The importance of experimental archaeology
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The Cold War Bunker at Gravesend: Origins and heritage development
Alexander Read
You cannot understand how something was made without trying to make it.
Educating the public, not just academics, about the benefits of experimental archaeology is an ongoing process. It was popularised by Time Team’s experimental archaeology sections, showing the process of reproducing objects discovered on site, everything from knapping flint tools to making medieval tiles or casting Roman brooches. One of the earliest serious attempts at elevating experimental archaeology to a serious subject is the Butser Ancient Farm project, an active cooperation between academics, volunteers, and the public, including school children, which has been operating almost continuously since 1970. It is not just about figuring out the complex secrets and intricacies of building and maintaining Iron Age roundhouses but also about the environment around them, encompassing anthropological archaeology.
New projects are continuously being developed, including the long-awaited Sutton Hoo ship reconstruction by The Sutton Hoo Ship’s Company. This project involves experimental archaeologists and volunteer artisans using Early Medieval tools and many tonnes of English Oak.
Flintknapping continues to be one of the most engaging aspects of experimental archaeology, with celebrity archaeologist Phil Harding being a popular choice for television. Like bronze casting, it is a visceral experience to witness and feel the craftsman’s investment of time and material in making even the most basic of tools and objects.

France also has its own thriving experimental archaeology scene. For example, the ‘Samara Arboretum’ and the Guédelon Castle project are both engaging endeavours. The Guédelon Castle project involves using human treadmills to lift stones weighing many tons, all of which have been split, cut, and finished by hand. Unlike many medieval castles you can visit now, Guédelon Castle will be lavishly furnished in bright, flashy colours, tapestries, lush textiles, and a complete chapel with medieval-style stained glass windows.

The specialism of experimental archaeology is still relatively new and has had a rocky start. From individual pioneers like Dr Peter Reynolds, the founder of Butser Ancient Farm, it took until the new millennium for organised courses to be codified and set up at universities. It faced much backlash from contemporaries who saw the experiment as unscientific, subjective, and unable to be proven. This was also due to the need for experimental archaeologists to rely on traditional artisans to share tricks of the trade; and a broad mind to play with different techniques using the limited corpus of tools that would have been available to ancient humans.
The conclusion is that many ancient techniques are still alive today and mostly kept alive by artisans who use hand tools, with the main difference being the tools available, i.e. stone, copper, bronze, iron, and steel.

I started my journey into experimental archaeology with Butser Ancient Farm. This led to various experiences, such as sleeping in Iron Age roundhouses, which were much colder and smokier than expected. I also conducted a Roman hypocaust experiment, which took nearly a week of continuous fire stoking to reach a reasonable temperature. However, my real passion lies in bronze casting. Many academics struggle with practical tasks, and it often takes years for institutions or individuals to figure out the techniques, which are still largely based on conjecture.

Unfortunately, most experiments are done just once to prove or disprove a point, usually due to limited funding. There is often little follow-up, whether smelting copper ore or testing crucibles. When a single experiment fails to produce copper from ore or results in poor smelting efficiency, it can lead to wide-ranging estimates about metal production in historical mines, such as the Early Bronze Age mine in Mount Gabriel, Ireland. These estimates do not help understand the distribution of copper in Britain. Additionally, breakthrough moments, like discovering that a one-inch gap between the bellows’ tuyere and the furnace creates a vortex effect, can significantly change the outcome of experiments. This discovery results in a more stable and higher temperature inside the furnace, leading to more successful ore transformation.
Meaningful work is underway to make experimental archaeology more engaging & educational. This will help uncover the intricate secrets of ancient artisanal practices.
Despite its widespread use, the evidence for metalworking in Britain during the Bronze Age is somewhat elusive. Experimental archaeologists’ findings at Butser have shown insufficient evidence after metalworking processes. Even at temperatures exceeding 1300° Celsius, the clay form of furnaces does not fully bake, and only the surface that encounters the heat cooks, making it difficult to find evidence of metalworking. The archaeological record shows limited evidence of “cottage industries,” leading to the hypothesis that highly skilled bronze casters were itinerant or traded their stock. However, most villages would have been able to recycle or produce their own axes or knives for domestic purposes.
During the Middle Bronze Age through the Early Iron Age, there was a shortage of bronze artefacts due to the depletion of copper and tin mines across the continent. This led to a period of recycling worn-out goods. The discovery of Bronze Age shipwrecks at Langdon Bay in Kent and Salcombe Bay in Devon demonstrates the long-distance trade of raw materials and the recycling of worn-out goods. Alloying copper and tin (and, in some cases, arsenic or lead) to create bronze was an essential stage of producing tools or jewellery. Achieving the correct proportion greatly improved the item’s characteristics specific to the job.
The trade in scrap materials, like a worn-out axe, indicates that it has served its purpose properly without any flaws. This discussion leads to the consideration of deposited axes in the Bronze Age. As they were not recycled, it raises the question of whether they were not designed to be used and were instead ceremonial. For example, the highly tinned axes of the Late Bronze Age or the lead axe from Derbyshire are areas of current intrigue and experimentation.
Experimental archaeology is increasingly being recognised for its importance. Many questions remain unanswered, such as the implications of scarce evidence for metalworking in Britain during the Bronze Age. Additionally, experimental archaeologists face limited funding and insufficient follow-up for their experiments. Nevertheless, meaningful work is underway to make experimental archaeology more engaging and educational. This will help uncover the intricate secrets of ancient artisanal practices and their relationships with the environment and its people.