
I am undertaking research into Thurnham, Binbury and Stockbury Castles with their attached manors. I would be grateful if any reader who has information, photos, postcards, prints or paintings would get in touch with me to assist in the setting up of an archive.

William Darell's, De Castellis Canti (c.1580) does not seem to be in the archives of the College of Arms, its last known abode. If any reader knows the whereabouts of this largely unpublished treatise on Kent castles, this information may be very useful for present and future research.

Yours sincerely,
Alan Ward.

Walter Colepepper 1462

I would be most grateful to hear from any member who knows of a will, inquisition post mortem or chancery papers on Walter Culpepper (d.c. 1462).

Yours sincerely,
Cdr. E.A. Cobby.

Northwood-Norton families (1180-1660)

As a new member of K.A.S. not able to attend its local functions, I would like to request help from anyone on my research. I have undertaken a definitive study of the Northwood-Norton families (1180-1660) and the manors at one time in their possession. They are: Great Norwood (Bobbing), Norwood (Eastchurch), Norwood (Wychling), Wormsell, Grandison (Sutton-at-Hone), Yokes Court (Frenstead), Thurnham Ct., Bengebury, Harrietsham (Stede Hill), Little Hoo (Crayford), Stockbury, Leveland, Bredhurst, Littlebrook (near Stone), Shorne, Stone Castle, Frogenhall & Luddenham (Milton), Selgrave (Ospring), Fresingham (Rolvenden), Whitfield (nr Dover).

I was not aware of the Springfield Library (Newsletter No.5) on my visit to Kent last year, but before coming again I would like to know about any additional collections or persons that have available material about these properties. I would be most grateful to hear from anyone who has done or is doing study in these areas. I will be happy to exchange information on what I have collected.

Yours sincerely,
James G. Dempsey.

Bird Bones

I am writing to offer my services to directors carrying out excavations throughout Kent, to undertake studies (identification reports) on any bird bones found during such excavations. I may be contacted at the address below.

Yours sincerely,
Miss E.P. Allison,
The Environmental Archaeology Unit,
University of York.

Tannery Sites

Sir, I am at present researching into the location of leather working sites in Kent. I would be most grateful to hear from members of place name evidence for old tannery sites in their area. For example, a 'Tanners House', a Tannery Lane or a Tanyard Farm can all indicate possible starting points for research.

Yours sincerely,
Mrs Pat Winzar.

The Editor welcomes all letters and would particularly like to receive more, especially on subjects such as requests for research information, books and related topics. Illustrations, if relevant, are always helpful and can assist readers in identifying objects, understanding points and following arguments.


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