What’s On
Contributions to the next issue are welcome. See the guidance for contributors and contact Editor Craig Campbell.
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- Kent from the Bronze Age to the Reformation
- KAS Sesquicentennial Dinner
- Kent and England under the Tudors
- Researching Local History
- COURT LODGE BARN, Brook (near Ashford)
- Navy Connections
- Friends of Canterbury Archaeological Trust Talks
- CBA South East Annual Conference & AGM
- Crofton Roman Villa 'Pop-In' Activity Days
- Crofton Roman Villa, Orpington
- Making Medieval
- Maidstone Museum & Bentlif Art Gallery
- Time Talk - Stone Age Kent
- Time Talk - Roman Artefacts in Britain
- Kent from the Bronze Age to the Reformation
- KAS Sesquicentennial Dinner
- Geoarchaeology With Dr Ed JarzembowskiWednesdays from 12 September, 2 – 4pm This course follows on from the 10 sessions in the summer, but anyone new will be able to fit in well. By popular request a more in-depth look at geological applications to the past will include: Typical fossils & rocks of the major Kent formations Interpretations of past life & environment Identification, especially bones & shells Soils & clays Flints & flintwork Maps & sections Plus practicals and some local field trips Cost is £50 per person. Kent and England under the Tudors With Dr Jackie BowerMondays from 17 September, 10.15 -12.15am A twenty-week class on the economy and society of sixteenth century England. Topics will include population, famine and disease, religion and the poor. There will be opportunities to look at photocopied examples of original source material. Cost is £80 per person. Researching Local History With Dr Jackie BowerMondays from 17 September, 2 – 4pm Four modules of five weeks each, on the skills, techniques and sources for researching local history. Each module will focus on a different aspect of research. There will be practical work using photocopied examples of original source material and opportunities for participants to share and discuss their own research. Cost is £80 per person. Booking forms for these 3 courses are included in this Newsletter. For more details email Joy Sage at joysage@tesco.net or tel: 01622 762942.
- Geoarchaeology
- Kent and England under the Tudors
- Researching Local History
- Saturday 22 September The Churches Committee invite you to visit the two east Kent churches of Bekesbourne and Patrixbourne. We meet at Bekesbourne Church at 1.45 for 2pm and at about 3pm at Patrixbourne, where tea and biscuits will be served. Tour £2 (students £1). Tea and biscuits £1 extra. Cheques in advance payable to the Kent Archaeological Society please. A booking form for these visits is included in the Newsletter. It would be helpful if your booking was made by Saturday 15 September.
- Saturday 22 September
- Saturday 3 November The Village Hall, East Peckham A Study Session is being held entitled ‘A Parish Pump Revolution.’ The talk, illustrations and role-playing given, or guided by, Dr Andrew Foster of the University of Chichester deal with the local impact of the Reformation and promises to be a novel and lively appraisal of how great issues affected communities. We meet at 1.45 for 2pm at the Village Hall, where there is ample parking. The charge is £6 per person (including tea and biscuits) and early booking is suggested because numbers are limited. Cheques payable to KAS should be sent to Philip Lawrence at Barnfield, Church Lane, East Peckham, Tonbridge TN12 5JJ by 10 October. A booking form is included in this Newsletter. The following local pubs serve meals – The Bush, Blackbird and Thrush; The Man of Kent; The Bell; The Harp.
- Saturday 3 November
- HISTORIC BUILDINGS CONFERENCE Saturday 20 October Lenham Community Centre Illustrated talks: Hip to Hearth: an Examination of the Complexities of Buildings Archaeology: Andrew Linklater (Canterbury Archaeological Trust) The Window of Time: Dating by Detail; Charles Brooking (creator of the Brooking Collection of architectural features) Tracing the History of Buildings at the Centre for Kentish Studies. Elizabeth Finn (Centre for Kentish Studies) Followed by a short introduction to Kentish barns and a visit to Lenham Barn. The day starts at 9.30am for 10am and finishes at 4pm. Tickets are £8 each. A buffet lunch is available at a cost of £5 per person. A booking form (to be returned by 6 October please) is included in this Newsletter.
- COURT LODGE BARN, Brook (near Ashford)
- ‘Queen of Kentish Barns’ Saturday 1 September at 2.30 pm A talk for KAS members Talk about crownpost buildings and tour by Alan Stevens, buildings archaeology lecturer, formerly of the University of Kent. The barn has a unique feature and houses the famous Agricultural Museum. Open to up to 20 KAS members. Cost is £2.00 each, plus £1.00 for tea and biscuits. Apply to Dr Tom Hill, tel: 01227 730477; email: ta.hill@tiscali.co.uk.
- ‘Queen of Kentish Barns’
- Navy Connections
- Friends of Canterbury Archaeological Trust Talks
- CBA South East Annual Conference & AGM
- Crofton Roman Villa 'Pop-In' Activity Days
- Crofton Roman Villa, Orpington
- Making Medieval
- Maidstone Museum & Bentlif Art Gallery
- Time Talk - Stone Age Kent
- Time Talk - Roman Artefacts in Britain
A Freed Slave in Acrise 1755
KAS Sesquicentennial Dinner
What’s On →
““KAS One-day Conference Saturday 15 September University of Kent at Canterbury…”…”
“KAS One-day Conference Saturday 15 September University of Kent at Canterbury…”
Kent from the Bronze Age to the Reformation
KAS One-day Conference
Saturday 15 September
University of Kent at CanterburyKAS Sesquicentennial Dinner
Saturday 15 September
University of Kent at CanterburyDetails of these two events can be found on page 5.
Geoarchaeology With Dr Ed Jarzembowski
Wednesdays from 12 September, 2 – 4pmThis course follows on from the 10 sessions in the summer, but anyone new will be able to fit in well. By popular request a more in-depth look at geological applications to the past will include:Typical fossils & rocks of the major Kent formationsInterpretations of past life & environmentIdentification, especially bones & shellsSoils & claysFlints & flintworkMaps & sectionsPlus practicals and some local field tripsCost is £50 per person.
Kent and England under the Tudors
With Dr Jackie Bower
Mondays from 17 September, 10.15 -12.15am
A twenty-week class on the economy and society of sixteenth century England. Topics will include population, famine and disease, religion and the poor. There will be opportunities to look at photocopied examples of original source material.
Cost is £80 per person.
Researching Local History
With Dr Jackie Bower
Mondays from 17 September, 2 – 4pm
Four modules of five weeks each, on the skills, techniques and sources for researching local history. Each module will focus on a different aspect of research. There will be practical work using photocopied examples of original source material and opportunities for participants to share and discuss their own research.
Cost is £80 per person.
Booking forms for these 3 courses are included in this Newsletter. For more details email Joy Sage at joysage@tesco.net or tel: 01622 762942.
Saturday 22 SeptemberThe Churches Committee invite you to visit the two east Kent churches of Bekesbourne and Patrixbourne. We meet at Bekesbourne Church at 1.45 for 2pm and at about 3pm at Patrixbourne, where tea and biscuits will be served.Tour £2 (students £1). Tea and biscuits £1 extra. Cheques in advance payable to the Kent Archaeological Society please. A booking form for these visits is included in the Newsletter. It would be helpful if your booking was made by Saturday 15 September.
Saturday 3 NovemberThe Village Hall, East PeckhamA Study Session is being held entitled ‘A Parish Pump Revolution.’ The talk, illustrations and role-playing given, or guided by, Dr Andrew Foster of the University of Chichester deal with the local impact of the Reformation and promises to be a novel and lively appraisal of how great issues affected communities.We meet at 1.45 for 2pm at the Village Hall, where there is ample parking. The charge is £6 per person (including tea and biscuits) and early booking is suggested because numbers are limited. Cheques payable to KAS should be sent to Philip Lawrence at Barnfield, Church Lane, East Peckham, Tonbridge TN12 5JJ by 10 October.A booking form is included in this Newsletter. The following local pubs serve meals – The Bush, Blackbird and Thrush; The Man of Kent; The Bell; The Harp.
HISTORIC BUILDINGS CONFERENCESaturday 20 OctoberLenham Community CentreIllustrated talks:Hip to Hearth: an Examination of the Complexities of Buildings Archaeology: Andrew Linklater (Canterbury Archaeological Trust)The Window of Time: Dating by Detail; Charles Brooking (creator of the Brooking Collection of architectural features)Tracing the History of Buildings at the Centre for Kentish Studies. Elizabeth Finn (Centre for Kentish Studies)Followed by a short introduction to Kentish barns and a visit to Lenham Barn.The day starts at 9.30am for 10am and finishes at 4pm. Tickets are £8 each. A buffet lunch is available at a cost of £5 per person. A booking form (to be returned by 6 October please) is included in this Newsletter.
COURT LODGE BARN, Brook (near Ashford)
‘Queen of Kentish Barns’Saturday 1 September at 2.30 pmA talk for KAS membersTalk about crownpost buildings and tour by Alan Stevens, buildings archaeology lecturer, formerly of the University of Kent. The barn has a unique feature and houses the famous Agricultural Museum. Open to up to 20 KAS members.Cost is £2.00 each, plus £1.00 for tea and biscuits. Apply to Dr Tom Hill, tel: 01227 730477; email: ta.hill@tiscali.co.uk.
Navy Connections
Saturday 22 September
University of Greenwich at Medway (Chatham)
One Day Conference organised by the Kent Family History Society (Medway Branch)Programme:
09.45 Registration and Coffee
10.15 Introduction
10.30 The Ordinary and the Extraordinary (climbing boys of the navy) Ian Wallace
11.30 The Mary Rose Project (how to find ancestors buried in Isabella's reconstructed galleon) Susan Lumsden-PSS
12.30 LUNCH (buffet and refreshments included)
14.00 My Ancestors (records of officers and ratings) Paul Blake
15.00 Tea
15.30 Royal Navy Service Records (the navy's soldiers) Lt. Col. C B Edwards
16.30 Closing sessionConference cost is £12.50. For more details and to book places contact Joan Selling, 15 Post Close, Lordswood, Chatham, Kent ME5 8UU.
Friends of Canterbury Archaeological Trust Talks
Wednesday 19 September
Anglo-Saxon and Medieval Canterbury: Alison Hicks2pm at the Dormition Priory, St Peter's Lane, Canterbury
Wednesday 21 November
The Kent Archaeological Society - the earlier years: Paul Oldham3pm at Darwin College, University of Kent, Canterbury
Saturday 26 January 2008
Frank Jenkins Memorial Lecture: Paul Bennett (Director, CAT)8pm at Old Sessions House, Canterbury Christ Church University, Longport, Canterbury (joint lecture with the Canterbury Archaeological Society).
Talks are all £2 for Friends of the Canterbury Archaeological Trust and £3 for non-members.
CBA South East Annual Conference & AGM
'Under the Plough: The Archaeology of the Topsoil'
Saturday 10 November
Medway Campus of the University of KentTickets £15 for CBA SE members, £17.50 for non-members. Further details of speakers and booking forms are included on the conference flyer in this Newsletter.
Crofton Roman Villa 'Pop-In' Activity Days
Every Friday in August
Ancient Heroes & Legends
3 August - Romulus, Remus & the Wolf
10 August - Heracles/Hercules up the Sky
17 August - King Midas & his Ass's Ears
24 August - Pegasus, the Prince of the Monster31 August - The Geese that Saved Rome
Sessions at 11am & 2.30pm. Every Wednesday in August
Costumes & Horrible Habits through the Ages
Find out about costume & horrible habits. Make a collage picture to take home of an historic character. Children must be accompanied. 'Pop-In' Days. No booking needed. Normal admission rates apply.
14 - 22 July
For full details of events in Kent and the rest of the country, log on to www.britarch.ac.uk.
Crofton Roman Villa, Orpington
Sunday 15 July
10am - 5pmChildren can be junior archaeologists at 11am and 2.30pm. Find out about costume & horrible habits. Make a collage picture to take home of an historic character. Children must be accompanied. 'Pop-In' Days. No booking needed. Normal admission rates apply.
Making Medieval
Shorne Wood Country Park
Saturday 21 & Sunday 22 July
10.30am - 4.30pmA weekend of medieval living history with craftsmen, archers and con-men. On Saturday only - guided tours to the current excavation of the medieval Randall Manor. Lots of activities for children including shield making, siege engine demonstrations, ‘dig it’ pit and brass rubbing. Display of local history and archaeology groups in the Visitor Centre. Entry and all activities free!
Maidstone Museum & Bentlif Art Gallery
Saturday 14 July
Portable Antiquities: See the Workshop.
Archaeological illustration: children's activities and finds recording and identification. Suitable for all ages, young and old. Drop in. Free.Time Talk - Stone Age Kent
Monday 16 July
Talk by Angela Boyles, Lecturer in Archaeology, University of Kent. This talk gives an overview of some recent research on Romano-British artefacts and how it contributes to a wider understanding of Roman Britain.Time Talk - Roman Artefacts in Britain
Wednesday 18 July
Talk by Angela Boyles, Lecturer in Archaeology, University of Kent. This talk gives an overview of some recent research on Romano-British artefacts and how it contributes to a wider understanding of Roman Britain.
14 & 15 July
10.30am - 4pm
For children aged 5-12. Investigate a mock-up crime scene & learn some practical archaeological skills. Forensic skills. £3 per child. Tel: 01227 45200 to reserve a place.
14th July
11am - 4pm
Visit the Saxon camp to find out what they are eating, making & wearing. Handle a Saxon brooch and do the dig. Bring along your finds for ID. No booking required but all children must be accompanied. Further information on 01892 554 171.
28 & 29 July
11am - 4pm
Meet & speak to members of Dartford District Archaeological Group. Display of the Group’s current dig & earlier work and examples of finds. More information on 01322 223 703.
6 - 9 September
Co-ordinated by the Civic Trust in partnership with English Heritage, HODs is England’s largest heritage architecture and culture body offering free access to properties usually closed to the public. From castles to factories, theatres to town halls, visitors can enjoy a wide range of tours, events and activities. The full range of venues will be online at www.heritageopendays.org.uk from 1st July.
Time Talk - Early Anglo-Saxon Brooches in Southern England
Friday 20 July
Talk by Laura McLean, Finds Liaison Officer for Essex and Dr Andrew Richardson, Finds Liaison Officer for Kent. The talk compares brooches of the early Anglo-Saxon period, recorded by the Portable Antiquities Scheme, the majority of which are metal detector finds. The implications of these PAS records for our understanding of ethnic and regional identities across southern England during the 5th to 7th centuries AD will be considered.
All Time Talks start at 6.30pm. Ring 01622 602 838 to reserve tickets. Time Talks are suitable for 16yrs+. Cost £3 (£1.50 to Friends of Maidstone Museum and the Centre for Kentish Studies).
Stone Age Hands-On Station
Saturday 21 July
10.30am-12.30pm and 1.30-3.30pm, drop-in sessions. Come along to handle and find out about Neolithic artefacts. Suitable for all ages. FREE.
Conservation Craft Activity
Saturday 21 July
10.30am-12.30pm and 1.30-3.30pm, drop-in sessions. Come along to preserve an archaeological find by piecing together a broken terracotta pot. Suitable for all ages. Cost £2.
Tudor Falconry on 14 & 15 July
Medieval Falconry on 21 & 22 July
10am - 6pm
Magnificent birds of prey flying free against the backdrop of the Castle. Further details tel: 01304 211 067.
Kent from the Bronze Age to the Reformation
KAS One-day Conference
Saturday 15 September
University of Kent at Canterbury -
KAS Sesquicentennial Dinner
Saturday 15 September
University of Kent at CanterburyDetails of these two events can be found on page 5.
With Dr Ed Jarzembowski
Wednesdays from 12 September, 2 – 4pm
This course follows on from the 10 sessions in the summer, but anyone new will be able to fit in well. By popular request a more in-depth look at geological applications to the past will include:
- Typical fossils & rocks of the major Kent formations
- Interpretations of past life & environment
- Identification, especially bones & shells
- Soils & clays
- Flints & flintwork
- Maps & sections
- Plus practicals and some local field trips
Cost is £50 per person.
Kent and England under the Tudors
With Dr Jackie Bower
Mondays from 17 September, 10.15 -12.15am
A twenty-week class on the economy and society of sixteenth century England. Topics will include population, famine and disease, religion and the poor. There will be opportunities to look at photocopied examples of original source material.
Cost is £80 per person.
Researching Local History
With Dr Jackie Bower
Mondays from 17 September, 2 – 4pm
Four modules of five weeks each, on the skills, techniques and sources for researching local history. Each module will focus on a different aspect of research. There will be practical work using photocopied examples of original source material and opportunities for participants to share and discuss their own research.
Cost is £80 per person.
With Dr Ed Jarzembowski
Wednesdays from 12 September, 2 – 4pm
This course follows on from the 10 sessions in the summer, but anyone new will be able to fit in well. By popular request a more in-depth look at geological applications to the past will include:
- Typical fossils & rocks of the major Kent formations
- Interpretations of past life & environment
- Identification, especially bones & shells
- Soils & clays
- Flints & flintwork
- Maps & sections
- Plus practicals and some local field trips
Cost is £50 per person.
Kent and England under the Tudors
With Dr Jackie Bower
Mondays from 17 September, 10.15 -12.15am
A twenty-week class on the economy and society of sixteenth century England. Topics will include population, famine and disease, religion and the poor. There will be opportunities to look at photocopied examples of original source material.
Cost is £80 per person.
Researching Local History
With Dr Jackie Bower
Mondays from 17 September, 2 – 4pm
Four modules of five weeks each, on the skills, techniques and sources for researching local history. Each module will focus on a different aspect of research. There will be practical work using photocopied examples of original source material and opportunities for participants to share and discuss their own research.
Cost is £80 per person.
Booking forms for these 3 courses are included in this Newsletter. For more details email Joy Sage at joysage@tesco.net or tel: 01622 762942.
Saturday 22 September
The Churches Committee invite you to visit the two east Kent churches of Bekesbourne and Patrixbourne. We meet at Bekesbourne Church at 1.45 for 2pm and at about 3pm at Patrixbourne, where tea and biscuits will be served.
Tour £2 (students £1). Tea and biscuits £1 extra. Cheques in advance payable to the Kent Archaeological Society please. A booking form for these visits is included in the Newsletter. It would be helpful if your booking was made by Saturday 15 September.
Saturday 22 September
The Churches Committee invite you to visit the two east Kent churches of Bekesbourne and Patrixbourne. We meet at Bekesbourne Church at 1.45 for 2pm and at about 3pm at Patrixbourne, where tea and biscuits will be served.
Tour £2 (students £1). Tea and biscuits £1 extra. Cheques in advance payable to the Kent Archaeological Society please. A booking form for these visits is included in the Newsletter. It would be helpful if your booking was made by Saturday 15 September.
Saturday 3 November
The Village Hall, East Peckham
A Study Session is being held entitled ‘A Parish Pump Revolution.’ The talk, illustrations and role-playing given, or guided by, Dr Andrew Foster of the University of Chichester deal with the local impact of the Reformation and promises to be a novel and lively appraisal of how great issues affected communities.
We meet at 1.45 for 2pm at the Village Hall, where there is ample parking. The charge is £6 per person (including tea and biscuits) and early booking is suggested because numbers are limited. Cheques payable to KAS should be sent to Philip Lawrence at Barnfield, Church Lane, East Peckham, Tonbridge TN12 5JJ by 10 October.
A booking form is included in this Newsletter. The following local pubs serve meals – The Bush, Blackbird and Thrush; The Man of Kent; The Bell; The Harp.
Saturday 3 November
The Village Hall, East Peckham
A Study Session is being held entitled ‘A Parish Pump Revolution.’ The talk, illustrations and role-playing given, or guided by, Dr Andrew Foster of the University of Chichester deal with the local impact of the Reformation and promises to be a novel and lively appraisal of how great issues affected communities.
We meet at 1.45 for 2pm at the Village Hall, where there is ample parking. The charge is £6 per person (including tea and biscuits) and early booking is suggested because numbers are limited. Cheques payable to KAS should be sent to Philip Lawrence at Barnfield, Church Lane, East Peckham, Tonbridge TN12 5JJ by 10 October.
A booking form is included in this Newsletter. The following local pubs serve meals – The Bush, Blackbird and Thrush; The Man of Kent; The Bell; The Harp.
Saturday 20 October
Lenham Community Centre
Illustrated talks:
- Hip to Hearth: an Examination of the Complexities of Buildings Archaeology: Andrew Linklater (Canterbury Archaeological Trust)
- The Window of Time: Dating by Detail; Charles Brooking (creator of the Brooking Collection of architectural features)
- Tracing the History of Buildings at the Centre for Kentish Studies. Elizabeth Finn (Centre for Kentish Studies)
Followed by a short introduction to Kentish barns and a visit to Lenham Barn.
The day starts at 9.30am for 10am and finishes at 4pm. Tickets are £8 each. A buffet lunch is available at a cost of £5 per person. A booking form (to be returned by 6 October please) is included in this Newsletter.
Saturday 20 October
Lenham Community Centre
Illustrated talks:
- Hip to Hearth: an Examination of the Complexities of Buildings Archaeology: Andrew Linklater (Canterbury Archaeological Trust)
- The Window of Time: Dating by Detail; Charles Brooking (creator of the Brooking Collection of architectural features)
- Tracing the History of Buildings at the Centre for Kentish Studies. Elizabeth Finn (Centre for Kentish Studies)
Followed by a short introduction to Kentish barns and a visit to Lenham Barn.
The day starts at 9.30am for 10am and finishes at 4pm. Tickets are £8 each. A buffet lunch is available at a cost of £5 per person. A booking form (to be returned by 6 October please) is included in this Newsletter.
COURT LODGE BARN, Brook (near Ashford)
‘Queen of Kentish Barns’
Saturday 1 September at 2.30 pm
A talk for KAS members
Talk about crownpost buildings and tour by Alan Stevens, buildings archaeology lecturer, formerly of the University of Kent. The barn has a unique feature and houses the famous Agricultural Museum. Open to up to 20 KAS members.
Cost is £2.00 each, plus £1.00 for tea and biscuits. Apply to Dr Tom Hill, tel: 01227 730477; email: ta.hill@tiscali.co.uk.
‘Queen of Kentish Barns’
Saturday 1 September at 2.30 pm
A talk for KAS members
Talk about crownpost buildings and tour by Alan Stevens, buildings archaeology lecturer, formerly of the University of Kent. The barn has a unique feature and houses the famous Agricultural Museum. Open to up to 20 KAS members.
Cost is £2.00 each, plus £1.00 for tea and biscuits. Apply to Dr Tom Hill, tel: 01227 730477; email: ta.hill@tiscali.co.uk.
Navy Connections
Saturday 22 September
University of Greenwich at Medway (Chatham)
One Day Conference organised by the Kent Family History Society (Medway Branch)Programme:
09.45 Registration and Coffee
10.15 Introduction
10.30 The Ordinary and the Extraordinary (climbing boys of the navy) Ian Wallace
11.30 The Mary Rose Project (how to find ancestors buried in Isabella's reconstructed galleon) Susan Lumsden-PSS
12.30 LUNCH (buffet and refreshments included)
14.00 My Ancestors (records of officers and ratings) Paul Blake
15.00 Tea
15.30 Royal Navy Service Records (the navy's soldiers) Lt. Col. C B Edwards
16.30 Closing sessionConference cost is £12.50. For more details and to book places contact Joan Selling, 15 Post Close, Lordswood, Chatham, Kent ME5 8UU.
Friends of Canterbury Archaeological Trust Talks
Wednesday 19 September
Anglo-Saxon and Medieval Canterbury: Alison Hicks2pm at the Dormition Priory, St Peter's Lane, Canterbury
Wednesday 21 November
The Kent Archaeological Society - the earlier years: Paul Oldham3pm at Darwin College, University of Kent, Canterbury
Saturday 26 January 2008
Frank Jenkins Memorial Lecture: Paul Bennett (Director, CAT)8pm at Old Sessions House, Canterbury Christ Church University, Longport, Canterbury (joint lecture with the Canterbury Archaeological Society).
Talks are all £2 for Friends of the Canterbury Archaeological Trust and £3 for non-members.
CBA South East Annual Conference & AGM
'Under the Plough: The Archaeology of the Topsoil'
Saturday 10 November
Medway Campus of the University of KentTickets £15 for CBA SE members, £17.50 for non-members. Further details of speakers and booking forms are included on the conference flyer in this Newsletter.
Crofton Roman Villa 'Pop-In' Activity Days
Every Friday in August
Ancient Heroes & Legends
3 August - Romulus, Remus & the Wolf
10 August - Heracles/Hercules up the Sky
17 August - King Midas & his Ass's Ears
24 August - Pegasus, the Prince of the Monster31 August - The Geese that Saved Rome
Sessions at 11am & 2.30pm. Every Wednesday in August
Costumes & Horrible Habits through the Ages
Find out about costume & horrible habits. Make a collage picture to take home of an historic character. Children must be accompanied. 'Pop-In' Days. No booking needed. Normal admission rates apply.
14 - 22 July
For full details of events in Kent and the rest of the country, log on to www.britarch.ac.uk.
Crofton Roman Villa, Orpington
Sunday 15 July
10am - 5pmChildren can be junior archaeologists at 11am and 2.30pm. Find out about costume & horrible habits. Make a collage picture to take home of an historic character. Children must be accompanied. 'Pop-In' Days. No booking needed. Normal admission rates apply.
Making Medieval
Shorne Wood Country Park
Saturday 21 & Sunday 22 July
10.30am - 4.30pmA weekend of medieval living history with craftsmen, archers and con-men. On Saturday only - guided tours to the current excavation of the medieval Randall Manor. Lots of activities for children including shield making, siege engine demonstrations, ‘dig it’ pit and brass rubbing. Display of local history and archaeology groups in the Visitor Centre. Entry and all activities free!
Maidstone Museum & Bentlif Art Gallery
Saturday 14 July
Portable Antiquities: See the Workshop.
Archaeological illustration: children's activities and finds recording and identification. Suitable for all ages, young and old. Drop in. Free. -
Time Talk - Stone Age Kent
Monday 16 July
Talk by Angela Boyles, Lecturer in Archaeology, University of Kent. This talk gives an overview of some recent research on Romano-British artefacts and how it contributes to a wider understanding of Roman Britain. -
Time Talk - Roman Artefacts in Britain
Wednesday 18 July
Talk by Angela Boyles, Lecturer in Archaeology, University of Kent. This talk gives an overview of some recent research on Romano-British artefacts and how it contributes to a wider understanding of Roman Britain.
14 & 15 July
10.30am - 4pm
For children aged 5-12. Investigate a mock-up crime scene & learn some practical archaeological skills. Forensic skills. £3 per child. Tel: 01227 45200 to reserve a place.
14th July
11am - 4pm
Visit the Saxon camp to find out what they are eating, making & wearing. Handle a Saxon brooch and do the dig. Bring along your finds for ID. No booking required but all children must be accompanied. Further information on 01892 554 171.
28 & 29 July
11am - 4pm
Meet & speak to members of Dartford District Archaeological Group. Display of the Group’s current dig & earlier work and examples of finds. More information on 01322 223 703.
6 - 9 September
Co-ordinated by the Civic Trust in partnership with English Heritage, HODs is England’s largest heritage architecture and culture body offering free access to properties usually closed to the public. From castles to factories, theatres to town halls, visitors can enjoy a wide range of tours, events and activities. The full range of venues will be online at www.heritageopendays.org.uk from 1st July.
Time Talk - Early Anglo-Saxon Brooches in Southern England
Friday 20 July
Talk by Laura McLean, Finds Liaison Officer for Essex and Dr Andrew Richardson, Finds Liaison Officer for Kent. The talk compares brooches of the early Anglo-Saxon period, recorded by the Portable Antiquities Scheme, the majority of which are metal detector finds. The implications of these PAS records for our understanding of ethnic and regional identities across southern England during the 5th to 7th centuries AD will be considered.
All Time Talks start at 6.30pm. Ring 01622 602 838 to reserve tickets. Time Talks are suitable for 16yrs+. Cost £3 (£1.50 to Friends of Maidstone Museum and the Centre for Kentish Studies).
Stone Age Hands-On Station
Saturday 21 July
10.30am-12.30pm and 1.30-3.30pm, drop-in sessions. Come along to handle and find out about Neolithic artefacts. Suitable for all ages. FREE.
Conservation Craft Activity
Saturday 21 July
10.30am-12.30pm and 1.30-3.30pm, drop-in sessions. Come along to preserve an archaeological find by piecing together a broken terracotta pot. Suitable for all ages. Cost £2.
Tudor Falconry on 14 & 15 July
Medieval Falconry on 21 & 22 July
10am - 6pm
Magnificent birds of prey flying free against the backdrop of the Castle. Further details tel: 01304 211 067.