Council for Kentish Archaeology

'URBAN ARCHAEOLOGY IN S.E. ENGLAND' on Saturday, 18th November, 1989. (2.15 to 5.30 pm) at Christ Church College, North Holmes Road, Canterbury. A half-day Conference of talks, illustrated by colour slides, by leading archaeologists of recent discoveries and research in urban centres in S.E. England. Speakers include Brian Hobley of the Museum of London, Brian Philp, Kent Arch. Rescue Unit, and Paul Bennett, Canterbury Arch. Trust.

Bookstall and Refreshments

Tickets: Price £1 (payable C.K.A.) from 5 Harvest Bank Road, West Wickham, Kent. BR4 9DL. (S.A.E. Please).

Friends of the C.K.A. Free admission. Please apply to the above address for a pass ticket.




Conference of Building Recorders