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Mason's Arms, Spital Street, Dartford
Bradbourne House, East Malling, Kent
Recent Publications
D. A. H. Cleggett and the late L. R. A. Grove were assistant editors of the Annual Report of the Friends of Rochester Cathedral. The 1990 report has been published. Papers include Professor Michael J. Swanton, Exeter University on The Decoration of Ernulf's Nave. Dr. Jane Geddes, Aberdeen University, on Some Doors in Rochester Cathedral and Conservation of the East Range of the Cloister - The Romanesque Chapter House. An interim report by Nicholas Duman.
Copies are available at £1.25, including postage, from The Friends' Office, Garth House, Minor Canon Row, The Precinct, Rochester, Kent, ME1 1SX.
THE BEDGEBURY PANELS This interesting little booklet by Gordon W. Batchelor is an account of the Marquetry work produced by the Bedgebury Estate Workshop 1865-1881. Proceeds to the Panel Fund and Kilndown Church. Can be obtained price £1.50, plus 20p postage from the author - 15 pages. Well illustrated.
LAMAS Series of Occasional Papers is available to K.A.S. members at the price ruling for LAMAS members and a list of what is available (+ prices) is currently being prepared; until this list is finalized, K.A.S. members should enquire of Miss C. Jones, c/o The Roman Dept. Museum of London, London Wall, London, EC2Y SHN. Tel. 071 600 3699.
KINGSTON'S PAST REDISCOVERED. by Joan Wakeford. Published by Phillimore for KUTAS & SLHC. Paperback, AS. 144 pages, 42 illustrations, £6.95.