
Kentish Visitations of Archbishop William Warham and his Deputies, 1511-1512

Edited by K.L. Wood-Legh 216 x 138 mm. Pp. xxvi + 344, frontispiece, cased, with dust-jacket. Volume xxiv of the Records series.

Publication: September 1984.

Price: £20.00 (+ £2 p+p). Until 31st December, £17.50 (+ £2 p+p).

K.A.S. members: £12.00 (+ £2 p+p).

New Maidstone Gaol Order Book, 1805-1823.

Edited by C. Chalklin.

216 x 138 mm. Pp (approx.) 200, 6 illustrations, cased, with dust-jacket. Volume xxiii of the Records series.

Publication: September/October 1984.

Price: £10.00 (+ £2 p+p).

K.A.S. members: £5.00 (+ £2 p+p).

Faversham Heritage Centre Guide

210 x 297mm. Limp covers, 50p.

77p including post and packing from the Centre.

The new Guide has an attractive new cover designed by founder member Jack Salmon. Featured in a frame formed by the Fleur de Lis's Tudor doorway, through which James II probably once walked, are such popular exhibits as the old box mangle, the 'Douglas' sailing barge model, and Henry Hatch's 16th-century chest.

Hoath and Herne

150 x 230mm. 164pp, illustrations & map. Limp covers, £4.50.

£5 by post from Miss K.H. McIntosh.

A collection of at least 36 articles on the subject of the two villages and their locality.


Learning about Archaeology


University of Kent at Canterbury, Archaeology Courses 1984-85