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Mystery of the Shorne Doodlebug Strike
New Books
CBA-SE Site and Town Tours
Saturday 4 June
Pett Level coastal tour/Wheelhouse town and cellar, East Sussex (Oliver Hutchinson, CITiZAN/ Nathalie Cohen, National Trust) See information and booking details in April listing.
Kent History and Library Centre Talk
Thursday 9 June, 18.30
Kent and Kingsley Wood 1924-1943 Hugh Gault, biographer; and Jane Gallagher, Templeman Library, University of Kent.
Kingsley Wood was MP for Woolwich West from 1918 to his death as Chancellor of the Exchequer in September 1943. He left no personal papers but in 1972 thirty-three volumes of press cuttings were donated to the University of Kent. An e- Nation Tory, he worked alongside Churchill, Chamberlain, Baldwin and Lloyd George, amongst many others. £5.00. For bookings call 03000 414404 or email libraries@kent.gov.uk.
Kent History Federation Annual History Conference
Saturday 11 June
Hosted by the Sevenoaks Historical Society, Sevenoaks Community Centre Stag Theatre Hall.
10.00-10.30 The Kent Heritage Resource Centre: How you can benefit from the facilities available at the Centre. Roger Craig
10.30-11.00 Fee Waived village history time: How Smarden and neighbouring villages have developed over the centuries. Kaye Snowden
11.30-12.00 Some notable Smarden characters: Authors, actors, historians and climbers of Everest who have featured in Smarden's past. Martin Brook
12.00-12.50 Four Smarden plane crashes, Alex Ferris
14.00-16.00 Choice of afternoon visits
16.00 onwards - tea in the Charter Hall
£12.50 per delegate (includes beverages), plus £8.00 lunch if required. Booking form is on the KHF website.www.kenthistoryfederation.org/Events-Details.shtmlor ring the Revd Dr Peter Rowe, Secretary of the Kent History Federation, on 01262 434592.
Landscape Archaeology One-Day Course
Tutor Dr Andrew Richardson
Saturday 18 June, 10.00 - 16.00
Education Shelter, Samphire Hoe and Whinless Down, Dover. Fee £10 refundable deposit.
This one-day course provides an introduction to landscape archaeology, the study of how the landscapes we see today have come into being. In the morning, Dr Andrew Richardson (CAT) will introduce concepts of landscape and archaeology, illustrated with local case studies how we can interrogate the land around us for signs of the past, whether that be deep prehistory or evidence of twentieth century conflict. After lunch we will venture out to nearby Whinless Down to begin the fascinating area and to put what we've learnt into practice. Full details and booking via: http://update.canterburytrust.co.uk/Get-Involved/Whats-On/2016/Landscape-Archaeology.aspx
KAS Churches Committee Visit
Cooling St James and Cliffe, St Helen
Saturday 18 June
Meet at 13.45 for 14.00 at St James church, Main Road, Cooling, Nr Rochester, ME3 8DG. Map Reference TQ 756 759. Then at 3pm St Helen church, Church Street, Cliffe, ME3 7QE Map Reference TQ 734 767
Cost of the visit £8, to include tea and cake served at St Helen church. Please check the Churches Committee pages on the website nearer the date for more up-to-date information.
Westgate Parks Community Dig
Monday 20 - Saturday 25 June, 10.00 - 15.00
Westgate Gardens, Canterbury
Dr Jake Weekes will lead a further excavation to investigate the course of Roman Watling Street, at its river crossing just outside the old London Gate. Last year the upper surface of the road and large quantities of coins and other finds were found. This year the focus will be on the waterlogged silts to the side of the road, possibly part of a ribbon development of shops or other buildings. Come along and see what we find, or come and dig yourself! Visitors welcome at any time, but if you’d like to volunteer contact jake.weekes@canterburytrust.co.uk for details of how to sign up. Volunteer places are limited to two per hour. Guided visits will be available at Westgate Parks Open Day on Saturday 25th.
CBA-SE Site and Town Tours
Saturday 9 July
Abinger Roman villa/Chilworth gunpowder works, Surrey (Emma Carlow/David Bird, Surrey Archaeological Society/Andrew Norris, SyAS). See information and booking details in April listing.
East Wear Bay Archaeological Field School
Monday 11 July - Saturday 6 August, 10.00 - 16.00
Volunteers are being trained for experienced diggers (able to help train and supervise students), finds processors and guides. Contact andrew.richardson@canterburytrust.co.uk, or visit http://www.canterburytrust.co.uk/community_archaeology/east-wear-bay/ for further details.
Crofton Roman Villa
Festival of Archaeology
Exhibition on the Archaeology of Hayes
Friday 22, Friday 29 & Sunday 31 July
As part of the Festival of Archaeology, a special exhibition on the archaeology of Hayes, with artefacts and displays from the Neolithic and Bronze Age sites and the Roman Bath House, will be open Wednesday & Friday 10am - 5pm (last entry 4.30pm), Sunday 1-5pm (last entry 4.30pm). Entry Adults £1.50, Concessions £1.00. Telephone: 01689 860939 Email: crofton.roman.villa@gmail.com Website: http://www.the-cka.fsnet.co.uk
CBA-SE Site and Town Tours
Saturday 6 August
Folkestone Roman Villa/Dover town and castle, Kent (Andrew Richardson, Canterbury Archaeological Trust/Keith Parfitt, Canterbury Archaeological Trust). See information and booking details in April listing.
Crofton Roman Villa, Orpington
Fabulous Roman Fashions!
Every Wednesday in August
Join us to dress as a Roman and learn all about Roman fashions for women and men, including Roman soldiers! Make a fabulous ‘Roman’ brooch and bracelet to take home. Sessions at 10.30 & 14.00. Up to 12 year olds. No booking needed. Children to be accompanied. Entry £4.00 per child, adult carer free. Email or www.the-cka.fsnet.co.uk for confirmed date and times.
From Roman Villa to Railway Station
Every Friday in August
The story of the Crofton site from Roman villa times through Saxon, Medieval, Victorian station all the way to 1930’s houses. Children can create a picture