Recent Publications
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Moatenden Priory, Headcorn
Recent Publications
SHOREHAM: A VILLAGE IN KENT. By Malcolm White and Joy Saynor. Published by The Shoreham Society, this is a 276-page hardback book, copiously illustrated, which embraces all aspects of life from prehistoric times to the present day. Price: £15. Inquiries to Mrs. Saynor.
JOURNAL OF ANCIENT CHRONOLOGY FORUM. This is the journal of the Institute for the Study of Interdisciplinary Sciences. It offers readers an open forum for the presentation of current research in the fields of ancient history and culture, archaeology and chronology.
Incorporated within the pages of the journal are papers on comparative history and chronology, stratigraphy, dating methods, traditional histories, ancient historical documents, calendars and language. The J.A.C.F. also publishes up-to-date archaeological reports.
92 pages, fully illustrated - with photographs, line-drawings, maps, etc. Membership of I.S.I.S. includes the journal. Further information from M. Rowland.
EAST LONDON RECORD. Issue No. 12. Published by the East London History Society, price £2.20 inclusive (postage) from E.L.H.S., 20 Puteaux House, Cranbrook Estate, London E2 ORF.
CONTINUITY AND COLONIZATION. THE EVOLUTION OF KENTISH SETTLEMENT. One copy of Alan Everitt's masterpiece is available at a reduced price to members. £37.50. (Published price £47.50.) Contact Mrs. Lawrence.
C.B.A PUBLICATIONS. The revised Catalogue of the Publications of the Council for British Archaeology is obtainable, free, on application to the Honorary Treasurer of the C.B.A., Paul Oldham.