Library and Muniments Committee Questionnaire

K.A.S. Hon. Librarian, Dr. P. Draper has sent the following communication:

The Committee would like to express its grateful thanks to all those who took the trouble to reply. About 200 replies were received (but 12 from Council/Officers!). Many of these also were from joint members and we estimate about a quarter of the membership participated. Some were from overseas and many sent detailed and constructive comments which must have taken some time to produce. Those requiring action by other officers will doubtless be dealt with in due course. As well as some respondents, the Strategy Committee also has asked that details of current purchasing policies, stock, etc. be publicized. An author/subject catalogue based on Decimal Classification system is now up-to-date. Brief details of the stock and purchasing policies etc. are contained in the current Report. Those not at the A.G.M. who would like a copy are asked to write to the Secretary to the Library Committee, The Museum, St. Faith's Street, Maidstone. ME14 1LH. enclosing a self-addressed, stamped envelope 4 x 9 inches, please.

Not surprisingly, the most common major interest was by far Local History, followed by Architecture. Then Field Archaeology and Church and Ecclesiastical History virtually equivalent. Family History and Genealogy also attracted considerable support and other added categories were Nautical History, Military History, Photography and Palaeopathology. The principal source of information, understandably, was the County Library Local Branch collections.

Transport difficulties were cited by many as the reason why they would not be able to attend lectures held centrally at Maidstone.

There was considerable support for the idea of a series of prizes for written work. Most thought that entries should be submitted and not Commissioned. The idea that prize-winners would be expected to deliver a lecture based on their work was not supported as a general prerequisite.

K.A.S. Members are reminded that the Library can be visited for research during Museum opening hours. Members wishing to use the Library will be asked to show their K.A.S. official membership card and to sign the Museum Visitors' book. Anyone wishing to consult the Society's rare and valuable books must make a prior arrangement with the Hon. Librarian, Dr. Peter Draper.


Trier and Luxembourg 1989


Thanet Developments