Events, Outings, Lectures
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New President
1998 Annual General Meeting Report
K.A.S. Events
Christmas Buffet Lunch Saturday December 5th at the Hop Farm Country Park, Paddock Wood. See enclosed leaflet.
1999 Summer Excursion For details please send an S.A.E. to the Hon. Excursion Secretary. The programme will be circulated before Christmas.
Saturday 12th September. Afternoon visit to St Nicholas at Wade. Places are still available for this last summer visit, which includes the undercroft in the village and an opportunity to explore Sarre windmill where we shall have tea.
Conference of Building Recorders The 35th Conference of Building Recorders will be held at the Barn Hall, Charing on Saturday 10th October 1998, commencing at 2.15 pm. A detailed programme will be sent with the tickets, but it is hoped to include contributions on the North Door of Aldington Church, Medieval Tiles at Great Chart and Hollingbourne, The Hearth Tax in Kent and Stock Bricks in Gravesend and Northfleet. It is hoped that the ladies from Charing Church will provide their usual cup of tea and home-made biscuits. Tickets (at £1 for members and £2 for visitors, tea extra) are available from Terry Lawson, the Hon. Assistant Secretary in advance or at the door.
Council for Kentish Archaeology Annual Conference. 'Aspects of Prehistory in South East England'. Saturday 14th November 1998, 2pm. to 5.30 pm. at Christ Church College, Canterbury. Illustrated lectures include, Retrieving London's Prehistory, The Butser Ancient Farm Project and The earliest occupation of Britain. Tickets: £3.00 (payable C.K.A.) Available from C.K.A. (S.A.E. please) Sheppey Town Walks Monthly strolls through Sheppey's history with a leader from the Sheppey Local History Society. Each walk will last about two and a half hours - depending on the weather and will include light refreshments and visits. Sheerness on Wednesday 30th September, starting at 2pm at Sheerness Station. Queenborough on Saturday 31st October, starting at 2pm at Queenborough Station. All walks are £1.20 which includes admissions and refreshments. There is no need to book just turn up.
College Certificate Courses Canterbury: Certificate in Prehistoric and Experimental Archaeology. Christ Church College, North Holmes Road, Canterbury. Saturdays 10 am to noon, from 3rd October for 20 weeks. Details from 'Admissions' (01227) 767700 ext 2492.
WEA Courses Dover: Britannia: A History of Roman Britain. The history and archaeology of Britain from 100 BC TO 450 AD. Wednesdays 7.00 to 9.00 pm from 23rd September for 20 weeks at Dover Girls Grammar School.
Gravesend: Britannia: A History of Roman Britain. The history and archaeology of Britain from 100 BC to 450 AD. Thursdays 7.30 to 9.30 pm from 1st October for 20 weeks at Victoria Adult Education Centre.
Sittingbourne: Christianity to Conquest. The history and archaeology of Britain from AD 597 to c.1066. Mondays 7.30 to 9.30 pm from 28th September for 20 weeks at Sittingbourne Adult Education College, College Road. Details of all these courses from the WEA Head Office (01634) 842140.
GCSE AND GCE Courses Rochester; GCSE Archaeology (Archaeological methods; Pre-historic and Roman Britain). Tuesdays 7 to 9 pm from 22nd September for 27 weeks at Medway (Eastgate) Adult Education Centre. Rochester: GCE A Level Ancient History (Greek 650-404 BC Roman 70 BC to AD 96). Fridays 7 to 9 pm from 25th September for 27 weeks. Medway (Eastgate) Adult Education Centre. Details of both courses (01634) 845359.
University of Sussex - Centre for Continuing Education Certificate in Practical Archaeology. In 1998/9 modules for this 2 year part-time course are available at Brighton, Crawley, Crowborough, Hastings, Lewes and other venues. Various courses can be taken as 'stand-alone modules'. Further details from Yvonne Barnes, Centre for Continuing Education, Education Development Building, University of Sussex, Palmer, Brighton BR1 9RG, Tel: (01273) 678537. The range of courses includes: Archaeological survey; the Study of Artifacts; Historical sources for archaeologists; Archaeological illustration; Recording Churchyards and many more.