Eltham Churchwardens' Accounts
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John Sprott, Rector of Crundale, 1431-1466
Excavations at Bigberry Camp, Harbledown: Report
( 120 ) ELTHAM CHURCHWARDENS' ACCOUNTS TO THE END OF 1569. (Concluded from Vol. XLVII, page 102.) TRANSCRIBED BY V. J. B. TORR AND OOMMtTNIOATED BY AYMER VALLANOE. f.18. 1562 Receates of the reates be longinge to the parrishe of Eltham receaved of Thomas mvmbey and John skyte ^ 1562 churche wardens in the year of or lord god 1562 Receaved of John hanger for half A years rent of the parrishe hous at pope streate the xxvj day of Aprille dewe at owre ladye )> ixs vjd daye last paste in the yeare of or lord god 1562 Itm receaved of John AUee for haulf A yeares rent of the parrishe hous that hee dweUethe in the xj day of September dew at ) xxyjs vnjd or lady daye last past in the year of or lord god 1562 (Marginal note : pope stret) Itm receaved of John hanger for haluf A years rent of the parrishe hous at popestreat the xxiirj daye of October dewe at the feast ) ixs vjd of S* michayH in the yeare of or lord god 1562 Itm. receaved of John AUee for haluf yeares reant of the parishe house that hee dwellethe in ye viijth day of november dewe at ) xxvja 8d The feaste of S' michayU in the yeare of or lorde god 1562 Sm fij11 xijs uij(1 ELTHAM CHURCHWARDEN'S ACCOUNTS. 121 1562 Paymentes f o the parishe of Eltham s paid by thandes of Thomas mvmbey I and John skyte churche wardens in the f yeare of or lord god 1562 ' Inprimis paid for A crosse bare* for the \ meadle beU ) Itm paid for nayUes to mend the beUs and ye churche gate Itm paid to the boyes for the maypole Itm paid for A corde for the churche gate Itni paid to John petley for hanginge the "\ great beU faste ) I tm paid for ij folke to helpe the carpinter Itm paid for ij bandes for for [sic] the bells ) whiUe J Itm paid for A crosbar for the beUe Itm paid for nayUes for the beUes Itm paid for xvj roufe tyUes Itm paid for vj bushelles of lyme 1562 id n vjd vjd iJd XVJid' iijd ijd XXVJid ijs f.l8b. 1562 Itm paid for caringe A lode of sande Itm paid for nayUes Itm payd to wiUyam cowke for iij daye ) worke ) Itm paid to the strnr (?) of the tiller Itnvpaid to the plomer for sodringe the guter Itm paid for woode for the plomer Itni paid to the vititers at darte for the ) xvj daye of September J Itm paid to henry Snockeson for the quit ' rent and the coman fyne fo this parish for halfe A years rent the xvnj day of June dewe at or lady day last paste in the yeare of or lord god 1562 * Bar. iiiji vd iij8 if iiij8 iiijd iiijd iiij8 iiijd xjs jd 122 ELTHAM CHURCHWARDEN'S ACCOUNTS. Itm paid at the vititation at dartforde the ) Hjs ijd | Xlj" iiij8 ijd xxnij day of October for there charges Itni paid to Mr rolte for ij poles toward the | ^..a mendinge of the churche yarde Itm payd to thomas mvmbey for timber for the meandinge of the churche yarde Itm paid for vth (sic) dayes worke for the meandinge of the churche yarde Itni paid for nayUes ijd Itni paid to wiUyam kowke for A dayes ) ..d worke j Itm payd to Thomas cokyUe for an obit* \ reant for ij yeares the eyght daye of novem- J- xiijs iiijd ber dew at micayUmas 1562 J Itni payd to phillype Stubbes the coman fyne And the quit rent and the Parrishe hous the xviij day of novembe1 dew at ^ xjs jd mychall mas in the yeare of or lord god 1562 Itni paid for grease of the beUes jd Itm paid for the quens in Junsyonsf and the | d bishope articles j Itni payd for A plate for the great bell \ ..d whiU j 1] Itni paid for mendinge A syrpUs ijd Itm payd for greasse for the beUes ja Itm pay for A keye for the churche dore xd Itm paid for A key for the store hous dores iiiju Itni pay for nayUes and mendinge the g(r)eat beU wheU } mj Itm paid for washinges A yeare iiij8 Itni paid for writingnge A yeare xijd Sm Hij11 iuj8 * Obit. I suppose that the land had originally been given to the parish for the maintenance of ohits, and had been retained for oharitable purposes, the old name being kept in use. " Obit lands ", I f anoy, are not uncommonly found after the old significance of the word has disappeared. (Note by Professor Hamilton Thompson, V.P.S.A.) f Queen's Injunctions. d ELTHAM CHURCHWARDEN'S ACCOUNTS. 123 f.19. 1563 Reeeates of Reants beloinginge to the parrishe of Elthame Receved by thandes of Thomas mvmbey and John skyt churche wardens of in the yeare of or lord god 1563 Itm receaved of sr John hangere for haulf A yea(r)s rente of the parishe hous at popstreate th(e) 2 daye of may dew at thanuntiacion of or ladi in the year of or lord god 1563 Itni reaved of John AUee for haulf yeares \ Reante of the parrishe hous the xx daye I of Auguste dew at or ladi last paste Anno [ dmni 1563 / Itni reacead of John hanger for haulf A 1 yeares rent of the parrish hous_at popstreat ,- the xvnj day november An0 dni 1563 J Sm ij11 v8 vujd 1563 ix8 vjd xxvj8 viijd ixB vjd 1563 Paymentes for this parrishe of Eltham paid by thandes of this wardens of the sam prrishe Thomas mvmbye and John skyte churche wardens in Anno Aomini 1563 j Itni paid to brodshawe for A day and A \ half J Itni paid for timber and bordes for Irone and nayUe to mende the pewes for helpinge the carpenter Itni payd to phUlype stubbes the bayUe the quitrent and the coman fyne for this parryshe the xx day of A priU Urn. paid to John kinton of bexly for quit ) rent ) Itm paid at the wititatione at dartf orde the \ xnjtn daye of September ) Itni payd for y6 omyn and the sirvis bookes Itni paid for the clocke Rope 1563 xxja ixd xvjd -rd xjs j d xvjd ob iijS vd llf ij8 ijd 13 124 ELTHAM CHURCHWARDEN'S ACCOUNTS. vj8 viijd Ju Itm paid for makinge an I for the great ) „ .8 ... .d bell claper J Itni payd ford A crossbare for the great ) ....d beUl J J Itm paid to phUippe stubes the quitrent \ and the coman fine of the parrishe lande Y xjs j d the xv day of december > Itni paid to Edward snir [Sommer] the ) r ,. „,, in •x j. mi. J i J v. r r [amount left blank] quitrent The xv day of desamber ) L Itni paid to John outred for an obit out of \ the parrishe land the xx day of desember ( dew at the feast of S* mychall tharkangeU f in A° 1563 / Itni payd for naylles to mende the beU ) ^d wheUs j Itni payd for writinge A yeare for washinge ) A yeare j Sm 2" 128 f.l9b. 1564 Receates of the rentes belonginge to the prish of Eltham Receaved by thandes of Thomas mvmbey and John skyte ) 1564 churche wardens of the sam parrishe in the yeare of or lord god Inprinis receaved of John AUee for haU A "i yeares rente ended at the feast of Sfc \ xxvjs vnjd michaUe laste paste A0 1563 j Itni receaved mor of hime for on wholle \ yeares rente of the prishe hous ended at I liijs iiijd michaUmas last paste A0 1564 J Itni receaved of John hanger for on whoUe \ years Rente of the prishe hous at popstreate I ended* at the feaste of S* michaU in the ( yeare of or lord god 1564 / Itni Receaved of Mr edward draper for ) B bushes that was feld on shutters hiU j Itni receaved of Edward wilHs for bushes ijd Sih to118 v11 iiij8 ijd * Interlined. x i xB ELTHAM CHURCHWARDEN'S ACCOUNTS. 125 xij id 1564 Paymentes in the yeare of or lord god \ 1564 paid by thandes of Thomas I mvmbey and John skite churche wardens for the prishe of Eltham ' Inprimis paid to thomas cokriUe for An obite out of the parrishe lande the xviij daye of november dewe at the feast of ) vj8 viijd S* michaUe tharkangelle in the (year) of or lord god 1564 ItrB. paid to John petley for mendinge the beUes Itni paid to John bourne for brodes jd Itni paid for A keye jd Itni paid for shutinge the storupe of the ) ..d great beU i 1J Itni paid for makinge there keyes and ) --^ meding (sic) iij keyes > Itni paid for A staye for the greate beU wheUe vjd Itni paid for A rope for ther churche gate jd Itni far makinge of A beU calpper iij8 iiij*1 Itni paid for mendinge of A syrplise jd Itni paid for washinge A year iiij8 Itni paid for deliueringe vp of the present- ] met for the prishe at michallmas Ano dm J xijd 1564 j payd to cristopher beUtham of bexley for ) ..d A xv*h J X1J Itni paid at the vizitatione at dartford the \ ij of October ) Itni paid at derf ord at the deliveringe of the ) iij8 xd xijd aprsentmet Itni paid to Sunier of bexleye for the quit- ) .d ^ rent (for land)* that liethe in bexlye prishe J Itni paid to Mr sumer for the xvt h of the ) ..d prish j Itni paid to phiUip stubbes for the quitrent i and the coman fine of this prish Eltham at r xxij8 ijd michaU mas An0 1564 J * (Interlined). 126 ELTHAM CHURCHWARDEN'S ACCOUNTS. f.20. 1564 Itni paid to John Aligehe for A soldiers cape Itni paid for writtinge thaccoumpte paid for scoweringe tow harnises and ) triminge them I for cariage the harneses to london and )_ feccing home A gayn J paid for A payre of lasses* paid for sworde and caringe the the (sic) | harnese to the mvster at blackeheathe j Itni laide out the kinges benches for A | f elow that was taken in this lordeship ) SA to118 (receapta—erased) iij11 ijs iiijd oft Thus endeathe thaconipte of thomas mvmbey and John skyte churche wardens of the sayd prishe of Eltham in the countye of kente made before the prishe Afforsaide the xxix daye of december 1564 And so remaynethe towards the prish of \ Eltham to be Answered for by the the (sic) | churche wardens of the said prishe Thomas mvmbey and John skyte the sni of / And also the same sni of ij11 xvj8 vd to be ^ paid to thandes of henrie Stubbes and (John erased) Richard Spenser elected and apoyted by tha wholle prish to be churche wardens betwen this and twelf day nexte p henrye stobs et Richardus (sic) spenser , Anno domini 1564 Receytes of the rentes belonginge vnto this prishe of Eltham Begininge at or lady daye thanuntyatyone in the yeare of or lord god 1565 : Receaved by Henry Stubbes and Richard Spenser churche wardens Itni receaved of thomas mvmbye and John skeyght that that (sic) theye oughte to the parrishe whan they deliurde vp their accoumpte / * Laces or straps for fastening on part of the armour, X111Ji d xijd vs iiijd xvji d xiiijd ijs viijd ij8 ijd ij11 xvj8 vd 1564 :l lvj8 vd ELTHAM CHURCHWARDEN'S ACCOUNTS. 127 Itni receaved of John AUey for haulf A ' yeares rent for the prishe hous t xxvj day of apryUe dew at thanvtyatione of or lady in the yeare of or lorde god 1565 Itni receaved of John hanger for half A yeares rent of the prishe hous at popste1 at the fyrst day of maye dew at thauntyatyon of or lady in the yeare of or lord god 1565 (Marginal note : popstret.) Itni receaved of John aUey for half A years \ rent of the prishe house the xx day of I October dew at the feaste of St michaUe in j the yeare of or lord god 1565 j Itni receaved of John hanger the first day of november for half A yeares Rent of the prishe house at popstreat dew at The feast of St michall in the yeare of oi lord god I 1565 a ] Sm vj11 viij8 ixd xxvjs viijd ix8 vjd xxvj8 viijd ix8 vjd f.20b. Paymentes in the year of or lord god \ 1565 paid by henry Stubbes And [ Richard spenser churche wardens of EUtham Itni laid out at the vititation At dartford ) the xij day of January ) Itni paid to PhiUipp Stubbes the quitrent & and coman fine f or This parrishe of Eltham the xiiij day of Aprille dew at the Anutiation of or lady in the year of or lord god (1565) Itni paid for nayUes to meand the beare Itni payd at mvmbes for drincke when the churche goodes was Uvered Itni laid out at the vititation at Dartforde the seconde day of Juhj Itni paid for A writinge booke of the bishoppes articles At the vicitation Itni paid at dartford when they deliurde vp there Answerde July 30 Itni paid for A statut booke 1565 ij8 xjs j d vjs ijd ij8 iiij xvnj' id 128 ELTHAM CHURCHWARDEN'S ACCOUNTS. I tm paid for half A hyde of whit leather \ to make and for to meand the bauldricke } when they haue neade > Itni laid out at y6 vititatyon at dartforde ) the xxv daye of September 1565 j Itni paid towardes the Getinge of the booke Itni paid to the bayUey the quitrente and J the commane fine for this prishe of Eltham f the xx daye of September dew At the feast of St michaUe last past (sic) in the yeare of or lord god 1565 Itni laide out at the vititation At dartefor ) the xxiijth day of octobere j Itni paid to thomas dokriUe for and obit out \ of the parrishe hows that John AUee dweUithe I (in) for A yeares rent (due) at the feaste of j St michaUe in the year of or lord god 1565 J Itni paid to John bourne for A bare for the ) great belle j Itni paid for brodes to mend the beUes Itni paid for A bucelle And A pine for the \ greate beU j Itni paid for makinge A bauldricke for the \ great bell J Itni paide for ij keyes for the beUes Itni paid for A pounde of candeUes at the ) hanginge of the beUes j Itni paid for drinke for the carpenters for ) meandinge of the beare ) Itni paide for taUow for the beUs Itni paid for a stapeUe for the great belle ijs ijd iij8 iiijd xj8 j d iij8 viijd vjs viijd ij8 1i]d ijd iiij*1 iijd v j u Jd id f.21. 1565 Itni paid to Mr somer of bexley for the quitrent and of the parrishe of Eltham out of ceartayn land at east End for on whoUe yeares rent dewe at the feaste of St michaUe in the yeare of or lord god 1565 (Marginal note: Est end Lands Belong to the parish.) xvjd OD ELTHAM CHURCHWARDEN'S ACCOUNTS. 129 Itni paid for washinge A yeare Itni paid for writinge A yeare Sni iij" xiij8 vijd ob 1566 Receaytes of the rentes belonginge to the parrishe of Eltham Receayved of Henry Stubbes and Richarde Speanser churche wardens in the yeare of or lorde god 1566 Itni receaved of John AUee for haulf A yeares rent of the parrishe hous that he dwellethe in the x day of ApriUe dew at the feaste of (St michaUe erased) (the annvuntiation of or lady interlined) in the yeare of or lorde god 1566 Itni reaved of John haunger for haulffe A yeares rent of the parrishe hous at popestreate the xxvj daye of marche dew at the feaste of the Anutiatione of or lady in The yeare of or lorde god 1566 Sum xxxvj8 ijd 1566 Paymentes in the year of or lord god \ 1566 payd by henry Stubbes and Richard spenser churche wardens of Elthame in the county of kente Itni paid to the bayUey for the quitrent and the comane fine of this parrishe of eltham the xth daye of maye dewe at the feaste of St michaUe in the yeare of or lord god 1566 Itni paid for nayUes and A catches for the churche gate iiij8 xijd 1566 xxvj8 viijd ix8 vjd 1566 xj8 j d ijd f.21b. 1566 Itni payde to Cristopher RayUtone of bexley toward the reperaions of the prishe churche the 4 day of Julij xvj id 130 ELTHAM CHURCHWARDEN'S ACCOUNTS. Itni paid for taUowe for the beUes Itni paid for A pine for the great beUes 1 bauldricke > Itni paid for washinge haulf A yeare Itni paid for writinge hauK A yeare Itni Richard Spenser layd out for scoweringe ) of the parryshe harnesse ) Sum xviij8 Sm to118 of the receytes Sm to118 of the paymentes So remayneathe xxvj0 die Julij Anno doni 1566. Thacounpte of henry stubbes and Rycharde Spenser Churche wardens of Eltham made the xxviij (sic, for xviij ?) daye of July for on yeare And a haulf ended at the feast of the Anutiation of or lady in the yeare of or lord god 1566 And so remaynethe in thear handes the Sni of 3U 13s the wiche sni beinge paid to henry Stubbes and John petley nowe eleacted and appoynnted for the yeare to come churche wardens of the same parrishe Aforssaide at the feast of St mychaUe tharke angeUe next f ollowinge in the yeare of or lord god 1566 The parishe booke of elthame 1566 f .22 (wrongly 21 bis) (correct foUation hereafter used in transcript). 1566 The account of John Rolt & edd8 eUyat wardens of the xv peni lande belonginge to the prish of Eltham in the county of kente mad before the Que prish aforesaid the xvij day of (sic) January and in the xth (sic) yeare of the raigne of quene Elyzabethe for ij whoUe yeres endid at the feaste of" St michaU laste paste in the year of or lord god 1566 Jd ijs Vjd ij8 viijd vnj11 inj8 xjd iiij11 xj8 vjd ob iij11 xiij8 15bt> ELTHAM CHURCHWARDEN'S ACCOUNTS. 131 Inprimis receaved of the tenant of the xv \ peny land for ij whoU yeares after the rate I xliiij8 2d xxij8 j d bi the yeare that is to saye in the j whoU > Itni receaved of edd8 eUyat Thomas ~v readinge & John Rolt for certaine pseUes of \ xj11 woode J Itni receaved of the churche wardens for ) ...s d Joynerd ) J Sum tol l s xiij11 xvijs vjd Payments the sam yeare by the wardens \ of the fiften peny lande Edward eUyatt I , Rfifi & John Rolte paid (in interlined) the j yeare of oure lord god anno domini 1566 / In primis paid to the quens maieste for \ ..B -d one xv J x J J Itni paid to the bayle for ij yeares quitrent x\jd Itfn paid to John rolt for certayne debt \ that the prish did ow vnto hime at the last - vj11 xiiij8 4d ob accounte makinge ) Itni paid to edd8 eUyat at the eatinge of the bueke that was geven to the prish Itni paid to John edwardes for castinge ) A dicthe at South end* I mr 1J Itni paid to wiUm everit for kepinge beterisf xijd Itni paid to the keper of the Spittell house ) in kente streat for kepinge of Joyner J J Itni paid for skoweringe of the prish 1 .. .. u • i V1JS v jd harms ) J J Itni paid for watchinge the beacon at ) shutters hiU [ Itni paid for A quittaunce vjd Sum to118 xj11 vijs ixd oB And so the wardes doth remayne in \ delt (sic) that is to say John rolt and I xj . g ....d ^ edward EUyat wardens of the fiftene f peni land ' * Cleaning out a ditch. t Beteris is a known form of the Christian name Beatrice, and the meaning appears to be that William. Everit had undertaken for a consideration the charge of maintaining an orphan or foundling of that name. (Note by Professor Hamilton Thompson.) is iid 132 ELTHAM CHURCHWARDEN'S ACCOUNTS. f.22b. Anno domini 1566 Receytes of the parrish of Eltham By the church wardenes henry stubbes John petley In the year of or lord 1566 Itni the depte that henri stubbes did owe vnto y6 parrish at the accounte makinge payd the xvjth day of auguste Itni Receued of Mr rolt the 22 day of auguste Itni receved of the said Mr rolt y° 7 day of September Itni receued of Mr rolt the 28 day of September Itni receved of Richard spenser in parte of paymente the 6 day of October Itni receved of Mr rolt the 7 day of October Itni receved of Mr rolt the 25 day of October Itni receved of John hanger for haulf A yeres rente y6 25 day of October dew at the feast of Sk michaU in the yeare of oT lord god 1566 Itni receved of John aUee for haiUf a yeares rent of ye parrish house the 12 daye of november dew at the feste of Sfc michaU in the yeare of or lord god 1566 Itni receved of Mr rolt the 24 day of march Sm xv11 xxd f.23. Anno domini 1566 Paymentes of the church wardenes of Elthame Beginninge the xxviijth day of July 1566 payd by henry stubbes and John petley church wardens Itni payd for ij lodes of tyUe the xxvjth day j of Auguste j Itni payd for on loud of lime the xxvjtu day ) of Auguste j Itni payd for slakinge of y° lime & maldnge ) clene ye store house j xxxvj8 vjd xl8 xxB xl8 ixH xls xl8 ix8 vjd xxvj8 viijd xls XXs ViJd' ELTHAM CHURCHWARDEN'S ACCOUNTS. 133 } XXXs xxviij8 ixd ijs d i8 Itni paid for diging ij lodes of sande iiijd Itni paid for caringe ij lodes of sande vjd Itni paid for iij lodes of tUles the Vth day of ) September ) Itni paid for on lode of lathes the xth day of September Itni paid for caringe the lathes out of london into soth warke Itni paid for caringe the lathes out of soth warke to ye church Itni paid for haU a sum (?) of lath nayles v8 vjd Itni paid for ij bosheUes of tyUe pines ij1 Itni paid at dartford at the vytytation for ^ the vytiters charges ther the xxvj"1 day of > vjs September / Itni paid for caringe ij lodes of timber from \ whets elme to the church paid to hughe t xijd mosher ' Itni paid to John not Carpinter for inj dayes worke Itni paid to thomas clarke carpinter for iiij dayes worke Itni paid to John petley ca(r)pinter for v dayes worke Itni paid for haU a sum. (?) of lathe nayUes v8 vjd Itni paid for iij hundreth of v peny nayUes xvd Itni paid for a par of hinge and a payr of ^ hockes (sic) for the stor house dore of vij11 L xviijd and a haulf J Itni paid for a newe locke and A stapeU for ) xd the stor house dore ) Itni paid (for ye interlined) steelle for the "j fot of the churche gate ye pine and the \ vijd gudginge J Sni vj11 xs vij ot> qa Itni paid for sawinge of euesborde vjd Itni paid to Mr Rolte for xxij fot of borde xvd Itni paid to Thomas linse for tiUinge vj dayes Itni paid to Thomas potter for tilling v j d dayes ) iiij3 viij" iiij8 viijd vij1 is 134 ELTHAM CHURCHWARDEN'S ACCOUNTS. iij8 idjd Itni paid to Edd8 lancaster laberer for vj dayes worke Itni paid to wiUyam clarke laberer for vj dayes worke Itni paid to wiUyam everit laberer for iiij dayes worke Itni paid for A sni (?) of lathe nayUes xj8 Itni paid for iij hundred of iiij peny nayUes xijd Itni paid for A hundred & A hauU of v peny ) • -d ft nayUes j Itni paid for viij tenpeny nayUes & a spyke ijd *Itni paid to Thomas linse for tiUinge vj ) ..B dayes ) Itfn paid to Thomas potter for tiUinge vj dayes Itfn paid to Edds lancaster for vj dayes Itfn paid to willyafu clarke for vj dayes Itni paid to wiUyam everit for vj dayes Itni paid to Thomase clarke carpinter for ij dayes vij8 ij8 iiijd id f.23b. 1566 Itni paid for hauU A bosheU of tiU pines vjd Itni paid at the vicitation at grinwich (the) ) viij daye of October J Itni for A thousande of tiUes x8 Itm paid for xij Rouffe tiUes xijd Itni paid for hauU a lode of lime v8 Itni paid for A lode of flinte xviijd Itni paid for caringe the said flinte from ) d detforde J ^ Itfn paid for caringe of ij lodes of sande viijd Itfn paid for caringe iij lodes of lome xijd Itni paid for haulf a hundred of vj peni \ nayUes j Itfn paid to John bourne for scowring the ) cloke J Sni 4" 168 7d Itm paid to Thomas linse for vj dayes \ tiUinge j •* iijd xx" iis ELTHAM CHURCHWARDEN'S ACCOUNTS. 135 vij8 ijs vjd Itni paid to Thomas potter for vj dayes tiUinge Itfn paid to Edd8 lancaster laberer for vj ) dayes > Itfn paid to wiUyafh clarke laberer for vj ) dayes J Itfn paid to wiUyani everite laberer for vj dayes Itm paid to Thomas cocriUe for an obit out ^ of the parrish lande the xiijtb day of [ vj8 8d October 1566 > Itfn paid to henri stubbes & John petley \ for viijth (sic) dayes worke to by stuffe and V viij8 suche thinges as longed to the church > Itfn paid to PhiUipe stubbes y8 bayUey the ' quit rent for the parrish lande and the cdmon fine for this parrishe of EUthafa I -s -d dew at the feste of Saynt mychaU tharangell in the yeare of or lord god 1566 paid the xxvth day of October Itfn paid for a pewter botteU xijd Itm paid for spykes for the belles and ^ mendinge the sturrupes for the beUes & [ vjd mendinge the keyes / Itfn paid for taUow for the beUes of aU ) -d Sayns eue > Itfn paid to John petley for ij dayes worke for mendinge the beUes Itfn paid to henri stubbes for a dayes worke j xd at the mendinge y6 beUes I Itni paid to John bourne for A dayes \ xd worke at the mending y6 beUes ) Itm paid to wiUyam everite for kepinge ) xi-d beteris ) Itfn geven at the church dore ij8 for ij yeares at the bequeste of henry kightly accordinge vnto his last wiU & testament the lande ) ij8 liethe at popes streate in the custoditi of | the parrishe (Marginal note : henry kitly land popestrett.) Sm iij11 vjd ij8 x i j a 136 ELTHAM CHURCHWARDEN'S ACCOUNTS. Itni paid to henri neale for brickes Itfa paid for bindinge A serpUse about the ) coUer & for clothe J Itfn paid for A new I for the great bell \ claper to John borne J Itni paid for nayUes to mend the beare Itfn paid to Mr sumer of bexley the quit- • rente for the parrish land at est end ye xx day of november dew at the fest of S* michaU in the yere of or lord god 1566 xviiji'd iij8 iiij*1 i ]i d xvja ob f.24. Anno domini 1567 Itni paid to John bourne for makinge of A bawldricke And mending Another bawldricke for the beUes Itni payd for washinge haulf a yeare Itfn paid for writinge haulf a yeare Sni ix8 vjd ob vji'd ij» v j d A° 1567 Receytes of the parrishe of EUthame By the churche wardens henry stubbes John petley in the year of or lord god 1567 Itm receved of John hanger for haulf a yeares Rente of the parrishe house at popes streate ye xx day of apriU due at the A nvnsyatyon of or lady in the yeare of or lord god 1567 Itni receaved of John aUee for haulf a yeares Rente of the parishe house the xx day of apriU due at the A Nunsiation of or ladye in the year of or lord god 1567 Itfn Receved of John hanger for hauK A yeares Rent of the parrish hous at popes streate yc 19 day of October dew at the feast of Sfc michaU In the year of or lord god 1667 ix8 vjd xxvj8 viijd IXs vji'd ELTHAM CHURCHWARDEN'S ACCOUNTS. 137 Itfn receaved of John allee for haulf A' yeares rente of the parrishe house the 19 day of October due at the feast of Sfc michaU in the yeare of or lord god 1567 Itfn receaved of Richard spenser in parte "j of payment the 12 day of January in the r yeare of or lord god 1567 J Sm i i j " xvij8 iiijd xxvj8 viijd VB A° 1567 Paimentes by the church wardens of Ellthani henry stubbes John petley In the year of or lord god 1567 Itni paid to PhiUippe stubbes for the ^ quitrent & the cofhon fyne for the parrishe lande the 20 day of apriU due at the Anunsiation of or lady In the yeare of or lord god 1567 Itfn paid for xviij fote of new glasse for the north window vijd for every fote the x day of may in the yeare of or lord god 1567 Itm paid for settenge of xnij fote of glasse ijd oB for every fote & A fot of new glas vijd & xij quarills of new glas xijd in y° west windo Itni paid for A sacke of greate coUes for the glasiers Itfh paid to John bourne for vj new bares of Iron for the north window And mendinge of ij bares xj8jd x s vjd iiijs vjd vnja xiijd f.24b. 1567 Itfh paid for ix brode bares iijd a peasse and xix other bares of ijd on a pesse Itfn paid at the visitatyon at dartford the \ xv day of September In the year of or lord r god 1567 > Itm paid at the visitatyon at grinwhich the \ xiij day of October In the year of or lord \ god 1567 ' vj3 ijd ob vf xvja 138 ELTHAM CHURCHWARDEN'S ACCOUNTS. Itni paid to the bayley of bexly A sut grote v for the parrish the 26 day of October dew | ..„d at the feast of S* michaUe in y8 yeare of or lord god 1567 ' Itm paid to Thomas cocriUe for an obite \ out of the parrish lande the xix day of | ,g „.„ October dew at the feaste of Sk michaU in j the yeare of or lord god 1567 ' Itfn paid to phiUipp stubbes for the quitrent & the common fine for the prish land the 28 day of November dew at the feaste of \ xj8 j d S* michaU in the yeare of or lord god 1567 Sm i j " xix8 vd ob Itni geven for the be queste of henri kightly xijd Itfh for makinge ij new bawldrickes viijd Itfn paid for whit lether to make the baldricke of Itfn paid for mending the fore bell claper iiijd Itni paid for sope for the beUes ijd Itm paid for A new for the medeU ) ..g beU j 1] Itm paid for washing A yeare iiij8 Itfn paid for writinge A yeare xijd Sm ix8 xjd Itni paid for Joyner at the spittell house 1 ...g ....d in kente streate I xu' ^ Srh to18 soluta xix11 q | Sm to18 receyta (sic) xvnj11 xix8 & so the prishe Remaneth in depte to the said henry stubbes John petley xijd q| This is the Accounte of henry stubbes & John petley churche wardens of Elthame in kente made the xviijth day of Januarye 1567 for on yeare and A haulf endenge at ye feaste of S* michaUe tharkeangell laste paste : so ther Remaynethe to be paid to the parryshners of Elthani by Riohard Spenser for ould Arerages when he was churche wardene him self the sni of xx8 ELTHAM CHURCHWARDEN'S ACCOUNTS. 139 f.25. 1567 Memoranda y* the sayde parrisheners of Elthafh haue elected and chosen Roberte Stubbes And John petley to be (altered from by) church wardenes of the parrishe of Eltham for the yeare to come 1568 Memorandfi y* the sayde parrishe hath Agreed withe John bourne the clarke for to kepe the cloke for xxd A quarter of the yeare by the whoUe yeare Finis quod henri Stubbes et Johanes petlei Anno 1567 1568 Receytes of the rentes belonginge to the parrishe of Elthafh begininge at or lady day laste paste In the yeare of or lord god 1568 Receyvede By John petley And Roberte Stubbes churche wardens of the parrishe of Elthame Itm receaved of Mr eUyat Mr rolte for bushes yt was feld of ye comon Itfn receaved of widow hanger ye rent of the prishe house at popes streate y6 x day of apriU due at the Ahunsiatyon of our lady in the yeare of or lord god 1568 Itfn receaved of John AUee the Rent of the parrishe house the ix day of maye due a t the Anunsiation of or lady in ye yeare of or lord god 1568 Itfn. Receaved of Richard spenser in parte of payment of the xx8 that was Arerages Itfn receaved of widow hanger y6 rente of the parrish house at popes streate the xvijth day of October due at (the fest interlined) (of) Saynt michaUe in the year of or lord god 1568 Itfn receyved of John AUee in parte of payment the rente of the parrishe house that he dwelleth in the 28 day of October vjs8d iij8 nijd ixs vjd xxvj8 8d n j s ix8 vjd vj8 8d 14A 140 ELTHAM CHURCHWARDEN'S ACCOUNTS. Itfn receaved the reaste of the Rent of John AUee the xxx day of November dew at the feast of S' michaU in the yeare of or lord god (1568) Sm 3 " 18« 8d XXs f.25b. 1568 Paymentes By the churche wardens of EUthani paid by Roberte Stubbes And John petley in the yeare of or lord god 1568 Itni paid to henry Stubbes & John petley ^ the mony that the parrish did owe vnto > them at the accounte makinge / Itfn paid to John kingtton of bexly for a hoU yeare the quite Rent of the parrish land dew at the feaste of St michaU in the yeare of or lorde god 1568 Itfn paid for A statute booke Itfa paid to phiUippe stubbes the quitrente and the cofhon fine of the parrish land the xvj day of may dew at the Anunsyation of or lady in the yeare of or lord god 1568 Itfn paid to John koke for bricke and A ^ dayes worke for mendinge the churche > porche and in the churche ) Itfh paid to John bourne for kepinge the \ clocke the xxvj day of may dew at the Anusiation of or lady in the yeare of or lord god 1568 Itfn paid for A paper booke Itm paid for ij new bawdrickes & mending i on bawdricke for beUes in the yeare of or r lord god 1568 ) Itfn paid for drinke for the Ringeres at ij "^ times when the queene cam thorow the r towne > Itni paid to John bourne for midsomer \ quarter for the klocke j xijd xvjd ob xijd xj8 jd XVJ0 xxu iij8 iUiiJs VIIJi d xxu ELTHAM CHURCHWARDEN'S ACCOUNTS. 141 Itfh laid out at grenwhiche in spenses and makinge biUes at the sittinee before the . .. > VI VI** cofnishiner (for consel and interlined) the ' J J first day of September Itfn laid out at the visitation at darford | s* ,-d the xij day of September j Itfn laid out at the visitation at darford xij ) xviijd dayof October at the denuringe vp of the biU j (altered from xvjd) Sm j 1 1 xviij8 xjd ob Itni paid to & the foUer of bexly for ^ the fiften for the parrish lande that Ueth in I vjd the parrish of bexly J Itni paid for iiij bosheUes of Ume xvjd Itfn paid to John kouke for ij dayes worke ) ..s „d for tiUinge the church J Itfn paid to Raylton of bexle the quitrent \ if ij° vj88d ;s id of the parrish land dew at the feast of St >• xvjd ob michall in the yeare of or lord god 1568 J Itfh paid at the church dore vnto xij poore •* folkes of this parishe of Elthani accordinge I xijd vnto the wiU of henry kightly J Itfh paid to thomas kocriUe the xxvij day \ of october owt of the house that John AUee I dweUeth in dew at the feast of St michaU j 1568 ' Itfh paid t o phiUipp stubbes t h e quitrent of \ t h e prish lande and the conian fine for t h e I prish dew At the feast of St michaU in t h e j year of or lord 1568 ' 126. 1568 Itfa paid for sope for t h e beUes 3d Itfa paid for mending the beUes and the ) .-.d church stiUe > Itfa paid for A stapeU & A locke for est ) ixd fild gate I Itm paid for washing A yeare iiij8 I tm paid for writinge A yeare xijd Sih xxx8 njd ob 14B 142 ELTHAM CHURCHWARDEN'S ACCOUNTS. 1568 The reckninge for the cofaan woodes of this parrishe of Elthafh in the yeare of or lorde god 1568 Itm receaved of Roberte Stubbes in part N of paymente of the taUwoode the xxiiij day L iij11 iij8 iiijd of maye J Itfa receaved the xxiiij day of July of ) ...u ...g ....d Roberte Stubbes J U] UJ m ] Itfa receaved of Mr eUyat & Mr rolt the ^ wardenes of the fiften the xxviij day of [ xxxviij8 viijd July in the year of our lord god 1568 J Sm viij11 vs injd Sin totaUs of the Reseytes xij11 iiij8 Itni receaved of more for the over plushe ) .g of bavenes And taUwoode j Sm totaUs of the Resytes xiij11 vs 1568 Paymentes to SyUvester page the shingler for the Reprashines of the churche steaple paid by Roberte Stubbes and John petle church wardenes of the parrishe of EUtham in the yeare of or lord god 1568 Itfa paid to siUvester page the 24 day of may iij11 iij8 iiijd Itfa paid to SiUvester page the 28 day of may iij11 iij8 iiijd Itfa paid to SiUvester page for 200 shin- ) .g geUes j ' Itfa paid to SiUvester page for 7 daves ) .. „. worke & 3 men } XXX1]8 8 Sni viij11 vs iiijd Itni paid to John petley for fetchinge the ) shingles j *J Itm paid for 4000 of 4 peny nayUes ix8 iiijd Itm paid for fetchinge the nayUes from 1 london ) viiid Itni paid for A payre of ropes for the shinglers } *J x3 ELTHAM CHURCHWARDEN'S ACCOUNTS. 143 f.26b. 1568 Itni paid to Roberte wiUy for A dayes) worke J Itm paid to John sketes man for A days) worke J Itfn paid for A hundred of nayUes Itni paid to John petle for haulf A dayes ) worke J Itm paid to John clarke for (hauU erased) A dayes worke for gatheringe rode to make A cradell for the stepeU Itfn paid for A bare for the church stepeU ) of 2511 ijd ob a pound J Itfa paid for A vaine of copper of the ) churche steapeU J Sm xxiiij8 ixd ob Sm totaUs in paymentes Itm paid vnto Roberte Stubbes of the vj11 vj8 vnjd that the parrish owghte vnto hime wher of he receved xij lodes and a haulf of talwode after ij8 vjd the lode and Uj lodes after the rate of xvUja the lode of talwode Sni totaUs saluta (sic) xiij11 xvij3 ixd ob And so the parrishe Remayneth in debte "| vnto Roberte Stubbes the sayd church I wardene the xxj day (of) Januarie Anno I domini 1568 the sni of ' xd VJ d vij" Vlljd v8 ijd ob xij11 xix8 iiijd ob xviij8 5d xij8 ixd 0ft 1568 Receytes of the coman woode of this parrish of Elthafh receved by robert stubes & John petley church wardenes that is talwod Itfa receaved of Robert stubbes for xij loudes And A haulf of taUwoode & aU oharges paid after the rate of ij8 vj(d) the loode Itfa receaved more of the saide Roberte "1 stubbes for iij loodes of talwode that was V taken to the courte and all charges paid J v" iij8 9d iiij8 vjd 140 144 ELTHAM CHURCHWARDEN'S ACCOUNTS. havens sould vnto the parrisheners of Eltham In (the) yeare of or lord god 1568 Itni receaved of the parrisheners of Elthame the sni of three score And therten loodes as by this booke is menshonede that is to saye with AU charges paide the prise is iiijd A loud 1568 xxiiij8 iiijd f.27. 1568 By these to (h interlined) mas Redinge edward EUyat Thomas Twiste Mr vicar phUUppe stubbes Robert AUee The xxiiij day of January Memorandume it is agreed by the prisheners of Eltham for the saUe of the coman woodes that roberte stubbes shall haue the taUwoode that shaU rise therof painge for every lode after ij8 xd the lode And that no carte shaU carrye eny parte therof neyther the taUwode nor suche bavens as shaU be made but that the church wardens shaU be mad prevy therof and allso that no man shaU seUe his portyon of the said bavens : excepte vnto sni of his neighbours And not to seU the same vnto grinwhich or vnto Any other place out of the towne vppon paine to forfete vs for every lode And alsoe neyther he that dothe buy them of A nother shaU seU it as A boue sayde lent that is (sic) may be spent w*h In the prish: thes beinge present at the agree (sic) the xxiij daye of January in the yeare of or lord god 1568 Sir John carnike Thomas Redinge Edward > EUyat Rober (sic) AUee Thomas twist phUUppe stubbes John allee John bourn wiUyam barnott Richard spenser roge (sic) asheU James eton Mr dod henry Stubbes Thomas miibey John grace Robert wUie Ther beinge due at this Acounte makinge ) vnto Robert stubbes J > 1568 xij8 ix*1 0b ELTHAM CHURCHWARDEN'S ACCOUNTS. 145 And also the churche wardenes that are be "| apoynted to contynew in that same vntyU !• 1569 mi(c)heU mas next cominge / 1569 Receytes for the parrishe of Elthafh by John Petley and Robert Stubbes church wardens of the same prishe begining at or lady daye last paste in the yeare of or lord god 1569 Inprimis receaved of widow hanger for certayn woode povlled in a peace of grounde called motes landes praysed by vs thomas \ xijd mvmbey Thomas harveU John grace and richard bore Itni receaved of widow hanger for the haulf of hir house years rente of the house of popes st(r)eate the 3 day of ApriU dew at the feast S mjs ixd of thanunsiation of or lady in the year of or lord god 1569 Itni receaved for bavines sould the same year xvj8 vnjd f.27b. Itfa receaved of widow hanger for hauU A yeares rent of the prishe house at popes streate the xvj day of October dew at the K ix8 vj° feast of St michaU tharkeangell in the yeare of or lord god 1569 R of John aUee for hauU a yeare rente for C the prishe house the xxvj day of October I xxvi8 viii0 dew at the feaste of St michaU tharkeangell j in the yeare of or lord god 1569 / R of Richard spenser in part of payment of ) xviiid ris Triiid XVIIJ0 xvij8 R of Robert Stubbes in pt of payment of ) ^ taUwodes the xxvj day of desember j R mor of that same man in part of payment ) ^ of talwoode the xv day of auguste J R of Mr eUyatt for ix" of ould wax iij8 Sm to118 vij11 iij8 j d 146 ELTHAM CHURCHWARDEN'S ACCOUNTS. iis vjd vjd inj8 id 1569 Paymentes for the prishe of Elltham By John petley & robert Stubbes churche wardenes of the sam prishe in the year of or lord god 1569 (In margin : \ Inprimis paid for a quarter John petley/ of of (sic) lime J J I tm paid for drinke when the quene thorow | v.A the towne for the ringers 1569 I t ' paid at the vititation at dartford the xix daye of September I tm paid at the deUveringe vp of the bill the x day of October j xv-1 Itfa paid to philUppe Stubbes the quitrent & the conion fine for hauU a yeare for the prishe the xxx daye of October dew at the \ xj s j d feast of St michaU tharangeU in the year of or lord god 1569 Itfa paid to John petley for ij dayes worke for feUinge wode & makinge the stiUe at east feld gate & for the woode feUinge for ( ^ V"* the plummer Itm paid to richarde maudey the plumer \ for a daye worke for mendinge the guttur L xvjd of the churche J Itfa paid to simon willsiner for A dayes ii8 vid Itm paid to simon willsiner for A dayes } d worke to helpe the plummer j ™3 Itfa paid siman wiUsino1 for a dayes worke \ to help John petley At the settinge vp of I viijd the church stille J Itfa paid for xuj11 of soder for the plumer at ) vijd a pounde J ^i8 ^3 Itfa paid for hauU a hid of whit lether and ) mendinge the great beU bauldricke J X3S } Itfa paid to John petley for iij dayes worcke for mendinge the great beU wheUe J u3 1X Itfa paid to willm hamsher for ij dayes ) worke for the same ) xv3 ELTHAM CHURCHWARDEN'S ACCOUNTS. 147 } a f.28 (27). Anno 1569 Itfn paid for washinge A yeare iiij8 Itni paid for writting a yeare ij8 Itfa paid to waiter the bayUey of bexU for ) the xv 1569 j ^ (Marginal note: bexle.) Itfa paid for the making of iiij loodes of ) ...g bauen* (?) the(y) wear loste in the wood J Sm v j " xs vjd Et sic debet1 p computati (sic) prish xxj° ) ..g ..d die Januarij anno domini 1571 j Receats of the rents beloninge to the prish (of) Eltham beginnige at or last past 1571 receaued of robert Stubbs & John petley church wardens of the sam prish Itfa receaued for 1 loods of taUwoode x11 xvj8 viijd receaued of widow hanger for cearteyn \ woode polerdes in a peac of land caUed nots L xijd loodes praised by thomas mvmby and others j Receued of widow hander for haulf a years \ rent of the parrish hous at pop streat the j- iiij8 ixd 3 iij day of apriU dew at or ladi day 1571 receaued of richyardes spenser in part of payment of xvij8 the iij day of novemb1 Payments by the church wardens of Eltham paid by the hands of robert Stubbs and John petley church wardens 1569 Itm paid to robert Stubes the dept of the ) „B i x d Qg ould booke > f.28b. Anno 1569 Itni paid to John bourne for bare to beare ) ..8 .„.„ the beU ) J Itfn paid to John boure for laing the pine ) d for the beU J * faggots or brushwood. xvnjd 148 ELTHAM CHURCHWARDEN'S. ACCOUNTS. vijs vnjd Itni paid to John boure for mendinge the ) .d stomp for ye beU j Sm lxij8 vjd Itni paid to John kowke for vij dais worke for tiUinge the churche Itni pd to John edwards for one day & John harison ij days and John wrene for [• iiij8 viijd iij dayes for srv[ing] the tiUer Itni for iiij hundreth of lathe nayUs viijd pd for tiUpinns ijd pd for a busheU of Ume iiijd pd to waiter the bayUy of bexly for ij years past for ij suet (?) grots Itni paid for mendinge the steape at the ^ churche store & mending the pewes and > viijd nayUs for the sam J Itni paid for a boke caUed the omiUes, & the \ . .d charges to buy it j VJ 3 Itfa pd for a bibeU & charges to by it xxx8 Itni pd for a cofhunion cupe & a contre white x ozcs iij q *8 at vs xd a ofice Sni is i i j " iij8 ijd in part of paiment for the chaUis \ ij8 (sic) & a pattin pceU giUt: xuj ozc8 hauU q~atr a iiij8 viijd the ounce i i j" xvd Itni paid to John petle for goinge to exchang the same j ^ Itfa paid for make ij sirpisis xijd Itm to robert stubbs for drinke when the parish stuf was fetched a way J ^ Itni pd for hewinge a tree for to make churche stiUe j" X13 Itni paid for sittinge at dartford when the quens comishiners was thear about chauntery lande the xxij day of apriU in the year of of lord 1569 Itfa geuen to xij poore (peple ?)* at the Y churche dore for the bequeth of henry \ xijd kightley on new years day ) * MS. blotted over. Q id d Vs ELTHAM CHURCHWARDEN'S ACCOUNTS. 149 Itfa paid for cariag of the timber for the churche stiUe Itfa paid to Mr roUt for the timber to make the church stiU Sm i i j " vnj8 ijd Itfn paid for bread a wine for ij comvnions Itni paid for sawing the timber for the church stiUe Itni paid for makinge the churche stiUe for the north side of the churche yard Itfa paid at dartford going afor the ornary about the churche styU the vj day of may Itfa paid to John bourn for a key and mending the lock of the parish cheste xijd V1JQ ijs vjd iiij8 iiijd ijs vjd vj° f.29 (28). 1569 Itni paid to phiUipe stoobes the bayle the quitrente & the commone fine for the prish of Elthame the xx daye of of (sic) apriU dew at the feast of thanvnsiacion of or lady in the yeare of or lord god 1569 Itfa laid out at dartford at the vicitation the xix day of September in the yeare of o1 lord god 1669 Itni paid for caringe of the wode from shutturs hiU to mend the churche stiU Itni paid for caringe of a lode of sand and the diginge Itfa paid to John knigtone of bexly the quitrente of the prishe lande linge in the prish of bexly for a hoUe year the seven the day of november in the yeare of or lord god 1569 Itfa paid to John petley for taUwood as apearethe in his own rekeinge Sm v" ix8 xd xj8 j d iij8 vjd viijd xvjd ob iiij" 150 ELTHAM CHURCHWARDEN'S ACCOUNTS. Md waiter eUote sucssesser of Robert Stubbs dothe owe vnto the prishe of eltham at the account makinge 21 daye of Januari anno domini 1571 Md that Richard spenser owethe vnto the prishe of Eltham for ould Arerages of his accounte whene he was churche wardens (sic) him self the xxjth day of Januari Anno domini 1571 Finis quod Johanes petley et roberte Stubb Anno 1569 NOTE. My thanks are due to Professor A. HamUton Thompson for kindly solving a certain number of obscure points in the above account. A.V. xiijB 9d xnij8