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Obituary: James Mawdesley Brander
Frontispiece 1935
( 288 ) GENERAL INDEX. — ^ A Abraham, Widow, 252. Acryse, parish, 270. Adda (Headda), 15. Addysham, Henry, 70. Adesham, Edmund, Sacrist of Christ Church Cant., 46, 74. Adesham, Rents in, 53. Aelfric, Archbp. of York, 13. Aethilfrid, 15. Aldermary, Church of, London, 39, 52. Aldham, Ightham, 191. Ale, Assize of, 186. Alexander, Adam, 207. Aligehe, John, 126, 127, 128. Alisaunder, Will, 63. All Cannings Cross, 162. AUee, John, 120, 123, 124, 128, 129, 132, 136, 137, 139, 140, 141, 144, 145; Robert, 144. Allen, Charles, 199, 200; Sir Christopher, 200. AUey, John, 126, 127, 128. Alyngton, John, 71. Ambrose, John, 71. " Ancient burial moundsof England" by L. V. Grinsell, review, 266-267. Anglo-Saxon finds in Kent, 1936,235. Ann NeviUe, Countess Stafford, 59. Anthony, Robt., 71. Antonye, John, 69. Apostles depicted in glass at Mersham, 84, 85. Appledore, Rents in, 53. Archaeology in Kent, 1936, by Norman Cook, 234-235. Arderne, Thos., of Faversham, 226. Armstrong, Ralph, 205, 212. Arundel, Thos., Archbp., 67, 80; glass at Mersham, 82; ' Will, 63, 70. Arundell, H., 69. Ash, parish of, and its response to the fear of French invasion, 1798, 256-258. Ashburnham, Sir John, 1. Ashdewne, Nychola's, 251. Ashe, Tho., 63. Ashell, Roge., 144. AsheweU, Ightham, 195. Ashford, John, 66, 68. Ashley, Ric, 68. Ashurst, hearth tax, 251-252. Aspelon, Nicholas, of EaBtry, 57. AspUoun, Nicolas, Mayor of Sandwich, 105. Assize of Bread and Ale, 181 ; and Measures, 94, 103 ; Ale, 94, 103, 186. Augustine Friars, 36. Augustinian priory at Tonbridge, 244-248. Austin, Simon, 69; Tho., 66; Will, 71. Avis, WUUam, 251. Awcock, of Chart Common, Ightham, 206. Awdewyn, Henry, 71. Awnceline, Tho., 70. B Bab's HiU, Canterbury, as Memorial to Geo. V., 229. Baker, Thos., 186, 201 ; Wm. de Chair, 240. Balden, Robert, 218. Baldewyn, Thos., 186. Baldwin family, 188 ; Humphrey* 210; Robt., 198. Baldwyn, Robert, 193. Banes, John, 255. Barbor, Thos., 187. Barden, hearth tax, 252. Barfreston church, 272. Barlo, John, 213. Barnham, Sir Martin, 174. Barnott, WiUyam, 144. Barriemore (Sir Roger de Barry), 83. Barrow Green, Ightham, 201. Barry, Edward, 83 ; fanuly, 83; family glass at Mersham, 82; Sir Roger de, 83 ; Sir WiUiam, Sheriff of Kent, 83. Bawcom, William, 203. Beaney Institute, Canterbury, Roman finds handed to, 220. GENERAL Beckeberri, see Bigberry. "Becket's WeU" Otford, 233. Beckett, Thos., 69. Beggeberry, see Bigberry. Bekelis, Nic, 67. Bekford, Sir John, 48. Belgic pottery, 163, etc. Bell, John, 255. BeUows Lane, Ightham, 214. BeUringers of Eltham, payment to, 140. Bellringing at Canterbury, 43, 77, 78. BeUtham, Cristopher, of Bexley, 125. Benet, John, 62, 214 ; WiU, 54. Benett, Roger, 71. Beneyt, Henry, 186 ; Richard, 186, 187. Bennet, John,. Senr., 207. Bereueg, 11, 17. Berewic (Westenhanger), 17. Berford, John, Sacrist Christ Church Cant., 46, 74. Berhtwald, Archbp., 12, 14. Berie, Thos., 67. Berksore, Lower Halstow, 41. Bernesole, Court roll of, 47. Bernhaerd, 15. Bernsole, 47, 58. Berton, John, 186. Berwick, 12, 17. Beryme, WiUiam, 187. Betrisden, German, 62. Bettenham, John, of Pluckley, 31. Beverley cricket club, later Kent County C. C, 243. Beverley cricket club, 240-243. Beverlie Manor, Canterbury, 242. Bewley Green, Ightham, 200. Bewley Playne, Ightham, encroachment at, 216. Bigberry Camp, Harbledovra ; Excavation. Report by R. F. Jessup and N. C. Cook, 151-168. Bigberry Camp, origin of name, 151. Excavation Committee, 151. Bigg famUy, connection with Bigberry Camp, 151 ; lands at Milton, 151. BiU of lading, an early, 259. Bilsington cartulary, 22. Birchington, John, 71. Birchynton, 111. Blackett, Walter, 61. Blakeland, East Peckham, rents in, 53. Bobing seata, 22. Booking, Essex, messuage in, 40. INDEX. 289 Bocton (Boughton) pension to Christ Church, Cant., 52. Bohun, Humphrey, Earl of Hereford, 49. Bokkynge, 57; and Branketre, rents in, 54. Bokyngham, John, Bhp., of Lincoln, 49. Boniface, Archbp. of Cant., 115. Bonyngton, marsh, rent in, 53. Bore, John at, of Hevyhaeche, 186; Richard, 145. Borne, John, 136. Bornefeld, Ightham, 191. Bossevyle, Henry, 204. BosviUe, Sir Ralph, 175, 177. Boteler, John, 187. Bougchier, Archdeacon of Cant., 65. Boughton, Faversham, church of, 39. Boughton, Robt., 207. Bound, Robt., 217. Boure, John, 147, 148. Bourn, John, 144. Bourne, John, 128, 125, 134, 136, 137, 140, 147, 149 ; Thos., 63. Bournefeldys, Ightham, 187. Bowles, Tobias, 255. Bownde, John, 205. Boxle, Robt., 69. Boxwell, John, 67. Boykind, Abraham, 255. Boys, Wm., 5, 6. Bradford, Dr., Bhp. of Rochester, 2. Bradgar, Thos., Sacrist at Christ Church, Cant., 64, 65, 75 ; death of, 69. Bramfleld, John, 207. Bramlyng, Rob., 65. Brampton, WUUam, 207. Brander, James Mawdesley, obituary notice, 287. Branfield, Richard, 206. Bredgar, Thos., Sacrist at Christ Church, Cant., 67,68; WUUam, 72. Brekkyrke, John, widow of, 69. Brenchley, Lady Joan, 61. Brensete, 22. Breton, John, 32. Brice, Thos., 255. Broadstairs, 268. Brocke, Thomas, 207. Brockman famUy : " Record of the Brockman and Drake-Brockman famUy", review, 273-275. BrodhuU brotherhood, 111; Court of, in Cinque Ports, 95. Brodmede, Kenington, 54. Brodshawe, 123. 290 GENERAL INDEX. Broke, rents in, 54. Bromesfeld, John, 63. Bronze age finds at Kingsdown near Deal, 235. Brookland church, 272. Brown, John, 48, 61, 67. Brownaore, Ightham, 216. Brydges, Sir Egerton, 10. Bryggs, Steven, 214-215. Buckyngham, John, 65. Burdon, John, 202. Burgess mUl, Faversham, 96. Burghe, John, 217. Burial mounds: " The ancient burial mounds of England," by L. V. GrinseU, review, 266-267. Burial urn found at Kingsdown near Deal, 235. Burley, Thoma, 36. Burrowes, Jane, 207; John, 207. Burrows, A. J., of Somerfield Court, 18, 19. Burton, John, 63 ; Prior Jos., 69. Burwaramers Halfsaeta, 22. Busty stream, Ightham, 17w, 19w. Busby, John, 207. Butcher, Richard, 206. Butler, Major, of Hythe, 91. Bygberye, see Bigberry. Byng, Robert, 179 ; differences as to Manorial rights, 179-181. Byrme, WUUam, 187. C Cade rebeUion and Ightham, 189. Calkstone, Robt., 69. Canterbury Arch. Society : Report, 228-229 ; Cricket Week, 243 ; Excavations under City waU, 228 ; incense-cup, 243-244. Canterbury, Roman Site, Stour Street, by H. T. Mead and K. H. Jones, M.B., F.S.A., 219-224. Canterbury, Sacrists' Rolls of Christ Church, by C. E. Woodruff, M.A., 38-80. Canterbury, Two hitherto unknown views of Sir Roger Manwood's great house at Hackington, by Kenneth H. Jones, M.B., F.S.A., 238-240. Canterbury, WiUiam, 73. Caping seta, 22. Cardemew, Richard, esquire to King Richard, 48. Carmelite friars, 36; friary, Sandwich, 225-227. Camike, Sir John, 144. Cartularium Saxonicum, 12. Causton, Tho., 67 ; WiU, 72. Caverly, James, 252. Celchyth, 13. Chaltons, Ightham, 200. Chaltonsgate, Ightham, 202. Chamberlayne, John, Chaplain of Archbp. Arundel's chantry, 64. Champneyes, John, 119. Chancery land, Commissioners' hearing at Dartford, 148. "Chantries, Kent," Vol. xii. of the Records Branch, review, 280-284. Chapel Lane, Ightham, 196. Chapman, John, 186 ; Thos., 202. Charcoals at Bigberry HUl, 167. Chart Bottom (Styants Bottom), Ightham, 194. Charte, John, 69 ; Thomas, 64, 68. Charter Wood, Ightham, 175. Chartham, Alexr., 46. Chartham, rents in, 54. Chartham, WiU, 69, 72. Chart's Edge, Westerham, 9. Chichele, Henry, Archbp. of Cant., 59-61. ChUdren, Edw., 261. ChiUenden, Guy, 70; Thos., prior, Christ Church, Cant., 44, 64. Chimney tax, see Hearth Tax. Chown, John, 197. Chowning, William, 200, 208, 217. Christ Church, Cant., 54, 82; Re-buUding, 79; T h u r s t a n 's bequest to, 13. Christ Church, Canterbury, Sacrists' Rolls, by C. E. Woodruff, M.A., 38-80. Christchurch-kedell, for catching fish, 40. Chycheley, WUl, 73. Chylindenne, Thos., 80. Cinque Port Confederation, 104; Custumals of, etc., 91-114 ; rights of, 94 ; gift to Warden of, at Court of Shepway, 112 ; privUeges, 104. Clare, Roger de, 244. Clarence, Duke of, buried at Canterbury, 60. Clarke, John, 143 j Thos., 133, 134 ; WiUyam, 134, 136. Clement, Nich., 72 ; John, 70; Richard 61, 63, 72. Clements, Edward, 254 ; John, 254. Cliffe, 39, 52. Clobsdon sower, 24. Cloister at Christ Church, Cant., 44. Clyton, Thos., 66. GENERAL INDEX. 291 Coale, Widdow, 251. Cobtree Inn, Ightham, 195. Cook, Dr. F. W., F.S.A., A Few Letters from my Scrapbook, Chiefly of Kentish Historians, 1. CockereU, WUliam, 194. Cocklebridge, Ightham, 194. CocriUe, Thos., 135, 138. Coffin lids (stone) from Tonbridge Priory, 244-248. Coins, Roman, found at Canterbury, 220; at Whitefriars site, Sandwich, 227; found at Romney Marsh, 229; found at Maidstone, 249-251. Coke, Sir Thos., 64. CokriUe, Thos., 122, 125. Colbroke, Robert, Sacrist of Christ Church, Canterbury, 60, 74. Cole, Thos., 36. Colegate, Edward, 252; Stephen, 252. Colhed, Ric, of Dover, 46. CoUen, Richard, 203. CoUfolle, Stephen, 119. Colman, Mr., 71. Colvyn, Richard, 217. Colyn, Elizabeth, 206 ; John, 206. Common-Place Book of Faversham, by Miss K. M. E. Murray, 91-114. Coneyearth, Ightham, 214. Constable, Shiers, 251. Conyerd, Ightham, 214. Cook, N. C. and Jessup, R. F., Excavations at Bigberry Camp, Harbledown, 151-168. Cooper, Geo., 199. Coppin, Joshua, 254. Copthall (Woodgate), Ightham, 200 Copton, Dr., 70 ; Henry, 72. Comford, John, 207. Coroners of the Cinque Ports, 98. Cotes, Christopher, 203. Couchman, WiUiam, 211. Councer, C. R., Medieval Painted Glass of Mersham, 81-90. Court Baron at Ightham, 178-179. Court Lodge, Ightham, 172. Court Mead, Ightham, 214. Court Rolls of the Manor of Ightham, by Sir Edward Harrison, 169-218. Courteman, John, 69. Courtenay, Archbp., glass at Mersham, 82. Courteney, Will, 68. Courtney, William, Arohbp. of Canterbury, 116. Co ventre, John, 69. Cowko, WiUyam, 121. Cowling, 39, 52. Cowpor, James, 218. Coxen, WiUiam, 251. Cradock, Dr., 4. Cramond, Eliz., Baroness, 1. Cranbroke, Henry, 49, 50, 74. Cranbrook, Manors of, 36. Crayford, Howbury moated manor house at, 258. Cremation burials at Sholden Bank, near Deal, 237. Cricket: an early relic of Kent cricket, 240-243. Cripps, WiUiam, 194. Crongger, John, 206. Cronke, John, 251-252. Crosse, John, 65, 73. Crown Point Inn, Ightham, 211. Crucifix, 15th cent., found at New Romney, 248-249. Crudd, John, 218. Crundale Church, near Wye, 116. Crundale, John Sprott, Rector of, by Harold Waeher, M.D., F.S.A., 115-119. Crundwell, Henry, 251 ; WUliam, 252. Crutched friars, 36. Crycherhestedell (Christchurch), 54. Curd, Agnes, 208 ; Robert, 251. Curson, James, Chaplain of Prince Edward's Chantry, 69. Custumals of the Cinque Ports, 92. D Dann, WiUiam, 251. Danyell, John, 186. Darkhul, Ightham, 194. Dartford, Deanery of, 3 ; Visitation at, 122, 123, 127, 128, 137, 141. Day, Sir Walter, Chaplain of Cardinal Wolsey, 70. Deal, Discoveries in the Neighbourhood during 1936, by W. P. D. Stebbing, 235-237. Deal Hospital, 6; Medieval discoveries in High Street, 237. Deal Prebend, Court Leet and Court Baron, 253-256. Deane, John, 207. Dehaune, Lewis, 255. Delham (Daelham), 28. Dene, Henry, Archbp., 66; John de, 186. Denehole at Gravesend, 258-9. Denne, Archdeacon, 2; John or Samuel, enquiry for portrait, 286 ; Rev. John, 2 ; Rev. Samuel, 2. Denys, Quinton, 72. 292 GENERAL INDEX. Dering, Anthony, 1 ; Ann, 1 ; IsabeUa, 84 ; Johanna, 84; Sir Edward, 1, 83, 84. Derryng, John, 72. Deryng, Ric, 70. DockreU Bridge, Ightham, 194. Dod, Mr., 144. DokriUe, Thos., 128. Dover, accident from Ughtning at, 6; Castle, custumal in, 92; herring season a time of truce, 99 ; and Faversham, indenture between, 110-114; Port of, 91. Dover, James de, Sacrist at Christ Church, Cant., 46, 47, 74 ; John, 72. Dovore, Bro. John, 62 ; WiU, 63. Drake-Brockman Family, "Record of the Brockman and Drake- Brockman Family ", review, 273- 275. Draper, Edward, 124. Dyke, Reginald de, 46. Dyker, Jane, 186. Dymchurch, 24, 26, 27, 28. E Early Iron Age, bucket urn found near Deal, 235. Eastbridge sewer, 24, 26. East Farleigh, 115, 268-269. "East Kent Walks," by G. W. Hardman, review, 285-286. East Langdon, the cope at, 272. Eastry, rents in, 53. Ecca, 15. Edmund, Archbp., Ordinance of, 39. Edwards, John, 131, 148. Egerton, WiU, 61. Egles, John, 203. Eglestone, Robt., 206. Eldridge, Thos., 252. Eldryck, Thos., 52. Eleham, John, 65, 70. Elham, John, 63. EUote, Walter, 150. EUyat, Ed., churchwarden at Eltham, 130, 131, 139, 144. EUyatt, Mr., 145. Elmstone parish, 257. Eltham Churchwardens' Accounts to the End of 1569, transcribed by V. J. B. Torr, communicated by Aymer Vallance, 120-150. Elys, Robt., of Sheppey, 46; Thos., Prior of Christ Church, Canterbury, 47. "English Church Screens," by Aymer VaUance, review, 260-264. EngUsshe, Mighell, 32, 34. Esterland, 52. Estry, Roger, 73. Estursete (Canterbury), 22. Ethelburga, Princess, 19, 20. Eton, James, 144 ; Robert, 69. Evegate, Smeeth, 83. Everit, William, 131, 134, 135. F Fann, Richard, 252; Solomon, 252; WUUam, 251. Fannes, Manor of, 116. Farlegh, WiU, 68. Farleigh, East and West, 268-269. Farleigh, Thos., 64. Farley, WiU, 70. Farmer, Adam, 251. Fames, Samuel, 252. Farrar, Marmaduke, 255. Fasting silver, 253. Faussett, Brian, 82. Faversham Common-Place Book, by Miss K. M. E. Murray, 91-114. Faversham, Abbott of, 43, 93; Custumal, 96 ; Halimote, 93; indenture between Dover and, 110-114; John, 66. Fayrethwaytte, Robert, 32. Felons seeking sanctuary, Cinque Ports, 103, 110. Fenversham, Tho., 72. Feversham, Ric, 70. Finche, John, 217. Flower, William, 194. Fogge Family, glass at Mersham, 81, 82 ; Sir Francis, 82. Fonten, Robt., 71. Fonteyn, WiUiam, Sacrist at Christ Church, Canterbury, 61, 76. Fordwich custumal, 93; St. Margaret' Church, 89. Fox, James, 201. Franks, Everest, 252. Frank-Pledge, view of, and the Court Baron at Ightham, 178, etc. Fraunces, John, mason, 71. Frenyngham, John, 63. Friars Gate, Sandwich, 225. Friars of London, beneficaries tinder wiU of Wylford, 36; Minor of the City of London, 34. Fry, Edward, 251 ; John, 251, 252 ; Thomas, 251. Fukes, Thos., 255. FuUer, John, 208; Walter, 186, 187, 212; WUUam, 212, 213, 214, 216. Fyneax, Sir John, 71, 72. Fyssher, EUen, 186; Robert, 186. G Gardeners Lane, Ightham, 196. Garrard, John, 70. Gedding, Court RoU of, 47. Gedding, Wootton, Sacrist's Court, 40. Geddynge, 58. Genicot, Catherine, 29, 37. George Inn, Ightham, courts held at, 172. GUbert, Jeremyah, 261 ; Robt., Bp. of London, 61. GiUyngham, WUl, 66. Glass, Medieval, of Mersham, by C. R. Councer, 81-90. Glassinbery, Edw., 70. Glassonbury, Geof., 66. Gloucester, John, 47, 74. Godard, Henry, 54. Godcroft, Ightham, 196, Godden, John, 252. Godestone, John, 79, 80. Godewyn, WiUiam, 189. Godington, John, 47. Godmersham, rents in, 53. Godmersham, Ric, 69; WUliam, 63, 69. Godwin, F., Sevenoaks Report, 1936, 233-234. Godyn, James, 186. Goldston, Reg., 67 ; Thos., 62, 63, 64, 73. Goldstone, John, 68 ; Reg., 71. GoldweU, John, Sacrist at Christ Church, Canterbury, 59, 60, 61, 71, 74 ; Thos, 66. Goodnestone, John, Sacrist at Christ Church, Canterbury, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 75. Goodnyston, John, Sacrist at Christ Church, Canterbury, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73. Goodsale, WiUiam, 252. Goretuff, next Eastry, rents in, 53. GoBtling, John, 4. Grace, John, 144, 145. Gracie, A. B., and Lloyd Hubble, landlords of Bigberry Camp Site, 151. Gravene, Ric, 64. Gravesend, denehole at, 258-269. INDEX. 293 Great Mongeham, 268-269. Greenwich, visitation to (Eltham Churchwardens' accounts), 134, 137. Gregory, WUl, 72. Grey, Henry, 2nd Earl TankervUle, 60. Griffin, Ralph, A Brass at Nonington, Kent, 29-37. Grove, James, 50, 51, 74; John, 53. Guning, Thos., 193. Gunninge, Thomas, 218. Gustone, John de, Sacrist at Christ Church, Canterbury, 46, 74. Guy, Sacrist at Christ Church, Canterbury, 45. Gylford, Sir John, 64 ; Sir Richard, 64. Gylmyn, Richard, 186, 187. H Haberdejohn, John, 217. Hackington, Canterbury; two hitherto unknown views of Sir Roger Manwood's great house, by Kenneth H. Jones, M.B., F.S.A., 238-240. Hadelo, Geoffrey, 212. Hadley, WUUam, Sub-prior, 66. Hadlo, John, 186. Hadlow, John, 209 ; Theophilus, 201, 209 ; Walter, 216. Hafingseota, 22. Hagana, 15. Hale, John, 213. Haleburrow hearth-tax, 252. Hales Place, Hackington, Cant., 238-240. "HaU, J . &E., Ltd.," byE.Hesketh, review, 264-266. HamUton, Prof. A., 150. Hammonds Corner, Romney, coins found at, 229. Hamon, John, 218. Hamond, Isabel, 186. Hamond, Robt., 256. Hamsher, WUUam, 146. Handford, John, 32. Hanger, John, 120, 124, 127, 132, 136. Hanger, Widow, 139, 142, 145, 147. Hangere, John, 123. Hankyn, WiU, 63. Hankyns, John, burial of, 69. Harbledown : Excavations at Bigberry Camp ; Report by R. F. Jessup and N. C. Cook, 151-168. 2 9 4 GENERAL INDEX. Hardman, G. W., "East Kent Walks," review, 285-286. Hards, John, 210. Harison, John, 148. Harreys, WUUam, 70. Harringe, Manor of, 18. Harrison, Sir Edward, Court Rolls and other Records of the Manor of Ightham as a Contribution to Local History, 169-218. Harrison, Widow, 251. Harry, Thos, 64. Hartriche and Hogriche, Manors of, 32. Hartridge, Manor of, 35. HarveU, Thos., 145. Haseden, Reginald, 209. Hasenden, Reginald, 208. Hasted incident, 5-7. Hasted's "Kent", 5-9; biU for paper for, 8. Hastings custumal, 92, 93. Hasylherst, Henry, 214. Hatche, WUliam, 217. Hatter, WiU, 70, 72. Haunger, John, 129, 132. Hawke, Richard, 195, 197, 214. Hawkes, Geo., 196, 200, 201. Hawkhurst, Thos., 73. Hawt, Edward, 205. Headda, see Adda. Hearth tax at Speldhurst, 251-253. Hender, Sir John, 61. Hendman, Ric, 61. Henfield, Henry, 47. Henniker, Sir John, 7. Henry, Prior, of Eastry, 69. Heme church, 83. Heron, Roger, 116. Heron Shaw, Ightham, 196. Herteford, WUl, 66. . Hertford, Walter, 67. Herue (Harvey), 19. Hevyhacche (Ivy Hatch), 186. Hiethe, John, 63. Higden, John, 244. Higham, Mid, flint axe found, 234. High Field, Ightham, 214. Highe Grove, Ightham, 217. Highhardys, Rents in, 63. Highways, encroachment and nuisances, Ightham, 197-202. " History in the Open air," by H. T. RandaU, review, 267-268. HobyU, WiUiam, 202. Hodgkin, Stephen, 251. Holden, Rob., 70. Hogges, Isabel, 186. Hogriche, Manor of, 32.. HoUand, Margaret, 49 ; Maud, 47. HoUamby, Richard, 251; Thos., 252. Holyngbourne, rents in, 63. Homan, Robert, 265. Homewood, Robt., 200. Hombes, Thos., 265. Honnette, Thos., 119. Hooke, Robert, 209. Hooker, Thos., part builder of Tonbridge Castle, 231. Howbury, Manor House at Crayford, 268. Hubberd, WUUam, 201. Huble, Geo., 199 ; John, 209. Hughes, G. M., "Roman Roads in S.E. Britain," review, 279-280. Hull Place, Sholden, 270. Humfry, Thos,, 65. Hunt, Denis, 186 ; Edward, 252 ; Robt., 201. Hutchins, Thos., 255. Hythe, Port of, 91. Ickham, gift of, 13. Igglesden, Sir Charles, " A Saunter through . Kent with Pen and PencU," Vol. XXX, review, 268-270. Ightham Common, enclosure near Crown Point, 211 ; Court Lodge, estate of the James FamUy, 174. Ightham, Court Rolls, and Other Records of the Manor of, as a Contribution to Local History, by Sir Edward Harrison, 169-218. Ightham, earliest Court RoU, 183- 185; Court RoUs, schedule of, 184; not mentioned in Domesday, 183; originally a Sub-Manor of Wrotham, 183; parish and Manor of, 171-173 ; boundaries and size, 171 ; sand, 202-203; trespass encroachment, etc, 212. Incense cup from Lutinton Wood, near Canterbury, 243-244. Inglisshe, Mighell, 34. Ingram, WUl, 72, 73, 74. Iron Age finds near Deal, 36; pottery, 153, etc. Ironstone at Bigberry HUl, 168. Ironworks at Barden, 262. Ivill, John, 195. Ivot, Isabel, 186; John, 196; Laurence, 186. Ivy Hatch, 173, 199. GENERAL INDEX. 295 j James, Christopher, 72; FamUy of Ightham, 173, 174, 176, 177 ; Laurence, 214; William, Lord of the Manor of Ightham, 173. Jefferstone sewer, 24. Jeffrey, John, 252 ; Richard, 262 ; WUliam, 251. Jenkin, John, 254, 255. Jessup, R. F. and Cook, N. C, Excavations at Bigberry Camp, Harbledown, 161-168. Joan, Queen, wife of Henry IV., 68. Johnson, Jane, 218; Thos., 261. Jones, K. H., M.B., F.S.A., and Mead, H. T., Roman site and Finds, Stour Street, Canterbury, 219-224. K Kebell, John, 71. Kempe, John, Archbp., 61. Kenarton, John, 63. Kene, John, 186. "Kent, Book of," by Arthur Mee, review, 271-273. "Kent Chantries," Vol. XII of the Records Branch, review, 280-284. Kent County Cricket Club, formerly Beverley C.C., 243; early reUc of, 240-243. Kent: "East Kent Walks," by G. W..Hardman, review, 285-286 ; "A Saunter through Kent," by Sir Charles Igglesden, review, 268-270. Kightly, Henry, 135, 138, 141, 148. Kilwardby, Archbp., Ordinance of, 39. Kingtton, John, 140. Kings Mill, Faversham, 96. Kingsnorth, St. Michael's Church, 89. Kinsnoth, Robert, 1. Kinton, John of Bexley, 123. Kitly, Henry, 135. Kits Coty House, Nr. Maidstone, sherds found, 234. Knigtone, John, 149. Knocker, R. E., Registrar of Cinque Ports, 91. Knolton, Sir WiUiam, 48. Koke, John, 140. Kouke, John, 141. Kowke, John, 148; WUlyam, 122. Kynet, William, 46. Kyng, John, 187 ; Thomas, 187. Kyngesdoune, 111. Kyngston, Ric, 67. KyreU, Nicholas, 57. L Lambe, WUUam, 216. Lambert, Edward, 251. Lameing, Thomas, 265. Lancaster, Ed., 134, 135. Landon, Ric, 67. Laneham, Thos., 198, 202-203. Langdon, Abbot of, 65, 68. Langdon, John, 66. Langle, John, Sacrist at Christ Church, Canterbury, 49, 74. Later Iron Age, sherds found near Deal, 236. Launder, Robt., 207, 218. Lawson, John, 255. Lee, John, 71 ; Thomas, Sacrist at Christ Church, Canterbury, 61, 62, 71, 76. Lennarde, John, of Chevening, arbitrator in Ightham Manorial dispute, 180. Letters from my Serapbook, Chiefly of Kentish Historians, by Dr. F. W. Cock, F.S.A., 1. LUlington Church, 115. Limen, River, 11, 22. Linse, Thomas, 133, 134. Little Chart, human remains found at, 235 ; Rents in, 63. Loder, Mrs., 207. Loftie, Dr. WUUam, 4. Lokyer, Thos., 59. London, WUl, 72. Long Farm, Sholden, 270. Longley, John, 252 ; WiUiam, 252. Lovel, Lady, 60. Lowe, John, Bp., of Rochester, 63. Lutinton Wood, near Canterbury, 243-244. Lychfeld, WiUiam, Sacrist at Christ Church, Canterbury, 75. Lydd, custumal, 93. Lymage, John, 215. Lyminge, 19, 20 ; church, 11. Lymne, 17, 27. Lyons, Tonbridge, 248. Lytchfyld, WUliam, Sacrist at Christ Church, Canterbury, 73. M Maidstone, CoUege of AU Saints, 115 ; Hospital endowed by Archbp. Boniface, 115; Palace, 2; Roman coins found at, 249-251. Malyn, John, wife of, 62. Manwood, Sir Roger, house at Hackington, Canterbury, 238-240. 296 GENERAL MarchaU, Leonard, 72. Maress de Romenel (Romney Marsh), 21. Margate (Mergate), 111. MarshaU, James, 209; Ric, 73. Marsworth, Bucks, brass at, 30. Martin, James, 218. Martyn, Robt., 63. Mason, Rob., mason, 59 ; Sir John, 179. Maudey, Richard, 146. May Place, Crayford, 258. May, Ric, 265. Maydenstane, see Maidstone. Mead, H. T. and Jones, K. H., M.B. Roman Site and Finds, Stour St., Canterbury, 219-224. Medieval Painted Glass of Mersham, by C. R. Councer, 81-90. Medieval discoveries in the neighbourhood of Deal, 237. Mee, Arthur, "Book of Kent," review, 271-273. Meguines paeth, 11, 18. Mennys, Robert. 72. Mercer, John, 189 ; WUliam, 212. Merchant Tailors Company, Master and Wardens, 35. Merscware (Romney Marsh), 21. Merscwari (Romney Marsh), 21. Mersham, Medieval Painted Glass of, by C. R. Councer, 81-90. Merssh, John at, 186. Merymans, Ightham, 197. Meydestane, see Maidstone. Middleton, Lord, 171. MUesse, famUy, 209. MUles, WiUiam, 207, 217. MiUes, Stephen, 198. MUton, John, 68; Thos., 69, 71; WUl, 64. MisceUaneous notes, 238-259. Moland, John, Sacrist of Christ Church, Canterbury, 51, 74. MoUusca, at Bigberry HUl site, 168. Mongeham, Rents in, 54. Monkton next Chillenden, rents in, 63. Montagu, Thos. de, Earl of Salisbury, 51. Montraviers, John, 255. Morejohn, Peter, 186. Moresoles, Ightham, 201 Mortimer, Roger, warden of Cinque Ports, 92. Morton, John, Archbp., 64, 65, 67, 69, 71. Morton, Archdeacon of Ely, buried at Canterbury, 65. INDEX. Morys, Thos., 63. Mote, Margery, 186 ; John, 197-198 ; WUUam, 186, 187. Moulton, Geo., of St. Clere, arbitrator in Ightham Manorial dispute, 180. Moyse, Stephen, 251. Mubey, Thos., 144, 145. Muddlers, Ightham, 197. Mugge, Walter, 199. Mumbey, Thos., Churchwarden, Eltham, 120, 121, 122, 124, 125, 126, 145, 147. Mungeham (Mongeham), 57. Murray, Miss K. M. E., The Commonplace Book of Faversham, 91-114. Musols, Ightham, 200. Mydendale, Richard, 186, 187. Mylton, WiUiam, 47. N Neolothic finds in Kent, 1936, 234. New Inn Green, 17. New Romney, 15th Cent, crucifix found, 248-249. Newchurch, land at, 64, NeweU, John, 255, Newenham, rents in, 53, 68. Newenham, Richard, 69. Newyngden, Parish of, 34 ; Churchwardens, 35 ; Robert, 66. NiseU, Thos, 213. Nonington, Kent, A Brass at, by Ralph Griffin, F.S.A., 29-37. North, Brownlow, Bhp. of Winchester, 8. Northboume, 270. Northgate, Henry, 71. Northiam, Churchwardens of, 35 ; parish of, 34, 35. Norton, Thomas, 92. Nothyham and Notyham, see Northiam. Nubery, John, 67. O Off a, King, gift of Ickham, 13. Old Beverley Cricket Club, 240-243. " Old BeverUe " Inn, Canterbury, 240. Oldbury, Ightham, 172, 191; HiU, Ightham, 194-195, 204; Wood, Ightham, 175. Old Swan Inn, Tonbridge, 232. OUver, John, 200. GENERAI Omer, Meister, Canterbury, conver- I sion to school boarding-house, 228. Otford, Bailiwick of, 183 ; Palace, 233-234. Otforth, John, 73; Roger, 70. Otteforde, John, 63, 66. Outred, John, 124. Oxenbridge, Margaret, 84. Oxene, John, Sub-prior, 62, 68. Oxeney, James, 67. P Pacche, WUliam, 202. Page, SyUvester, the shingler, 142. Palaeolithic finds in Kent, 1936, 234, etc. Palmer, Dr., 4. Parker, Jane, 214; John, 63; Margaret, 214 ; Thomas,- 186. Partrich, Lawrence, 213. Partryche, Richard, 212. Passeley family, 83. Patches, Ightham, 208. Payne, Rogerum, 36. Pearce, Bertram, M.A., F.S.A., Report on Roman finds at Stour St., Canterbury, 220-224. Pearce, Joseph, 255 ; Rathar, 255. Peckam, WUl, 73. Peckham, family, 187-188; John, 68 ; Ric, 66. Peckhams of Aldham, 173. Pekham, James, 214 ; Reginald, 187. PeUsot, Christopher, 208. Pelsaut, WUliam, 199. Pelset, Nicholas, 201. Pelsolte, Alice, 186; John, paulterer, 186, 187-188. Pelsowth, 197. Pennant, Thos., 6, 6, 7, 8. Pennet, Thos., wife of, 207. Penserst, Esteven de, 108. Pensolte, Agnes, 186. Permystede, Arnold, 62. Pertrych, Alice, 186 ; Richard, 186, 187. Peter, Prince, of Portugal, 51. Petham, WiUiam, 63. Petle, John, 143, 148. Petley, John, 121, 125, 135, 136, 137; John, carpenter, 133; John, Churchwarden, Eltham, 130, 132, 138, 139, 140, 142, 143, 145, 146, 147, 149, 150; WUUam, 199. Petlye, WUUam, 209. Pette, Sir WUl, chaplain of John Buckynhams Chantry, 69. Pevensey custumal, 92. INDEX. 297 I Piers, John, 213. Pimpes of Nettlestead, 83. Pinson, John, 251. Pleghelmestun (Wilmington), 11, 16. Pluckley, 1. Plummer, Jas., 62. Pole, WiUiam de la, 4th Earl Suffolk, 60. Pope, John, 187. Portreeve's house, Tonbridge, 232. Potter, Thos., 133, 134, 135. Pottery found at Bigberry Camp, 153, etc ; Roman, found at Canterbury, 220-224. Powell, Jane, 218 ; William, 217. Preston, Nr. Faversham, church of, 39, 52. Proude, John, 48 ; Thomas, 62, 63. Putot, William de, 23. Pyers, John, 196, 203, 205. Q Queningate, Canterbury, 228 R Radcliffe, Thos., 251. Radnor, Lord, and Hasted, 9. Raylltone, Cristopher, 129. Raylton, of Bexley, 141. Read, Sir Robert, 179. Readinge, Thos., 131. Reculver, Nic, 66. Reculvere, Bro. H., 62. Red Book of Faversham, 91-114. Redegrove, Ightham, 196. Reding, Thos., 144. Redsper Marsh (Redspire), 53. RedweU, Ightham, 210. Reports on Local Activities, 228-237. Repton Manor (Fogge FamUy), 82. Reve, Reginald, 205, 213, 214; Robert, 186. Reviews, 260-285. Reynham, John, Abbot of Boxley, 68. Reynolds, Walter, 115. Rich, St. Edmund, Archbp. of Canterbury, 88. Richard, King, 47, 48. Richard the Crusader, 45. RignaU, John, 199. River, Thomas, 251. RiverhiU, road from, to Northiam, 31. Rogers, Samuel, 251 ; Thomas, 252. Rogger, Walter, 186. Rolf's Grove, Ightham, 205. 298 GENERAL INDEX. RoUt, Mr., 149. RoUyng, Sir Stephen, 48. Rolt, John, Churchwarden, Eltham, 130, 131, 132. Rolte, Mr., 122, 133, 139. Roman coins found at Maidstone, 249-251 ; discoveries in the neighbourhood of Deal, 236-237 ; pottery at Canterbury, 220-224. " Roman Roads in South-Eastern Britain," by G. M. Hughes, review, 279-280. Roman Site and Finds, Stour Street, Canterbury, by H. T. Mead and K. H. Jones, 219-224. Romano-British pottery, absence of, at Bigberry Camp, 167. Romney, coins found at Hammond's Corner, 229 ; custumal, 92, 93 ; Lord, 7. Romney Marsh (Romeneymershe), 11, 20, 21, 56 ; early history in Charter of A.D. 700, 12 ; official maps at Dymchurch, 27 ; origin of name, 22 ; sheep industry, 20, 21. '' Romney Marsh, Level and Liberty of," by M. Teichman Derville, 277-279. Rooke, Sir George, 255. Rootes, Edw., 198. Roper, John, 79-80; Sir John, of Linsted, Lord of the Manor of Ightham, 173. Rose Wood, Ightham, 203. Rosse, John, 199. Rotes, John, 208. Rotley, John, vicar of Westgate Canterbury, 118. Rouce, Thos., 255. Roundabout field, Ightham, 210. Rowles Wood, Ightham, 200. Rumining Seta (Romney Marsh), 11, 20, 21. Russell, Nycholas, 252. RusthaU, hearth tax, 252. Rye, Churchwardens of, 35 ; custumal, 93 ; parish of, 34, 36. Rymour, John, 46. S Sacrist, duties of, 39. Sacrist's Office, wages of servants attached, 76, 77. Sacrist's Rolls of Christ Church, Canterbury, by C. E. Woodruff, M.A., 38-80. St. Anselm, shrine of, 41. St. Augustine's Canterbury, 13. •St. Bartholomew the Less, London, 32 34. St. Catherine's HiU, 163. St. Clere Estate, 171, 194. St. Dunstan, Canterbury, HaU of, 40 ; London, 39, 52. St. Elphage, Roger, Prior of Christ Church, Canterbury, 115. St. Laurence, Stephen, Sacrist at Christ Church, Canterbury, 49. St. Margarets, Fordwich, 89. St. Mary, Maidstone, 115-116. St. Mary, Nonington, brass at, 22-37. St. Mary, Northgate, 52, 53. St. Michael, Kingsnorth, 89. St. Radigund's, Abbot of, 43, 65. St. Stephens, aUas Hakynton, rents in, 64. St. Stevens, Canterbury, " Old BeverUe Inn ", 240. Salisbery, John, 69. SaUsbury, John, sub-prior, 66. Salysberye, John, 71. Sanctuary, felons seeking, in Cinque Ports, 119. Sander, John, 65. Sandre, John, 54. " Sands, clays and minerals," review, 284-285. Sandwich, custumal, 92, 93. Sandwich, House of the White Friars, A.D. 1272, by W. P. D. Stebbing, F.S.A., 225-227. Sandwich, John, 67. Sawyer, Denis, 186 ; WiUiam, 189, 196. Sawyere, John, 212. Saxby, John, 251. Saxton, John, 195. Scarlett, John, 255. Scattislane, Ightham, 197. Searlys, WiUiam, of Wye, 119. Seeds, curious field-name, 22. Selby, Eliz., " Teynham Manor and Hundred," review, 276-277. Selby, WiUiam, 200-201. Selenger, Arnold, 67. SeUinge, church, 19 ; farm, 24, 26 ; Manor of, 23. 24 ; parish, 27, 28. SeUyng, John, 71 ; WUUam, 65, 70. Septvans, glass at Mersham, 81. Seven Acres (Godcroft), Ightham, 196. Sevenoaks Report 1936, by F. Godwin, 233-234. Sevington church, 83, 84. Sexteyn, John, 216. GENERAL INDEX. 299 Seyntlaurence, Stephen, sacrist at Christ Church, Canterbury, 74. Shawe, Geo., alias Simpson, 209. Sheep Industry of Romney Marsh, 20, 21. Sheldwych, John, 48. Sheppey, John, 67. Shepway, Court of, 97-98; gift to Warden of Cinque Ports, 112. Shoebridge, Richard, 208, 209. Shode famUy, 188 ; Margery, 186 ; Richard, 187 ; Simon, 186, 187 ; Thomas, 186; stream, 172, 192. Sholden Bank, near Deal, cremation burials, 237. Sholden parish and church, 286-289. Shovel, Sir Cloudesley, 258. Simmons, printer of "Hasted," 5. Simpson, brass at Nonington church, 29-37. Simpsons (Sympsons), 37. Sinckcleers (St. Clere), 194. Sittingbourne church, 83. Skalys, Lord de, Anthony WidviUe, 63. SkeUe, John, 207. Sketes, John, 143. Skinner, Valentine, 192. Skyt, John, churchwarden of Eltham, 120, 121, 123, 124, 125, 126. Skynner, Thos., 191-192. Slindon, Sussex, Manor of, 51. Smith, Gyles, 265 ; John RusseU, of BibUotheca Cantiana, 9, 10. Smyth, Edward of Seale, 207 ; John, of Ightham, 186, 189 ; of Charte, 207. Snergate, rents in, 53. Snockeson, Henry, 121. Somer, Mr., of Bexley, 128. Somerfield Court, 18, 19 ; Manor of, 19. SomerhiU, Tonbridge, coffin lid, 246, 248. Somers, Vane, 218. Somerset, Earl of, 49. Somerset, John, 62. Sommer, Edward, 124. -Southenden, Stephen, 257. Speldhurst, hearth tax, 261-252. Spenser, Richard, Churchwarden of Eltham, 126, 127, 129, 130, 132, 137, 138, 139, 144, 145, 150; Richyardes, 147. Sprott, AUee, 119 ; Joan, 119. Sprott, John, Rector of Crundale 1431-1466, by Harold Wacher, M.D., F.S.A., 115-119; John, wUl of, 116-119. Stace, Robt., 198. Stafford, Countess of (Ann Neville), 59. Stained glass in Mersham Church, 81-90. Staley, Richard, 216. Stanford, 27. Stangate Cross, Ightham, 199. Staple, 257 ; Alex., 69, 73 ; rents in, 53. Stawley, William, 213. Stebbing, W. P. D., Discoveries in the neighbourhood of Deal during 1936, 235-237. Stebbing, W. P. D., F.S.A., House of the White Friars, Sandwich, A.D. 1272, 225-227. Still, John, 251. Stoffold, Nicholas, 118. Stone coffin lids from Tonbridge Priory, 244-248. Stone, James de, Sacrist of Christ Church, Canterbury, 46; Lawrence, 207; Ric, 68; WUUam, 211. Stoneacre, Ightham, 123. Stonestapps, Ightham, 193. Stonstreet, John, 52. Stoobes (Stubbes) PhUip, see Stubbes, P. Stour Street Canterbury, Roman site and Finds, by H. T. Mead and K. H. Jones, 219-224. Straunge, Ralph, 50. StreatfeUd, Robert, 251 ; Rev. Thos. letters, 9, 10. Street, Hundred of, 12, 17, 19. ' Strete, Sacrist's Court, 40. StretfeUde, Thos., 199. Stretleg, 11, 17. Stubbes, Henry, Churchwarden of Eltham, 126, 127, 129, 130, 135, 136, 137, 138, 144; Philip, 122, 123, 124, 125, 127, 135, 137, 138, 140, 141, 144, 146, 149; Robert, churchwarden, 139, 140, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148. Stymson, William, 251. Sudbury, John, 70 ; Simon of, 80 ; WiU, 72. Sudes, Thomas, 251. Sumer of Bexley, 125, 136. Sundridge: Yorcks Hill, dowerhouse of WUloughby famUy, 176, 177. Surrenden Dering, 1. Surrenden Park, Little Chart, Roman remains, 234-235. Sutton by Dover Church, 115. 300 GENERAL INDEX. Sutton, John, 66 ; Robert, 56, 70. Swan Lane (East Street), Tonbridge, 232. • Swanne, Stephen of Ightham, 177, 182. Swanscombe, bone found at, 234. Swetman, Thos, wife of, 62. Swetyng, John, 214. Swifte, Stephen, 79 ; Thos., 79. Swinbourne family, glass at Mersham, 81 ; Sir Thos., Sheriff of Kent, 83. Swingfield parish, 270. Sydney, Viscount, 7. Syfelett, Daniel, 206. Syfflet, Richard, 218. T TaUlor, WUliam, 202. TasweU, Mr., 4. Tatnam Bridge, 24. Tattenham, Manor of, 23. Tattenhamme, William de, 23. Teale, Richard, 254. Tebbs, Ightham, 208. Tebold, William, 212. Teichman Derville, Major, 91 ; " Level and Liberty of Romney Marsh," review, 277-279. Telephone exchange, Canterbury, Roman site, 219-224. Tenterden, Stephen, 72. Terrie, John, 200-201. "Teynham Manor and Hundred," by Eliz. Selby, review, 275-277. Thevegate Manor, Smeeth, 83. Thomas, John, Bhp., 2. Thornton, 58 ; Richard, 66, 69. Thornden, Robt., 69. " Three Horseshoes ", Sholden, 269. Throp, John, 214. Thrope, John, 189 ; Richard, 189. Thropp, John, 212. Thrupp's Tenement, Ightham, 212. Thurlow, Thos., 4. Tiles, Roman, found at Canterbury, 224. Timsett Marsh, 22. Tonbridge Castle, 230-231 ; demolition of old houses, 229-233; Priory, stone coffin lids from, 244- 248 ; weU in High Street, 233. Tonge, William, Sacrist at Christ Church, Canterbury, 62, 63, 64, 75. Toole, John, 92. Torr, V. J. B., Transcriber of Eltham Churchwardens' Accounts, 120-150. Tremworth, Manor of, 116. Trevet, Lady de, 54. Trice Lane, Ightham, 189, 200. TriceweU, Ightham, 217. Trivet, Lady, 54. Tryce, John, 214, 216 ; Thomas. 188-189. Tunbridge, Edward, 218. Turner, John, 251 ; Thos., 216. Twiste, Thos., 144. U Umfrey, Stephen, 54. Underdowne, Richard, 265. Usmer, Chaneys, 207. V Vane, Sir Henry, 173, 174. VaUance, Aymer, '' EngUsh Church Screens," review, 260-264. Vallance, Aymer, and Torr, V. J. B., Eltham Churchwardens' Accounts, 120-150. Verrier, Willm., steward of the Manor of Deal Prebend, 254, 256. Viel, John, Sacrist of Christ Church, Canterbury, 51, 58, 74. View of Frank Pledge, Ightham, 178, etc. Vyele, John, Sacrist of Christ Church, Canterbury, 51. W Wacher, Harold, M.D., F.S.A., John Sprott, Rector of Crundale, 1431-1466, 115-119. Wade, Ric, 62. Wages of servants attached to Sacrist's office, 76-77. Waghorne, Thos., 251. Wakefield, Lord, of Hythe, 91. Wakelyn, Mathew, 202. Walden, Roger, Archbp. of Cant., 49. Walkelyn, Widow, 206. Walkerne, Herts., brass at, 30. Walrede, John, 48 ; Walter, 48. Walter, John, 203 ; Thos., 206. Walter the bayley of Bexley, 147, 148. Waltham, John, 71. Ward, Gordon, M.D., F.S.A., Wilmington Charter of A.D. 700, 11-28. GENERAL INDEX. 301 Ware, Thos., 206, 208, 218. Wareham, John, 73 ; WiUiam, Archbp., 73. Warhorn (Werehomestone), 54. Warren, John, 209 ; WUliam, 209, 217. Waterflash, Ightham, 194-195. Wattesdane in HolUngbourne, 57. Wax, expenditure on at Christ Church, Canterbury, 43. Webb, WUliam, 217. Weeke, Joshuah, 252. Well in High Street, Tonbridge, 233. WaUer, Richard, 214-215. Weller, Richard, 203, 252; Thos. of Tonbridge, 230-231. Werehomestone (Warhorn), 54. West, Richard, 217 ; Simon, 57 ; Thos., 60; WUliam, 31. West Farleigh, 269. Westenhanger, 17. Westh, John, 47. Weston, WiUiam, 217. Westwell, Bro. John, 62. Whitefriars, Canterbury, 229. Whitefriars, House of the, at Sandwich, A.D. 1272, by W. P. D. Stebbing, F.S.A., 225-227. White, Thos., 256. Whyte, James de, Sacrist of Christ Church, Canterbury, 46, 74. Wibome, Robt., 192. Wickenden, John, 251. Widville, Anthony, son of Earl of Suffolk, 63. Wihtred, King of Kent, 11. Wightresham, Manor of, 116. Wilkinson, Richard, 204. WUle, Robert, 144. WUUams, John, 210. Willnar, Widow, 202. Willner, John, 200. WUlis, Edward, 124. WUlesborough House, 1. WUloughby family, owners of the Manor of Ightham, 171 ; Percival, Lord of the Manor of Ightham, 173, 174, 176, 205 ; Robert, 179 ; Thomas, 174, 179, 180, 181, 204, 216. WUisiner, Simon, 146. Willy, Roberte, 143. Wilmington Charter of A.D. 700, by Gordon Ward, M.D., F.S.A., 11-28. WUmington, 2 ; Saxon spelling, 16 ; FamUy, 19 ; Stephan de, 23. WUsford brass at Nonington, 29-37 ; Francis, 37 ; Sir James, 37 ; Thos. of Hartridge, 31, 32. Winchelsea custumal, 93. Windows at Mersham Church, 81-90. Wingfield MUl, Ightham, 200. Winter, Laurence, 218. Wittersham (Wightresham), Manor of, 116. Wode in Thanet (now Acol parish), 54. Wodensborough, John, Prior of Christ Church, Canterbury, 44. Wonnysborow, John, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73. Wood, Richard, 252. Wooddy, Thos., 199. Wooddye, Jane, 194. Woodeye, Thos., 209. Woodgate (now CopthaU), Ightham, 200. Woodgates of SomerhiU, 230. Woodhams, John, 251. Woodnesborough parish, 257. Woodruff, C. Eveleigh, M.A., The Sacrist's RoUs of Christ Church, Canterbury, 38-80. Woodye, Widow, 196. Worth, 54. Wrene, John, 148. Wrotham Court Leet, 182-183. Wrotham, Manor of, 179, 181 ; parish of, 171. Wyborne, Robt., 192 ; William, 180, 181, 270. Wycombe, Robt., 60. Wyking, James, sacrist at Christ Church, Canterbury, 74 ; Thos., Sacrist at Christ Church, Canterbury, 48. Wylford (WUsford) James, 31 ; James, will of, 32, 33 ; John, 34 ; WiUiam, 35. Wylfryd, Tho., 72. Wylkyns, Peter, 186. WyUysford, Ric, 68. Wynchelese, John, 73 ; Greg., 66. Wynchepe, 53 ; Richard of, 45 Wvngham, Will, 66. Wynker, WUliam, 186. Wythfield, Ightham, 213. Wythiott, Robert, 92. Wythpaule, Paul, 32. Y Yates, Lady, 3. Yoke's Lane, Romney Marsh, 26. Yorcks Hill, Sundridge, dower house of the WUloughby family, 176, 177.