Kent Archaeology Teachers Group

In February, a day conference for teachers was held at Sittingbourne. The theme, Archaeology in Schools, was intended to assess the interest of Kent teachers in the teaching of archaeology in schools. Forty-two teachers attended the meeting to hear Tim Tatton-Brown and Mike Corbishley, the Council for British Archaeology Education Officer, speak in association with four teachers. Tim Tatton-Brown gave an outline of recent developments in Kent and provided much valuable up-to-date information. Mike Corbishley then described his role in the CBA and outlined the facilities that the Council could offer to class teachers.

It became quite clear at the end of the day that many people wanted to meet again to discuss further the possibilities of examining the role of archaeology in schools. With this in mind, a small pamphlet was written and circulated outlining the possibilities of further meetings beginning with one at Ashford on July 4th.

This meeting was opened with a lecture by Mrs Ann Bishop who talked about the Butser Ancient Farm Project. Following this, a discussion resolved several of the issues that were floated in the pamphlet. It was decided that another pamphlet should be produced to keep people informed. Above all, it was seen that most teachers present wanted practical help, especially to assist the inclusion of sound archaeological material as part of primary and secondary school history syllabuses. It is therefore hoped that a day's instruction in field walking will be organized later this year. Dr. Hastings, who has been primarily responsible for the arranging of these meetings, had indicated that another day conference may well be held early in 1985.

Although this group of teachers has no official base, it is clear that there is sufficient demand to continue to encourage the teaching of archaeology in schools with emphasis upon the practical aspects of teaching at all levels.

If you are interested in receiving the next pamphlet and any further information, please contact Mr. I.A. Coulson.


Tyland Barn Project


Archaeology at Work