William Urry Memorial Lectures

The fourth illustrated lecture in the series will be given by Professor Nicholas Brooks who is Professor of Medieval History at the University of Birmingham, on Wednesday 18th May 1988 at 6.30 p.m. in the New Lecture Theatre, Christ Church College, Canterbury. His subject will be Archbishop Dunstan: the verdict of the first millennium.

Copies of the first two lectures may be obtained from all good booksellers, price £1.70 (or by post from Cathedral Gifts Ltd., 3 The Precincts Canterbury CT1 2EE price £2.20).

They are: The Monks of Canterbury and the Murder of Archbishop Becket by Sir Richard Southern and Thomas Becket and His Clerks by Professor Frank Barlow. (Both published by the Friends of Canterbury Cathedral.) It is hoped to publish the third lecture, Medieval Monastic Dress: precept and practice by Barbara Harvey later this year.


William and Mary Tercentenary Celebration 1688-1988: Celebration of the Glorious Revolution


New Books: Contents Summaries