C.B.A. Meeting in Brighton

This meeting took place on Saturday 2nd February at the University of Sussex. Under the Chairmanship of Professor Rosemary Cramp, the aim of the meeting was to discuss further the question of a revival of the Council for British Archaeology's 'Group 11'. This move would attempt to unite the archaeological bodies and organizations at present working within the counties of Kent, Surrey, and Sussex.

A lively discussion took place, and one of the major stumbling blocks was the difficulty in defining with certainty the boundaries of each county, especially those with 'ancient' borders which for many years have been regarded as being in Greater London.

This was the second C.B.A. meeting to be held on the subject of Group 11, and it had a slightly better attendance than at the first one held in October 1990.

It was agreed that a working party should be set up to look into the question of boundaries and other matters. A Chairman and Committee were elected and would be reporting its findings at a future date. Mr. James Money represented the K.A.S. and eight other people from Kent attended, including Dr. John Williams, the Archaeological Officer for Kent. About 40-45 people were present at the meeting.


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