Lectures, Conferences, Courses and Events
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Library & Muniments Committee
Roman Aisled Building at Hog Brook
KAS Christmas Lunch, Saturday 27 November in the Hall of Wye College
Reception with bar open from 11am. Second-hand bookstall and gift stall will be open. Members are invited to bring their own publications. The traditional Christmas lunch will be served at 12.00. An alternative vegetarian menu is available if pre-ordered.
After lunch, Michael Canny, an eminent researcher and writer, will entertain in lively fashion, telling us what miracle hall songs can reveal about Victorian and Edwardian life.
We are then invited on a tour of a Grade II* Jacobean house in Wye, the home of our member Ian Coulson (a recommendation in itself). The afternoon will close with a cup of tea at a local pub.
Price to cover meal and expenses is £20.00. Please return the booking form enclosed with this newsletter to reserve your place.

Council for Kentish Archaeology
Celebrating 40 years of Archaeological Discoveries in Kent on Saturday 6 November, 2-5:30pm Canterbury Christ Church University College
Illustrated talks:
The Discovery of the Roman Religious Town at Springhead Victor Smith
Excavating the Roman Forts at Dover and Reculver Brian Philp
Presentation Workshops with Finds and Plans, led by: Orpington & District Archaeological Society, Springhead Excavation Group, Lower Medway Archaeological Research Group, Upchurch Archaeological Research Group, Bromley and West Kent Archaeological Group, Dover Archaeological Group, Bexley Archaeological Group.
Tickets £4, available from CKA, 7 Sandy Ridge, Borough Green TN15 8HP. Cheques payable to CKA. Further information available on www.the-cka.fsnet.co.uk or from Conference Organiser: Ruth Plummett, tel: 0208 7777872 email: davus8@aol.com
WEA Course Archaeological Field Techniques
Wednesdays 2-4pm, Camden Centre, Royal Victoria Place, Tunbridge Wells. Fee: £80 standard, £60 reduced, £5 minimum. Contact Valerie Fairbrass, Ambleside, Riverhall Hill, Frant, Tunbridge Wells TN3 9EP.
Tonbridge Historical Society
Lecture series, Thursdays, 7.15pm in the Adult Education Centre, Tonbridge.
28 October Kent Women - Farmers, Infamous & Unsung Chris McCooey
Saturday 27 November 2:30pm
2 presentations: English Timber Framed Buildings & Constructing a Medieval Cathedral both by David Carder. Tea interval. Booking necessary - details from Sec on 01732 838698.
6 January '05 1945: The title of the East Prussians: Hitler's last sacrifice? Isabel Derby
17 February '05 Support for the Fleet: the Royal Dockyards at the time of Trafalgar Jonathan Coad
7 April '05 7:30pm AGM, followed by lecture
Further details from Sheila Broomfield. Tel: 01732 838698.
Bexley Local Studies & Archive Centre Winter Talks
All talks at 7.30pm at Hall Place
All talks cost £3.50 or £4.00. To order tickets and for further information tel: 020 8301 1515.
Tuesday 16 November I Tudor or Die: Archaeology in Bexley Today Tony Thomas
Tuesday 7 December Underground Kent: Hell to Ice Gary Wood
Wednesday 19 January '05 Fashion Accessories: Hats, Shoes and Gloves Lee Ault
Wednesday 23 March '05 Rural Survivals Malcolm Barr-Hamilton
Sevenoaks Historical Society Talks
Meetings held on Thursdays at the Undercroft, St. Nicholas' Church at 8pm. All talks £1.50 except for 4 November which is free.
4 November The Meaning of the First World War Prof. Hew Strachan, All Souls College, Oxford.
18 November The Gunpowder Battle of Trafalgar Colin White, Director, Trafalgar National Maritime Museum and Deputy Director, Royal Naval Museum.
27 January '05 The Coastal Shipping Trades and Harbours of the Thames Estuary 1800-1900 Roy Walker
24 February '05 The Story of the Dunton Land Days 1920s, 30s and 40s Don Dray
24 March '05 The Life of William Morris Dai Evans, Property Manager, Petworth
British Archaeological Association
The Association welcomes visitors who wish to attend occasional meetings. Meetings are on Wednesdays at 5pm in the rooms of the Society of Antiquaries, Burlington House, Piccadilly. It is requested that non-BAA members make themselves known to the Hon. Director and sign the Visitor’s Book.
Programme of Meetings:
3 November Romanesque England and Western France: a traffic in small things John McNeil
1 December Books, religion and Latin literacy in medieval English nunneries Dr. Anne Lawrence
5 January '05 Lord Leicester’s remodelling of Kenilworth Castle for Elizabeth I Dr. Richard K. Morris
2 February '05 Le Regard de the great church from the 4th to the 12th centuries Barrie Singleton
2 March '05 The Hôtel Saint-Pol, Paris, main residence of the Valois kings 1364/1422 Mary Whiteley
6 April '05 Who, where, what and why? Tournai Cathedral and its decoration in the 12th century James F. King
4 May '05 Architecture and patronage at Cuxham Abbey Dr. Jackie Hall
Council for British Archaeology South-East in association with the Centre for Continuing Education, University of Sussex.
The Cinque Ports: Archaeology and Heritage on Saturday 13 November
Speakers include:
Keith Parfitt - Dover
Andrew Butcher - Hythe
Gill Draper & Frank Medders - New Romney
Peter Marsden - Hastings
David Martin - Winchelsea
Helen Clarke - multi-disciplinary projects at Sandwich & Rye
Gustav Milne will provide an Introduction & Summing Up. Conference chaired by David Rudling.
Event also includes the CBA SE AGM.
For further details or application form please send A5 s.a.e. to David Morriss, CCE, Arts E201, University of Sussex, Falmer, Brighton, E. Sussex BN1 9QQ.
Ouse Valley Project Symposium on Saturday 20 November 10am-5pm
Centre for Continuing Education, University of Sussex.
The launch of a major new interdisciplinary landscape research project studying the Sussex Ouse from sources to sea.
An outline of the Sussex Ouse Research Project Prof. Peter Drewett
Changes in rural land management & farming practices in and around the Ouse valley and their impact on the downland landscape Dr. Sue Berry
Industrial archaeology of the Ouse Valley John Blackwell & Ron Martin
Iron Making in the Ouse Basin Jeremy Hodgkinson
Sticky Clayhanger: cohesive sediment movement & accumulation in the Ouse estuary Richard Charman
Sussex wetland and woodlands - rebuilding a lost habitat type Dr. Tony Whitbread
From bank to bank: crossing the River Ouse in (pre)history John Bleach
Making the most of memory: the Ouse Valley Oral History Project Dr. Alistair Thomson
Fee (includes tea/coffee) £30, student rate £10, concession £5. Optional pre-booked lunch £7.50. To book tel: 01273 877888 or email: cce@sussex.ac.uk or download an enrolment form from www.sussex.ac.uk/cce/news/ouse.