Centre, 161, 164 Fawkham, 291 Fawsley, J. de, 110 Fenner, J., 190 Finch, H., 187 R., 170 Sir T., 29 Finglesharn, 290 Flint, Implement, 103-4, 269-70, 281,290,292 Folkestone, 267 Fordwich, 29-30, 118 Fowell, fam., 280-1 Forster, R., 163, 172 France, 73 Fuller, T., 73 Fuller's Earth, Some Evide11ce on the Smuggling of, from the Medway Estuary during the seventeenth Century, by V .E. Morant, M.A. (Lond.), 73-9 Fyndon, Abbot, 250 Gainsborough (Lines.), 78 Garrington, 118-9 Godfrey-Fawcett, Sir B., 25 Godmersham, 163, 187 Park, 237 Goldstone I, Prior, 255 II, Prior, 125 Goodnestone, 29 Goudhurst, 185 Gough, Harold, A fresh Look at the Reculver Parish Clerk's Story, 133-8 Graham-Campbell, James, Three Pieces of ninth-century Anglo-Saxon ornamental Metalwork in the Royal Museum, Canterbury, 21-4 Grantham (Lines.), 159 Gravesend, 69, 111 Great Bircham (Norf.), 89-90 Great Mongeham, 178, 231 Green, R.D., cited, 49 Grove, L.R.A., Aldingto11, 278 Chalk, 276 Reviews, 291, 299-300 Guildford (Surrey), 104 Gundulf ofBec,B ishop of Rochester, 142, 153 Haddenham (Carobs.), 280 Hadrian's Wall, 234 Halstead, 271 307 GENERAL INDEX Hambledon (Surrey), 2'J:7 Hamburg (W. Germany), 78 Harblec:lown, 29 Harrison, A.C., B.A., F.S.A., and Cruse, R.J., B.Sc., Excavation at Hill Road, Wouldham, 81-108 Harrison, Benjamin, and Henry Stopes, by Yolanda C. Stanton, 257-9 Hart, H .• 192 Hartley, 291 Hasted, E., cited, 25, 110, 113, 118-20 Hatfield (Herts.), 27 Hayes, Dr J.P., The [nhumation, 100-2 Heaberht, 12-3 Headcom, 187 Hengest, 1 ff. Henry IV, ll0 vm, 21. 112. 245, 250, 289 Heppington, 119 Hereford Cathedral, 150, 157 Herewynn, 221 Hemhill, 29-30 Heron, Sir W., 110 Hewett, C., cited, 127 High Halstow, 279 Hi!versum (Holland), 97 Hlothere, 4, 7, 16-7 Hoel, Bishop, 152 Holborough, 96 Holland, 75, 78, 93, 97 Hollesley (Suffolk), 89 Holman, F.G., 136 Hoo, J. of, 243 Horsa, 1 ff. Horsfield, H., 77 Horsmonden, D., 194 Horton, 220--3 Horton Kirby, 179 Howletts, 63 Hull (Yorks.), 77-8, 227 Hunton, 164 Hutchings, R., Pre-Rnman Horizons and Sites at Cliffe, 281-2 Hythe, 49 ff. lflin Wood, Earthwork, 119-24 Ightham, 257-8 llesbrigge, 51, 53 lie-de-France (France), 149 Ingram Hill, D., Review, 293 Innes, G., 167 Investigations and Excavations during the Year, 287-92 Ipswich (Suffolk), 76, 160 Iron Age, Coin, 283 Pottery, 290 Irvine, J.T., 153 Ivychurch Church, 58 James, T., 75 Jessup, R., 187 R.F., Review, 302-3 John, Archbishop, 145 Johns, C.M., and Potter, T.W., New Light on the Canterbury /ate-Roman Treasure, 283- 6 F.D., 259 Joint Kingship in Kem c. 560 to 785, by Dr Barbara A.E. Yorke, 1-19 Jones, E.J., 258 Justus, Bishop of Rochester, 6, 14 Jutish Settlement, 15 Kempston (Beds.), 61-2 Kiln, Med., l'J:7-30 King's Lynn (Norf.), 75-6 Kingston, 29 Kingston-upon-Thames (Surrey), 280 Krefeld-Gellep (W. Germany), 62 Laing, W., 59 Lambeth Palace Library, 172, 261 Languedoc (France), 149 Laud, Archbishop, 183, 189 Lavardin, H. de, Bishop, 152 Lawrence, Archbishop, 14 Leeds, 74, 118 LeGear, R.F., A.A.LS., Three agricultural Chalk Mine$ in north-west Kent, 67-72 Leicester, 160 Le Mans (France) Cathedral, I 52 Lewis, J., 172 Leybourne, R. de, 243 W. de, 110 Castle, 111 Leibenau (W. Germany), 62 Lincoln Cathedral, 139, 149 Lindisfarne Priory Church, 154 Lisle, S., 163 Llttlebourne, 118 Little Wilbraham (Carobs), 61 ff. Lloyd-Morgan, G., B.A., Ph.D., F.S.A., Some Mirrors from Roman Canterbury, 231-6 London, 30, 280 Abbey of St. Mary of Graces, 110-1 Longfield, 292 Longworth, Dr. I.H., cited, 92 Louis XIV, 79 Low Countries, 73 ff., 235 Lower Halling, 269-70 Lower Hardres, 119 Lulla, 221-3 Lydd, 51, 273-6 Church, 58 Lyle, L.D., Review, 301 Lyminge, 59 ff: Lympnc Castle, 50 MacPheiison-Grant, N., 130-1, 266 308 GENERAL INDEX Maglarp, Sk.\ne (Sweden), 62 Maidstone, The parochial Library of All Saints, and other Kentish parochial Libraries, by Nigel Yates, 159-73 Maidstone, 74 ff., 162 ff., 188 Kent Archives Office, 161, 165 ff., 171 Museum, 89 Maldon (Essex), 76-7, 160 Malmesbury Abbey, 153-4 Manning, A., 112 J., 112 Manningtree (Essex), 76-7 March, Earl of, 119 Margate, 172 Mary, Queen, 25, 225 McAleer, Philip, The Significance of the west Front of Rochester Cathedral, 139-58 Medherst, D., 185 Medieval, Castle Excavation, 243-7 Features, 240 Kilns, 127-30 Pipe, 266-8 Pottery, 12.S-31 Seal, 278 Medway, River, 15, 61, 74 ff., 97 Valley, 81, 100 Mee, A., cited, 137 Megaw, J.V.S., A Note on a fragmentary end- 1://own Pipe from a medieval House Sit& at Stonar, near Sandwich, 266-8 Merstham (Surrey), 229 Mid!ey Church, 58 Millhall, 74 Minster-in-Thanet, 7 ff. Monaghan, Jason, B.Sc., The Woodruff Collection, 199-217 Decoy Farm, High Ha/stow, 279 Money, J.M., 281 M., 280 Monkton, 272 Morant, V.E., M.A. (Lond.), Some Evidence on the Smuggling of Fuller's Earth from the Medway Estuary




Income and Expenditure Account for the Year Ended 31st December 1982