What’s On


Council for Kentish Archaeology Conference


Saturday 24 October
2.00pm - 5.30pm
Old Sessions Lecture Theatre
Canterbury Christ Church University,
North Holmes Road, Canterbury

Pompeii – Living under the Volcano Dr David Plummer
Cyprus – The Lost Roman Cities Edna Mynott
Leptis Magna – The African Queen Ruth Plummer
Malia – the Pearl of the Middle Sea Brian Philp

Tickets £4, available from CKA, 7 Sandy Ridge, Borough Green TN15 8HP. Please send SAE. Website www.the-cka.fsnet.co.uk

Loose Area History Society

Monday 12 October
Maidstone’s Fires, Floods, Bangs & Crashes Andrew Clarke

Monday 9 November
Nor the Years Condemn – Some War Memorials of Kent & East Sussex Peter Ewart

Monday 14 December
Medieval Food & Feasting Toni Mount

Non-members are welcome at all meetings, which are held at Loose Infant School Hall, Loose, Maidstone, starting at 7.30pm. Admission £2.50. Pay at the door.

Friends of Canterbury Archaeological Trust Talks

Thursday 19 November
Medical practices in Roman Spain Dr Patty Baker (Lecturer in Archaeology, University of Kent)
7.00 pm. Keynes College, Lupette Theatre 5, University of Kent

Saturday 30 January 2010
Frank Jenkins Memorial Lecture
6.00 pm. Canterbury Christ Church University

Wednesday 10 February 2010
Preview of an exhibition on Anglo-Saxon and Medieval Canterbury
Sydney Cooper Centre, St Peter’s Street, Canterbury 6.00-7.00 pm

Wednesday 10 March 2010
History Underground: The work of the Kent Underground Research Group
Mike Clinch (Secretary, Kent Underground Research Group)

Wednesday 21 April 2010
The Pyramids of Egypt – design, construction and purpose Roger Sharp

Further details: admin@canterburytrust.co.uk or 01227 462062

Bexley Archaeological Group

Two one-day courses on flintknapping
Saturday 14 and Sunday 15 November, 9.30am – 4pm
Taught by professional flintknapper Will Lord

Learn how to make arrowheads, handaxes and bladecores with associated tools such as backed knives, scrapers and burins.

Cost £45.00 per person. £10.00 deposit will secure a place.
Please book early as there is a maximum of ten persons per day.
For further details or to book a place email Pip at pips-pads@tiscali.co.uk or tel: 07961 963893.

Crayford Manor House Historical & Archaeological Society

Saturday 14 November
Embassy Court, Welling – Recent Discoveries Richard Humphrey

Saturday 12 December
Christmas in the Home Front Michael Brown

Saturday 9 January 2010
A Country Christmas Pat Mortlock

Saturday 13 February 2010
Romance of London’s River: Southend to Sonning Tony Farnham

Saturday 13 March 2010
Royal Visits to Kent Colin Breed

Saturday 17 April
AGM & President’s Lecture

All meetings held in the Baker Trust Hall, Maxim Road, Crayford at 7.30pm. Non-members are welcome to attend – cost £3.00. Enquiries to Mrs Hearn-Gillham, tel: 01322 551279.


Valley of Visions is launching a villages project in the Medway Gap and holding a one day conference in January 2010. For more information please contact training@voc.kentdowns.org.uk or tel: 07920 548906.


CBA South East Annual Conference

DEATH AND REMEMBRANCE: an archaeological viewpoint

Saturday 31 October
10.00am – 17.00pm
Redhill Methodist Centre, Gloucester Road, Redhill, Surrey RH1 1BP

Introduction by Andrew Richardson, Chair, CBA SE
Roman period burials in Sussex David Rudling (University of Sussex)
The archaeological evidence for the emergence of Anglo-Saxon kingdoms in South East England Dr Martin Welch (UCL)
The Black Death of 1348-50 in Southern England Prof. Tom James (University of Winchester)
Pets, Pals and Patriots: 21st Century Trends in Death and Disposal on the South Downs. Maire McQueeney (Author)

In their flowing cups: memories, myths and person kinds in Beaker funerary ritual Dr Paul Garwood (University of Birmingham)
Two 1st Century AD ‘Warrior Burials’ from Ashford in Kent Casper Johnson & Jim Stevenson (East Sussex CC and ASE)
What do funerals mean? Dr Jake Weekes (Canterbury Archaeological Trust)

Tea/coffee available at breaks. Tickets £20 CBA SE Members, £25 non-members. Further details available from Steve and Eva Corbett, 4 Ditchling Close, Eastbourne, East Sussex BN23 8LS, email: cbase@corbett0.co.uk, tel: 01273 905004.