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- The Dover Bronze Age Boat Trust Second Conference
- CBA South East
- Council for Kentish Archaeology
Does Anyone Recognise this Man?
KAS Courses in the Library
KAS One-day Conference
Historic Buildings of Kent
14 October in Ringwould Barn, 10:30am – 4:30pm
We will be looking at historic buildings within the county. Speakers will include Geoffrey Hawey, David Carder and Mike Cockett. Cost is £5.00, to include coffee and tea. A booking form for this conference was enclosed in the Spring newsletter; if you do not have this please contact Joy Saynor, email Saynor@shorehamkent.wanadoo.co.uk.
Archaeology and History of the Thames Estuary: Work over the last 10 years in Essex – Kent – London
10:30am, Saturday 30 September
Lecture Theatre, Institute of Archaeology, UCL, 31-34 Gordon Square, London
Provisional programme:
Recent Work in the Lower Medway Valley by Martin Bates
Modelling the Lower Lea Valley for the Olympics and beyond by Graham Spur, MOLAS
Ilford’s Ice-Age, the historic environment of Essex by Graham J. Appleby
North West Coast by Jenny Bennett, Wessex Archaeology
Elizabeth’s Fort by Sarah Newsom, MOLAS
Thames Estuary: an update by Gus Milne, UCL
The Survey of London’s Southwark by Peter Guillery
Tickets £30.00 from Jane Sidell, Institute of Archaeology, UCL, 31-34 Gordon Square, London WC1H 0PY, email j.sidell@ucl.ac.uk. Please make cheques payable to UCL.
The Dover Bronze Age Boat Trust Second Conference
Bronze Age Connections: Cultural Contact in Prehistoric Europe
Saturday 21 and Sunday 22 October
at the Dover Harbour Board Cruise Terminal, Dover
To mark the occasion of the Ringlemere gold cup being placed on display alongside the Dover Bronze Age Boat in Dover Museum, a two-day conference will take place in Dover in October. The theme is Bronze Age Connections: Cultural Contact in Prehistoric Europe. The symposium will bring together a wide range of scholars from many different specialisms to explore the economic, social and symbolic nature of cultural contacts along the NW European seaboard in prehistory and the practical means by which cross-channel relations could be maintained. More details can be found at http://www.canterburytrust.co.uk/conference.htm. For booking, contact Denise Ryeland, DBABT Conference Co-ordinator, Tours of the Realm, Ransum House, Limekiln Street, Dover CT17 9EE; telephone 01304 240013; email b.ryeland@btopenworld.com. Accommodation booking is available, with special conference accommodation rates, through the Dover Visitor Information Centre, telephone 01304 240450.
CBA South East
The Archaeology of the Weald: Bridge or Barrier?
Saturday November 4, 10am-5:30pm at Gatton Hall, Gatton Park, Reigate, Surrey
Once a great forest stretching some 100 miles east-west and 30 miles north-south across the counties of Kent, Sussex, Surrey and Hampshire, the Weald is still one of the least heavily wooded areas of England. Traditionally seen as a barrier across south-eastern England, it was penetrable only with great difficulty for much of its history. To explore the truth, or otherwise, of this image, the CBA SE has brought together a number of leading specialists in the archaeology and history of the Weald. Papers and speakers include:
The Archaeology of the Weald by Richard Gawk, University of Sussex and Chris Butler, Mid Sussex Field Archaeology Team
The Roman period by David Bird, Former County Archaeologist, Surrey
Late Iron Age and Roman-British connectivity: some fresh perspectives by Jeremy Hodgkinson, Wealden Iron Research Group
Sheep gone wrong: the rise of Wealden sheep in the 16th century by Jude Edlin, University of Sussex
The Survey Weald: Mid-Saxon times by Dennis Turner, Surrey Archaeological Society
Saxon Landscapes in the Weald by Lorna Chatwin, Wealden Buildings Study Group
The transfer of vernacular building techniques across the Surrey Weald by Martin Higgins, Historic Buildings Officer, Surrey County Council
Gatton Hall is a Palladian-style mansion located close to junctions 7(M25) and 8 of the M25. There are no easily accessible catering facilities in the area, so CBA SE has arranged two-course lunch (choice of hot/cold vegetarian) and coffee/tea to be included in the ticket price at £15 for CBA members and £17 for all non-members. Tickets available by returning the flyer enclosed with this Newsletter.
Council for Kentish Archaeology
The Battle Against the Sea - The impact of the sea over 2000 years on the coastal settlements of south-east England
Saturday 4 November 2:00pm – 5:00pm
Canterbury Christ Church University, North Holmes Campus, Canterbury.
Friends of Medway Archives & Local Studies
25 July at 7:30 pm in The Study Centre, Strood.
The Victoria County History Project by Andrew Hann
Tickets available from Cindy O’Halloran on 01634 332238.Loose Area History Society
9 October
History of the Victoria Cross Lt. Col. Mike Martin
13 November
The Caged Lady Lezé Audit
11 December
Shakespeare's International Globe Anne Carter
All meetings are held at Loose Infant School and start at 7:30 pm. All welcome. Admission £1.50, pay at the door. For more details tel: 01622 741198.Sevenoaks Historical Society: Gardiner Lecture
Faith and history: the place of religion in the record of the past Professor Bebbington.
Friday 10 November at 8 pm in the Undercroft of St Nicholas Parish Church, Sevenoaks.
The Sevenoaks Historical Society annual lecture, named after S R Gardiner, the distinguished historian of 17th century England, who died in Sevenoaks in 1902.
Professor Bebbington, University of Stirling, has written major books on nonconformity, the study of Gladstone, and historiography, and is president-elect of the Ecclesiastical History Society for 2006-7.
Admission is free and all are welcome.
The Pugin Society, Grand Celebratory Weekend in Ramsgate
Friday 15, Saturday 16 and Sunday 17 September
Organized by the Pugin Society around the official opening of Augustus Pugin’s house at The Grange by the Landmark Trust. The weekend will include a concert in Pugin’s nearby St Augustine’s church and an architectural mystery tour of the area on Sunday. Further information from Professor Julia Twigg, 9 Nunnery Road, Canterbury CT1 3LS, email julia.twigg@ukc.ac.uk, tel: 01227 766879. Non-members of the Pugin Society are welcome.The Red House, Bexley
Paid for by William Morris and designed by Philip Webb in 1859, the Red House is a recent acquisition by the National Trust. It is now open to visitors by members only and Bexley. Wednesday to Sunday, although admission is by pre-booking only. To book tel: 01494 755589 between 10am & 2pm, Monday – Friday.National Archaeology Week 15 – 23 July
An annual nationwide event organized by the Council for British Archaeology and the Young Archaeologists’ Club. Full national events guide can be found at www.britarch.ac.uk/naw.Finds Day at the Local History Museum, Sheppey
Saturday 22 July, 10:30am - 4:30pm
Sheppey Local History Society Members and Kent’s Finds Liaison Officer, Andrew Richardson, will be at the museum to identify and record objects which members of the public have found and would like more information about. Admission to the museum display is free on this day. More information from the museum on 01795 872303 or from the Society’s secretary on 01795 891789.Shorne Woods Country Park, off the A2 between Rochester and Gravesend
Excavation of the medieval site of Randall Manor during the whole week.
Saturday 22 July – Open Day 10:30am – 4pm
The medieval theme continues, with craftspeople, musicians and dancers, hands-on creative activities for all the family – all free! More information from Lynn Palmer, email Lynn@shornewoodscountrypark.co.uk, on 01622 662898, or from Shorne Country Park on 01474 823800.Richborough Roman Fort, Sandwich
Roman Festival
Saturday 22 and Sunday 23 July, 10am-5pm
Taste Roman recipes, watch foot combat and cavalry displays and an authentic encampment in action. Adult £6.90, child £3.50, family £17.30, concessions £5.20. More information on 0870 333 1181 or customers@english-heritage.org.uk.Heritage Open Days in England
7 – 10 September
Many buildings not normally open to the public will open their doors to visitors. Further information from www.heritageopendays.org or 0870 240 5251. Organized by the Civic Trust, Essex Hall, 1-6 Essex Street, London WC2R 3HU.