Additions to Library September 04 to January 05
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Cliffs End Conundrum
Additions to Library September 04 to January 05
Archaeology International 2003/4, Institute of Archaeology.
Yorkshire Archaeological Journal Vol. 76 2004.
Society of Antiquaries of Scotland Proceedings No. 133 2003.
Monumental Brass Society Bulletin No. 99 Sept. 2004.
Somerset Archaeological and Natural History Soc. Proceedings Vol. 147 2003.
Cambridge Archaeological Soc. Vol. XCII 2004.
John Kirby’s Suffolk, His Maps and Roadbooks. Suffolk Records Soc..
Bygone Kent, Vol. 25 Nos. 9, 10, 11, 12. Vol. 26 No. 1.
Kent Family History, Vol. 10 No. 12.
Archaeometallurgy Vol. 46 p.3. (Aug. 2004).
Kent Settlement (Poor Law) Records p1. East Kent (Canterbury Diocese).
Romano-British Religious Centre of Vagenisca, at Springhead (Victor Smith).
'Tracks and Traces': Archaeology of the Channel Tunnel Rail Link. East Grinstead. Society Bulletin No. 83; Museum Bulletin No. 15. English Heritage London Region Archaeology Quarterly Review (Winter 2004).
'For All the Saints': St. Michaels Church, Peckham, Parish and People.
'Ulcombe's Story' - Ulcombe History Society. Memories of the School of Horton Kirby.
Parish Portrait: Memories of Willington, Otham and Langley. Stansted in Kent.
'A year in depth' - 2002/2003 report, Hampshire and Wight Trust for Maritime Arch.
Material Hefte Zur Archaeologie im Baden-Wurttemberg. Heft. 69 2004.
Journal of the British Archaeological Association Vol. 157 2004.
Transactions of the Monumental Brass Society Vol. XVII p.1.
Transactions of the Woolhope Club. Vol. L. p.II.
Cumberland and Westmorland Antiquarian and Archaeological Society Vol. IV 2004.
'Copperas': Canterbury Archaeological Trust Occasional Paper No. 2.
Suffolk Institute of Archaeology and History Vol. XL. p.4. 2004.
Place Names of Leicestershire. EPNS Vol. LXXI.
Britannia Vol. XXXV. 2004.
Journal of Roman Studies. Vol. XCIV. 2004.
Archaeometry Vol. 46 p.4. 2004.
Medical Archaeology Vol. XLVIII 2004.
Cornish Archaeology 2000/1.
Society of Antiquaries Journal Vol. 84. 2004.
Review of National Monuments and Records Part 1. English Heritage.
3 Romane Papers; 'A Smashing Time', 'The King's Evil', 'The Ship Fresco'.
Leicestershire Archaeological and Historical Society Transactions Vol. 78. 2004.
Nomina. Vol. 27. 2004.
Post-medieval Archaeology Vol. 38 p.2.
Societe Jersiaise. Annual Bulletin 2004.
Prehistoric Society Proceedings Vol. 70. 2004.
Madison Topics/6. Pikes. Surrey Series. Church Archaeology Vols. 5 and 6.
Country to Suburb: Bealye Area Development 1800-1996.
Archaeologia Aeliana Vol. XXXII 2004. Newcastle upon Tyne.
Archaeologia Cambrensis Vol. 150 2001 (2004).
Tierf Zeitschrift 64 Jahrgang 2001.
Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland. Vol. 132. Funde und Ausgrabungen im Bezirk Trier No. 34 and 35. 2002 and 2003.
The KAS has in store surplus copies of Archaeologia Cantiana of the following issues:
88, 90, 94, 98, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 113, 114, 115, 116, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124.
KAS members may purchase these at £5 per copy. Apply to the Hon. Librarian, Frank Panton