Kent from the Bronze Age to the Reformation
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KAS Sesquicentennial Dinner
We need a Treasurer
A study conference sponsored jointly by the Kent Archaeological Society and the University of Kent Saturday 15 September, 2007
The second One-Day conference will be held in lecture theatre Grimond 2 on the Canterbury Campus of the University of Kent (not at Medway as in the previous Newsletter). The day will start at 9.30am and finish at 5.30pm with a lunch break from 1.00-2.00pm
Ringlemere Keith Parfitt
Iron Age Thanet Emma Boast
The KAS Excavation of the Abbey Farm Roman Villa Steve Clifton
The Anglo-Saxon Jewellery of Kent Andrew Richardson
Medieval Sandwich Sarah Pearson
Resistance and Rebellion in Medieval Kent Andrew Butcher
Fishing and Fishermen in Medieval Kent Sheila Sweetinburgh
Parking is available and there is a bus service from Canterbury bus station to the campus. The lecture theatre is accessible by wheelchair. Tea and coffee will be provided during morning and afternoon breaks but lunch is not included. There are excellent picnic spots (including indoors, if wet) for those bringing a packed lunch. Details of alternative lunch facilities will be given with the booking acknowledgement.
Cost £10 per person. Cheques in advance please, payable to the Kent Archaeological Society, together with an s.a.e. Send to Dr Sheila Sweetinburgh. A booking form is enclosed in this Newsletter. It would be helpful if bookings could be made before 31 August.