Kent Archaeological Rescue Unit

By Dr Brian Philp



Since the Magazine’s last issue, Kent Archaeology Rescue Unit (KARU) have completed and printed another three excavation reports as part of our Covid Backlog publication Programme. This represents a considerable advance that stands at eleven



completed sites, including two from the M25 Motorway construction.

Our signs outside the major Bromley hospital (See Issue 115, pp16–18) remained in place for 14 months, though they had to be repaired five times, always late at night. Our traffic check showed that our signs were seen more than 700,000 times and were much appreciated by the paramedics and ambulance drivers.

We also undertook a road-show on the Farnborough Bypass close to the main PRHU hospital on VE DAY celebrations last May. This commemorated both the heroes of 1945 VE Day and also of the 2020 NHS heroes. Again much appreciated by motorists and staff.

In July, we re-opened our monuments at Crofton Roman Villa and Roman Painted House at Dover and restarted excavations at selected sites. However, it is unlikely that all projects will get to normal for some time yet.

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Issue 23, Issue 24

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Kent Monograph Series, Kent Special Subject Series


Allen Grove Fund


KAS Magazine, Issue 115, Spring 2021