Events, Outings, Lectures
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The Castles of Kent No.3: Rochester Castle
Part-time Certificates and Diplomas in Archaeology
K.A.S. Events
Summer Social Evening. The Society's Summer Barbeque will be held at 5:45 p.m. on Saturday, 9 May at Bradbourne House, East Malling. It will be preceded by 'Crawling round Malling' and will include a tour of Bradbourne House to view the restoration work. Meet at East Malling Church at 4 p.m. Tickets (£8) and inquiries to Mrs. M. Lawrence.
Fieldwork Conference on 'Roman Kent and beyond' will take place at Christ Church College, Canterbury on Saturday, 24 October, 1998. Speakers include Dave Perkins, Dr. Michael Still, and David Rudling. Further information and tickets from Mrs. S. Broomfield.
Kent Archaeological Field School are running a series of one-day courses on practical archaeology and its methods on Saturdays, September - November, 1998. Cost is £25 per day. Further details from Kent Archaeological Field School, School Farm Oast, Graveney Road, Faversham. Tel: 01585 700112.
Neolithic Orkney in its European context. Conference organized by Orkney Heritage Society 10 - 14 September, 1998. Cost £85 (£75 if paid before 1 June) £45 for unwaged. This excludes accommodation but includes the study trips or the Conference Dinner. Further details from Conference Secretary, Katherine Towsey.
Romney Marsh Conference. The Third Romney Marsh Conference will be held 18 - 20 September at Rutherford College, University of Kent at Canterbury. The program consists of 13 papers and an optional field trip on Sunday afternoon. Further details and booking forms from Mrs. D. Beck.
Romney Marsh Research Trust is holding a Sponsored Walk to raise funds for research on Saturday, 27 June. The walk commences at Fairfield and walkers will be provided with a detailed annotated map of the route. Kenneth Gravett will give architectural talks in Brooklands belfry and Fairfield Church, and Gill Draper and Jill Eddison will give short talks on recent research and will take questions. Sponsorship forms available from Mrs. D. Beck.
Scadbury Manor open days: Orpington and District Archaeological Society will be opening their excavations on this medieval moated site on 12 and 13 September, 1998. Car parking permits available from Mr. M. Meekums.