The Dover Bronze Age Boat Trust

In September 1992, archaeologists from the Canterbury Archaeological Trust discovered the remains of a 3,000-year-old wooden boat in a remarkable state of preservation.

In 1994, after an intensive period of study by more than a dozen specialists, The Bronze Age Boat Trust was formed to raise £1 million to preserve and display the boat in Dover.

The Trust aims to open a Museum for the boat in 1997 so that all can see this remarkable 3,000-year-old survival from prehistory. The intended programme is as follows:

1994: First stage of conservation work, which will be the soaking of the timbers in water-soluble wax.

1995: Second stage of conservation work, further wax treatment, and freeze drying of the timbers.

1996: Conservation work completed, and the boat will be reassembled on a special supporting cradle.

1997: Construction of Museum displays. The boat museum opens to the public. The Kent Archaeological Society has made a grant of nearly £3,000 to the Trust. If you can make a contribution to the funds, please contact the Secretary, The Dover Bronze Age Boat Trust, c/o Dover Museum, Market Square, Dover, Kent CT16 1PB.


Country Social Evening at Buston Manor


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