Lectures, Conferences, Courses and Events
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- KAS CHRISTMAS LUNCH on Saturday 29th November
- KAS CHURCHES COMMITTEE OUTING on Saturday 1st November
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KAS Events
KAS Christmas Lunch
Saturday 29th November
To be held in the festive White’s Restaurant at the popular Hop Farm Country Park, Paddock Wood. Vegetarian and diabetic menus can be arranged. Bar will be open from 11am, with lunch served at 12 noon. Members will have the opportunity during this hour to browse the second-hand bookstalls and gift stall and to bring their own publications for sale.
The after lunch amusement at 1.30 will be presented by The Peter Street Singers, rendering ‘Songs on an Historical Theme’.
Charge is £21.00 per person.
This will be followed by a visit at 2.30 to the private house of Dukes Place, West Peckham, by kind permission of Mr and Mrs Haynes. The house was a major estate centre for the Knights of the Order of St John of Jerusalem. The dating of this timber framed hall house falls between 1460 and 1500. The guided tour by Jonathan Fenner of Sevenoaks will last about 1½ hours. As this is a private house Mr and Mrs Haynes would like numbers kept to 30 – so book early to avoid disappointment!
Charge is £3.00 per person.
Afternoon refreshment will be available at the Swan Inn on West Peckham Green. This needs to be pre-booked, but payment can be made on the day.
KAS Churches Committee Outing
1st November
The Churches Committee invites you to visit St Peter’s Church at Oare, followed by Davington Priory. We meet at Oare Church at 1.45pm for 2pm. The charge for the talks & tours is £2.00 per person. Tea & biscuits will be served at Davington - £1.00 per person. Money for both visit & tea should be paid in advance by October 25th.
Before this ‘official’ visit there is an opportunity for enthusiasts to see the ruined Stone chapel from 1 – 1.45pm, when Clive Foreman will explain its origins and history. The chapel is ¾ mile west of Ospringe on the A2 (TQ 992 612).
KAS 'Lectures in the Library' series. All held on Saturdays in the KAS library in Maidstone Museum at 11am. Tickets £2.00 each; reservations can be made to pay on arrival by telephoning Denis Anstey on 01634 240015 or email de@dejan.demon.co.uk or can be prepaid using the form opposite. Reservations are held until 15 minutes before the advertised start of each lecture. Members are reminded that they will be asked for their membership card at the museum reception and asked to sign in and out.
25th October
Researching the History of a Parish by Dr Jacqueline Bower8th November
Using Outlook Express for Email by Miranda Rix22nd November
Using Internet Explorer to Browse the Internet by Miranda Rix24th January '04
History and Archaeology Research on the Internet by Dr Jacqueline Bower14th February '04
Writing up your Research by Dr Jacqueline Bower. How to approach writing up, whether for an academic essay, a published article or just for pleasure.
Other Events from Around the County
British Archaeological Association lectures. All on Wednesdays at 5pm in the rooms of the Society of Antiquaries, Burlington House, Piccadilly. Non-members welcome but are asked to make themselves known to the Hon. Director on arrival and to sign the visitors book.
8th October
Christina of Markyate and the St Albans Psalter by Dr Jane Geddes (lecture is preceded by the Association’s AGM)5th November
‘Sant’ Andrea in Vercelli and the beginnings of Gothic Architecture in 13th century Italy by Dr Martina Schilling3rd December
‘De profundis: an Archaeology of the Medieval Funeral’ by Barney Sloane7th January '04
‘Woodcuts to Wallpaintings: some New Discoveries by Dr Miriam Gill’4th February '04
‘Gothic remodelling itself: Restoration and Intention at the Outer North Porch of St Mary Redcliffe, Bristol’ by John Cannon3rd March '04
‘The Colonia Family and the Flamboyant Gothic Style in Bruges, 1404-1540’ by Dr Steven Brindle7th April '04
‘English Responses to Italian Architecture during the High Renaissance Period’ by Dr Jonathon Foyle5th May '04
‘The Vatican Rotunda, a Severan Building and its Afterlife’ by Dr Richard Gem
Lenham Archaeological Society
Wednesday 26th November 7.30pm
‘The Ringlemere Gold Cup’ by Keith Parfitt. Lenham Village Hall. Lenham Square. Entrance for non-members £2.00. Parking available in Lenham Square and in the car park on Maidstone Road behind the Dog & Bear.
Farningham & Eynsford Local History Society
Friday 20th February '04
‘Lullingstone Roman Villa’ by C P Ward in Eynsford Village Hall at 8pm.
Horton Kirby & South Darenth Local History Society
Monday 10th November
‘Memories of School Days’ by Marion Baldwin
Monday 12th January '04
‘Buzz Bombs & Bicycles’ by Martin Lloyd
Monday 8th March '04
‘The History of Silk’ by Janet Hearn-Gillham
All talks held in the Village Hall, South Darenth at 8pm.
Shoreham & District Historical Society
Wednesday 29th October
‘Timber Framed Houses’ by Robin Hart Dyke
Friday 16th January '04
‘Shoreham in Australia’ by Ed James & Joy Saynor
All talks held in the Village Hall, Shoreham. Contact Ed James 01959 522835 to check programme times.
Discovering our Saxon Past ~ Council for Kentish Archaeology
Saturday 1st November from 2 – 5.30pm at Christ Church University College, North Holmes Road, Canterbury.
New Work from Sutton Hoo by Angela Care Evans, British Museum
The Discovery of Saxon Dover by Brian Philp, Kent Archaeological Rescue Unit
Investigating Dark Age London by Bob Cowie, London Museum and Birkbeck College
Tickets £3.00 (cheque payable to CKA with s.a.e. please), available from CKA, 7 Sandy Ridge, Borough Green TN15 8HP.
ON GUARD! EN GARDE! Defending the South-East, Council for British Archaeology South East’s annual conference & AGM on Saturday 15th November in Tonbridge.
The Roman Shore Forts by Andrew Pearson (author of book of the same title)
The Diversity of Henry VIII’s defences by Andrew Saunders (author of English Heritage’s ‘Channel Defences’)
Napoleonic Defences in the Eastbourne Area by Richard Callaghan (curator of the Redoubt Fortress Museum, Eastbourne)
Comparing & Contrasting the Naval Defences of Portsmouth, Dover & Chatham by Jonathan Coad (English Heritage)
18th Century Defences at Brimstone Hill on St Kitts in the Caribbean by Victor Smith (author of ‘Front-Line Kent’)
The Vauban Defences by Professor Philippe Bragard (Leuven University, Belgium)
The day also includes a visit to the newly restored Tonbridge Castle gatehouse to hear about its history from local historian Pat Mortlock and about the work that lay behind the accuracy of its restoration from David Martin, Institute of Archaeology.
Tickets £7.00 (payable to CBA South East) from Debbie Wood, 81 Birch Grove, Hempstead, Gillingham ME7 3BE. More information on www.cbase.org.uk.
Farningham and Eynsford Local History Society
14th November
Display of Farningham photographs from the archives in Farningham Village Hall.
Isle of Thanet Archaeological Society
Saturday 15th November ~ Meet the Local Archaeologists
Displays, slide shows, make a mosaic, bookstall & refreshments. St Peter’s Church Hall from 2.30-4.30 Admission £2.00 on the door.
KAS CHRISTMAS LUNCH on Saturday 29th November
Whites Restaurant, The Hop Farm, Paddock Wood
£21 per person. Drinks pay on the day.
Cheques payable to the Kent Archaeological Society together with SAE to Mrs M Lawrence, Barnfield, Church Lane, East Peckham, Tonbridge TN12 5JJ tel: 01622 871945 email: margaret.society@virgin.net
£2 per person for visit, £1 per person for tea.
Cheques payable to the Kent Archaeological Society & sent to Philip Lawrence, Barnfield, Church Lane, East Peckham, Tonbridge TN12 5JJ Tel: 01622 871 915
All tickets £2 per person. Please indicate number required
25th October
Researching the History of a Parish by Dr Jacqueline Bower 8th November
Using Outlook Express for Email by Miranda Rix 22nd November
Using Internet Explorer to Browse the Internet by Miranda Rix 24th January '04
History and Archaeology Research on the Internet by Dr Jacqueline Bower 14th February '04
Writing up your Research by Dr Jacqueline Bower 13th March '04
Tonbridge People in the Seventeenth Century by Dr C W Chalklin
Cheque payable to the Kent Archaeological Society together with SAE to Denis Anstey, 86 Malling Road, Snodland, ME6 5ND