What’s On

KAS Events

KAS Churches Committee Visit
Monday 29 June
A visit is arranged to St Margaret’s Church, Addington and to St Martin’s Church, Ryarsh. We meet at St Margaret’s at 6.45 for 7pm and go on to St Martin’s at approximately 8pm.
Tour £2. Tea and biscuits £1 extra.
A booking form for the visit is included in this Newsletter (to be returned by 22 June please). Further details from Philip Lawrence, Barnfield, Church Lane, East Peckham, Tonbridge TN12 5JJ. Phone: 01622 871945. Email: p.lawrence.801@btinternet.com

KAS Churches Committee Study Day
‘A Nation in Turmoil’
Saturday 11 July
An all-day study day entitled ‘A Nation in Turmoil’ (Crown Mitre and Presbytery in the 17th Century) is planned for 11 July in the United Reform Church, Week Street, Maidstone. Doors are open from 9.15 am.
Four key personalities of the period are the subjects of our four speakers:

  • Archbishop William Laud by Professor Kenneth Fincham
  • Sir Roger Twysden by Dr Sue Petrie
  • John Milton by Professor Larry Lerner
  • Richard Baxter by Professor William Lamont
Tea and coffee will be available at the church and there are many nearby restaurants. Packed lunches may be eaten in the church. Admission by programme at £8 per person, available from Mrs J Davidson, 7 Chatsworth Road, Gillingham ME7 1DS. Phone: 01634 324004. A booking form for the Study Day is included in this Newsletter (to be returned by 20 June please).

KAS Landscape Survey Project
Study Day
Saturday 3 October
Lenham Village Centre
See page 9 for background information.

Events Around Kent

Great Tower
The Building and Evolution of Henry II’s Keep at Dover Castle
25 & 26 September
An English Heritage Conference at the Society of Antiquaries, London, with an optional third day at Dover to explore and discuss the Great Tower with the conference speakers.

Smarden Local History Society

Apart from the outside events (* additional charge) all meetings are free to members. Non-members are welcome at all meetings at an admission charge of £2 which includes tea/coffee and biscuits.

  • Thursday 30 April – Traditional Kentish Buildings
  • Thursday 21 May – Outside visit to Finchcocks*
  • Thursday 18 June – Ellen Terry: Darling of the Gods
  • Saturday in July – Summer Outing to Ellen Terry’s House *
  • Thursday 17 September – ‘We Bought us an Oast’
  • Saturday 10th October – Exhibition 2pm to 4pm
  • Thursday 5th November – AGM + Smarden WWII War Memorial
  • Thursday 17th December – Christmas Party
All meetings except the outside visits in the months of May and July will take place at 8pm in Smarden Charter Hall. The Exhibition will be in the Hall from 2pm to 4pm on Saturday 10 October.

Bexley Archaeological Group

Monthly talks and meetings at Bexley-Sidcup Conservative.

Events Around Kent

Loose Area History Society
Monday 11 May, 7.30 pm
The Centenary of Aviation in Great Britain by Dick Collinson, Fellow of the Royal Aeronautical Society
In Loose Infant School Hall
Non-members welcome Admission £2.50
Pay at the door Free parking in school grounds
Enquiries: 01622 741198 www.looseareahistorysociety.webeden.co.uk

Events Elsewhere

Conference: Local History After Hoskins
University of Leicester
July 9-12
Several members of the Kent Archaeological Society will be speaking at this conference organised by the University of Leicester with the British Association for Local History. Among many other speakers, Sarah Pearson will be giving the plenary lecture with the title ‘Sandwich: “the completest medieval town in England”. An interdisciplinary study’
Professor David Killingray will speak on The Impact of Immigrant Communities on British Local History.
Dr Sheila Sweetinburgh will speak on Hythe’s butcher-graziers: Townsmen in the late medieval Kent countryside.
Dr Gill Draper will speak on Death in a town: Rye, East Sussex, in the fourteenth century.
The programme and booking form is available online at the websites of the British Association for Local History and the Centre for English Local History, University of Leicester, http://www.le.ac.uk/elh/documents/Proof3.pdf
For a paper copy of the programme and booking form please contact Gill Draper on g.m.draper@kent.ac.uk or 01732 452575.
The last ‘Hoskins’ conference on landscape history sold out, so please book promptly! There are some bursaries available to help with costs, particularly for post-graduates and people living in Kent. Contact Gill Draper for details.