Lectures, Conferences, Courses and Events
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- KAS Events
- KAS Churches Committee Outing ~ Monday 28th July
- KAS ‘Lectures in the Library’ series
- KAS Christmas Lunch
- Other Events from Around the County
- Lectures
- Horton Kirby & South Darenth Local History Society
- Isle of Thanet Archaeological Society
- Courses
- Certificate in the Theory and Practice of Local History at the University of Kent
- Sheppey Local History Society ~ Heritage Walks in Sheerness, Minster and Queenborough.
- KAS Events
- Finds Day at Hythe Library ~ Saturday 11th October
- Isle of Thanet Archaeological Society
- National Archaeology Days ~ 19th & 20th July
- North Downs Young Archaeologists' With The Museum of Kent Life, Sandling nr Maidstone on Sunday 20th July from 11am-4pm
- Young Archaeologists' Day at Crofton Roman Villa on Sunday 20th July from 10am-5pm
- Open Days at Cobham Hall
- Orpington & District Archaeological Society ~ Excavations at Scadbury Moated Manor, Chislehurst on Saturday 13th & Sunday 14th September
- KAS Churches Committee Outing
- KAS ‘Lectures in the Library’ Series
The Enigma of Bayford Castle
Roving Reporter
KAS Events
KAS Churches Committee Outing ~ Monday 28th July
The Churches Committee invites you to visit Bethersden Baptist Church and Pluckley Parish Church. We meet at 6.45pm at Bethersden Baptist Church and at about 8pm at Pluckley Church. Charge for the tours is £2 per person plus £1 for tea and biscuits. Money for both visit and tea should be paid in advance.
KAS ‘Lectures in the Library’ series
All held in the KAS library in Maidstone Museum.
Saturday 27th September at 11am. Leeds Priory Dig 1973-76 by Albert Daniels, using slides from the Peter Tester Archive
Saturday 11th October at 11 am. Investigation of a Potential Site: Fieldwork Methodology by Simon Miles BA
Saturday 25th October at 11 am. Researching the History of a Parish by Dr. Jacqueline Bower. Tickets £2 each; reservations may be made by telephone to Denis Anstey, 01634 2101050 or email d@degnian.demon.co.uk, to pay on arrival, or prepaid using the form opposite. Reservations are held until 15 minutes before the advertised start of the lecture. Members are reminded that they will be asked for their membership card at the museum reception and are asked to sign in and out.
KAS Christmas Lunch
will take place on Saturday 29th November in the Hop Farm, Beltring. Further details will appear in the October Newsletter.
Other Events from Around the County
Discovering our Saxon Past ~ Council for Kentish Archaeology on Saturday 1st November from 2 – 5.30pm at Christ Church University College, North Holmes Road, Canterbury.
New Work from Sutton Hoo by Angela Care Evans, British Museum
The Discovery of Saxon Dover by Brian Philp, Kent Archaeological Rescue Unit
Investigating Dark Age London by Bob Cowie, London Museum and Birkbeck College
Tickets £3.00 (cheque payable to CKA with s.a.e. please), available from CKA, 7 Sandy Ridge, Borough Green TN15 8HP.
Horton Kirby & South Darenth Local History Society
Monday 14th July ~ Tonbridge Castle by Pat Mortlock
Monday 8th September ~ The Peasants Revolt by John Mercer
Monday 10th November ~ Memories of Schooldays by Marion Baldwin
All talks take place in South Darenth Village Hall at 8pm. Admission £1 on the door for visitors.
Isle of Thanet Archaeological Society
Thursday 18th September ~ The Jutes in Kent: Myth or Reality? by Andrew Richardson. A review of present theories and the archaeological evidence. St. Georges School, Westwood Road, Broadstairs at 7.45pm (doors open 7.15pm). Tickets £3.50 on the door or £3.00 in advance from Events Secretary, TAS, Crampton Tower Yard, High Street, Broadstairs CT10 2AB (cheques to Thanet Arch. Soc. with s.a.e. please)
Certificate in the Theory and Practice of Local History at the University of Kent
Students who register for the Certificate in the Theory and Practice of Local History are introduced to both the ways that local history is written and how to do it themselves, through a wide range of modules which also provide opportunities for:
working with original sources
field work
pursuing individual interests (within particular topics such as family, oral or maritime history)
The certificate is a two year programme which runs at Canterbury, Tonbridge and Chatham and the only qualifications required are enthusiasm and an interest in local history. On successful completion of the certificate students may progress to the next stage of either the part-time or full-time degree programme.
Further information from the Programme Director, Dr Elizabeth Edwards (01227 827859, email: E.C.Edwards@ukc.ac.uk) or visit the School of History website: www.ukc.ac.uk/history/
Sheppey Local History Society ~ Heritage Walks in Sheerness, Minster and Queenborough.
Available to groups and at various advertised times to the general public. Leisurely strolls of two hours or so, focussing on the history and development of the area and stories of the inhabitants. Problems of conservation are examined.
The next public walks, organized as part of the Swale Festival period are:
KAS Events
Finds Day at Hythe Library ~ Saturday 11th October
Andrew Richardson, Finds Liaison Officer for Kent will be attending the library to identify and record archaeological objects found by members of the public.
Isle of Thanet Archaeological Society
Saturday 15th November ~ Meet the Local Archaeologists
Displays, slide shows, make a mosaic, bookstall & refreshments. St Peter's Church Hall from 2.30-4.30. Admission £2.00 on the door.
National Archaeology Days ~ 19th & 20th July
A weekend of events across Britain initiated by the Council for British Archaeology and their junior branch, the Young Archaeologists' Club.
North Downs Young Archaeologists' With The Museum of Kent Life, Sandling nr Maidstone on Sunday 20th July from 11am-4pm
Theme is 'A Century of Change'; the 1st century AD when native culture encountered Roman. A host of activity stalls for children (from 3 to 93!), living history and re-enactment groups, information stands about archaeology in Kent, finds identification table, real artefacts of the period to handle plus all the usual attractions of a great museum. Museum admission £3.50 children, £5.50 adults, family tickets £16.00, all YAC members free. Further information: 01732 810556 or 01892 533961.
Young Archaeologists' Day at Crofton Roman Villa on Sunday 20th July from 10am-5pm
Hourly sessions. Wash & draw Roman finds, play Roman games, make mosaics, do a Roman Villa trail quiz, dress as Romans. For 5-12 year olds, accompanied by an adult: £1.00 each, all YAC members free. Further information: 020 8462 4737.
Open Days at Cobham Hall
During this month and the next, the girls' school which occupies this great house is allowing visits. Open days are 16th, 20th, 23rd, 27th & 30th July and 3rd, 6th, 10th, 13th, 17th, 20th, 24th, 25th, 27th & 31st August from 2-5pm with guided tours of 1 hour 20 minutes by the Friends of Cobham Hall Heritage Trust. Sights include the Cobham Mausoleum, the Gothic Dairy and the Pump House. Last tour leaves 4pm and cost is £3.50, concessions £2.75. Please ring to confirm opening - 01474 825925.
Orpington & District Archaeological Society ~ Excavations at Scadbury Moated Manor, Chislehurst on Saturday 13th & Sunday 14th September
Open to the public from 2-4.30pm. Self guided trail to show the work currently being carried out on the site as well as the remains of foundations associated with the Walsingham family. Members of O.D.A.S. will be on hand to answer questions. Photographic display, refreshments & bookstall. Admission free. Park in St Paul's Wood Hill and take the public footpath between house nos. 12 & 14. Alternatively, limited car parking available close to the site but by ticket only, from ODAS, 27 Eynsford Close, Petts Wood BR5 1DP.
KAS Churches Committee Outing
Monday 28th July. I would like to meet at Bethersden Baptist Church at 6.45pm.
Cheques to the Kent Archaeological Society
Replies to Phillip Lawrence, Barnfield, Church Lane, East Peckham, Tonbridge TN12 5JJ (01622 871945).
KAS ‘Lectures in the Library’ Series
Saturday 27th September ~ Leeds Priory Dig by Albert Daniels
Please supply...........tickets @ £2.00 each
Saturday 11th October ~ Investigation of a Potential Site by Simon Miles
Please supply...........tickets @ £2.00 each
Saturday 25th October ~ Researching the History of a Parish by Dr Jacqueline Bower
Please supply...........tickets @ £2.00 each
Please enclose a SAE with your cheque (payable to the Kent Archaeological Society) and send to Denis Anstey.