Events, Outings, Lectures
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Annual General Meeting - 1890 Style
New Books
K.A.S. Excursions, 1991
Monday May 27th to May 31st, inclusive. Coach visit to Northumberland and Durham. We will visit Beamish Heritage Museum, Jarrow, Hadrian's Wall and the coastal Northumberland castles and Lindisfarne. Further details from Joy Saynor, 28 High Street, Shoreham, Sevenoaks, TN14 7TD. S.A.E. please. A deposit of £50 (only refundable up to one month before departure), to be sent to H.G.B. Coast, 127 Snodhurst Avenue, Chatham, ME5 0TH. by 8th Feb. 1991. Estimated cost of trip £200. (Single rooms extra).
Saturday 20th April. Spring evening Barbecue at the Museum of Kent Rural Life: Saturday 20th April. The Membership and Publicity Committee invite members and families for a social evening. See enclosed leaflet.
Saturday June 8th., One day visit to the Pas de Calais by coach with pick-up points within the county: Saturday June 8th. (Crayford, Maidstone, Canterbury). Cost (to include restaurant lunch in Boulogne) about £35. Names to Joy Saynor, address as above. S.A.E. please.
Saturday June 29th. St. Clere, Kemsing: Saturday June 29th. Visit restricted to 25 members to the Inigo Jones house, home for many years of the Norman family. This house is never open to the public. Own car required. Enquiries to Maurice Crane, Dane Court, The Street, Adisham, Canterbury, CT3 3LA. S.A.E. please.
Saturday July 6th. Garden Party at Cooling Castle: Saturday July 6th. There will be an opportunity to view the private grounds by kind permission of the owner. Many other features indicate that this will be a major event. Own car required. Please book the date. Full details in April Newsletter.
K.A.S. Events
Monday 14th January at 7.30 pm. Joint meeting with the Gravesend Historical Society: Monday 14th January at 7.30 pm at the Central Library, Gravesend. Kenneth Gravett will speak on The Architectural Implications of Shopping.
Joint K.A.S. one day school with Crayford Manor House Centre: Saturday March 2nd. 10.15 am to 4.30 pm. To be part of the memorial to our late member, L. G. H. Porteus, the Dartford historian. Speakers will include K. Gravett, P. Lawrence and G. Cramp. Bookstall, Light refreshments included in the fee of £3.50. Tickets from Crayford Manor House, Mayplace Road East, Crayford, DA1 4HB. Tel. Crayford 521463.
K.A.S. COLLOQUIUM on Recent Discoveries on Stonework: Saturday March 9th, commencing at 2.15 pm at the Post-Graduate Medical Centre, Canterbury. Speakers: Mr. Bernard Worssam on The Geology of the Anglo-Saxon Sculptures, and Mr. Nicholas Durnan on A Romanesque Arcade at Canterbury Cathedral. For further details, see enclosed leaflet.
Events & Lectures (Other societies):
Council for Kentish Archaeology. Archaeology in Kent. A Spring Conference for 1991. To be held on Saturday 9th March 1991 at Maidstone Grammar School, Barton Road, Maidstone. Speakers will include: Dr. J. Williams on Planning and Archaeology. Mr. A. Daniels on Recent Excavations by the Maidstone Arch. Group. Mr. M. Sasfery on the Periwinkle Watermill Project and Mr. B. Philp on Archaeology in Kent in the 80s. Tickets. Whole day £2.50. Half day £1.50. S.A.E. please.
Friday 5th April. Romney Marsh Research Trust Spring Lecture: Friday 5th April. To be held at Tenterden Town Hall at 7.30 pm. Dr. Anthony Gross on The Monks and the Marsh. Dr. Gross is working on Medieval archives of Canterbury Cathedral Priory. His lecture will focus on life of Canterbury's marshland manors especially Appledore and Ebony, and the effects of the great storms of 1287/88. Tickets, to include a glass of wine: £3 for Friends of the Trust, £5 for non-members from Mrs. Sue Carrel, Mittell House, Church Road, New Romney, Kent, TN28 8TU.
Exhibitions at Museums
Greenwich Borough Museum Dec. 1990 to March 1991. Royal Arsenal. 23rd March to 21st April 1991. Boomerangs May to 31st July 1991 The Co-operative Society.
Dartford Museum. From Thursday 17th January 1991. Keeping in Touch Communications from early times to present day.
Museum of London Images of the London Blitz. Photographic exhibition to mark the 50th anniversary of the London blitz. Until May 6th 1991.