Hythe Wills. Second Part, G. to M

( 87 ) HYTHE WILLS BY .ARTHUR HUSSEY. Second Part. G to M. JOHN GEORGE. 20 Oct 1545. Buried in the church, and to the reparation 40/-. .Alexander Bukland aU my household stuff and wood to his own use, three fares of flew and shot nets, two tramel nets, with aU thereto, two maunds of smaU hooks and one of herbewe hooks, and £6-13-4o!. My sister Helen wife of Benson dwelkhg in the parish of St John in Bristol, surgeon, next unto a place caUed Erom Yate £10 if she be alive and able to fetch it in London, otherwise to Michael Bukland £5, the residue to poor people of Hythe. Michael Bukland £10 when 20, if he die to his brother John, or if dead to Joan his sister, in default to her children, in default to repair of Chapel of St Leonard. Thomas and Edward Bukland each have a fare of flew and shot nets, and my stathe boat with lodge, feme ( = windlass) rope, and others thereto equaUy, with as much pitch tar and bords as shall serve to repair the boat. Thomas Minter my servant a fare of flew and shot nets, maunde of small hooks ready for the sea and 40/-. Joan and Margaret daughters of Alexander Bukland each 26-85 at theh marriage. Thomas, Alexander, and Edward Bukland all my apparel, except my crimson satin dublet to John Tayloure. My Crayer with her tackling be sold, the money—to Harry Hugson £3-6-85, John Tayloure £6-13-45, residue to a priest to sing for me in the church for two years, then any residue in alms to the poor people and to St Bartholomew next Hythe. Margaret Hart my servant aU the apparel of my wife. Residue after debts paid to my Ex'ors—John Tayloure, Henry Hughson. My part of the house I dweU in to Alexander Bukland, the east house to Michael Bukland, the west house to Edward Buckland, and theh heirs for ever. Witnesses :—Dom Robert Meade curate, Thomas Johnson parish-clerk, Richard Browning tailor. [Probate 2 March 1545-6.] (Con. Vol. 20, foi. 26.) WILLIAM GTBBE. 26 March 1527. Buried in the church before the Image of St Christopher. To every Light in the church 45, except 88 HYTHE WILLS. to St John the younger 125. To repah the highway between this Town and the Stone MiU of Lymne HiU £3-6-85. A priest sing for my soul in Burmarsh church for quarter of a year. My ship called " The Leonard" be sold, also my part of " The Peter." Whe have £10 ; and daughter Margaret £10 to buy her hving within the Hospital of Sandwich or in any other honest Hospital. Whe Thomasine my Ex'or have residue of goods after debts paid, and aU the goods she brought with her when we were married. Joan my sister 6-85. Richard my servant 20/- if he tarry with my whe. Robert Donett my servant three flew nets, serving one year more for his wages. My whe and daughter Margaret have aU my household equaUy. My house in the east end sold to John Nicholas to him in fee simple, paving to my Ex'or 20/- yearly until £6 be paid. The house where I dweU to my whe for life, then sold and the money disposed for our souls. Witnesses :—Dom John Egworth curate, Richard TaneU, John Crowde, John Campe. [Probate 6 June 1527.] (Con. Vol. 14, foi. 210.) JOAN GIBLOT. 27 January 1512-3. Buried in the church in the aisle of St Katherine. Brotherhoods of St James, and Corpus Christi each 45. .Alice Remefold my servant a platter. Residue after debts paid to William Bette and Thomas Witheler my Ex'ors to dispose for my soul, with John Hayler overseer. My house be sold, hah the money to the works of Hythe church, the other hah to a priest to sing for my soul as long as the money will endure. Witnesses:—John Warren, William Gibbe. [No Probate, Vol. 1512-15.] (Con. Vol. 11, foi. 58.) JOHN GILBERD. 3 Feb 1494-5. Buried in the churchyard. .AU my goods be sold to pay my debts if necessary, or otherwise to my whe [Agnes] and Robert Clarke my Ex'ors, to dispose for my soul, parents. [No Probate—Vol. 1495-8.] (Con. Vol. 4, foi. 65.) AGNES GILBERT. 2 Oct 1496. Buried in the churchyard. My house to JuKane my daughter to do with as she will, if she die under 20 the house be sold by my Ex'or, the money—to a priest to celebrate HYTHE WILLS. 89 for my soul and the soul of Thomas Dinge for hah a year £3-6-85, the residue to carry out certain defects in the church. William Wigge my son 13-45, and to his wife my red cloak, a pan, stuppin, and candlestick. Residue to daughter JuKane when 18. Ex'or : —Robert Barrett, to have 6-85. [Probate 14 Decern. 1496.] (Con. Vol. 4, foi. 120.) JOHN GILES. 23 May 1522. Buried in the churchyard. To every Brotherhood in the church that I am a brother 125 each. To the church works 3-45. John, Thomas, .Alice my chUdren, each 40/-. Joan Joise my servant 20/-. Son Thomas my best tawny gown, and so John a black worsted dublet. Ex'or—Whe Agnes have residue to pay my debts, with John HaUes overseer. Whe have income from aU my lands and tenements for life, then messuage I now dweU in with piece of land in the West Ward to sons John and Thomas in fee simple ; the tenement in Middle Ward next the messuage of William Downe to my daughter Alice in fee simple. Witnesses :—John Hales, John Taylor, Thomas GUes. [Probate 6 AprU 1524.] (Con. Vol. 14, foi. 6.) THOMAS GILES. . . . 1536. Buried in the churchyard. Whe Agnes my Ex'or, have my house untU son John of lawful age, then to John and his heirs. Witnesses :—William Hacket curate, Edward Carden, Richard WeU. [Probate 12 Feb. 1537-8.] (Con. Vol. 15, foi. 387.) JOHN GLOVER. 16 May 1527. Buried in the churchyard. Residue of goods after debts paid to wife Emma my Ex'or, trusting her to see me honestly done for. Witnesses:—Dom John Egeworth curate, WilHam Crompe. [No Probate—Vol. 1524-7.] (Con. Vol. 14, foi. 209.) GEORGE GODFREY. 4 Decern 1553. Buried in the churchyard. Residue after debts paid to whe Margaret my Ex'or, with John Knight overseer. Whe have my house in the West Ward in fee simple, paying to daughter Joan £10 at her marriage. Witnesses :— Henry Deale. John Raynold. [Probate 3 AprU 1554.] (Con. Vol. 25, foi. 51.) 90 HYTHE WILLS. JAMES GODIN. 1 Novem 1480. Buried in the churchyard. To repah the best cross of the chapel 3-45. To bad roads where most necessary 3-45. Whe Jmiane my messuage in East Ward and a garden with a stone waU in West Ward, and to her heirs for ever. Residue to whe who with Stephen Brombarde my Ex'ors, and Bartholomew Godin my brother overseer. [Probate 12 Decern. 1481.] (Con. Vol. 2, foi. 532.) THOMAS GOLDFINCHE. . . . 1522. Buried in the churchyard. To every Light in the church of which I am a brother 45. To the making of the Font in the church 3-45. Residue after paying debts to whe Joan my Ex'or, with John Title overseer. Witnesses :—Dom William Plome, Dom John Marten, Roger Bargrove. [Probate 25 July 1522.] (Con. Vol. 13, foi. 103.) THOMAS GORRAM. 11 August 1547. Buried in the church beside my first whe. Whe Luce £40. Alice my daughter the gown and khtle of my first whe, and £10 at her marriage, the sUver piece, six of the best sUver spoons, six of the second sUver spoons, the great chest with the lock and key. Son Richard £4. John son of my son 40/-, and Elisabeth his sister 40/-. Residue after debts paid to son John my Ex'or. Son John and his lawful issue have my tenement with barn, seven acres in the marsh at West Hythe caUed Canterbury mede. Whe Luce have the room over my haU door with free coming and going. Witnesses :—Geffere Mathew, Henry Henson, William Mett, Edward Adams. [Probate 18 Sept. 1548.] (Con. Vol. 21, foi. 88.) JOHN GORRAM, Yeoman. 2 Novem 1550. Buried in the churchyard of St Mary parish in the Town of Callis. Ex'or—Whe Margaret and have my house in Hythe, aU my lands and moveables. Witnesses :— Harry Hoke, Adam Evenaker. [Probate 21 March 1553-4.] (Con. Vol. 25, foi. 50.) WrLLiAM GREGORY. 13 AprU 1559. Buried in the churchyard. That two bushels of wheat be baked in bread and a vessel of beer given to the poor HYTHE WILLS. 91 at my burial. Residue to Richard Hoorne my Ex'or. Witnesses : —Robert Wright, Nicholas May, Richard Martin. [Probate 5 March 1559-60.] (Con. Vol. 28, foi. 27.) JOHN GRYME. 8 January 1533-4. Buried in the church in the middle pace beside the Font. Whe Joan aU household stuff that was Richard Pats at his death, two fare of shot nets and one far of flew nets and a wande of hooks. Daughter JuHane a bed. Residue of goods to Richard Wode and John Bristow my Ex'ors for the use of my chUdren Joan and Juliane untU able to get theh own hving. Witnesses :—Dom John Sewen curate, Thomas Spurgey. [No Probate—Vol. 1527-37.] (Con. Vol. 15, foi. 224.) ROBERT GYPSON. 4 Feb 1546-7. Buried in the churchyard. Whe Katherine have my house and garden for twelve years doing repahs, then to William and Thomas my sons, paying to Agnes my daughter at her marriage 40/-. Ex'or—Wife Katherine and have residue. Witnesses :—Richard Adowne, Thomas Ferias, Thomas Dolet curate. [Probate 3 Decern. 1549.] (Con. Vol. 22, foi. 39.) ROBERT HAMON. 27 August 1540. Buried in the churchyard. Whe Margery have for life my house, then sold the money disposed for our souls and to poor people in the town. Residue after debts paid to whe Margery my Ex'or, with Thomas Wrake of Dover overseer. Witnesses :—William Lennard, Richard Mount. [Probate 17 March 1540-1.] (Con. Vol. 17, foi. 92.) MARGERY HAMON, widow. 4 AprU 1546. Buried in the churchyard. Ex'ors—WilHam Winsill of Saltwood and William Baker of Folkestone, each have 3-45, and dispose the residue for my soul. My house be sold as by the WiU of Robert my husband,—to the church 3-45, to the town 6-85, the residue for our souls. Witnesses:—Richard Downe, .Andrew Davinton. [Probate 25 May 1546.] (Con. Vol. 20, foi. 56.) WILLIAM HARM AN. 6 AprU 1477. Buried in the churchyard. To the painting of the Crucifix 125. The parish priest 85, and parish clerk 65. 92 HYTHE WILLS. Ex'or—Son Henry and have my best girdle with sUver bar, four shot and two flew nets. The tenement in East Ward in which I dweU to Nicholas Jage and his whe .Alice and theh heirs for ever, they to keep and provide Emma my whe with food and clothing. [Probate 7 May 1477.] (Con. Vol. 2, foi. 367.) HENRY HABMAN. 15 Sept 1482. Buried in the churchyard. To making a window in the Chapel of St Mary in the church over the altar 6-85. Parish chaplain 85, and parish clerk 45. A chaplain celebrate for a quarter of a year for my soul and parents 33-45. To repah the road at Honywater next the land of Richard Stace 33-45. Whe JuHane 26-85 and aU she brought me at marriage. My three sons and two daughters aU my instuff. That eight shot nets, four flew nets, three sprat nets, the boat (simbam) caUed the Schotter, and three sUver spoons be sold to pay my debts. Residue of nets and other stores of my fishing craft to sons WilHam, John, Thomas, also one feme [=windlass] by the sea and one Lodge at the sea, and to theh heirs for ever. That Richardis mede be sold the money to Emme and Agnes my daughters each 66-85. My three sons distribute for my soul and parents yearly for seven years 10/-, each son 3-45. Son William have the messuage which was John Richards ; and son Thomas when of lawful age or at his marriage my chief messuage in Middle Ward paying to John my son £12, if he refuse then John have messuage and pay £12 to Thomas. .AH income untU sons be married to my Ex'ors :—Roger Saunder and WilHam Waren. [Probate 19 March 1482-3.] (Con. Vol. 2, foi. 554.) JOHN HARMAN. 24 Feb 1528-9. Buried in the churchyard. Light of St Leonard, the Trinity, St Peter, each 25; St John the younger 125. My house in the East Ward to Joan Browning my daughter for life, then to Robert and James Browning. Ex'ors :—My daughter Joan Browning and John HuU, with Thomas Calowe, overseer. Witnesses:—Dom Simon Cowper curate, Nicholas Camise, John Colman. [No Probate—Vol. 1527-37.] (Con. Vol. 15, foi. 70.) THOMAS HARRE. 28 Novem 1541. Buried in the churchyard. .After debts paid residue of goods to Wilmine whom I purpose to have for HYTHE WILLS. 93 whe. Ex'ors :—Thomas Johnson and WUmine. Witnesses :— John Lossel, John Chetham, William Mett. [Probate 4 January 1541-2.] (Con. Vol. 18, foi. 37.) JOHN HARRIS. 11 July 1545. Buried in the churchyard. .AU my debts be paid, then to whe Joan aU my goods and the tenement she dweUs in with aU implements thereto, and three tenements on the west side for her life, also aU nets, except a tramel net, fare of flew and hah fare of shot nets to John my son h he will occupy them. Whe Jone my mare with her colt and three kine. John Vigors hah a tramel net. Thomas Gibson my apprentice at the end of his years, hah a fare of flews and shot nets, maunde of hooks. After the death of my whe aU lands and tenements equaUy to son John Harris and Joan Cobbe my daughter. Ex'or :—Whe Joan with WilHam Carden overseer. Witnesses:—Thomas French, Richard HaU, Peter DaUy. [Probate 18 Novem. 1545.] (Con. Vol. 19, foi. 65.) JOHN HARRIS. . . . 1553. Buried in the churchyard. Elisabeth Bristow a bed with aU thereto in the new guest chamber. WilHam and Debora the chUdren of John Vigors the bed in the parlour. Daughter GriseU aU my part of the house I dweU in and the profits of the other tenements as by the WiU of my father John Harris ; a chest and coffer with aU therein at her marriage, the sUver piece, six sUver spoons, maser, pah of sUver hooks, and four sUver pins. Residue after debts paid to my daughter GriseU my Ex'or with GUes Elingworth and my cousin John Vigors, overseers, each to have 6-85. Witnesses :—GUes Elingworth, John Vigors, John NeU, Richard Newstreet. [Probate 27 Feb. 1553-4, and the Ex'or being a minor, administration of goods to Katherine Ambrose widow, grandmother of GriseU during her minority.] (Con. Vol. 25, foi. 47.) THOMAS HABRISON. 20 Oct 1548. Buried in the earth. Whe AHce the £33-6-85 which John Tayler her late husband wUled to her, and £10 more for discharge of the WU1 of John George. The bedstedle in the great parlour and painted cloths, the bedstedle in the Httle parlour, eight chahs and stools, always to remain in the house. The Httle parlour shaU be at the commandment of my master 94 HYTHE WILLS. Peter Hayman or his son Rafe. The rest of my goods between whe Ahce and my brother WilHam Harrison. WilHam my brother my lease of Hevywater MU1 with ground thereto, paying to my father and mother 20/- yearly, and to each of my three sisters :— EHsabeth BHche, Margaret, Joan £3-6-85. Mr. Raffe Hayman have my portagewe of gold, and his brother WilHam an old sufferan of three angels. To poor people of Hythe 20/- yearly for three years, and of SeUinge 6-85. WilHam my brother the house in Hythe and aU my lands and tenements and to his lawful male issue, in default to my brother Alexander. [Probate 30 Sept. 1551.] (Con. Vol. 24, foi. 79.) WILLIAM HARRISON. 17 January 1555-6. Buried in the churchyard. To poor people 3-45. The four men that bear me to church each 45. Joan Harrison my sister £4, BHce my sister 40/-, Margaret Stamper my sister 40/-. My host Harte 8/-. Residue after debts paid to George Dansone my Ex'or, with Thomas Harte overseer. Witnesses :—John MHles, Thomas Jeke, John Rie, junior. [No Probate date.] (Con. Vol. 26, foi. 65.) WILLIAM HAWKIN. 25 Sept 1486. Buried in the churchyard. Whe Joan my messuage for life then to my sons (not named), if they die to be sold the money disposed for our souls. Residue to wife Joan who with Richard Lows my Ex'ors. Witnesses :—William Warm, George Osborne, William Bright. [Probate 24 Oct. 1487.] (Con. Vol. 3, foi. 139.) ELEANOR, wife of THOMAS HAYWARD. 14 AprU 1526. Buried in the churchyard. Messuage and garden in Saltwood of which John Spurges, Edward Merch, Richard White are Feoffees to my husband Thomas Hayward his hehs assigns for ever, paying the first year of his entry 13-45 to Thomas Wenderly my son and Ex'or. Witnesses :—James Levenard, John Thill, Harry Home, Thomas Yngham, Thomas Steveday. [Probate 21 May 1527.] (Con. Vol. 14, foi. 200.) WILLIAM HEMPER. . . . 1494. Buried in the churchyard. To each priest celebrating in the chapel of St Leonard 45. To the parish priest John Ratcliff 10/- to celebrate a trental for my soul. Whe .Alice HYTHE WILLS. 95 my tenement for Hfe then to son WilHam and his hehs, paying within ten years after the death of his mother £6-13-45 to Richard Cowper my Ex'or, and he to dispose 33-45 to priests celebrating for my soul, whe, etc, and 33-45 to pay my debts and £3-6-85 to the ' operibus ' of the Chapel. Residue to whe .AHce. [No Probate date—Vol. 1495-8.] (Con. Vol. 4, foi. 67.) AALIOE HEMPER. 28 March 1497. Buried in the churchyard. The parish priest 45, and parish clerk 25. My husband have aU nets, except a flew and four shot nets. Son WilHam a maser, two sUver spoons, a red and green girdle harnessed with sUver, six pewter plates, white amber beads with gaudes of sUver, two sUver rings, table, form, coffer, and four shot nets. Residue after debts paid to son Wilfiam my Ex'or with Thomas Yngeman overseer. My son shaU find a priest to sing for my soul and my husband and aU christian souls for quarter of a year. [No Probate date—Vol. 1495-8.] (Con. Vol. 4, foi. 137.) WILLIAM HICEORD. 24 August 1486. Buried in the churchyard. My boat (simbam) caUed the Katherine and my nets be sold to pay my debts. Whe AHce my messuage for Hfe then to my daughter AHce and her hehs, if she die under age or without issue, then after the death of my whe to be sold, the money—part to the operibus of the Chapel, part to pray for my soul, part for bad roads etc. Whe have aU instuff. Ex'ors—Thomas Chaundeler, Nicholas AnHsforde. [Probate 12 Decern. 1487.] (Con. Vol. 3, foi. 149.) THOMAS HODGE. 8 May 1507. Buried in the churchyard. To the church works a chafer to set the fire with water of two gaUons. A stable with loft over and a garden be sold, money to pay my debts. Residue of howsing to wife Joan to her own possession for ever, also aU moveable stuff, and be Ex'or. [No Probate—Vol. 1506-9.] (Con. Vol. 9, foi. 69.) JOHN HOKBINDE (=Hoghin). 20 Novem 1489. Buried in the churchyard. To repah the high road between the Cause upon the Cliff and Tenaris Cross where necessary 205. Whe Marione aU instuff of my house. Residue of my goods be disposed for my soul by my Ex'ors— 96 HYTHE WILLS. whe Marione and son Stephen, with Richard Prest of Folkestone overseer. Lands tenements in Hythe and Elham of which the Feoffees are Stephen my son, Thomas Brokman of Lyminge, WilHam Taylor of the same, Clement Olwey of Hythe. Whe have aU the same for Hfe doing repairs, then son Stephen aU lands tenements in Elham, Lyminge, Newington, and to his hehs, paying to Thomas my son £13-6-85, and to Agnes my daughter at her marriage £4. If Stephen die without lawful issue, the lands etc to Thomas my son and his hehs, h he die without lawful issue to John my son and his lawful issue, in default to Agnes my daughter. Son John after the death of Marione the messuage in which I dweH and to his hehs, if he die without lawful issue then to my sons Stephen and Thomas. Witnesses :—Roger Saunder, Thomas MigheU, Clement Olwey. [Probate 9 Decern. 1489.] (Con. Vol. 3, foi. 235.) JOHN HOGGETT. 15 August 1491. Buried in the churchyard. Son Thomas and John Lowett each four flew nets. Wife Marione a piece of land in Newington parish upon the Damyot and to her hehs for ever ; also aU my part of one ship (navis) caUed Farecost, and aU instuff of my house for her own disposal. Residue after debts paid to whe Marione, who with John Sende my Ex'ors. [Probate 26 Sept. 1492.] (Con. Vol. 3, foi. 321.) THOMAS HOLBEME. 17 Oct 1506. Buried in the churchyard. Repah of the church 6-85. Son Thomas a mansfare of flew nets when he is 21. Whe Joan have my tenement for Hfe then to Thomas, John, Agnes, Margaret equaUy. Residue to whe Joan, who with John Waren my Ex'ors. Witnesses :—John Waren, Nicholas Mounte. [Probate 3 Feb 1506-7.] (Con. Vol. 9, foi. 2.) JOHN HOLBEME. 22 AprU 1522. Buried in the churchyard. Light of Holy Cross 6-85. To the painting of St Leonard in the church 6-85. To the covering of the Font 5/-. To St Katherine's altar a table cloth. The churchwardens to receive from John Lane that married my daughter 26/- to pay my legacy for the church. Residue of goods after debts paid to Margaret Nores my daughter and Ex'or, and to WilHam her son, and if Robert Nores her husband come to her again and wUl intermit and take away any of HYTHE WILLS. 97 my goods from my daughter and her chUd, then WilHam Nores have my goods in his custody to the use of my daughter and her chUd. Witnesses:—WilHam Plome, priest, William Newes. [Probate 7 May 1522.] (Con. Vol. 13, foi. 91.) CLEMENT HOLWEY. 10 July 1490. Buried in the churchyard. To the ' operibus ' of the Chapel 3-45. To the painting of St Christopher 205. Light of Holy Cross, Holy Trinity, St Leonard, St John Baptist senior, each 85. The parish chaplain 85, and parish clerk 45. Wife Joan aU my instuff and fuel, my messuage and garden, the Pinfold obtained from WilHam Stace, three acres of land at Westhythe for Hfe, then to son Roger and his hehs, h he die under age then to WilHam my son and his heirs. Son WilHam after the death of Joan the place caUed Pinfold with garden, paying to Clement my son 40/-, and to Joan my daughter 20/-. If WilHam die without lawful issue, to Clement, Roger, and John my sons. Residue after debts paid to whe Joan and son WilHam my Ex'ors. [Probate 15 Sept 1490.] (Con. Vol. 3, foi. 257.) CLEMENT HOLWAY. 19 March 1516-7. Buried in the church in the aisle before St Katherine there, and to the church for breaking of my grave 20/-. Light of Corpus Christi 6-85, the Trinity, old St John, St Leonard, each 125, St Katherine, St George, Holy Cross, St Mary, St AAnthony, St James, St Christopher, St Clement, each 85. To my servants Thomas Gray, John Baker, William Carder 205 each ; Joan Stapleton, Joan Hoker, .Alice Garrad, Isabel Fox, 125 each. A priest sing for my soul and parents hah a year in the church 66-85. Whe .Alice find son Thomas to school untU he is 24, and Thomas when 24 have aU my tons, lead, and other vessels necessary to my Brewhouse, my beam and weights, a sUver salt and after my whe's death the other sUver salt with cover, a goblet with cover, 12 sUver spoons. Joan my daughter a sUver goblet, six sUver spoons after the death of my whe. Whe AHce have for Hfe income from aU lands and tenements, then to son Thomas the income untU he is 30, then to him in fee simple. If my whe marry again, to have the income untU Thomas is 24 finding him to school, and Thomas when 24 have aU lands and tenements paying £3-6-85 yearly to his mother. If my whe be afive when son Thomas is 24 then son have income from my lands and tenements at BUcheberoughe and Underdown. My two i i 98 HYTHE WILLS. daughters Joan and Margaret each have £13-6-85 at marriage. AHce Hoker my daughter £3-6-85. Residue of goods after debts paid to whe Alice my Ex'or, with John Honywood overseer. If son Thomas die before 21 without lawful issue then lands etc be sold, the money:—to Margaret and Joan my daughters each £40, to repah of Hythe church 40/-, of West Hythe 40/-, of Salwood 40/-, and Elham 20/-; a priest sing in St Leonards church for two years £13-6-85; AHce Hoker my daughter £5 ; to repah bad road at CHves Cross 66-85 ; residue for our souls. [Probate 6 May 1517.] (Con. Vol. 12, foi. 47.) EDWAIRD HOLEWAY. No year. [? 1517.] Buried in the churchyard by my son WilHam. Ex'or:—My whe (not named) and have two acres caUed Mede ground, and all my goods, paying my debts and keeping my chUdren (not named) untU of lawful age. Witnesses : —Trewlovis whe, young Patt's whe. [No Probate—Vol. 1515-20.] (Con. Vol. 12, foi. 41.) AALANNE HONYWOOD. 2 Oct 1401. Buried in the church of St Leonard. To the ' fabrice ' of the church £6-13-45. John the parish chaplain 2-65. Son Robert one girdle. Son John 15/-. AHce Honywood 3-45. WiHiam Honywood, Alan son of John Honywood, senior, Alan son of Robert Honywood, each 6-85. Nicholas son of John Honywood clerk 13-45, and to the two daughters of John Honywood, clerk, each 13-45. Residue to whe Joan, who with sons John and Robert my Ex'ors. [Probate 1 Novem. 1401.] (Con. Vol. 1, foi. 12.) JOHN HONYWOOD. 30 June 1470. Buried in the Chapel of St Edmund in Hythe church. Light of the Lamp before the Great Cross, Holy Trinity, St Mary in the chapel of the same, St James, St Leonard, Corpus Christi, St John Baptist senior, each 205. The parish priest 3-45, and parish clerk 205. Two priests daUy celebrate by note exequies and mass of requiem in the Chapel of St Edmund from the day of my death unto my trental 16-85, viz. to the parish priest 10/- and to another priest 6-85 ; to three clerks—WUliam Bright, Thomas Saundir, Roger Brokhole about the same, each 5/-. To the ' operibus ' of the churches of Dymchurch, Boroughmarsh, Postling, and Saltwood, each 6-85. To the Brothers and HYTHE WILLS. 99 Sisters of St Bartholomews Hospital of Saltwood 3-45. Residue to whe Joan, who with Walter Coly and WilHam Jenkin my Ex'ors, with Thomas Honywood overseer. Feoffees of lands and tenements in West Hythe, Saltwood, Postling,—Thomas Honywood, Robert Cristover, Robert Down, Thomas Rigedon. Whe Joan my chief messuage in which I dweU, aU my lands and tenements, and aU held by me and my brother Thomas. A shop in the Market place of Hythe next the tenement of WilHam Stace, to John son of Thomas Honywood. Whe Joan have six acres of land upon the Cliff in Saltwood for Hfe, then to Walter Coly and AHce his whe my daughter and theh lawful issue, in default to WilHam Jenkin and Katherine his whe and theh lawful issue, in default to be sold the money in alms to the poor. After my death Robert Scappe and Marione his whe have a messuage and lands with stable, and to theh lawful issue, paying 65 yearly to my chief messuage ; in default of issue to my right hehs. WilHam Jenkin and his whe Katherine my daughter have after my death the messuage in which they dweU in Saltwood, with a barn, stable, and garden opposite the stable, and to theh lawful issue, in default to my right hehs. Walter Coly and Alice his whe my shop in the Market place with a mew room and to theh hehs. Thomas and John sons of Robert Scappe have after the death of my whe, part of one Wind Mill caUed Scappis MU1 and to their hehs. To the painting of the Crest and Tabernacle of St Leonard in Hythe church £3-6-85. A chaplain celebrate in St Edmunds Chapel for my soul and aU the faithful £26-13-45. Daughters Katherine, AHce, Marione, each a sUver goblet and six sUver spoons. Agnes my sister £3-6-85 that she buy her a wareson. [Probate 18 July 1470.] (Con. Vol. 2, foi. 202.) THOMAS HONYWOOD. 1 January 1473-4. Buried in the Chapel of St Edmund in the Chapel of St Leonard of Hythe. To the ' operibus ' of the same Chapel 20/-, and of the churches of Saltwood, Postling, Boroughmarsh, Westhithe, and Newington, each 6-85. The Brothers and Sisters of the Hospital of St Bartholomew next Hythe 205. A chaplain celebrate for two years for my soul and parents, £13-6-85. Mgr John Menefield parish chaplain 3-45, and the parish-clerk 85. The parish chaplain to celebrate exequies and mass of requiem by note for thhty days 10/-, and to four other priests each 6-85, and three clerks 5/-, and to four boys 4/-. To repah the road over the Cliff in Saltwood as far as 100 HYTHE WILLS. Tenaris Cross 20/-, and the road at DentaU 10/-. Son Richard when of lawful age or at his marriage, a standing bowl with cover and a standing sUver piece gUt, and 66-85. John, Robert, Thomas, WilHam, my sons when of lawful age or theh marriage 66-85 and a goblet to each. Joan my daughter when of lawful age or at her marriage £10. AHce Dalminton my daughter 66-85. Lands tenements rents, services, in Hythe, Saltwood, Postling, Lydd. Ex'ors seU aU my part of my lands and tenements in Lydd, the money to the Master of the Mesindew and his brethren of Dover to pray for my soul and parents. Whe AHce have aU other tenements, lands, rents, services for Hfe, then my chief tenement with DentaU garden and three acres of land upon the Cliff in Saltwood to son Thomas his heirs and assigns, h he die under age without issue then to Wilfiam my son and his issue, h he die under age without issue to my son Robert, h he die under age without issue to John my son and his issue, in default to Richard my son. Son Robert after the death of my whe the messuage obtained from AHce Benjamin with aU thereto, and three acres of land upon the Cliff in Saltwood and to his hehs, h he die under age without issue to WilHam my son. Son John after the death of my whe aU my part of the lands and tenements at Honywood in Postling : aU my shops in the Market place of Hythe and to his hehs, h he die under age without issue, then to my son Richard. Son Richard after the death of my wife, the messuage in which John Vigors dweUs, and a piece of land in Saltwood at Dereworth Ligh, and to his heirs, if he die under age without issue, then to my son John. Son WilHam after the death of my whe, aU my part of the lands in Cheriton at Rosber, aU those lands obtained from Margaret Lawn in the Marsh, aU those obtained from John Seynecler both within and without the Liberty of Hythe, hah acre of wood in Saltwood caUed Hospis Wood, and to his hehs. If aU my sons die under age or without issue, then after the death of my wife Alice, to be sold by Ex'ors and Feoffees, the money disposed in alms, repah of bad roads, and other works of charity for our souls. Residue of goods after debts paid to whe AHce, who with John Gore of Elham, and WilHam Warin of Hythe, my Ex'ors. [Probate 12 Feb 1474-5.] (Con. Vol. 2, foi. 262.) WrLLiAM HOKER. . . . 1494. Buried in the churchyard. To each Light of which I am a Brother 45. The parish curate to pray for my soul 205. Ex'ors—Wife Joan and Thomas Hogin, with John Hoker HYTHE WILLS. 101 my father overseer, to dispose the residue for my soul in works of charity. [No Probate date—Vol. 1495-8.] (Con. Vol. 4, foi. 56.) JOHN HOOKER. 10 May 1497. Buried in the church next the tower (campanile), and to the operibus of the church for my burial 13-45. Joan She my daughter a square chest. Thomas Sare and his wife 36-85. Son Walter and his whe 36-85. Son Walter and Thomas She the great pound weight (Hbram) and 100 lbs of lead. Feoffees—Thomas Walton, and Robert Hooker. Joan daughter of WUHam Hooker 26-85 at her marriage. Renders to wife JuHane who with Thomas Walton my Ex'ors, and Robert Saire overseer. Whe have my garden obtained from Thomas Hoggs, land ReweU obtained from Thomas Watts of Sandwich and Thomas Walker, one shop in the Market place with aU the buUdings. [Probate 16 June 1497.] (Con. Vol. 4, foi. 156.) RIOHARD HORNE. 15 Oct 1507. Buried in the churchyard. Light of St Nicholas and St George each 65. Feoffees:—Thomas Walton, WUHam Ham, John Bowes, WUHam Sheriff. Whe Ceceley1 have 18 acres of land in Dymchurch to give and seU at her own disposition, according to my promise when I married her, also aU my lands in Romney Marsh, that she pay to the chUdren of Nicholas Martin and hers, to fulfill the Will of theh father, and after his death my whe. Two acres of land within the land of my Lady Fogge that one acre thereof remain to Hythe church, and the other acre to Dymchurch, to be prayed for. Whe have ah moveable goods and the residue, and with John Honywood my Ex'ors. Witnesses :—Dom .Alexander Liffmgton, Dom Richard Colin, Nicholas Mount. [No Probate—Vol. 1506-9.] (Con. Vol. 9, foi. 66.) ClOTLE HORNE, Widow. 24 Novem 1521. Buried in the churchyard beside my husband. Son Nicholas [Martin] aU my implements, vessels, and other necessaries belonging unto my Brewhouse and Millhouse. Son WUHam [Martin] my great kettle, a beam and baUance with aU the lead-weights thereto, the bed with the apparel which I He 1 Ceceley was widow of Nicholas Martin who died 1497. (See his Will.) 102 HYTHE WILLS. on at the time of making this my WU1, the standing press in my chamber; and to his whe a chah and best kirtle, and to Elin theh daughter a white hanging bed. Son Nicholas [Martin] a brass pot with broken Hp, Httle spit, gridiron, rake for the fire ; and to his whe my Sondays brass pot, and to the chUd of Nicholas, one ewer and bason. WUHam son of Thomas [Martin] my son the best ewer and laton bason. Elinor daughter of Thomas Martin my son a plate and dish of pewter, and to CecUe and Maud his daughters each a pewter plate and dish. John Martin son of WUHam my son, and to Agnes and AHce daughters of WUHam, each a pewter dish and plate. Dom John [Martin] my son two pairs of sheets, pah of blankets that Heth on the gyston [guest] bed; three curtain in the parlour, a ship chest. Son WUHam a cow and gelding, and he to pay unto John Taylor common-clerk 6-85. My sister at MUton a blue gown and her son Thomas a great pan of 20 gaUons. Ex'ors:—Nicholas, WUHam, Thomas [Martin] my sons, with Master WilHam Pen curate there overseer. Son WUHam occupy and have profits from my house he dweUs in for ten years after my death, doing repahs and paying 65 yearly to Hythe church, after the ten years WUliam have the same paying 3-45 yearly to do for me in the church, after his death to WUHam son of Thomas my son, John son WilHam my son, Nicholas son of Nicholas my son equaUy. Dom John [Martin] my son have during his Hfe the income from the Storehouse, after his death to the three sons of my sons. Witnesses :—Thomas Goldfinch, Roger Bergrove, Edward Stone, Robert Hobbeson.1 [Probate 5 Feb 1522-3.] (Con. Vol. 13, foi. 116.) HARRY HORNE. 8 AprU 1529. Buried in the churchyard. JuHane Parret my sister 5/-. Residue to wife Joan my Ex'or to dispose for my soul, with Richard Browning overseer. Witnesses:—Dom Simon Cowper, Richard Browning, Richard Watson. [No Probate—Vol. 1527-37.] (Con. Vol. 15, foi. 71.) WILLIAM HOWGIN. 30 March 1472. Buried in the Chapel of St Leonard. Light of Holy Trinity, St James, the lamp before the Great Cross, each 125. To painting the Crucifix and Roodloft 6-85; and the Image of St Christopher 125. A chaplain celebrate for a year for my soul and parents £6-13-45. To the parish chaplain 125, 1 All the sons of Cicile are by her first husband, Nicholas Martin. HYTHE WILLS. 103 and the parish clerk 125. Dom Thomas chaplain there 6-85. Daughter Joan 66-85. Son Thomas eight flew, four shot and a sprat net. Whe .AHce my chief messuage and a new messuage opposite the tenement of the hehs of Henry Lok, another messuage in which Geoffrey NoweU dweUs, during the Hfe of my whe, then to son Thomas and his hehs. If son Thomas marry during the Hfe of my whe then to have my new messuage opposite Henry Lok's for his dwelling, but h my son die under age, then after the death of my wife the messuages and land be sold, the money—to a priest to celebrate for our souls for a year £6-13-45, to the reparation of the Chapel of Hythe 20/-, in repah of bad roads between Tenaris Cross and the Cross upon the Cliff 20/-, the bad road against my new messuage 20/-, the residue in works of charity. Daughter Joan have the messuage in which John Tanner dweUs and to her hehs. If the hehs of Henry Skinnar or theh attorney pay^ Thomas my son, his hehs and Ex'ors at Christmas 1474, £7-13-45, then they shaU have a pigeon-house (columbar) with eight acres of land, lately obtained from Thomas PrUl of Rowchester, and to the hehs of Henry for ever ; h the money not paid then hah part of the pigeon-house and land to Thomas my son. AHce my whe have for Hfe one quarter in my boats (simba) caUed the Peter the Great and in the Peter the Less, and John Demise two quarters during the Hfe of Alice, after her death John have his part and that of Alice for ever. Whe have the fourth part in the boat (simba) caUed the Trinity, and another quarter in the boat to son Thomas, after her death to Thomas WaUer for ever. Residue after debts paid to whe AHce who with John Denise and Thomas WaUer my Ex'ors. Witnesses :— Dom WUHam curate there, Thomas Stace, John Edewey, Thomas Light, Richard Colow. [Probate 4 AprU 1472.] (Con. Vol. 2, foi. 227.) THOMAS HOWGIN. 12 Sept 1510. Buried in the Chapel of St Mary within Hythe church, and to the ' opus' of the church for my burial 6-85. To each Light of which I am a brother with my contribution for this year 125. Reparation of the church 26-85. A chaplain celebrate for my soul a quarter of a year in the Chapel of St Mary 33-45. My servants—David Simson a flew n e t ; WUHam Punche a flew net and two shot nets ; Margery Ingram 3-45; IsabeUe TUle 20/- at her marriage. WUHam Trewelove a tawney cloak and worsted dublet. Mathew Lewis a violet cloak and red 104 HYTHE WILLS. dublet. Joan whe of John Fagge my daughter the great maser bowl, six sUver spoons, red girdle harnessed with sUver. Agnes daughter of John Fagge at her marriage 20/- and two sUver spoons. John Fagge my best dublet and scarlet jacket. Dom WUHam Penne my curate 3-45, and Nicholas Mounte parishclerk 205. To each of the chUdren of Thomas Nethersole of Selling at their marriage 6-85. Residue after debts paid to whe Joan my Ex'or with Thomas Nethersole overseer, he to have 10/-. Dom John Knight one of the brothers of the Domus Dei of Dover 20/-, and to the Master and other brothers of the same House among them 20/-. The Brothers and Sisters of the Hospital of St Bartholomew next Hythe 3-45. Feoffees :—Thomas MicheU, WUHam Trewlove, John Hales, John Hoker. Whe Joan1 my messuage I dweU in with garden, a Httle tenement caUed the Upper House, a garden in the East end sometime WUHam Shreff 's, and to her hehs and assigns for ever. Also Joan have for Hfe the profits from aU my other lands, tenements, rents, services in the Town of Hythe, and parishes of West Hythe, Lymne, Newington, after her death to Joan my daughter and her lawful issue, in default at her death to be sold, the money—to the repair of Hythe church 66-85, a priest to sing for our souls in the Chapel of St Mary for three quarters of a year £5, to the repah of Lymne church 13-45, residue in works of charity. After my death the Hospital of St John in Hythe have three acres of land caUed Blakmede, which Richard Butler now holds to ferme, for the behoof of the Hospital for evermore. Witnesses:—WilHam Penne curate, Dom John Dowse, Nicholas Mounte, WUHam Trewlove, WUHam Pyxe, Thomas Nethersole of Selling. [No Probate date—Vol. 1509-11.] (Con. Vol. 10, foi. 51.) JOHN HOWHAM. 9 July 1487. Buried in the churchyard. Whe .AHce the messuage in which I dweU for Hfe, then sold by Ex'ors, the money —to a chaplain for our souls for hah a year, the residue in alms and works of charity. Residue after debts paid to whe AHce who with Thomas Howgen my Ex'ors, and John Denise overseer. [Probate 27 March 1488.] (Con. Vol. 3, foi. 181.) THOMAS HOWLET. 12 January 1538-9. Buried in the churchyard. Son John half share of a Boat with aU thereto, also three flew nets, whole 1 Joan was daughter of William Lunce, I486. HYTHE WILLS. 105 fare of shot nets, sprat net, tramel, and maunde of hooks. Son Edward three flew nets, three shot nets, tramel, maunde of hooks when he is 18. Daughter Joan half a fare of flew and shot neta when 18. Residue after debts paid to whe Agnes, who with son John my Ex'ors. Daughter Joan when 18 have the tenement next to the house I dweU in. Witnesses :—Dom Christopher James curate, Dom Mailing Sexton, Robert Sere, Thomas Hoget. [Probate 20 August 1539.] (Con. Vol. 17, foi. 37.) JOHN HUET. 6 July 1530. Buried in the church of St Leonard. Son John a fare of flew and shot nets and a wand of hooks. Daughters —Joan Browne six pewter dishes, AHce 3-45, and Joan Lowis 3-45. Residue after debts paid to whe Joan my Ex'or. Son Richard a fare of flew and shot nets, tramel net, and wand of hooks. Whe Joan my chief house for Hfe, then son John the west part and son Richard the other part. Witnesses:—Dom Hugh Withebrok curate, John Reynold, Thomas WeUer. [No Probate—Vol. 1527-37.] (Con. Vol. 15, foi. 109.) JOHN HUNT. 14 Novem 1513. Buried where it shaU please God. To buying a cloth for the Rood £4. To the garneshing of Our Lady in St Katherine's aisle 6-85. Brotherhood of St John 1 lb of wax. Whe Agnes 13-45. Joan and Agnes my daughters each at theh marriage 40/-, and a chest with the stuff therein, also Joan have the best girdle and Agnes another girdle. Residue after debts paid to John Hales and WUHam Newis my Ex'ors to dispose for my soul. [No Probate—Vol. 1512-5.] (Con. Vol. 11, foi. 69.) WILLIAM HUNT. 4 Novem 1537. Buried in the churchyard. Reparation of the church 13-45. WUHam King my best dublet. Residue to whe Katherine and daughter Elisabeth Jackson my Ex'ors. Witnesses:—WilHam Hacket curate, Edward Carden, John Carden. [Probate 6 Feb. 1537-8.] (Con. Vol. 17, foi. 1.) JOAN, whe of WILLIAM JENKIN. 16 May 1490. Intending to visit the Holy place of St James in GaHs, and other Holy places, make my WU1. Buried in the churchyard of St Leonard Hythe, or where it pleases God. My 106 HYTHE WILLS. messuage in the Middle Ward be sold, the money to a chaplain to celebrate for hah a year for my soul and parents 66-85, and on the day of my Obit 20/- and my trental 26-85. Agnes daughter of John Stone of Saltwood at her marriage 40/-, and to John Combe of Saltwood 6-85. Residue of goods to WUHam Jenkin my husband and Ex'or. [Probate 3 Novem. 1490.] (Con. Vol. 3, foi. 266.) WILLIAM JENKIN. 20 January 1522-3. Buried in the north part of the churchyard between Joan and Edith my late wives. Reparation of the church 3-45. To every Brother and Sister of the Hospital of St Bartholomew next the Town of Hythe 45. Son WUHam my best maser, six sUver spoons, six candlesticks, 12 pewter vessels, chest, aU the hangings caUed painted cloths in my house, folding table, chah, two stools. Thomas Wodd and Joan his whe have my part of the Tramel boat caUed the Nicholas, a sprat net, two sUver spoons. Ex'ors seU residue of my sea craft and residue of moveables, the money to pay my debts. Ex'ors—Son WUHam and Thomas Wodd. Lands and tenements in Hythe, Saltwood, Folkston. Ex'ors seU lands in Folkeston, the money to pay my debts. Son William my tenement and barn in Saltwood in fee simple, the tenement I dweU in with the slaughter house, stable, and oxstaU in fee simple, and Thomas Wodd and his whe shaU dweU in the house with my son, doing part of the repahs and not meddle with my other housing. Witnesses:—Nicholas Mette, Thomas Forster, WUHam Martin. [Probate 24 Feb 1522-3.] (Con. Vol. 13, foi. 141.) EDWARD JODE. 11 January 1527-8. Buried in the churchyard. Son WUHam when 25, two sUver spoons and various household things. Daughter Joan when 21 two sUver spoons. Residue after debts paid to daughter Joan my Ex'or, with Richard Jode my brother overseer. Witnesses:—Dom John Egeworth curate, Richard Wode, WUHam Crompe. [No Probate—Vol. 1527-37.] (Con. Vol. 15, foi. 41.) NICHOLAS JOHN. 14 Feb 1482-3. Buried in the churchyard. The chaplain of the Chapel for the time being 65, and the parish clerk 45. A ship (navis) caUed a Fisher boat otherwise caUed the Leonard HYTHE WILLS. 107 of Hythe to be valued and my fourth part be sold, the money— to the Chapel 26-85 to buy a Gradual or other book, and the residue for my soul in alms and other works of charity. The messuage in which Thomas Talk dweUs and another smaU house adjoining on the west side be sold, the money to my daughter Margaret at her marriage 66-85, that the chUd with which AHce my whe now goes if a ghl 66-85, if both die before marriage the money disposed in alms and repah of roads. Whe have for Hfe the messuage in which I dweU, then to the chUd h a boy. Residue after debts paid to whe AHce1 my Ex'or, with WUHam Warin and John Carlow overseers. [Probate 14 May 1483.] (Con. Vol. 2, foi. 558.) WILLIAM JOHN. 19 January 1508-9. Buried where it pleases God. Residue after debts paid to Wimarke my whe, who with Clement Holway and WUHam Jenkin my Ex'ors, each to have 6-85. My two tenements in which CorneHs Warde and John Garrard dweU to be sold by Ex'ors, the money to pay my debts and any residue in charitable works for my soul, Nicholas John my father, .AHce my mother and aU christian souls. Wimarke my whe have for hfe the tenement I dweU in and my tenement late Dokeneis, doing repahs, after her death be sold, the money to buy a Grayle for Hythe church 66-85, repah the highway between my home and Dokeneis house 20/-, residue in charitable works. Witnesses : —Magister WUHam Penne curate there, Nicholas Mounte, John Martin, Thomas Widler. [Probate 23 January 1509-10.] (Con. Vol. 10, foi. 1.) WiM-iRKE JOHN. 15 AprU 1532. Buried in the churchyard. My two houses be sold by my Ex'ors, and a priest sing for me, WUHam Harmon, and WUHam John, for hah a year £3-6-85. Hah my best beads to Our Lady of Courtop street. Residue to Edward Carden and Thomas Rocke my Ex'ors to dispose for my soul. Witnesses : —Dom Simond Copin, Thomas Man, Edward MUword. [Probate 22 Oct 1532.] (Con. Vol. 15, foi. 170.) WALTER JOHNSON. 25 July 1500. Buried in the churchyard by the elms where WUHam a Lee is buried. My hah part of a Crayer [smaU trading 1 Alice then married William Rust who died 1497. She died 1502. 108 HYTHE WILLS. vessel] caUed the John be sold the flewe [herring] time next after it be in occupation, during the which flewe time the profits of the hah part to Agnes my whe, then the hah part sold to my whe 20/- and the residue kept by Ex'ors untU my son WUHam is of age. Residue of goods to whe AHce, who with John Bowes, baker, my Ex'ors, he to have 6-85. My house in the Middle Ward to son WUHam when 24, meanwhUe have the income from the house, h h e die without lawful issue to be sold, the money in works of charity. [Probate 2 Oct 1500.] (Con. Vol. 6, foi. 1.) DOM. WILLIAM KTRKBY. 26 June 1533. Buried in the chancel of St Mary in the church of St Leonard, John and Robert Kirkby my brothers each 6-85, and WUHam son of John Kirkby 6-85. To St Radegunds a chaHce, and vestment with the apparel, two altar cloths. Residue to Dom Thomas LUforth my Ex'or to dispose for my soul. Witnesses : —Dom John Sewen curate, Dom Jeoffrey Hale. [Probate 8 July 1533.] (Con. Vol. 15, foi. 201.) WILLIAM KNIGHT. 3 May 1506. Buried in the churchyard. Feoffees—Thomas Hogin, Robert Hoker, Thomas She. Whe Margaret my messuage caUed the Swan within the Liberty of Hythe for Hfe, then to my sons WUHam and John. .Also wife have my lands in Boroughmarsh untU my two sons are 23, doing yearly for my soul and parents 20/-, and my sons when 23 have the lands paying to Katherine my daughter £4. If sons die without lawful issue then Katherine be theh heir. Four acres of land in the Marsh be sold the money to pay debts, and residue bestowed for my soul. If both sons and daughter die without lawful issue, lands etc be sold, the money bestowed for our souls, and 40/- to the reparation of the church. Ex'ors:—Whe Margaret, Robert Hoker, Henry Chapman, with Thomas Hogin overseer. Witnesses :—Nicholas Mounte, John Saunder. [No Probate— Vol 1506-9.] (Con. Vol. 9, foi. 54.) RICHARD KNIGHT. 6 Decern 1535. Buried in the church before the Rood. Reparation of the church 20/-. Whe Joan £13-6-85 and aU income from tenements and lands untU sons John and Edward are 22. Sons John and Edward each £30 at theh marriage, half HYTHE WILLS. 109 the household stuff, 60 ozs of sUver plate between them after the death of my whe. My servants—Richardine Atwood 40/- at marriage, Thomas King 40/-, Thomas Brooke 20/-, James MUler 13-45. Residue to whe Joan and sons my Ex'ors. Son John senior the lands he now occupieth caUed Copins HaU and Stench WeU, also the 30 acres caUed Turning Gate, and to his hehs paying to his brother Edward £20. Son John the younger when 21 the land Ovyn in Dymchurch and Borwarmarsh for ever, also the house I dweU in after the death of my whe. Son Edward house and lands caUed StutfaU in Lympne and Westhythe when 22. Each son heh to the others. Witnesses :—John Sewen curate, John HuU bailiff, Richard Wood, WUHam Dannington. [Probate 24 March 1535-6.] (Con. Vol. 15, foi. 335.) WILLIAM KNIGHT. 31 March 1557. Buried in the churchyard. To the reparation of Newington and Cheriton churches each 40/-. Edward Hogget my cousin £13-6-85. Joan Beche daughter of my uncle Peter Knight £5. Edward son of my uncle John Carden £7. John son of my uncle John Carden £6. Thomas and WUHam sons of Peter Knight each 20/- when 20. WUHam son of James Knight of Lympne £5 when 20. Residue after debts paid to my uncle John Carden of Lympne my Ex'or, he to have £5, with Thomas Carden vicar of Elham overseer, he to have £3. Lands and tenements in Newington, Cheriton, Lympne, Westhythe. Land caned Stubblefield in Cheriton be sold the money to fulfiU my WU1. Thomas TaUer my uncle have my part and right in lands and tenements in Newington, Cheriton, Lympne, Westhythe which came to me after the death of Florence my mother, paying to my Ex'or £100. Witnesses:—Richard Keete vicar of Lympne, Gregory Kempe, John Neale. [Probate 17 May 1557.] (Con. Vol. 26, foi. 128.) WILLIAM KOWLESSE. 5 March 1490-1. Buried in the churchyard. Whe Beton [=Beatrice] my dwelling house for Hfe, then to John Kowlesse if he dweU therein, or else sold and money disposed for our souls ; but if he occupy to him and his lawful issue, paying his brother Thomas 13-45. Whe Beton aU stuff that was her own, and of my late whe Clemence for her Hfe, then between John, Thomas, Agnes (? chUdren). Ex'or—Whe Beton. [No Probate—Vol. 1495-8.] (Con. Vol. 4, foi. 67.) 110 HYTHE WILLS. THOMAS KTNKELL,1 Blacksmith. 5 Decern 1545. If whe .AHce be with a son, then aU my goods equaUy to them when son is 20. John Goram brother of my whe the chest bought from him. Ex'or—Whe AHce have the residue. [Probate 6 AprU 1546.] (Con. Vol. 21, foi. 52.) RICHARD LAMBISEIELD. 10 Feb. 1487-8. Buried in the Chapel of St Leonard, and to the ' operibus ' of the chapel 6-85. Light of Holy Cross and Blessed Mary's Assumption, each' 12d. The parish chaplain 125, and parish clerk 85. To repah the highway at the house of Roger Saunder as far as the house of Robert SneH 20/-. To the four Houses of Lepers, viz at Chesten Wood and Sandwich, and two others chosen by my Ex'ors 6-85. WUHam a Hgh a girdle with sUver baUs and 10/-. Joan whe of Thomas Church a murray girdle after the death of my whe ; and Richard son of Thomas Church a maser bound with sUver gUt, six sUver spoons four valued at 8/- and two of the second sort when Richard is of age : Richard son of John Ive late of Charing after the death of my whe 40/- and six sUver spoons. .AHce daughter of WUHam a Ligh two sUver spoons. Whe IsabeUe cloth for a green cloak and cloth for a murray khtle, and 53-45. Residue of goods disposed for my soul by Ex'ors—Roger Saunder, and WUHam a Ligh, with Thomas Church overseer. Wife IsabeUe the messuage in which I dweU, with a garden next the land of Clement Olwey, my shops and a stable opposite the messuage during her Hfe, then to Joan whe of Thomas Church for her Hfe, then to Richard their son and his hehs for ever, and if Richard die under age without issue, to the right hehs of Thomas and Joan Church. My MU1 and lands in Saltwood caUed Berton be sold, and WUHam a Ligh h he whl buy the same, the money—to a chaplain to celebrate in Hythe chapel for hah a year for my soul and parents 66-85, to reparation of the tower of Charing church 6-85, to the three Houses of Friars in Canterbury saying 60 masses 20/-, and one Friar priest say the Trental of St Gregory 10/-, to the churches of Crundale and Hythe each a torch price 6-85, to Edith daughter of Thomas Catelin 3-45, residue in alms and other works of charity for my soul. That Thomas Church shall make for me one Image of St John the Baptist like that made and painted at BUsington, which Image I give to the Chapel of St Leonard of Hythe, and the same Thomas for carving that Image 1 He was servant to Mark Leger, smith, in 1639. HYTHE WILLS. I l l have 12/- when it is made. Witnesses :—Robert Clerke, Thomas MicheU, John Argate. [Probate 7 May 1488.] (Con. Vol. 3, foi. 185.) RICHARD LEE. 26 Decern 1551. Buried in the churchyard. Thomas Robinson and AHce his whe 5/- each, and Andrew Longe of Newchurch owes to me 20/- and forgive him 5/-, the 15/- to AHce Robinson. Ex'or—Steven Marsh servant to Mr. Honywood have the residue after debts paid. Witnesses :—Thomas Robinson, WUHam Wrethe, John Nicolas. [Probate 22 March 1551-2.] (Con. Vol. 24, foi. 27.) THOMAS LEIGH. 25 Feb 1476-7. Buried in the Chapel of St Leonard before the Image of St Christopher. Light of St Mary in the chapel of St James 125. Dom Thomas Howlet my curate 125, the parish-clerk 65. A chaplain celebrate for quarter of a year for my soul and parents 33-45. Son WUHam a green ghdle with sUver bar, a sprat net an[d] ten old nobles of gold. Feoffees :— Thomas Rigden, John Sende, Thomas Lowis, and WUHam Carder of Folkeston. Whe IsabeUa have for Hfe aU my lands, tenements in Hythe and Folkeston, held of the chief lord of the Fee by services due, after her death to son WUHam and his hehs. Residue of goods to whe IsabeUe and son WUHam my Ex'ors. [Probate 19 March 1476-7.] (Con. Vol. 2, foi. 370.) WILLIAM LEGH. 28 Feb 1498-9. Buried in the churchyard next unto Margaret my whe. To the church works 20/-, and of Folkeston 13-45. My Ex'ors provide a priest able to maintain God's service in the quire as weU with singing as reading for a year and give him £6-13-45. Margaret now my whe have my house for four years doing the repairs, then to .Alice my daughter in fee simple. .Also whe have the best pah of coral beads and sUver piece for her Hfe, then to Margaret my daughter for her own disposal. My craft to seaward—nets, hooks, etc be divided between my wife and daughters .Alice and Joan. Daughter Joan when 18 or at her marriage my house on the east of my place, and the tenement next to the same in fee simple, mean whUe in the custody of .AHce her sister. The house Hamond Reddisdale dweUs in be sold, the money to John Patt for the behoof of Margaret my daughter 112 HYTHE WILLS. when 18 or at marriage ; also Margaret have them the ground caUed ColverhaU, the ground beside the Hermitage in fee simple, mean whUe in the keeping of my whe. .Alice and Joan my daughters my house on the north of my tenement. To the church works of Folkestone a yearly rent of 65 out of a house beside the Brook in Folkestone for evermore. AAU lands in Folkestone be sold the money to perform my WU1. AU my parts of Boats with theh gear and the Lodge to John Patte, he paying £6-13-45 for the same. Daughter AHce my standing maser and Joan my great maser, whe Margaret my little maser for her Hfe then to Joan Horn her daughter and two sUver spoons. Daughter Ahce four sUver spoons, best coral beads, green girdles harnessed with sUver. Daughter Joan six sUver spoons, daughter Margaret six sUver spoons, and Harry Horn two sUver spoons. AU household stuff between my whe and three daughters except two christening sheets one to AHce the other for Joan. Ex'ors— John Patt and Margaret my wife, with Clement PechehUl, overseer. [Probate 20 May 1499.] (Con. Vol. 5, foi. 24.) WILLIAM LIGH. 6 June 1523. Buried in the churchyard. To my mother 20/-. John my brother my best black damask doublet. Ex'or— Whe Margaret have the residue to pay debts, and paying for the MUl to the use of son Edward. Witnesses :—Alice Bolney gentlewoman, John Taylor, John Ligh. [Probate 8 July 1523.] (Con. Vol. 13, foi. 172.) MARK LEGER, Smith. 14 June 1539. Buried in the churchyard beside my chUdren. Repair of the church 6-85. Thomas KinkeU my servant a chalder of coal and one hundredth of hon. Son Thomas when 20 the third part of my goods the other part to my whe. Ex'ors— Whe Marione and WilHam Cressie, with John Man of Cheriton overseer. Witnesses:—Dom Robert Northfolk priest, John Man, Thomas KinkeU, Richard Downe. [Probate 20 August 1539.] (Con. Vol. 17, foi. 38.) MICHAEL LOVELL. 17 May 1509. Buried in the churchyard. JuHane and AHce my daughters at marriage 20/- each. Residue after debts paid to whe Joan, who with WUHam Trewelove my Ex'ors. My tenement to my whe for Hfe then to son John and his hehs for HYTHE WILLS. 113 ever, if he dies without lawful issue to be sold, hah the money to my daughters and hah to the repah of the church and other good deeds for my soul. Witnesses—John Hales, Thomas Lawrence. [Probate 22 May 1509.] (Con. Vol. 9, foi. 147.) JOHN LEWIS. 8 Sept 1533. Buried in the churchyard. To the reparation of the Haven 2/-. Ex'or—John Tayloure. Town-clerk to dispose the residue for my soul. Witnesses :—Dom John Sewen curate, John Busshe, John Doston. [No Probate—Vol. 1527-37.] (Con. Vol. 15, foi. 243.) ROBERT, son of THOMAS LOWS. 22 July 1486. Buried in the churchyard. Whe Joan my messuage for Hfe, a maser harnessed with sUver gUt, two sUver spoons, after her death to my sons (no names). Residue to whe Joan who with my father Thomas Lows my Ex'ors. Witnesses— Richard Lowis, Thomas Walton, WUHam Bright. [Probate 27 Sept. 1487.] (Con. Vol. 3, foi. 139.) RICHARD LOWES. 7 Decern 1495. Buried in the churchyard next my chUdren. Whe Cristine have my house and to her assigns for ever, paying my debts. John Putte have a tenement with garden which he bought of me. Residue to whe Cristine my Ex'or, with Thomas Hoogen overseer, to dispose for my soul and parents. Witnesses : —'Master Robert curate, John Malmain, BaUiff, Thomas Davy, Thomas SamweU, John Bowes. [Probate 26 July 1496.] (Con. Vol. 4, foi. 101.) .ALICE LOWIS. 16 July 1503. Buried in the churchyard. Son WUHam when he comes out of his prenticehood have the £4 in the hands of Thomas Comin. Son John a new ghdle and 6-85 to harness it. Ex'ors—Sons John and WUHam with John Bowes overseer, he to have £3-6-85 to pay for my forthfare and dispose the residue at his discretion. [No Probate—Vol. 1503-6.] (Con. Vol. 8, foi. 58.) ROBERT LOWETT. 8 Oct. 1524. Buried in the churchyard beside my other whe. Every Brotherhood in the church receive from my Ex'or 12 114 HYTHE WILLS. my payment at the year due, like as I was wont to pay the same year. Reparation of the church 3-45. To the Hermit now being 16/- to ring daUy for me the 30 days after my burial, a trental in the church. Ex'or do yearly in the church for me 10/- yearly during ten years. John and Thomas Updowne my cousins each 6-85. Thomsine Hoker 10/-. Residue after debts paid to whe Joan my Ex'or, with Nicholas Mett overseer. Feoffees of lands and tenements :—John Hales, Stephen Harry, John Culter, Edward Taylor. Whe have aU income from the same for Hfe, doing repairs and paying yearly to son John 20/- when 16, after wife's death all lands and tenements to son John and his hehs and assigns, h John die without lawful issue before my whe then at her death be sold, the money bestowed for our souls,—a priest sing in the church for two years and have £13-6-85; to buy a Pixe for to bear the Blessed Sacrament on Corpus Christi day £10; residue to repah of the church and steeple as the churchwardens and parishioners think best. That my whe seU my land at Westhythe caUed Corkis land, the money to fulfil my WU1. Witnesses :—Raymund at Cheker, John Harry, John Title. [Probate 8 March 1524-5.] (Con. Vol. 14, foi. 87.) STEPHEN LOWETT, Fisherman. 29 Oct. 1557. Buried in the churchyard. Whe JuHane my tenement for life doing repahs, after her death to son GUes, h he die without lawful issue then to Susan Lowett my sister. Whe have the £13 that Nicholas Rogers owes to me of her marriage money. Whe and son GUes aU my nets ropes with aU thereto, and other craft to go to sea. Residue after debts paid to whe JuHane my Ex'or, with Giles Ehngworthe and John Patt overseers. Witnesses:—Richard Mounte, GUes Ehngworthe. [Probate 12 AprU 1558.] (Con. Vol. 27, foi. 45.) WILLIAM LUNOE. 29 August 1486. Buried at the discretion of my Ex'ors. To the Chapel a cope of the value of £10 ; and to the painting and making of St Christopher in the Chapel 40/-. The Hospital of St Bartholomew next Hythe 13-45 ; and the Almshouse for the poor of St John Baptist of Hythe 13-45. Whe JuHane aU my tenements and lands for Hfe then equaUy to Joan Howgin and JuHane my daughters, h both die without lawful issue then be sold, the money disposed by discretion of four lawful men of the Town chosen by the Jurates for our souls. Residue of goods HYTHE WILLS. 115 to whe JuHane and Thomas Howgin my Ex'ors. Witnesses :— John Denise, Roger Saundre, WilHam Bright. [Probate 26 Sept. 1487.] (Con. Vol. 3, foi. 141.) .ALICE widow of THOMAS MALIN. 6 July 1491. Buried in the Chapel of St Leonard, and 66-85 for a chaHce to be bought, or other necessary work. To each Brotherhood of which I am a sister 125. My Ex'ors receive yearly from Robert Dier 20/- untU £16 be paid for one tenement he bought from me, and the 20/- be yearly distributed in the Chapel in exequies mass and other works of charity. Residue after debts paid be disposed for my soul by my Ex'ors—Robert .Aley and Robert Lowett. [Probate 25 January 1491-2.] (Con. Vol. 3, foi. 309.) WILLIAM MAROHALL. 11 Novem 1514. Buried in the churchyard. Son Thomas the third part of a ship (navis) caUed the Mary. To the three sons (not named) of Thomas my son three flew nets. Residue to whe Joan my Ex'or. Son Thomas have my house and lands, but the Httle house beside John Bhdd's to my whe to give or sell. Witnesses:—WilHam Penne curate, WUHam Jenkin. [No Probate—Vol. 1512-5.] (Con. Vol. 11, foi. 118.) JOHM MAROHALL. 13 March 1522-3. Buried in the churchyard. Clement Taylor son of my whe 20/-, and Joan Ware daughter of my whe 10/-. Thomas DanieU a flew and shot net. Residue after paying debts to whe Tomsin to dispose for my soul, and with Clement Taylor her son my Ex'ors, with Thomas DanieU overseer. Wife have the tenement I dweU in and the tenement between me and Mr. Hales for her Hfe doing repahs, after her death to JuHane and Tomesin my daughters and theh lawful issue, in default to Clement Taylor son of my whe in fee simple. Witnesses— John .Alway, WUHam Cromp. [Probate 20 May 1523.] (Con. Vol. 13, foi. 162.) THOMAS MAROHALL. 2 AprU 1528. Buried in the churchyard. Ex'or—Whe Agnes have the residue. Whe have my two tenements for Hfe then to son WUHam in fee simple, if he die before Agnes then whe seU the tenements and have the money to her sustentation 116 HYTHE WILLS. and dispose any residue as she whls. Witnesses :—Dom John Egeworth, Mathew Lowes, Edward Boune, WUHam BadiU. [No Probate—Vol. 1527-37.] (Con. Vol. 15, foi. 42.) AGNES MAROHALL, widow. 3 Feb 1530-1. Buried in the churchyard. Repah of the Chapel of St Leonard 20/-. The Observant Friars of Canterbury 20/-. To every Brother and Sister of St Bartholomew 125. WUHam Middleton a shot, seine,1 flew, and tramel net, and his whe Joan aU my apparel. Richard Patt a shot, seine, and flew net. Dom Hugh Withebrok now curate 3-45. A stone price £6-13-45 be laid on my husband's grave and mine. John Burstow my messuage, and the residue equaUy to Thomas WeUes and John Burstow my Ex'ors, with Mathew Lows overseer, each to have 3-45. Witnesses:—Dom Hugh Withebrok curate, Thomas MicheU, Richard Patt. [No Probate—Vol. 1527-37.] (Con. Vol. 15, foi. 109.) GEORGE MARDEN. 14 Oct 1539. Buried in the churchyard. Repah of the church 13-45. Sons WUHam and Richard each £60 when 21, and whe .AHce have the governance of my sons and occupying of theh money, h whe marry again then Arthur Whight of Ostinghanger have theh keeping, and h both sons die before 21 the money to the chUd my whe now goeth with when 21, but if my sons Hve the chUd have £20 when 21. Residue to whe AHce2 my Ex'or. Witnesses :—Dom Christopher James curate, John TaUlor Town-clerk there, WUHam Sparke, John Goodale. [Probate 18 Novem 1539.] (Con. Vol. 17, foi. 44.) HENRY MARSH. 8 Sept 1486. Buried in the churchyard. To the ' fabrice ' of the Chapel in reparation 6-85. Residue to whe Joan my Ex'or. [Probate . . . 1487.] (Con. Vol. 3, foi. 139.) JOHN MARSH. 25 Feb 1505-6. Buried in the west aUey of the churchyard. Whe .Annis [=Agnes] aU my moveables to dispose at her pleasure, and the £12 which WUHam Breecher oweth me for a messuage late bought from me. The parish priest 125 and parish clerk 1 A net to hang down in the water, the ends drawn together to enclose the fish. (Oxford Dictionary.) 2 Alice was daughter of Richard Wood who died 1645. HYTHE WILLS. 117 125. Ex'ors—Wife Annis and Arnold Harte of Folkestone, with Joan Denis my sister overseer. Whe occupy the messuage I now dweU in for a year and a month, then Ex'ors seH the same, the money to pay my debts, and to the reparation of the church 6-85, to the Brothers and Sisters of St Bartholomew 205, my sister AHce Kenet 3-45 to buy a vestment price 66-85 and deHver to St Leonards church, to the reparation of Folkestone church 6-85, the residue to my whe for her own use. Arnold Harte have the income from my lands at Sandgate untU his son John be married, then John have hah the income during the Hfe of his father, and at the death of Arnold then John have aU the lands and to his hehs. [No Probate—Vol. 1503-6.] (Con. Vol. 8, foi. 73.) AGNES MARSH. 22 June 1606. Buried in the churchyard. To the Brothers and Sisters of St Bartholomew next Hythe 125. Arnold Harte 6-85. Thomas German 20/- of the money WUHam Breecher shaU pay for his tenement he now dweUs in. To the paving of the way before the WeU next unto my house 6-85. Ex'ors receive from WUHam Brecher 20/- to do for me at my years mind. John, Thomas, and Agnes Kenett 6-85 each. Richard my son £4. Joan and Agnes Rust each 6-85 and a sUver spoon. Margaret Denis my best beads, and IsabeUe Denis my best ghdle and a chest. Ex'ors :—Harry Chapman and WUHam Hamme each have 3-45, and the residue to do for my soul. My place in the Market Ward in which Thomas Widlar dweUs be sold, the money to pay debts. Witnesses:—Richard Stone, Thomas German. [Probate 18 March 1506-7.] (Con. Vol. 9, foi. 12.) THOMAS MARTIN. 1 AprU 1497. Buried in the churchyard. Thomas Broke 13-45. Residue of goods to whe AHce, who with Thomas Hoggin my Ex'ors. Whe have for Hfe my lands and tenements then sold and money bestowed for our souls, and 40/- to the church for a cloth to hang over the Rood. [Probate 10 May 1497.] (Con. Vol. 4, foi. 170.) NICHOLAS MARTIN. 20 May 1497. Buried in the churchyard on the east side of Our Lady Chapel. Reparation of the church 205. Whe CecUie have my house I dweU in for 20 years, doing repairs, 118 HYTHE WILLS. then or at her death be sold, the money to my chUdren (not named) equaUy when 20. Whe have aU my household stuff at her own disposing. Residue to whe Cecilie1 and Robert White my Ex'ors. [Probate 12 July 1497.] (Con. Vol. 4, foi. 172.) AGNES whe of NICHOLAS MARTIN. 1 May 1556. Before any promise of matrimony between Nicholas Martin and me, he was bound in £20, that he would aHow me to dispose £10. Ehsabeth Denne my sister's daughter 30/- and one of my gowns. My tenement and two gardens in the parish of St Paul Canterbury to my husband my Ex'or. Witnesses—Dom WiUiam Quthen curate, WUHam Maye. [Probate 26 AprU 1557.] (Con. Vol. 27, foi. 44.) JOHN MAXEFEILDE. 21 June 1546. Buried in the churchyard. Whe Joane have my house in fee simple and aU moveables, paying my debts and be Ex'or. Witnesses:—Thomas Dolet, curate, Thomas KinkeU, John Emett. [Probate 14 Sept 1546.] (Con. Vol. 21, foi. 40.) WILLIAM MAXWELL. . . . 1511. Buried in the churchyard. Daughter .AHce 20/- and daughter Agnes 6-85. Wife Blanche three flew nets and my shot nets. Son Thomas 20/-. Residue to son George my Ex'or. Witnesses:—Thomas MicheU, Nicholas Mount. [No Probate—Vol. 1509-11.] (Con. Vol. 10, foi. 121.) GEORGE MAXWELL. 3 Novem 1524. Buried in the churchyard. At my burial I wUl have the best cross, the second holy-cloth and the great beU, four masses with dirige and requiem mass by note. Residue after debts paid to whe Margaret my Ex'or, with John Title overseer. My house be sold and whe have 40/- of the money, the residue disposed for my soul. Witnesses :—John Title, Robert Gibson. [Probate 8 March 1524-5.] (Con. Vol. 14, foi. 83.) NICHOLAS METT. 19 Oct 1533. Buried in the high chancel of St Leonard on the south side. To every Light in the church that I am a brother 1 Cecilie died 1523, having married Richard Home (died 1607). Her Will names the Martin children. HYTHE WILLS. 119 45. WUHam Mett my brother £10, a mowld to make midsummer candles and a mowld to make smaU candles, aU my tools to the making of wax; the lease of the house I dweU in with aU the lands thereto, and AHce my whe whilst a widow have the parlour with free coming and going. My wife keep my sons John and WUHam to theh learning. Residue after debts paid to whe AHce my Ex'or for her own use, with my brother WUHam overseer. Whe have my house in the Market-place in fee simple to give or seU. Witnesses:—John Sewen curate, Dom Simon Coper. [No Probate—Vol. 1527-37.] (Con. Vol. 15, foi. 224.) WILLIAM METT. 6 Decern 1552. Buried in the churchyard. Whe .AHce have my house and lands for Hfe doing the repahs, h not done my overseers have the same for the use of my chUdren (not named) until 22. Whe have aU her goods before our marriage, and pay my debts and keep my two sons to school untU Michaelmas, and each son have £5. EHsabeth my daughter £10. AU my moveable goods before my marriage to my chUdren. Ex'or:—Whe AHce with Robert Mett and WUHam Swht overseers. Witnesses —Henry Morlin, WUHam Daunton, John Patt. [Probate 2 June 1553.] (Con. Vol. 25, foi. 27.) JOAN widow of JOHN MIOHELL. Day of St Gregory [12 March] 1489-90. Buried in the churchyard. To the high altar and ' operibus' of the Chapel as in reparation, a yeUow coverlet to be sold for the best price. Daughter Agnes a red kirtle. Joan Orkney the jet prayer beads. Ex'or : —Son Drowis and have a red ghdle harnessed with sUver, disposing part of the value for my soul. Witnesses:—John Romfeld, John Holbeme. [Probate . . . 1490.] (Con. Vol. 3, foi. 251.) THOMAS MIOHELL, Parish-clerk. 1 July 1490. Buried in the churchyard. To the ' operibus ' of the Chapel 205, also the 2-45 on the hands of Robert StapUl for my wages, the 225 in the hands of Thomas Walton for the same, and the 2-85 in the hands of Thomas CoU late of Westhythe. Residue of goods after debts paid to whe EHsabeth my Ex'or. Agnes my daughter 26-85. Nicholas Snell my best dublet and shoes. Witnesses—Thomas Busecombe, Thomas MicheU taUor. [Probate 20 July 1491.] (Con. Vol. 3, foi. 302.) 120 HYTHE WILLS. THOMAS MIOHELL. 28 May 1497. Buried in the churchyard. Whe .AHce have for Hfe my chief place, also my place standing west from Thomas Mulston in the West Ward doing repahs, after her death my chief place to son Thomas in fee simple for ever, and the other to Joan my daughter in fee simple for ever ; h Joan die under age to Thomas my son, but h both die under age then to be sold by Ex'ors, the money—to buy a vestment for the church £10, a priest sing for our souls hah a year 66-85, the residue to repah highways. My tenement in which Thomas Widler dweUs be sold, the money to pay my debts and do for my soul. Ex'ors :—Thomas Hoggin and Richard WaUer, each to have 5/-, with Richard Selbriand and Nicholas .Arnard overseers. [Probate 11 July 1497.] (Con. Vol. 4, foi. 157.) THOMAS MIOHELL. 27 Sept 1523. Buried in the churchyard. Residue after debs paid to whe .AHce my Ex'or with Thomas Wrewke overseer. My messuage in Market Ward to whe AHce1 and her assigns for ever. Witnesses:—Dom John Alwey curate, John Martin chaplain, John Taylor. [Probate 27 January 1523-4.] (Con. Vol. 13, foi. 211.) RICHARD MIDILLMAS. 26 May 1497. Buried in the churchyard. Whe Joan my house for life doing repahs, then to sons John and WUHam in fee simple. Whe have aU my moveable goods, boats and crafts, and household, paying my debts and keeping my chUdren, giving to Margaret and .AHce my daughters at theh marriage 26-85 each. Each son heh to the other but h both die under age, then my house to my daughters in fee simple, if they die without lawful issue the house be sold, and a priest sing in the church hah a year for our souls, the residue to bad roads, etc. Ex'ors :— Wife Joan and WUHam Leight, with WUHam Rust overseer. [Probate 16 June 1497.] (Con. Vol. 4, foi. 158.) AGNES MORFOTE servant to Robert Clerke. 24 August 1486. Buried in the churchyard. That 30 masses be said by the Friars of Canterbury for my soul, 10/-. Robert my master a sUver spoon with a knop. The two sons of 1 .Alice afterwards married John Patte who died in 1624, and iUice died 1627, being buried beside her first husband this Thomas Michell. HYTHE WILLS. 121 John Morfote my brother four pieces of pewter. Residue to Robert Clerke my Ex'or. Witnesses:—WilHam Bright, Robert Bernarde. [Probate 26 Sept 1487.] (Con. Vol. 3, foi. 140.) -ALICE widow of WILLIAM MULSTON. 16 Novem. 1487. Buried in the churchyard. My Ex'ors have celebrated at Canterbury 30 masses, for which 5/-. Daughter Agnes a ghdle harnessed with sUver and gold, and all instuff in my house. .AH my money in the hands of Thomas Mulston be disposed for my soul in alms and repah of roads. Residue of goods to Ex'ors :—John Home and John Medecahe. Witnesses:—Thomas Mulston, Thomas MigheU. [Probate 13 Decern 1487.] (Con. Vol. 3, foi. 149.) THOMAS MULSTON. 13 January 1498-9. Buried in the churchyard. The parish priest of the Chapel 45. Residue to son Thomas my Ex'or. Witness :—WilHam Burton. [Probate 5 June 1499.] (Con. Vol. 5, foi. 30.) JAMES MOLSTON. 6 July 1537. Buried in the churchyard. James Molston a fare of flew and shot nets, a maund of hooks. Residue to Agnes Welston [? Ex'or]. Witnesses :—WUHam Hacket curate, Thomas MigheheU, John Merbanke. [No Probate—Vol. 1527-37.] (Con. Vol. 15, foi. 387.)


The Hatchments in the Churches of Canterbury


The Manor of Boughton Aluph and Sir Thomas De Aldon