
An enterprise recommended as worthy of members' support is the publication of FROM GARDEN TO GATEWAY, an anthology of reminiscences and photographs of our county, compiled by Edward Cookson for the Kent Branch of the Council for the Protection of Rural England (CPRE).

From the Garden of England of Dickens and the nineteenth century to the current concept of the gateway to the Continent, Kent's role has changed radically in the last decades. We must all appreciate the major implications for our lives and that which we wish to pass on to future generations.

Essentially, this publication sees the position as a dramatic transformation for Kent from a quiet county of hop fields and orchards to a pivotal role in Britain's future European setting. England's Garden now finds itself as a consequence of geography, the spearhead of the fast lanes of motorways and rail links and trade in a revolutionary transformation of the nation's relationship with our age-old rivals.

The 200 or so views in From Garden to Gateway are a compendium, originating in professional and amateur hands, of one of the last opportunities to represent a Kentish scenic state which will soon be transformed.

The book results from an invitation by the Kent Branch of CPRE, which struck a chord with hundreds who have illustrated the theme in many ways, from new roads across the White Cliffs to the decline in agriculture; from the consequences of the Channel Tunnel to the effect of the recent series of annual droughts. Once the thrust came from ribbon development and the encroachment of the metropolis, now it is from the East.

The book is available from Mr. Cookson, CPRE Book Offer, Heathrow Publications, 7 Palace Business Estate, Bircholt Road, Maidstone ME15 9XU, with 214 photographs. Price £8.50 inclusive of post, etc. The price includes donations to four Kentish-based environmental charities.

Peter Draper, Hon. Librarian, K.A.S. Library

KENT SETTLEMENT (POOR LAW) RECORDS: A GUIDE AND CATALOGUE. PART II. WEST KENT (Diocese of Rochester) by Gillian Rickard. Members who purchased Part I of Miss Rickard's series of published records will be interested to note that they can now obtain Part II. This book catalogs parish by parish all known surviving settlement records for the Diocese of Rochester. It covers more well-known types of the loose documents commonly found in parish collections and also less-known sources, including other parish records, Quarter and Petty Sessions records, Poor Law Union records, etc. The present whereabouts of all records are noted along with detailed catalogue references to Archives collections. A select Bibliography points the reader towards background reading on the subject of Settlement Records in general.

Paperback, 68pp Price: £4.50 (£5 incl. p&p inland). Copies may be obtained from Miss G. Rickard.

A LITTLE HISTORY OF SNODLAND by Dr. Andrew Ashbee. Published in July 1994, this paperback book of 150 pages and twelve plates of photographs. Price £7.50 (plus £1 p&p) may now be obtained from Dr. Andrew Ashbee. See also Dr. Ashbee's et al. Video TIME CAPSULES.

SIDCUP, A PICTORIAL HISTORY by John Mercer. This hardback book contains 128 pages with more than 150 fully-captioned old photographs together with an easy-to-read narrative. It may be obtained from Phillimore and Co. Ltd., Shopwyke Manor Barn, Chichester, Sussex PO20 6BG. Price: £12.95 (Plus £1 p&p).

FAVERSHAM STONE TRAIL. Faversham Society's latest publication by Dr. Eric Robinson highlights the type of stone and building materials which may be seen on a walk through the town and in other towns in Kent. 24 pages. Price £1.20 by post from the Fleur de Lis Heritage Centre, Preston St. Faversham, Kent, or on sale in the Centre at 75p.

FAVERSHAM WALL GAME. Coupled with the above publication is a four-page card aimed at interesting children and young people in the study of stonework, etc. in the buildings they see around them. Price 20p from the Heritage Centre. Teachers wanting 10 or more copies may obtain them at a reduced price of 15p each.

FIXTURES AND FITTINGS IN DATED HOUSES 1567-1763 by N. W. Alcock and Linda Hall. Published by the C.B.A. (Handbook No. 11), this book offers help in this area by cataloging fixtures, fittings, and decorative details from over 400 houses of known date. A wide range of features, including stairs, doors, windows and their associated fittings, fixed cupboards and dressers, panelling, friezes, and overmantles are covered and illustrated. Price £6 (plus 50p p&p) this may be obtained from CBA, 111 Walmgate, York, YO1 2UA.

ELIZABETHAN COPPER by M. B. Donald. The first-ever softback edition of a classic mining book (This print run limited to 500 copies.) Price £13.99 (plus £2.50 p&p) this may be obtained from Red Earth Publications, 7 Silver Street, Marton, Ulverston, Cumbria LA12 0NQ.


Time Capsules


Fieldwork Grants