Field Work

Are you planning an excavation or fieldwork within the county of Kent during 1992? Grants are available from the K.A.S. to assist with work carried out by Affiliated Societies or individual members.

Applications on appropriate.form (obtainable from the Hon. General Secretary by 1st October 1991).

The Hon. Editor welcomes all letters, articles and communications and would particularly like to receive more from members and others, especially requests for research information, finds, books and related topics. Illustrations, if relevant, are helpful and can assist readers in identifying objects, understanding points and following arguments. The Editor, wishes to draw the readers' attention to the fact that neither the Council of the K.AS., nor the Editor is answerable for the opinions which contributers may express in the course of their signed articles. Each author is alone responsible for the contents and substance of their letters, items or papers. Materials for the next Newsletter should be sent by 1st November 1991 to Hon. Editor, Nesta Caiger.


Events, Outings, Lectures

