Kent Maps & Tithe Award Schedules
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Kent Maps & Tithe Award Schedules
The Tithe Commutation surveys, carried out from the 1830s to 1840s, provide a great deal of information about land ownership, tenancy and land use at the time. Over 400 Kent Tithe Maps have now been digitised by the Centre for Kentish Studies (C.K.S.) with funding from the Heritage Lottery Fund. The tithe map for each parish is on a CD-Rom. They are now available to view in the three county record offices and are also in the major town libraries for their own areas. The tithe map CD-Rom’s can also be purchased, now for only £15 per CD, from either the Centre for Kentish Studies (01622 694363), or the Canterbury Cathedral Archives (01227 865330).
Regrettably funding was not available to digitise the accompanying tithe award schedules. However a slim notebook in the KAS Library lists the details of twelve tithe award schedules from parishes to the West of Maidstone. These have been typed up and made available on our website. Following on from that, members of the K.A.S., assisted by many individuals and Local Societies, are in the process of putting further transcriptions of the schedules up on the website for wider consultation. To date over fifty parishes have been covered. Only another three hundred and fifty-three to do!!!
If you would like to contribute a transcription or help with this project please contact Ted Connell.
To view the work carried out so far, log on to our website at www.kentarchaeology.org.uk then click on “Research” and then click on “Kent Maps & Tithe Award Schedules.”