Read and download ‘Arch. Cant.’ issues from 1858
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30,000 Kent ‘MIs’ from 300 Parishes now on our Website
New Publications
All issues of Archaeologia Cantiana published between 1858 and 2013 (Vols 1 – 133) can now be read online on our website and downloaded free of charge.
Although members receive copies of 'Arch. Cant.' from the time they join the KAS, and can purchase some backnumbers, few are fortunate enough to own a complete set.
Previously, in order to consult what is without doubt the most comprehensive collection of articles and research papers on the archaeology and history of Kent, one had to visit our library in Maidstone or buy the DVD of pdf files of the 1858 – 2005 issues, published in 2007 during our sesquicentennial.
Now, with a few clicks of the mouse, everyone can freely access our county’s prehistoric settlements; archaeological ‘gates’ and churches and palaces; genealogy; local history, and many other aspects of Kent’s past.
The 133 volumes, each comprising several hundred pages, have been posted in indexed, searchable text on www.kentarchaeology.org.uk. The project is part of our ongoing programme to make our resources and databases freely accessible on our website, which receives an average of 80,000 visits a week.