Contributions to the next issue are welcome. See the guidance for contributors and contact Editor Craig Campbell.
Search page
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- March
- 40 years: Canterbury Archaeological Trust Exhibition
- The Little Dig: Come and learn the skills of an archaeologist using real artefacts!
- Marvellous Mosaic Making! Crofton Roman Villa, Orpington (adjacent railway station)
- April
- Medieval History Weekend at Canterbury: ‘Exploring The Middle Ages’
- CAT @ 40 Public Talk by Dr Paul Bennett
- KAS Churches Committee Visits Deal, St George and St Andrew
- Marvellous Mosaic Making! Crofton Roman Villa, Orpington
- The Archaeology of Westgate Gardens Public Talk by Dr Jake Weekes
- CBA-SE Site and Town Tours
- KAS Courses in the Library
- April
- Empire on Monday Mornings, 1900-1960
- Canterbury’s Medieval Computer: The Discovery of the Quadrans Novus at the House of Agnes
- Ken History and Library Centre Talks
- The Little Dig: Come and learn the skills of an archaeologist using real artefacts! Family Event
- May
- The Archaeology of Up on the Downs
- KAS Historic Defences Committee Visit to Shorncliffe - frontline Kent
- Kent History and Library Centre Talks
- Dover Marina Open Day: the Dover Bronze Age boat
- South Foreland Lighthouse: More Than Meets The Eye
- June
- July
- August
- September
- October
- November
Toke’s Heraldic Ledger Stones
Canterbury Historical and Archaeological Society: Research and Publication Grants
40 years: Canterbury Archaeological Trust Exhibition
Friday 25 March to Sunday 24 April
The Front Room, the Beaney House of Art and Knowledge, Canterbury
Canterbury Archaeological Trust was founded in 1976 and has since carried out thousands of projects. This exhibition celebrates the achievements and discoveries of the last 40 years, covering key sites, finds and buildings, as well as innovative educational and community work. Learn about one of the UK’s most highly-regarded archaeological units and how its work enriches the story of Canterbury.
The Little Dig: Come and learn the skills of an archaeologist using real artefacts!
Saturday 25 March, 10am to 3pm
The Learning Lab, The Beaney House of Art & Knowledge, 18 High Street, Canterbury
A chance for 5 to 11 years olds to be an archaeologist. Come along and have a go with tools and artefacts. There will be experts on hand to give advice and demonstrations. Participants will get the chance to safely excavate real archaeological artefacts from clean sand within a safe indoor setting. Hands-on educational fun for all!
A session lasts about 45 minutes. Free admission. Limited numbers so advance booking required at www.thebeaney.co.uk.
Marvellous Mosaic Making! Crofton Roman Villa, Orpington (adjacent railway station)
Wednesday 30 March
Discover all there is to know about Roman mosaics and make your own mosaic to take home!
Sessions at 10.30 & 14.00. For up to 11 year olds. No booking needed. Children to be accompanied. Entry £4.00 per child, adult carer free.
Telephone: 01689 860939
Email: crofton.roman.villa@gmail.com
Web: www.the-cba.fsn.et.co.uk
Medieval History Weekend at Canterbury: ‘Exploring The Middle Ages’
Canterbury Christ Church University
Friday 1 – Sunday 3 April
Friday evening and all day Saturday at Old Sessions House, Canterbury Christ Church University; Sunday morning till late afternoon at Canterbury Cathedral Lodge.
Sponsored by the KAS, the Friends of Canterbury Archaeological Trust and The William and Edith Oldham Charitable Trust. Organized by the Centre for Research in Kent History and Archaeology (based at Canterbury Christ Church University) and Canterbury Cathedral Archives and Library.
Twenty eminent scholars and historians will host a series of lectures on the most eventful era in Britain’s history, and lead guided walks to explore places associated with the city’s colourful medieval past. KAS and FCAT members are offered tickets at the special price of £8 per event. For full details go to http://www.canterbury.ac.uk/medieval-canterbury or call 01227 782994 (office hours) or visit the Canterbury Christ Church University, Arts & Culture Box Office, on the ground floor of Augustine House (next to Canterbury Police Station).
CAT @ 40 Public Talk by Dr Paul Bennett
Thursday 14 April, 18.00 – 19.00
The Learning Lab, The Beaney House of Art & Knowledge, Canterbury
Dr Paul Bennett, Director of Canterbury Archaeological Trust, will talk about the highlights of the last 40 years of archaeology in Canterbury, Kent and further afield. Dr Bennett will also reveal the latest work of the Trust and look forward - to the future of Canterbury’s Past. Not to be missed! Booking via the Beaney.
KAS Churches Committee Visits Deal, St George and St Andrew
Saturday 16 April
Meet at 13.45 for 14.00 at St George church, St George’s Road, Deal. CT14 6BA. Map Reference TR376 528. Then at 3pm St Andrew church, West St, Deal CT16 6ZE. Map Reference TR375 530.
Cost of the visit £8, to include tea and cake served at St Andrew church. We recommend that you park in the West Street car park and display your ticket in both churches. The two churches are just a 5-minute walk from each other. Please contact the Visits Secretary if you have any queries.
Marvellous Mosaic Making! Crofton Roman Villa, Orpington
Friday 1 & 8 April and Wednesday 6 April
See details in March listing.
The Archaeology of Westgate Gardens Public Talk by Dr Jake Weekes
Saturday 9 April, 14.00 – 16.00
The Learning Lab, The Beaney House of Art & Knowledge, Canterbury
Hear Dr Jake Weekes, Research Officer with Canterbury Archaeological Trust, reveal the archaeological story of Westgate Gardens, where there is more than meets the eye! Learn about the recent community excavations he has led exploring the line of Roman Watling Street and see some of the many finds unearthed. Booking via the Beaney www.thebeaney.co.uk.
CBA-SE Site and Town Tours
Saturday 16 April
‘Secrets of the High Woods’ at Slindon Park/ Chichester town walls, West Sussex (Alice Thorne, South Downs National Park/James Kenny, Chichester District Council).
Full-day tours to current excavations and historic sites and towns across the south-east, led by local experts. Tours run between April and October, with sites ranging from Roman villas to medieval castles!
Free to all CBA-SE members, or £5 for non-members (entry fees may apply at some sites). Limited spaces, so early booking is recommended. Directions and joining instructions available upon signing-up. To book on any tour or for queries, please contact Events Officer, Dr Anne Sassin, at events@cbasouth-east.org or on 01252 492184.
KAS Courses in the Library
History Makers of Kent, c1600-c1900
18 April onwards on Monday mornings 10.15 – 12.15; six meetings
Tutor – Dr Jackie Bower
This class will look at the lives and achievements of a number of individuals who have made a significant impact on the history of Kent and beyond. Booking via the Beaney.
Empire on Monday Mornings, 1900-1960
18 April onwards on Monday afternoons 14.00 - 16.00; six meetings
Tutor - Dr Jackie Bower
When Queen Victoria celebrated her Diamond Jubilee in 1897, arguably the British Empire was at its height. Over the next sixty years, demands for independence from the colonies and tough financial limitations at home, made it impossible for Britain to maintain its position as an imperial power. This class will look at the process whereby the British Empire evolved into a Commonwealth of independent nations. Topics will include South Africa; independence and partition of India; the Suez crisis. Cost £40.
To book for either course email davecaterer52@gmail.com. Once a place is reserved, payment can be made by cheque on the first day of term.
Canterbury’s Medieval Computer: The Discovery of the Quadrans Novus at the House of Agnes
Public Talk by Andy Linklater
Thursday 21 April, 18.00 – 19.00
The Learning Lab, The Beaney House of Art & Knowledge, Canterbury
Bookable - see details in March listings above.
Ken History and Library Centre Talks
Saturday 23 April, 14.30
Animals, Birds and Bodily Parts: Shakespeare's Secret Language by Mike Irwin
Author Mike Irwin tells us the true "means exactly what it says", and that it offers a way into what he takes to be Shakespeare's essential underlying theme in all his major plays. (Please note that this talk takes place on a Saturday at 2.30pm). £5.00. For bookings call 03000 414404 or email libraries@kent.gov.uk.
The Little Dig: Come and learn the skills of an archaeologist using real artefacts! Family Event
Saturday 23 and Sunday 24 April, 10.00 to 15.00
The Learning Lab, The Beaney House of Art & Knowledge, Canterbury
Bookable - see details in March listing above.
The Archaeology of Up on the Downs
Evening course, tutors Paul Bennett, Keith Parfitt and Andrew Richardson
Six Tuesday evenings from 3 May until 7 June 2016, 18.30 – 20.30
Education Room, Dover Museum, Market Square, Dover. Fee £10 (refundable deposit)
This series of classes will be led by senior staff from Canterbury Archaeological Trust and will provide an overview of the archaeology of the Up on the Downs scheme area. Collectively, these archaeologists have over a century of experience studying the landscape around Dover and Folkestone. Over the course of six evenings they will set out what we know of this rich heritage, stretching back over several hundred thousand years to the Palaeolithic, or Old Stone Age, right up to the remains of the 20th century. For full details and booking: http://www.uptonthedowns.org.uk/Get-Involved/Whats-On/2016/archaeology-of-Up-on-the-Downs.aspx.
KAS Historic Defences Committee Visit to Shorncliffe - frontline Kent
Saturday 7 May
Meet at Shorncliffe military cemetery at 10.00am.
A circular walk, starting and finishing at Shorncliffe military cemetery. Duration is about 3 hours and 3 miles, with easy to moderate walking. Itinerary will include Shorncliffe Redoubt, Prince of Wales WWI training trenches including mock German WWI Pillbox, Martello tower 9 (outside only), Royal Military Canal and the Shorncliffe Military Cemetery (3 VCs). The aim is to show the progression of the site as a major hub in the integrated Napoleonic defences of the area, including the Royal Military Canal and the Martello Tower chain, following on with its use as a training area initially for the development of rifle tactics by Sir John Moore, and then the training of troops in WWI, mainly Canadian. Finally we will look at its role as both a training area and a defence point in WWII and its post war use.
Maximum number 40, cost £8 each. To book call Alan Anstee on 01634 307993 or email ansteeyirginmedia.com. Once your place has been reserved please send a cheque to 2 Chute Close, Gillingham, Kent ME8 9RW, with your full name, address and contact details included.
Kent History and Library Centre Talks
Thursday 19 May, 18.30
Shakespeare’s Women: are they relevant today? Lynsey Blandford, Templeman Library, University of Kent
Lynsey highlights some familiar Shakespearean female characters by examining the literature as well as modern representations of the plays in film and on stage. She contextualises the original plays and provides an insight into the early modern women who may have acted as inspiration and some influential literature written at the time. £5.00. For bookings call 03000 414404 or email libraries@kent.gov.uk.
Dover Marina Open Day: the Dover Bronze Age boat
Saturday 21 May
Dover Marina, CT17 9BN (Free, donations to support the upkeep of the replica welcome)
A circular walk, starting and finishing at Shorncliffe military cemetery. Duration is about 3 hours and 3 miles, with easy to moderate walking. Itinerary will include Shorncliffe Redoubt, Prince of Wales WWI training trenches including mock German WWI Pillbox, Martello tower 9 (outside only), Royal Military Canal and the Shorncliffe Military Cemetery (3 VCs). The aim is to show the progression of the site as a major hub in the integrated Napoleonic defences of the area, including the Royal Military Canal and the Martello Tower chain, following on with its use as a training area initially for the development of rifle tactics by Sir John Moore, and then the training of troops in WWI, mainly Canadian. Finally we will look at its role as both a training area and a defence point in WWII and its post war use.
Maximum number 40, cost £8 each. To book call Alan Anstee on 01634 307993 or email ansteeyirginmedia.com. Once your place has been reserved please send a cheque to 2 Chute Close, Gillingham, Kent ME8 9RW, with your full name, address and contact details included.
South Foreland Lighthouse: More Than Meets The Eye
Friends of CAT Evening Lecture, speaker Dr Andrew Richardson
Wednesday 25 May 2016, 19.00 – 21.00
NG07 Newton (room to be confirmed), Canterbury Christ Church University, North Holmes Road campus, Canterbury, Duration requested (£2 for Friends, £1 Students, £3 for others)
This talk will cover the fascinating story of South Foreland lighthouse, where CAT have recently been working in conjunction with staff and volunteers from the National Trust. South Foreland was the first lighthouse anywhere in the world to display an electric light, but this is just one of several claims to world firsts. Andrew will reveal the long and varied history of the site, from unexpected Romans, Medieval hermits,
CBA-SE Site and Town Tours
Saturday 4 June
Pet Level coastal tour/Wheelsea town and cellar, East Sussex (Oliver Hutchinson, CiTIZAN/ Athlone Yacht, National Trust) See information and booking details in April listing.
Kent History and Library Centre Talk
Thursday 9 June, 18.30
Kent and Kingsley Wood 1924-1943 Hugh Gault, biographer; and Jane Gallagher, Templeman Library, University of Kent.
Kingsley Wood was MP for Woolwich West from 1918 to his death as Chancellor of the Exchequer in September 1943. He left no personal papers but in 1972 thirty-three volumes of press cuttings were donated to the University of Kent. An able non-Tory, he worked alongside Churchill, Chamberlain, Baldwin and Lloyd George, amongst many others. £5.00.
For bookings call 03000 414404 or email libraries@kent.gov.uk.
Kent History Federation Annual Day Conference
Saturday 18 June
Hosted by Smarden Local History Society Smarden Charter Hall
10.00-10.30 The Kent Heritage Resource Centre: How you can benefit from the facilities available at the Centre. Roger Craig
10.30-11.00 Five Wealden villages of Kent: How Smarden and neighbouring villages have developed over the centuries. Kaye Snowden
11.30-12.00 Some notable Smarden characters: Authors, actors, historians and climbers of Everest who have featured in Smarden’s past. Martin Brook
12.00- 12.50 Four Smarden plane crashes, Alex Ferris
14.00-16.00 Choice of afternoon visits 1) Woodchurch Village Life Museum 2) Zion Chapel and St Michael’s Church 3) The Kent Heritage Resource Centre (in the Charter Hall).
16.00 onwards – tea in the Charter Hall.
£12.50 per delegate (includes beverages), plus £8.00 lunch if required. Booking form is on the KHF website http://www.kenthistoryfederation.org/Events. Other information ring the Secretary of the Kent History Federation, Dr Peter Rowe, Secretary of the Kent History Federation, 01222 434952.
Landscape Archaeology
One-day Course, tutor Dr Andrew Richardson
Saturday 18 June, 10.00 – 16.00
Educational Shelter, Samphire Hoe and Whinless Down, Dover. Free (£10 refundable deposit).
This one-day course provides an introduction to landscape archaeology, the study of how the landscapes we see today have come to be. In the morning, Dr Andrew Richardson (CAT) will introduce concepts of landscape and archaeology. Illustrated with local case studies how we can interrogate the land around us for signs of the past, whether that be deep prehistory or evidence of twentieth century conflict. After lunch we will venture out to nearby Whinless Down to begin this fascinating area and to put what we’ve learnt into practice. Full details and booking via: http://uptonwoods.org.uk/Get-Involved/Whats-On/2016/Landscape-Archaeology.aspx
KAS Churches Committee Visit
Cooling St James and Cliffe, St Helen
Saturday 18 June
Meet at 13.45 for 14.00 at St James church, Main Road, Cooling, Nr Rochester, ME3 8DG. Map Reference TQ 765 759. Then at 3pm St Helen church, Church Street, Cliffe, ME3 7QE Map Reference TQ 7347967679.
Cost of the visit £8, to include tea and cake served at St Helen church. Please check the Churches Committee pages on the website nearer the date for more up-to-date information.
Crofton Roman Villa
Festival of Archaeology Open Days
Exhibition on the Archaeology of Hayes
Wednesday 27, Friday 29 & Sunday 31 July
As part of the Festival of Archaeology, a special exhibition in the archaeology of Hayes, with artefacts and displays from the Neolithic and Bronze Age sites and the Roman Bath House. Open Wednesday & Friday 10am – 5pm (last entry 4.30pm), Sunday 1pm – 5pm (last entry 4.30pm). Entry Adults £1.50, Concessions £1.00. Telephone: 01689 860939 Email crofton.roman.villa@gmail.com
Website: www.the-ksa.entadsl.com.
CBA-SE Site and Town Tours
Saturday 9 July
Abinger Roman Villa/Chilworth gunpowder works, Surrey (Emma Carloe/David Bird, Surrey Archaeological Society/Andrew Norris, SyAS). See information and booking details in April listing.
Westgate Parks Canterbury Open Day
Saturday 23 July, 10.00 – 15.00
Westgate Gardens, Canterbury
Dr Jake Weekes will lead a further excavation to investigate the course of Roman Watling Street, at its river crossing just outside the old London Gate. Last year the upper surface of the road and large quantities of coins and other finds were found. This year the focus will be on the land stratigraphy to the side of the road, possibly part of a ribbon development of shops or other buildings. Come along and see what we find, or come along and help! Visitors welcome at any time, but if you’d like to volunteer contact jake.weeks@canterburytrust.co.uk for details of how to sign up. Volunteer places are limited so book early. Guided visits will be available at Westgate Parks Open Day on Saturday 25th.
KAS & Maidstone Museum
Festival of Archaeology 2016
Maidstone Museum
Saturday 30 July
Visit the KAS Library to find out about available KAS resources, hear about the 3rd largest Bronze Age metalwork hoard ever found in Britain, handle real artefacts at hands-on stations and bring the children to investigate the sandpit or dig the replica artefacts. Details and more information on http://www.museum.maidstone.gov.uk/events/.
CBA-SE Site and Town Tours
Saturday 6 August
Folkestone Roman Villa/Dover town and castle, Kent (Andrew Richardson, Canterbury Archaeological Trust/Keith Parfitt, Canterbury Archaeological Trust). See information and booking details in April listing.
Crofton Roman Villa, Orpington
Fabulous Roman Fashions!
Every Wednesday in August
Join us to dress as a Roman and learn all about Roman fashions for women and men, including togas for finishing; site free to visit every day, with the second season of the West School takes place from 11 July, continuing the excavation of this rich and unique prehistoric and Roman site which is being steadily lost to the sea. The focus this year will be on the final phase of the trench opened in 2015 which revealed a roundhouse and area for the manufacture of gun stones, both probably dating to the first century AD. Places available for training courses of one to four weeks duration, or for one-day experiences (fees payable). Limited volunteer places are available for experienced diggers (able to help train and supervise students), finds processors and guides. Contact andrew.richardson@canterburytrust.co.uk, or visit http://www.canterburytrust.co.uk/community_archaeology/east-wear-bay/.
East Wear Bay Archaeological Field School
Monday 11 July - Saturday 6 August,
10.00 - 16.00
Roman soldiers! Make a fabulous 'Roman' brooch and bracelet to take home. Sessions at 10.30 & 14.00. For up to 11 year olds. No booking needed. Children to be accompanied. Entry £4.00 per child, adult carer free.
From Roman Villa to Railway Station
Every Friday in August
The story of the Crofton site from Roman villa times through Saxon, Medieval, Victorian station all the way to 1930's houses. Children can create a picture for our special villa timeline and make their very own history board game to take home. Sessions at 10.30 & 14.00. For up to 13 year olds. No booking needed. Children to be accompanied. Entry £4.00 per child, adult carer free. Telephone: 01689 860939, Email: crofton.roman.villa@gmail.com Web: www.the-cka.fsnet.co.uk.
KAS Courses in the Library
England in the Stuart period, 1603-1688
Monday 19 September onwards,
10.15 – 12.15, for 20 meetings (from 9 January 2017 for second term).
Cost £60 for each ten-week term.
In the Victorian period, London was the greatest city in the world. It was the heart of a vast empire; a major seaport, with all the accompanying trades and services; a centre of manufacturing; and a seat of government. Meanwhile, authorities sought solutions to the problems of local government, health and housing, created by London’s millions of inhabitants.
To book for either course email davedare25@gmail.com. Once a place is reserved, payment can be made by cheque on the first day of term.
Keston Roman Tombs
Date to be confirmed
A rare opportunity to visit the remains of a Roman mausoleum on Westerham Road, Keston. Dating from the 3rd century, they form part of an extensive Roman cemetery relating to the nearby Roman villa. Guided tours with graphic and finds displays. See www.the-cka.fsnet.co.uk or email: crofton.roman.villa@gmail.com for confirmed date and times.
Kent History and Library Centre Talk
Thursday 15 September
“Old books hoarded up in corners”: William Lambarde writing and reading in late Tudor Kent Claire Bartram, Canterbury Christ Church University
Claire will reveal some of the fruits of her current research project, a book on Provincial Authorship c.1509-1660, which includes chapters on William Lambarde, Reginald Scot, Francis Thynne and William Somner. £5.00. For bookings call 03000 414404 or email libraries@kent.gov.uk.
CBA-SE Site and Town Tours
Saturday 17 September
Ovenden place/Charleston Farmhouse/Lewes town and castle, East Sussex (John Funnell, Brighton and Hove Archaeological Society/Simon Stevens, Archaeology South East). See information and booking details in April listing.
KAS Churches Committee Study Day
The Restoration Church and the Parish
Saturday 15 October, 10.00 - 16.00
King Charles the Martyr, Tunbridge Wells
9.30-9.55 Registration (church)
9.55-10.00 Welcome
10.00-10.30 Lecture: The beginnings of Tunbridge Wells in the late 17th century (speaker tbc)
10.30-11.00 Coffee (church hall)
11.00-11.45 Lecture: The Anglican Church: From Civil War to Toleration (Rebecca Warren)
11.45-12.30 Lecture: Charles the Martyr: late-17th century perceptions (speaker tbc)
12.30-13.45 Lunch (church hall)
13.45-14.30 Workshop 1 (church documents and church building)
14.30-15.00 Tea (church hall)
15.00-15.45 Workshop 2 (church building and church documents)
15.45-16.00 Final Discussion
Cost £8, to include tea and cake served at St John the Baptist church. Please check the Churches Committee pages on the website nearer the date for more up-to-date information.
CAT Taught Courses
September 2016 to March 2017
Canterbury Archaeological Trust will be running the fourth year of its popular one-day courses from September 2016. Check the CAT website for details of the courses and how to enrol: http://www.canterburytrust.co.uk/community_archaeology/archaeology-courses/
Kent History and Library Centre Talk
Thursday 13 October, 18.30
Papermaking in Maidstone: the expansion and growth of a significant industry in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries - Maureen Green, author.
Maidstone has a rich papermaking heritage. One paper mill with a long history is situated right next to the KHL&C (Bastions Springfield Mill); another, Hayle Mill, has been owned and operated by the Green family through five successive generations. £5.00 or season ticket £30.00. For bookings call 03000 414404 or email libraries@kent.gov.uk.
KAS Churches Committee Visit
Church of St John the Baptist, Meopham
Saturday 17 September
Meet at 13.45 for 14.00 at St Mildred church, Church Lane, Meopham, Gravesend, Kent DA13 0AA. Map Reference TQ6468. Then at 3pm St John the Baptist church, Wrotham Road, Meopham, Gravesend, Meopham, Kent, DA13 0AA. Map Reference TQ6466.
Cost £8, to include tea and cake served at St John the Baptist church. Please check the Churches Committee pages on the website nearer the date for more up-to-date information.
Council for Kentish Archaeology and KAS Conference
Rescuing and Recording Kent’s Lost Heritage
Saturday 15 October, 14.00
Rutherford College, Lecture Theatre 1, University of Kent, Canterbury
Two of the proposed topics are:
The Medieval Ceramic Industry at Tyler Hill and work on the University Campus - Dr Gerald Camp.
The Battle to Save the Roman forts at Dover - Dr Brian Philp.
Other speakers to be confirmed – please see the website.
Tickets for friends of the CKA, subscribers to K.A.R. and KAS members and will be available in September. Tickets will be available on a ‘first come, first served basis’ as space is limited. Non-members tickets £5.00, cheques payable to the CKA. In September please send S.A.E. to 7, Sandy Ridge, Borough Green TN15 8HP.
CBA-SE Site and Town Tours
Saturday 15 October
Colemore Romano-British site, Hants/Farnham town and castle, Surrey (Juliet Smith, Liss Archaeology / David Graham, Surrey Archaeological Society). See information and booking details in April listing.
Kent History and Library Centre Talk
Thursday 10 November, 18.30
Court rolls, custumals and gavelkind: Kent manorial records and the Manorial Documents Register Project - Liz Finn, Kent History and Library Centre. Liz will report on her work to locate and list all Kent’s manorial documents for the Manorial Documents Register, and looks forward to her project’s ultimate goal: a first-ever online searchable database of manors and manorial documents that will prove an invaluable tool for Kent historians. £5.00. For bookings call 03000 414404 or email libraries@kent.gov.uk.
KAS Kent Place-Names Committee Conference
Saturday 12 November
Canterbury Christ Church University
The Committee hopes to hold its biennial day conference on Kent Names in association with the University’s School of Humanities. Confirmation and further details available at a later date on the KAS website. Enquiries by phone 01262 891222 or email anitathompson.wanadoo.co.uk
KAS Annual Conference
Provisionally titled ‘Villas in the Roman Landscape’
Saturday 26 November
Rutherford Lecture theatre 1, University of Kent, Canterbury
Tickets will be £20 for KAS members and £25 for non-members. A detailed schedule of speakers and topics will be posted on the KAS website as soon as these are confirmed.
CBA South-East 2016 Annual Conference and AGM
‘Pots, Palaces and Parks: archaeology in the Southeast AD 1000-1500’
Sunday 20 November, in Kent (venue tbc)
See http://www.cbashouth-east.org/events/cbase-annual-conference/ for future updates