A Beaker (?) Burial Monument and a Late Bronze Age Assemblage from East Northdown, Margate
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The Jutish Cemetery at Half Mile Ride, Margate: A Re-appraisal
Interim Report on Work carried out in 1987 by the Canterbury Archaeological Trust
A Beaker (?) Burial Monument and a Late Bronze Age Assemblage from East Northdown, Margate
With contributions by
N.D. Balaam, J.D. Henderson, B.M. Johansson, B. Meddens,
D.R.J. Perkins and K.D. Thomas
Aerial photography has revealed a number of archaeological features
in the Northdown area including a group of ring ditches. Excavation
of one of these in August and September 1984 revealed a single
continuous ring ditch of a possible disc barrow. No clearly primary
deposit was found, but pottery in secondary positions suggests an
early Beaker origin. Molluscan evidence suggests that the monument
was constructed in an open, probably short-turfed grassland environment.
Evidence from three possible cremation pits inside the ring
ditch enclosure and an inhumation inserted in one of the lower fills of
the ring ditch show that the monument was still in use in the Late
Bronze Age. After the ring ditch had partially silted, a large quarry
had been dug into one of its sides. Later, a layer of domestic refuse
including pottery, flintwork and three bronzes was deposited in the
ditch suggesting the presence nearby of a settlement of Late Bronze
Age date. The monument was finally included in a boundary of a
Romano-British or later field system and two inhumations were
inserted into the top of the largely silted-up ditch, the molluscan
evidence confirming the presence of an open, arable environment.
* Published with the aid of a grant from English Heritage (Historic Buildings and
Monuments Commission for England).
The Isle of Thanet is a plateau of Upper Chalk lying mostly around
30-50 m. 0.D., dissected by shallow dry valleys. To the south-west it
slopes gently to the Minster and Chislet marshes, the silted-up
Wantsum Channel-(Fig.1) which in Roman times and before separated
the Isle from mainland Kent. Areas of prehistoric coastal
occupation, potentially important for future research, may lie here to
be discovered (Champion 1982). To its north and east, however,
coastal erosion has created chalk cliffs and significant areas of land
have been lost (Fig. 1, lower, shows the Wantsum Channel as it
probably appeared in Roman times but does not try to extrapolate
the extent of eroded coastline as this would have to rely upon cliff
attrition rates; see Elworthy et al. 1986). East Northdown is part of
the chalk plateau, here sloping gently towards the sea, and the site
(N.G.R. TR385704) lies at35 m. 0.D., about 750 m. from the present
coastline. Until the beginning of this century the area was open farmland,
which has since been gradually encroached upon by the expansion
of Margate and Broadstairs. The land is fertile with a soil derived
mainly from brickearth, which still survives in hollows and dry valleys.
Aerial photographs of the Northdown area have revealed a
number of archaeological features including at least sixteen ring
ditches together with linear ditches and sub-rectangular enclosures.
These have been plotted by D.R.J. Perkins of the Thanet Archaeological
Unit (Fig. 2). Attention was first drawn to the archaeological
importance of the area through the work of the Kent Archaeological
Rescue Unit, which carried out watching briefs during house building
nearby as well as the rescue excavation of one· ring ditch (Cambridge
University Collection, A.RR. 45, Fig. 2, 1A,). Apart from ring
ditches, other crop-marks, which have been identified, include one
horse-shoe shaped ditch and henge-like ring ditches with causeways
and internal features.
The crop-marks revealed on aerial photographs of the site under
consideration, 274 (Cambridge University Collection B.I.W. 8 and
B.I.W. 11, Plate IA) were originally interpreted as a possible henge
monument with multiple concentric ditches and opposed entrances.
The site was scheduled (S.A.M. Kent 384) and Scheduled Monument
Consent was granted with excavation as a condition when application
was made by the landowners for planning permission to build houses
over the site. Excavation was regarded as vital because the majority
of this interesting group of monuments ( considering the absence of
henges and the paucity of excavated barrow sites in Kent) had
disappeared under housing development without any clear understanding
of them.
5 10
15 20kms
5 10 15miles
2 3 4 5miles 0
5 10kms
Fig. 1. Site Location and ancient Coastline.