Library Notes

For the KAS History and Archaeology Show in the Maidstone Museum on 5 June, at which the work of over three dozen Kentish historical and archaeological societies, trusts and groups will be on show, the KAS Library in the Museum will be open to all visitors, and will contain displays of the work of KAS committees, including Library, Publications, Fieldwork and Education. Members of the committees will be on hand to explain and answer questions. Put this date in your diary now; anyone in the slightest interested in the history and archaeology of Kent and Kentish locations must not miss this unique occasion, organised by Denis Anstey for the KAS with the assistance and cooperation of Maidstone Museum.

Work by volunteers in the Library proceeds with all deliberate speed. Posting of the index of the Gordon Ward collection of Kentish pamphlets, booklets and ephemera has now reached the letter ‘H’ and should be completed in the next few months. The indexing of the Hussey collection of files of genealogical and family history interest has so far dealt with about a quarter of the files. We still need someone to tackle cataloguing and assessing our brass rubbing collection - volunteers forward please!


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