Your rights: Call for nominations
Contributions to the next issue are welcome. See the guidance for contributors and contact Editor Craig Campbell.
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Grants from the Allen Grove Local History Fund
Analysis of the questionnaire sent out to KAS Members
Your rights: Call for nominations
Exercise your right to help shape the Kent Archaeological Society. You can nominate the members of the Council and the Society’s officers for election at the Annual General Meeting. This year there will be at least two vacancies for elected members and one vacancy for the position of Vice President.
Members may submit nominations for any office and for membership of the Council. There nominations will be nominations put forward by the Council for all officers. However, the Council does not nominate members of the Council - that is left to members.
Any five members can propose a candidate for election as a member of the Council or as an officer. Nominations have to be received in writing by the Hon. General Secretary by the 1st March 2015 at the latest and must be accompanied by the written consent of the candidate. If there are more candidates than vacancies there will be a postal ballot.
The results of the elections will be announced at the A.G.M. which will be held on Saturday 16th May 2015. Full details will be mailed to members in the Spring.
Further information and guidance can be obtained from the Hon. General Secretary, Peter Stutchbury, Lympne Hall, Lympne, Kent, CT21 4LQ; email: secretary@kentarchaeology.org.uk.
Retirement of the Honorary General Secretary
The current Hon. General Secretary will be retiring at the next AGM on 16 May 2015. Nominations for a successor should be made to the Hon General Secretary by the 1st March 2015.