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KAS Allen Grove History Fund
Proposal to set up a ‘Kent Traditional Boat Association’
The March 2016 newsletter will list all KAS and affiliated groups events for the period April 2016 – March 2017. Details for inclusion should be sent to the editor by the end of January 2016.
December 2015
Canterbury Historical & Archaeological Society
Wednesday 9 December 19.00
Newton Lecture Ng03, Canterbury Christ Church University
Agincourt 1415: the legacy of a Lancastrian triumph
David Grummitt, Canterbury Christ Church University
Visitors welcome, cost £3.00.
January 2016
CBA South East Pottery Workshop Programme
This winter sees the first of the CBA-SE’s new annual training day series, focussing on ceramic identification and interpretation. Run by local experts of various periods, the sessions will include a general introduction to ceramic analysis, followed by four specialist workshops (Prehistoric, Roman, Medieval, Post-Medieval), which will vary in location across the south east.
Cost £45 for CBA-SE members (£20 for non-members).
Follow updates of the programme line-up on the website (www.cbasouth-east.org/events/cbasouth-east-org-training-days/), or contact the Events Officer, Anne Sassin (events@cbasouth-east.org tel. 01252 492184), for queries and sign-up.
Introductory session (1) by Phil Jones
Saturday 16 January 10:00 - 16:00
St Peter and Paul Church, Tonbridge
Introductory session (2) by Phil Jones
Saturday 30 January 10:00 - 16:00
Northchapel Village Hall, Petworth
Canterbury Historical & Archaeological Society
Wednesday 13 January 19.00
Newton Lecture Ng03, Canterbury Christ Church University
The William Urry Memorial Lecture
From thesis to book: the genesis of 'Stairway to Heaven'
Toby Hulton, University of Kent & Canterbury Cathedral Archives
Visitors welcome, cost £3.00.
Canterbury Archaeological Trust One-Day Course
Saturday 16 January 10.00 - 16.00
First Steps in Archaeology (2), Tutor, Andrew Richardson
Visit www.canterburytrust.co.uk or contact andrew.richardson@canterburytrust.co.uk for full details or to book a place. Fee for all courses is £40 (£35 for Friends of CAT).
February 2016
CBA South East Pottery Workshop Programme
See details under January listings above.
Prehistory session by Phil Jones
Saturday 6 February 10:00-16:00
Northchapel Village Hall, Petworth
Canterbury Historical & Archaeological Society
Wednesday 10 February 19.00
Newton Lecture Ng03, Canterbury Christ Church University
Vessels of the dead: funerary archaeology in Canterbury and District, 2012-15
Andrew Richardson, Canterbury Archaeological Trust
Visitors welcome, cost £3.00.
Canterbury Archaeological Trust One-Day Courses
Saturday 6 February 10.00 - 16.00
The Archaeology of Death. Tutors, Sarah Geary and Jake Weekes
Saturday 27 February 10.00 - 16.00
Understanding and Recording Stratigraphy. Tutor, Peter Clark
Visit www.canterburytrust.co.uk or contact andrew.richardson@canterburytrust.co.uk for full details or to book a place. Fee for all courses is £40 (£35 for Friends of CAT).
Canterbury Historical & Archaeological Society
Saturday 27 February 18.00.
The Frank Jenkins Memorial Lecture: the Annual Review of the work of the Canterbury Archaeological Trust
Paul Bennett, Director
Venue: Old Sessions House, Canterbury Christ Church University
March 2016
CBA South East Pottery Workshop Programme
See details under January listings above.
Roman session by Louise Rayner
Saturday 12 March 10:00-16:00
Leatherhead Institute, Leatherhead
Canterbury Archaeological Trust One-Day Courses
Saturday 5 March 10.00 - 16.00
Putting Colour in the Past: An Introduction to Environmental Archaeology. Tutors, Enid Allison and Alex Vokes
Saturday 12 March 10.00 - 16.00
Archaeological Report Writing. Tutor, Jake Weekes
Saturday 19 March 10.00 - 16.00
First Steps in Archaeology (3) Tutor, Andrew Richardson
Visit www.canterburytrust.co.uk or contact andrew.richardson@canterburytrust.co.uk for full details or to book a place. Fee for all courses is £40 (£35 for Friends of CAT).
Canterbury Historical & Archaeological Society
Wednesday 9 March 19.00
Newton Lecture Ng03, Canterbury Christ Church University
Crowning glories: examining the coronations of English Medieval kings in Westminster Abbey
Jayne Wackett, Royal Cornish Museum
Visitors welcome, cost £3.00.
April 2016
CBA South East Pottery Workshop Programme
See details under January listings above.
Medieval session by Jacqui Pearce
Saturday 23 April 10:00-16:00
Leatherhead Institute, Leatherhead
Medieval History Weekend at Canterbury: ‘Exploring the Middle Ages’
Canterbury Christ Church University
Friday 1 – Sunday 3 April
Friday evening and all day Saturday at Old Sessions House, Canterbury Christ Church University; Sunday morning till late afternoon at Canterbury Cathedral Lodge.
Canterbury Cathedral Lodge
Sponsored by the KAS, the Friends of Canterbury Archaeological Trust and The William and Edith Oldham Charitable Trust. Organized by the Centre for Research in Kent History and Archaeology (based at Canterbury Christ Church University) and Canterbury Cathedral Archives and Library.
Twenty eminent scholars and historians will host a series of lectures on the most eventful era in Britain’s history, and lead guided walks to explore places associated with the city's colourful medieval past.
Said Dr Sheila Sweetinburgh of Canterbury Christ Church University, who will take visitors on an exploration of St John’s Hospital, founded c.1080 by Archbishop Lanfranc: “In the Middle Ages, Canterbury was internationally important as the site of St Thomas Becket’s shrine and was on the main highway between London and mainland Europe, traversed by kings, knights and merchants. Consequently it is an ideal setting in which to make recent research readily accessible to a wider audience. Delegates will be given access to new interpretations, ideas and thoughts covering medieval topics from manuscripts studies to war and politics.”
Speakers will include David Starkey (on Henry VII), Richard Gameson (on 'The Gospels of St Augustine'), Louise Wilkinson (on England’s ‘five forgotten princesses’, the daughters of King Edward I and Eleanor of Castile), Nicholas Vincent (on ‘Relics: Blood, Bones and Becket’s Crown’) and Giles Constable (on ‘Cluniacs, Cistercians and Carthusians: monastic orders in the twelfth century’) amongst others. Other highlights include a visit to one of Canterbury Cathedral’s most iconic monuments.
There will be tours of Canterbury Cathedral Library (led by Karen Brayshaw), St Mildred’s Church (Paul Bennett), St John’s Hospital (Dr Sheila Sweetinburgh), the Westgate (Richard Eales) and the Poor Priests’ Hospital (Paul Bennett).
The weekend will conclude with a wide-ranging analysis on 'Medieval Horizons' by Ian Mortimer, author of 'The Time Traveller’s Guide to Medieval England'.
KAS and FCAT members are offered tickets at the special price of £85 per event. For full details go to www.canterbury.ac.uk/medieval-canterbury or call 01227 782994 (office hours) or visit the Canterbury Christ Church University, Arts & Culture Box Office, on the ground floor of Augustine House (next to Canterbury Police Station).
May 2016
CBA South East Pottery Workshop Programme
See details under January listings above.
Post-Medieval session by Luke Barber
Saturday 7 May 10:00-16:00
St Peter and Paul Parish Church, Tonbridge